OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1(100. SUMMONS. la the Circuit Court of tho Statu of Oregon, for Clackamas County. W. B. Frarior, Plaintiff, vs. Bin ma R. Frazior. Defendant. To Emma E. Frnzler, tho above tuned defendant: In the nnino of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled cause on !u koforo the 22d day of December, 1906, that being after the Inst day prescrib ed in the order for publication of tlis summons, and if you fall to appear Uio said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: for a decree of the court dissolving the marriage exist ing between you and the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as shall be equitable. This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise for six con secutive weeks by order of Hon. U. B.Dimick, judge of the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, r.iale the 5th day of November, 190. first publication being on the 9th day of November, 1900. J. J. FITZGERALD, 527 Chamber of Commerce, ; 4S-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff, i SUMMONS. 1 the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. vs. Amos L. Iovejoy. William H. Unejoy, X. Lawrence Hudson, A. C. Oowdy. and Elizabeth Howdy, lawful heirs of Wizabeth Lovejoy. deceased. Defendants. To Annvs L. Uivejoy and William R. Lovejoy. of the above named de fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before January 11. 1907, that being the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled Court for the relief prayed for ia. plaintiffs complaint, to-wit: For the foreclosure of that certain mortgage executed by Elizabeth love joy on the "th day of July, l'Jo:?, for the sum of $180.00. due one year after date, interest at the rate or periand meet in equity. nhe mother, has a bahv girl about ai cent per annum until paid, and which i This summons is published by order' week old. ' t mortgage conveyed the following des-!0j nm. Thomas A. McDride. judge of Mr. and Mrs. T. Turner have re cribed premises, to-wit: I th alovt entitled court, which order, turned from a six weeks' visit in east-: The East half of the Northeast ; w as made and entered on the 7th dav ern Washington quarter and the Northwe-t quarter of :0f November, A. I).. 1&0C. and the! If our citizens had more "git up and the northeast quarter of Section, time prescribed for publication there.1 air," w. get a rural Mtife dir.-et ! irut- wtca l..;, i. u s. n. r.. ui the . i... and lor such other and tur-1 lu" " -'ui'. iua ueeuijana tne uate or t tie last publication.. Mr. Pnant a visit Sumlav Thev just and equitable. ! December 1 Ith. 1 ;:. 'were ,",, time acquaintances and This summons is published by order : JOHN. F. LOCAN. friends, but had i.ot met for oi mm. i nomas a. .Mcuruie, jue.ge oi ; the above entitled Court. ' The date of the first publication of; this summons is Friday, November 30th, P.'iiC, and the date of the last. publication of this summons is Janu-, ary uin, J ."... Di.MiLK i: DI.MIl K, ;it7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. . SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Harry S. Creen, Plaintiff, vs. Frances F. Green, Deiendant. To Frances F. Creen. Defendant. In the nunn of the Suae of Oregon: iou are Df-reuy rfqu;red to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff filed aaair.st you in the above en titled court and cause on or bt fore the 2 ith day of l)ccembT, !0'"n!, that being the date fixed for such appear ance and answer by the Court in the order f.jr publication of this summons, and if you fail s., to appear and ans wer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relit f demrm c , in the com plaint, to-wit: A from you Hp- n th decree of divorce e ground of descr i otle r and further tion, and lor sdc, relief as may seem ju-t an 1 eqiiitab!' This s'lmmcins is p-iblishod in th uregon i.ity r.:rer;,ri.-e otico a w k IOl SIX tlll-l CUtiVl- "'(''I! n-ior fo said 2 ith day of December, 'M:, by order of the above- entitled court made and ent'-red ,n the tjtii day of Novimli.T, i;.ii';, Hon. T. A. Mcllride, Juilge. pr..-:sidi:,g. J. C. MOKE LAND. Attorney for the PiaintiiT. First publication Nov. LnU, VjW. -!St7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Sfa;- c! Ot'i L-oii for the; Cour.'y of ('laf.lia luas. Charles Evan ', Plaintiff, vs. Angt line Evan.