Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 07, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Roosevelt Favors Income
And Inheritance Tax
(Continued from (ihkm 2.)
prtKTPillnif wldi wIhiIumi unit Ni-lf re
Irnlnt mill iniiv mule up their mind
JukI liuw fur they nrtt willing In go In
tilt mutter, while only trained IfkIkIi
tor cmi work out tlm pruject In nurvn
wry detiill. Hut I feel Unit In thv ni.nr
fulurii our ttn t iftnnl Icgltl'iitum hlioulil
enact n mv pruvlilltiK for n itriuluiitinl
Inheritance Inn by which n Miundlly In
crpiiNliitf nilt. n( il ny mIiouM Iik nut
upon nil iii.inc)H i.r otlirr viiluiibUw
coiiiln liy Kin, tiiMtn,.t or devluo to !
ny ln.llvlilii.il or c.i porn lion, There ,
c it lut no iMfloii of llin cthlnil pro- ;
prlnty of iln t'"viMiniutii tliwt deter- i
ml titntr l In- i minim upon which tiny
gtft or inheritance hIhhiIiI lii received, 1
Art tin' la w now nl n in U it lit innloiilit
dly dlfllciilt to ilevlm n iintloiiiil lo- '
come tin which hlmil ,n I'oiiittllutlomil. ,
Hut wlii'ilnT It Ik iiliMihitfly tmpimftlhle
U miothcr ipiinilon, mid If pomlM It l
la inimt rtnitily rtiwlro tI. The flmt !
purt'ly Incuine tat law wiit punted by j
tile I'Olli,'! MH III HI, ,t till' IIIOKt tut- '
port mil nw i,.'tilliu with the mibject
wiin Unit of v,i. 'I'd In Him ronrt held
to t Uiii'iiu llhitliinnl. 1
'I'll n ipioMloii li iitldiiiihieilly vrry In '
trlcate, ilcllidin iuiiI Iroubleinmic. The
Ori lntou of ln- i "nut iii only ri'iiebed
by oiii' iiuijoi Itj . It Ih the In w of the
I n in 1 mi l of I'oiirmt H accepted n inch
anil loyally nheyrd by nil jjooil cltlnn
Never! Uc'i- t i the lii-alm t irm evlib'tllly ,
felt by tin coin t un it w In li ' In ruining
to n i'iiih-Iiin!. in, when oinihliliTtil to
gether Willi pii'vloini (Icc liloim on th
lllbji-' t. in. iv pi-rliupii Indlcnto tlio pot
alliillty of iti-vli.liik' a i-oiiHlltiHlouul In
come tut law which ahull mibittniitliilly
ai'roiuplibb tin- renultn alined at Hit
, difficulty of niiii'iidlntf tin- coiitltutlou
la an went tln.t only real iirmnuMy ran
Juitlfy it ri'iort tbi't-ato. I" very effort
thoiild bp inii-lf lu dealing with tbla
ubjwt. ik with tin) aulijeit of tbt
proper roiitrol by the niitbiniil goTom
tnriit over tl.i' iih- of cor porn tn wnnlth
In Inti-mUlH biuliirii, to di'Vlaa li'lia
l.i t Inn vvlib-li Willi mult ni'tlou all a II
attu'n tin' ili-i.ii-il end, but If thin fall
thi-ru will nltlinnti-ljr bt no alti-runtlvt
t a coin'liuMii.l iiiiii-niltni'iit
I nil ual rtnl Trnlnlna.
Cur Imltintrinl development drpettdl
lar-i-lj upon tv-U ni-R 1 duration, b
el"'l!iiaT In thin ti-fiu nil Itidti'iMnl eOn
fMtlotl. fr-ifu tb.lt wblrti Tti li nuin to
br II Komi in'" liiuiii-, a i " . I riirpi'litrr
or bi o 1 - in' ib t' i tint w 1 1! 1 1 II ;n n inn re
to do Hit- fcvi-'ili-'t i'ii' '.ii'-i-r hi; frnt.
Tl.i- n.i!).i b.uiliv tin' fclJIU'il work-
nniii, lun I" -I l'1-i'iiun' mii-li l y ti-"h-lib-ill
Iti.liMn.il t-iltinttlon. 'tin- fur
r;n -b in; iiM-fiilni-iH of ii, I '! ub'i of
to liiii lo-y iiii'l a Ii.h.Ii of tiilin-a or of
'h ,:' i- rv n ' t iirv ntih -r illy i''-kti-m
:i-l. !,.! h'l b h r.ir ra long
l tin- i 'i'.-i I ..f :i ; i "I bu.l.bni: or im--i
h.iM. ..) li .v , . , :i P,,! H ti'ti!i or
wi.ti-b-i. ' ' - or i'ii.; 1 1 sin m-1io.i1.
In , '. .-i- ;. , Mi- w ; v w . b.niM l;-'
tin- n..i ;..-r bo t"iH willi b'a
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Ima bi'.'onii in i'i Hinry
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Win. Gardner
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
W'o ri'pnlr tlio highest. Rrailo
nl wnliiii'K Unit tiro tnnili', wllh
a p.'i'I'i'Ct l.nowloib;i of tlio euro
I boy Khoubl lvcolvo. I rojiiv.
imlo liroil clmiiH no that tboy
run lis kikhI n miw- I lls l,ani
iiiV'il i'lnj;:i, ami hi'noobiM tuul
1'j'o j'.lasHOH iiiul Hitch thliiKH ntnl
Nlaiul nniii y to tit-Hint you on
Hhiirt notice In any cmorKcncy
that may require Iho ime of. my
repair (lepiirtttunit.
719 Main Street.
! Tickets on Haviland Dinner
Set given with every purchase.
o o
TKc ) Ei.
Finir-nuilr Coniblniillon Up-to-dato-I1ATII
Electric MnsBaglng,
or labor. It ih "no liriN 'tu'ci'iiMary for
funui-ra. Hurli a inovnini'tit tin the
RrniiKn tnovpini-iit la good In ltHilf and
la cnpiibUt of it wi-ll nlk'li Inllnltii fur
Hut fxteualon for koihI ao hiiij; iin It la
kept to Ita own li-Klllinnti' liUMlni'na,
Tint biMirflta to l)i derived by tho a
aiM'tiitlon of fnrincra for inutuiil ad
vnnlaKi urc piirlly 'onoii)1e mid part
ly aorooj;riil,
Irrlanllnn and Knral l'rrrallon.
Much la now beln done for thn
at a tea of the Hocky inouiitiilna and
gri'dt plaltiH tlirouili tint ili'velopiiumt
of thn iintloiiiil policy of Irrlgiitlon nnd
forewt prenerviitlon, No goveniiniint
policy for tint betterment of our Inter
Dai eonilltloiiM bna been mom fruitful
of good limn tbla.
lilTorrr l.vaUlallaa.
I mil well j wiin' of bow illllb'irlt It Is
to pirns it coiiHlltulloiiiil miii'ii'lin.'iit.
Never! bi'li'MK, lu my JudKinent, tht
whole itiiNllon of iniirrlnni' slid dl
vorcn hbouM be relegnted to tho Bit
thorlty of the tialloiuil rongreaa. The
t'hungi) would be K''"d from every
Rttindpolnt. In particular It would bt
good becauao It would confer on the
congrena the power lit once to denl
radically mid ellb'lently with polygamy,
and this lihould bt dune vliether or
not tuiirrliitp' and dlvorre tire dealt
wllh. It la neither anfn nor proper to
leave the ipietitlon of polygmny to Im
di'iilt with by tint upvenil Mtatei.
ll-nil Hi I Marlnr.
I't tint mil l' H'iilli en II the attetitlou
of the -oiigii'xa to two auhjects con
cerning which I have freiiiently bo
fi)re coiumuiilciiteil with thi'tn. One Is
t ho fjiii'Kilou of di-Telopliig American
ahipplug. I truat that s law embody
ing lu aiilmtauce tbt vlewa or n major
part of the vlewa r xpre"t.'d In the re
port oil thin mtbjert laid before the
bonne at Ita lunt ai-aalon will be panaed.
It HceiiiN to tmt thnt thn proposed mena-
nre In aa nearly iinoblectlouable as any I
rnn bt.