-;. T In 'he name of goli, Yoa, AngeJine fendant. ie State of O Evans, are he by r qMired to appear an answer the comp.amt f,b-d a'-'ainsr. you herein on or 1-fore Thursday the L'Ttn day of Doeembei, r.i.'it;, ;:;,id date being "six weehs from the first uihlicat ion of summons, iierein, and, if you tail to appear or answer. Hit; plaintiff will apply to th" court br the relief n rayed for in the complaint on file herein, to wit : For a decree dissolving the bonds of mntrimim.- ...,. ..,s.,; i i'-i. ui iiai; conuacr. iioa cM.iung iietwt-eii, the plaintiff and d. fondant, upon the! plaintiff and defendant and for such I P. S. Noyer, together with Ids ground ol ads of e areme cruelty! other and further relief as to the ' daughter and son-in-law, returned committed by the defendant against j Court may seem nn-et and just. I from Heppner, Tuesday. .Mr. Noyer the plaintiff, and for such other re-i This si'mmons is published in the j has spent several years in that vie.Jn liel as may be equitable. I Oregon City Enterprise not less Jian I ity, farming, but has decided to re- 1 his summons is server upon you, once a week for six consecutive j t urn to Clackamas county. The party by publishing lor not JeR.s than six! weeks prior to .said 2'Jth dav of De-is at. present visitiiiK with relatives successive we..KS m tne "Oregon City j l-.nt.orpriso, tiublished in the Countv i of Clackamas and the State of Oregon j and by order of Honorable Thomas A. McBride, judge of the above en-1 titled court, which order is dated Oc-j tober 29th, 19q(i. I he date of the first publication! hereof is Friday, the iuh dav of No-1 veinber, PiOfl, and the date of the last publication is Friday, the 21st day of December, 1'JOC. EMMONS & EMMONS, W. II. FOWLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. f.e8-r,H Columbia Illdg., Portland, Or 48 t7 "The il I N) iu; J- A. Folder &t' Q0ldcnGafc if i Sold on Meri summons. j In the Circuit Court of the State of 1 Oregon, for Clackamas County. i Irouo McKinnon, 1'laintiff, j vs. A. C. McKinnon. Defendant. To A'. C. MeKinnon. defendant above named: ! In the name of the State of Oregon: ! You are hereby required to appear anil answer the complaint tiled against! you in the above entitled suit on or! before the -1st day of December, A. D. ! I!o0. said date being after the expira-i tion of six I'D weeks from the first , publication of the summons and if you so fail to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plain- tiff will apply to the Court for the re - lief prayed for in the complaint, to- wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds! of matrimony existing between the Plaintiff and defendant on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment and for such other relief as mav be lust p m S1X weeks: date of the first publication is November 9:h. lHoc, 4S-tT Attorney for Plaintiff, 121-1 Mohawk PUg., ' Portland. Or-. SUMMONS, Un the Cimit Court of the State f Oregon, for Clackamas Coimtv. Tony Aniand. PInin'iff, vs. ! Ro-e Arnaud. Defendant. To Rose Arnaud. defendant ahnve named: In the name of tho State of Oregon 1 on are tn-reby required to appear and answer tl.e complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or! who ! fore the 21, t day of December. A. D.',.,r,,. , P.' . satcl date being after the exnira-! tnei ,t six Oil weeks from th tir-'t pel; ycei icafien of the summons and if so fail to appear and answer said ;.p'-".:t;t for v ant tie reol the plain :'!' will apply to the Court for the re- t prayed lor in the complaint, V For a dec;-, e dissolving l! bon of matrimony existing between tie ;.':a::i:;f and ; o-ndanf, f,n the groutel of ; ion are! for such otle-r r-!t:f a- :i;;ty l-e J'e t and tm-et in equity. Thi.s " 'tt.ii.e .lis is published by order if Ho n. Thoiii;i; A. Mr-Pride, ju Ige of ''.. ai ove entitled court, which order as made and entered on the 7th day of N:iVe,r,:i. :-. A. p., Ifji.a;. and the '- ' o- ,..,i,tt(.;,.;n C-e-r.. if is six (i-.) weeks; date of the first !'!!. ;Htion i-t November ;uh, 1 fioo, ,nd the date of the last publication, i) cem'ier . 1 ith, Prii;. JOHN. F. LOCAN. 1 S-r 7 Attorney for Plaintiff. 