Tb t urnirr, j
I i-clally cull your attention to the j
second subject, the condition of our i
currency laws. 'I he national bank act j
hna ulily served a great purpose In nld-
lug tho ttiortuous tiualtii-HS develop-
inent of the country, mid within ten !
yrari there biii been an Increnae In i
clrciilntioii per ciijiltn from $21.41 to j
f."i.'lliM. I'or several years evblencn hns j
bii'ii iii'cuiii'ibitlnj Hint additional leg
islation W iieeili'd. The recurrence of
ein h crop senaon ttnplisiil7.es the de
fects of the pri'i'iit laws. There muat i
soon Im' ii ri'iMim of them, because
to leave then us they are incline to 111-
cur liability of bii'. Iin" i disaster. Since i
your body adjourned there bus been j
fluctuation In the Interot on rail j
tuoney from 2 per cent to I!') per cent,
ami the tl'irtiiiitlon was even greater ;
during the preredlni; six months. The ;
secretitrv of t!ie tn-nsurr hud to step
In and by wise notion put n stop to the
most violent period of oM'ill.'it ion. 1
I do ti nt pre s tiny e pe -lnl plan. Va
rious p'-ins have' re.-eiitly b-.-en pro-po-
ed by expert coiiitnlltees of bnnk
ers. Among the plans whldi are possl- i
bly feasllilc ami which certainly should
re.i'lve your consl.1. 'ration Is that re- j
peiile.lly brought to your attention by i
the present secretary of tht treasury, '
the essential features of which have
Im-i'ii approved by many prominent
h;ml.ors and bu'iiiicss men. Accord. ng
to tli's piim, in! niiiil bnnlcs should be :
pcniiilteil t' 1 ...lie n spec) tied propor j
lion of tl etr capital lu notes (if a given
kind, the isnie to be taxed lit so high
il rati as to drive the li dos back when
not wanted lu lcgitimntr trade. This
plan would not permit the Issue of
currency to give banks additional prof
its, but to imi' the emergency present
ed by times of stringency.
I do not say that this Is the right sys
tem. I only advance It to etiihssl
my belief that there Is nec.l for the
adoption of some system whlrh shall
! be automatic nml open to all sound
i banks an ns to svoid all possibility of
' discrimination nm! favoritism,
i Tho law ahould bt ntnendtd to M
tpecldciilly to provide thnt the fundi
i derive! from customs duties may bt
i treated by the aerr. tsry f tht treoe
; ury as be trents funds obtained uudtr
i the Ititerual revenue laws. There
' should be .1 coiisiilcrable Increase la
; bills of sn.nll denominations, remits
i slon should be given banks, If uecessit
, ry itiuler settled restrictions, to retire
i their clr. ul ition to a larger amount
i than three tiilili.ins a month.
Our (lull) lint I'onoexulona,
! i I most earnestly hope that the bill to
' provide a loner tariff for or else nbso
1 lute free trade In Philippine products
; will become a law. No harm will come
tu any American Industry, nnd, while
there will bi some small but real mate
rial bcnelit to the Filipinos, the tnalll
i benellt, wllr cuino by the showing inado
I as to our purpose to do nil In our power
I for their welfare.
I'orto II ten ii Arte lr.
j American citizenship should be con
I forrcd on the citizens of Porto Hieo.
I Tho harbor of Sun .lutiti, In Porto Hieo,
should be dredged and Improved. Tim
J expenses of the federal court of Porto
i Itlco should ba met from tho federal
! The needs of llnwnll ore peculiar,
j Every aid should be given the Islands,
! nnd our efforts should be unceasing to
I develop them along the lines of it cotn
I umnlty of small freeholders, not pf
great planters with eooly tilled es
tates. AlasLu.
Alnslui's needs have been partially
met, but there must be n complete re
organization of the governmental sys
tem, ns I have before Indicated to you.
I nsk your especial attention to this.
Our fellow citizens who dwell on the
shores of Pr.get sound with character
istic energy are arranging to hold In
Seattle the Alaskn-Yukou-Pnclflc ex
position. This exposition In Its pur
poses aud scope should appeal not only
to the people of the Pacific slope, but
to the people of the United States at
lllal. la ut Allfiia.
Not only must we treat sll nstlons
fairly, but vo must treat with Justlct
si '1 g'n;d v III all Immigrants who come
Ijcru under the Inw. Whether they art
Ciilli'illc or Protitslmit, Jew or gentile,
whether tlcy rome from Kngland or
(lerrnsny, Uuwsla, Japan or Italy, mat
ters nothing. All we lisve a right to
(juestlon Is the mini's conduct. If ha
Is honest ii ii' I upright lu his dealings
with his neighbor nnd with the state,
then he Is eulltled to respect mid good
treatment. I",speclnlly do we nesd to
remember our duty to the stranger
within our gates, It la the sure mark
of ii low clvlllr.filloii, a low morality, to
utilise or dlsiTliiilmite ngnlnst or In any
way humiliate such stranger who Iihs
come here lawful) nnd who Is con
ducting himself properly. To remem
ber this Is Incumbent on every Amer
ican citizen, and it Is of course pecul
iarly Incumbent on every government
olJIcliil, whether of the nation or of
tho several states.
I am prompted to say this by the
attitude of hottillly here mid there as
sumed toward the Japanese In this
country. This hostility Is sporadic and
Is limited to very few places. Never
theless It Is moid dlscreill table to ua
as n people, and It limy be frauriht
with the grateht conseipiences to the
I lihl; fnlr treatment for the Jnpunese
as I would ii -k fair treatment for Cer
nnuis or Kngllshiiicn, Frenchmen, Uus
slans or ltnliiins nsk It ns due to
humanity nnd civilization. I nsk It as
due to ourselves, because we must act
uprightly toward all men. I recom
mend to the congritss that an act be
passed s Ifl'-ally providing for tho
natnrallziitloii of Japanese who come
here Intending to become American cit
izens. One of the great embarrass
ments attending the performance of
our International obligations Is the
fact thnt the st.-.tutes of the United
States nre entirely Inadequate. They
full to give to the national government
Biifllclently ample power, through Unit-
od Mates courts nnd by the use of the i
army and navy, to protect aliens In the
rights secured to them under solemn j
treaties which nre the Inw of the land. !
I therefore earnestly recommend that j
the criminal and civil statutes of the ,
United States be so amended and ndd- !
ed to ns to enable the president, acting
for the United States government
which Is responsible In otir Ititerna
tlotisl relations, to enforce the rights
of aliens under treaties.
Tlie rutin. Mailer.
Last August an Insurrection broke
out In Cuba vvhl.-h It speedily grew evi
dent that the existing Cuban govern
ment whs powerless to quell. Thanks
to the preparedness, of our nary, I
was able Immediately to send enough
ships to Cuba to prevent the sltuutlon
from becoming hopeless, and I fur
thermore d;ip:i tolic! to Cuba the sec
retary of war mid the assistant secre
tary of Mate In order that they might
grapple with the situation on the
In accordance with the so called
Piatt ameiii'irrnt. which was embod
ied In the constitution of Cuba, I there
upon priicliiluioil-ti provisional govern
ment fur the island, the secretary of .
war acting ns provisional governor on-
til In- could be repheed by Mr. Mngoon, 1
the lrte minister to Psnnnia and gvt
erni r of the cum! rone on the Isthmus.
Troops wore sent to support them and
to relieve the navy, the expedition be- 1
tug handled with most satisfactory 1
apisv! and cuVlrney. Peace has come '
In the Island, and the harvesting of the i
sugar cjitie crop, the great crop of the
fshtud, is about to proceed. When tht ,
election has been held aud the new
government Inaugurated In peaceful
and orderly fashion the provisional
government will come to an end.
Tho United Stutea wishes uothlng of
Cuba except that It shall prosper mor
ally nml materially nnd wishes nothing
of the Cubans ssve thnt they shall be
able to preserve order among thau
sls and therefore to oreserre thetr
Independence. 11 the elections become
1 fane and If the insurrectionary habit
beiMUies continued on the Island It Is
absolutely out of the question thnt the
Island should continue Independent,
and the I'nited States, which has as
sumed the sponsorship before the clv
llh'.eil world for Cuba's career as n na
tion, would again have to intervene
and to see that the government wns
mnti.'iKCd In such orderly fashion ns to
secure the safety of life and property.