121-1 Mohawk Pldg., Portland, Ore. SUMMONS. i la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, liirsiue Chris ten si n, Plaintiff, vs. : Chri-tian christens'-n, Defendant. To Christian ChriHt.ensen, Defend ant, above name'!: In the name of the .State of Oregon: Von are hereby required to appear and ; nswer the complaint filed against; n the above entitled Court and '. , ou or b' l'ore .Saturday, the ".fjth I you c;tils day of December, 1 !)0;, that being the ('ate Iia d for such appearance or ;ir"'-i-r by tie ''ourt in tin- ord:r for1 pul.'Iication of tliis numinous, and if : on fail so to appe;ir r,r ariswr-r, plain- s, or, in tlie event of inability to re 'iff will apply to the Court for the re-fun the b.'opoi ty, $150 damages. lief prayed for in her complaint, wit: For a decree dissolvine: the mar.! - . . : , ... '.! r comber, V.m by order of the Hon.! 'I'lee - a ici:H,o. Im.i ,.r cai,i c,,ni tiiaue anil entered on tluj 0th day of November, A. f). PtOO 'JTIOS. N. STRONG Attorney for Plaintiff, First insertion November '.), V.)W,. Last insertion Ix-ccunber 27, 1900 J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNKY-AT--LAW. Oregon City, Oregon Will practice In all courts of the state Office in Caufield liuilding. Satisfaction Line" n itiu tarn ait i . JAfaljfr.M mi Mr" J. A. Folger & Co., WANT THEIR MAIL FRON OREGON CI1Y People of Stafford Not Pleased With Roundabout Way From Sherwood. Stafford. Nov. 27. The long tinned rain and unusually warm weather has caused sickness in th form of severe colds, lung troucs , and bowel complaint, mostly among1 chili hen. Henry Schwartz, had twoi very sick children !a.t week. LIM" ' ,Ev. - . Seedling Is but just able to be i . -: t of bed. and three of Fred Mu s i children are tinder the doctor's care. Little Mildred Howard at Mr.! Cage's Is getting along nicely with ; her broken elbow. Her hand is strap-1 p''l to her lm t, but she uses Iot free hand verv deftlv. Mrs Unwind tY ou Oi.t-.m Otv Mr. Howard drove over and male y- ars. Turkey buyers have been abroad In tl... V ,i 1 . ... i. I I ... :.. I'm .. . i.ne ...:. K,l U.ive OtH il Silll'i-v An aiiti.i.iobib' canie tearing down the Hayes hiil jSundav. Th ,lil!lt ,,r i, iw it in time and the lady got our, but. the lo-titli-iran i thouiriit he could control the horse b'-st t.) k. ep hold Of the lines, I'M' It ! reared and j,Ii;;m, , to one side, hre ei ' ing s,,t;:i. .ortion of t':o hann-ss a,n Iran into 'he fence. Tin man with i" automobile stopped bis machine ,-u,d earn,, to hi Miamag. - v.; a --i-tati",- !-( fore Tbilisi done, and Mrs. Hatton was passing ludd th,. frightened by the bits while repairs were Then the t raveb r.s took their and resumed their rid'"-. The I! fists have been having a ft',-; of come;-.. ending with a Sti ;-i -opfieoll free e,-tl-,. Otl y i vi-ning. i.'l.e! iu'n!': .Mrs. .. Kru.-e v, ho has been in the for oirs i i . ,,,, v conva!- ho: e-'cent, and topt.it.g with t'ri.-nds in I'oi'iaiid. We !,';,,.. she will Uu able to ri 'urn to b'-r home ,oon with re covered health. High'and Votes The Tax. I J'l Ige O. P. Dl'Ilicl, let ll-lll-d TlU'S- j day night from a road meeting in HiL'hland dirtri'-t No. and was high- ! ly sin ssful in ievying a mi' r ial road lax ol m nois on ine iio.iar. ' oiitial i.o tne ruutr mat t-verywn. te the im position of a pwial road tax would be bitterly opposed, the satiie degree of success marked Tuesday's effort that ha; attended all previous meet ing;. In their enthusiasm the people of district. No. L'O, were will ins to iin-po.-o an even larger tax, and the one it'ijiosed, : ix mills, is higher than any that, have b'-i-n iuijueied tbii.-, far. Appraisers Appointed. A. O. .Miller, U. petxold and Prank liusch have been appointed apprais ers of the ib-nry Celbrich estate. Sues Per Team and Wagon. Cbarles A. Cogs wf II has .sued fieri. A. Hyde .or Of recovery ol "oik; span "f horses, a set of old harness, one 'Old Hickory' wagon valued at ?,l",q," of which he alleges he is entitled '" pos.vss and thtt Hi" defendant has withheld the same front him. Iff ira.'.s lor possession and JPi 'lamag-1 tieiurns to iiacKamas. at. Molalla. They will shortly locals- imewlier;: near bent Sues for Her Dry Goods. Nellie McCoy has brought, suit :maim-t John and Laura Tidwell for I lie recovery of a coat, and dress. Wn garments are described fu-i a "brin coat of the value of $, and a black liress C7f liie valtiri of Recovery ef the property or the award of $10 damages, together wllh costs and dis bursement s is prayed for. I ''Ren & Scliuebel represent Hie plaintiff, SI C J "Tincl J.A.FOLGEfUC9- X H ti. !? 