The lilo Conference,
The second International conference
of American republics, held In Mexi
co In the years 1H01 O'J, provided for
the holding of the third conference
within live yonrs nnd committed the
fixing of the time and place nnd the
arrangement's for the conference to the
governing board of the bureau of
American republics, composed of the
representatives of all the American
nations In Washington. Thnt board
discharged the duly Imposed upon
It with marked tldellty nnd pains
taking cure, nnd upon the courteous
Invitation of the United States of Ttra
Kll the conference was held nt Itio de
Janeiro, continuing from the '2'M of
July to the U'.ith of August hist. Many
subjects of common Interest to nil the
American nations were discussed by
the conference, nnd the conclusions
reached, embodied In a series of reso
lutions nnd proposed conventions, will
be laid before you upon the coming of
the tlnnl report of the American dele
gates. I'aiuinui Trio.
I hnvo Just returned from a trip to
Pntiiiimi and shall report to you nt
length Inter on the whole subject of the
Panama cnnnl.
Tlio Algreclrua Convention.
The Algeclrns convention, which wns
signed by the United States ns well ns
by most of the powers of Europe, su
persedes the previous convention of
1S80, which wns nlso signed both by
the United States nnd a majority of
tho European powers. This treaty
confers upon is .. equal commercial
rights with iill Iurope-in countries and
does not entail n single obligation of
any kind upon tis, mid I earnestly hops
It nmy be speedily rut I fled.
Sf mIIiik.
The destiurtloii of the Prlbllof Is
land fur i;en la by pelagic sealing still
continues, 'I he herd, which, according I
to Hie H'irve y rniide lu IK" I by dlrcc- !
Hon of the congress, numbered 4.7'JO,.
O'i'i, nnd V'hlcb, necorillng to the sur
vey of both American and Ciimidlan
commissioners In 1S!II, amounted to
1,ikii,XiO, has now been reduced to
about IWl.tSKI. This result litis been
brought about by Oiwtdlmi mid some
other Sealing vessels killing the femiild
seals while In the water during their
minimi pilgrimage to and from the
south or In search of food.
The process of destruction has been
accelerated during recent years by the
nipeariince of a number of Japanese
vessels encaged In pelagic sealing.
Suitable representations regarding
the Incident have been miide to the
government "f Japan, and wo nre as
sured that u II practicable measures will
be taken by Hint country to prevent
any recurrence of the outrage.
We hiive not relaxed our efforts to
secure mi agreement with firctit Iirlt-
nln for ndeipiate protection of the seal !
herd, nnd negotiations with Japan, for I
the siime purpose are In progress.
The laws for the protection of the j
seals within the Jurisdiction of the j
United States need revision and I
S.-nil llaKur f iinfrreac-e. j
In my last message nd vised, yon
that the emperor of Itussla bud taken 1
the Initiative in bringing about a sec
ond peace conference at The Hague.
Under the guidance of Itussla the ar
rangement of the preliminaries for
such a conference hag been progressing
during th past year. Progress has
necessarily been slow, owing to the
gniit ti',;:..!i- of coin. tries ta be con
sulted upon every question that has
nrlii-n. It is n matter of satisfaction
(hut all of the American republics have
uow, for the tjrst tit;, been Invited to I
Jolu In the proposed conference. !
Arm 7 and ar.
It must ever be kept lu mind that i
war Is not merely justifiable, but lm- j
peratlvo upon honoral le men, upon an I
honorable nation, where peace can
only 1 obtained by the sacrifice of
eoiHciotitious conviction or of natiouai
The United states navy is the surest
guarantor of peace which this country
pos-esses. 1 uo not ak that we con
tinue to Increase, our navy. I ask
merely that it be maintained at Its
present streir,'tli, and this can be done
only If we replace the obsolete und out
worn rhlps by new and good ones, the
' equals of any till nit In any navy. To
stop building ships for one year means
' that for that year the navy goes back
Instead of forward.
In both the army and the navy there
Is urgent need that everything possible
should be done to maintain the highest
standard for the personnel alike ns re
g.inis the ollii-ers and the enlisted men.
1 do not believe that In any service
; there Is a l.ner body of enlisted men
i and of Junior otlbvrs than we have In
, both the army and the uavy. Including
the marine corps.
1 West Point and Annapolis already
turn out excellent titl'cers. We do not
! lied to have these schools made more
.scholastic, t'u the contrary, we should
1 never lose sight of the fact that the
; aim of tmi'ir school Is to turn out a
' man who shall be above everything
i else a tight im: num.
There should soon be nu lucrease In
, the number of meu for our const de
fenses. These men should be of the
right type and properly trained, and
there should therefou- be an increase
1 of pay for certain skilled grades, espe
cially In the coast artillery. Money
Bhoiild be appropriated to penult troops)
to be massed In bo ly and exercised la
I mnn -nvers, particularly In marching.
i'lie I'Trit Policemen.
On Sept. il'.". I s.'.i, the good citizens of
Loudon s.iw tr.sips of men dressed lu
dark blue tail coats, with top hats, pa
rading the streets and maintaining or
der. They weul the pioneer police
force nud have been dubbed ''Bob
bles" or "Peelers," from Sir Robert
Peel, who Inaugurated them.
I. iil.l nml Silver CotYna.
The women of Sumatra wear costly j
dresses, ninny of them being made of
pure cold und silver. After the metal j
Is mined nnd smelted It Is formed luto !
a flue wire, which lt woven Into cloth
nnd nfterwnrd used for dresses,
Your Slmre.
If the landed mii$ico of the globe j
were divided up und allotted Into equal i
share to each of Its human lnhab-!
Itants It would be found that each j
would Ret n plot of twenty-three and n j
half in'res. !
Uueer 1 itlitnir Method.
The Idea of catching fish by means of
a beehive with a hole In tho top of It
Is a strnnpe onoutrh one. Yet this does
not Inadequately describe tho method
employed by fishermen In the Philip
pine Islands, who clap their apparatus
down over the slusiKlsh bottom feeding
tlsh and then, putting their hands
through the hole lu the top, extract
their victims.
Mexican Courting.
Staring at the windows of their ador
ed ones Is the way Mexican lovers
woo. If the youns woman Is agreea
ble she will appear nt the window aft
er several days, and they thxis be
come acquainted.
Cnrtiiw n YVnrt.
When the peasants In Germany wish
to jrot rid of any troublesomo warts on
their hands they take a species of lo
cust and let It bite tho protuberance.
The liquid which flows from the In
sect's mouth luto tho wound causos tb
warts to drr uo and disappear.
0 1 Corner Main and
W. L.
Furniture Store
FjJtscount on all Heaters. We must; make room
as our Holiday goods are comingjtn on us so'we
are compelled to slaughter all our heaters, j Uni
versal Heaters included in this site.
Wo L.
from the
Smoke and
Our offerings for this
gains that will tickle your palate Money saving values that
are beyond comparison. JNote
' ' , -
Table Linens, bit-ached and unbleach
ed 24c a yard and up
Turkey red tablecloth 16 cents a yd up
Space is inadequate to quote our many bargains,
call will convince you.
Good Teeth Means Good Health,
If von desire the best
i . -s
charge, you will not be disappointed at this office.
I I PlfK FMC Dent5st- Wcinhard Bid., Phones, City
L. L. riUXLllJ, 1293. Farmers 121.
A Quality That Counts
M. 1. B. COFFEE - Mocha and Java
This is a combination ol Javas' fancy mild cof
fees, and Mocha. It's an excellent article. 3 lbs.
for $ 1 00
Phone 1261
Glosses Now Starting
English, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Shorthand
Start now while others are beginning. Complete
courses in Day School. Night School, 7 to 9 Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday. The opportunity
for you is now
E. 0. Allen, President
5ridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon
Seventh you can get
At -
i 'i
- jural.
week are matchless. Bar-
a tew ct them;
Colored Napkins .
Bleached napkins,
4 cents
extra large
.'. $1.20 per dozen
Gccd Digestion and Good Locks
ana auKnowicfied pkiii ana genue
ncss in bundling the most difficult
ease:? have roMieJ the dentist's of
fice of its old time terrors. People
entrusting their work to us are sur
prised and delighted at the tosult3
which will not fail to satisfy the
most exacting.
We aim to keep the lead; old
fashioned method? find no place in
our ofOce. We give the best in
skill and methods and appliances
for a reasonable fee.
possible results for the amount we