1 r- -i r- - A. 9 9 San Francisco I Tncy Saw The flattie. i A large delegation of Oregon City i enthusiasts attended the Oregon Mult- i noniah game at Portland, Thanhsglv I lug Day. Among those who saw the j university young .tor trample down I tho hardened warriors of tho Multno 'mail club were Mori Latoiirelte, llow lanl Latourvtto. ('. 1). l.atourette, .1 I W. Cole, Ceutgii Hankins, II. S Moody. Dr. 11. S. Mount, J. It I'nu i field. Dr. W. E. ('aril. Dr. II. O Hick man. Dr. A. L. Pn-atle. lien Harding, E. E llrodie, William Howell. J. II IbtrriiiKton mid family, Porbes 11 Pratt. Will l.o.;ii,. Cbarles lloblsuii. E .1. Daultoii. I'laike Caiinjir, and wife, AI Price, Percy Puutbdd, i:!,er fhap man, Carl Moure, Charles W. Pope, Chauncev E. Ka'usby, lv L. .lohieioti, John P. Keating. (Imllri Roberts. Mrs. Howard of Panemah. and the Ml:.ei Hamilton, Edna Daultoti, Ttllle Cu noiig. llerulee Kelly, Ethel Albright, May me Long. Nieta Harding, Clara Kioruer. Wants His Money Cick. An action to neover money ha. been brought 111 Justice Slipp's court by I. (!. llottemiller against David Iiottetnilier. The platntiff al!e,;. :j ' Unit between January I and July 1 ' .- ,h .... , year he loaned the def. n datit in all the sum of $).", and pabl bill i and accounts, at defendant's request, amounting to Je. He prays for the recovery of IzZ and costs and dis biirsenieiits. Diniich - Dimiek appear for the plaintiff. TAKE NOTHING FOR CHANTED. Make Huntley Bros. Prove What Pep sikola Tablets Do For Indication. It .-lands to le.iion that Huntley Pios. would not come right out in tie :'e columns year after year ami ask you to try I'epsihola tablets for indigestion jf they were not pretty sure Voll W.Slld l-eeiVe decided bene fit. Yon can ;,e. The remedy case, of rout's. that for yourself, ft.il-s to cut very but they always pay your quarter back, hould the tablets fail to do good. Life 'S III ) el,.-f fr ,i;.fe;!-C- i-'ita tion in matters ef thii hind, and for the small prolit Huntley Pros, make on a 2.-1 cent package it would be mighty poor juiL'omnt to Induce you to make a trip to this store and then sol! yon something that would disap point you. If troubled v, ith sour stomach, In art burn, wind belching, coated tongue, loss of appetite, weakened on energy, steady your nerves, improve ing or other stomach trouble, just, try Pepsiknlu tablets on our say so. Our word for it, they will build up your energy, steady pour nerves, improve your appetite, enrich your blood and put new life In your stomach as mire as this world. ! Vlay, Brain, flour and feed of all kinds at tho Farmers Feed Darn, at the right price. 44tf When you want your horses well taken care, of, stop at the Farmers' i Feed Barn. 44-tf G AND 7 per U'Ren & MONEY TO LOAN AT cent. Farm security. St huebel, WANTED. Wanted Oentlomnn or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with rig, for a firm of $r0,00O.OQ capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary pabl weekly and expenses advanced. Address with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Ore. ),,,., 21 JVY KTIIT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of tho Peace. Offleo In .Tagger liuilding, Oregon City. - ' y. I 1 V Ss Ov V. II;.'. J Tea. U When you require nn AliHtrnct of Tltli to lands In Chickiimui County, Iimtk It acciirattdy and reliably prepumd by a responslhln commwiv Inconw.r ted for tht) purpoMo. Our rateM lire rensomilde We Invito you to i amine our complete Het of Atmtrcl Hook i. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, Gtub COS Chamher of Commerco llld.. PtHiTLAND. OUECON. Money to loan ou Cliickamnd Count Property JOHN YOUNGER, je: at jez il. jez ir: Seventh Street, near Depot. RJK'I'Y VKAKS H.M'I.KIKNCH W 'rent r.rttnin iiml Aniericii. DENTISTRY At MoUlla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointment. JOHN W. THOMAS, iVntisi ! Private Money to Loan ' I bae private parties with the fol lowing amtMiiits to loan ou real c. trite; Parties Amount 1 M inn 1 $." ' f .:: r, $ i. '..'.Mm , s $ .-.noun i i $ ::nu un $ lee i i. to ? 'IHI CO Time ." to ID yelltn .1 to .", years I to 11 yi-ai i ." y a' S I to .1 cnri L' to ( years 1 to .-, it and i.ii' Inter- t at t', p. i 'line tor repayment AI o a little Ohatti 1 money at S per cent Will buy not, s an mort-ui;.- A ! o ou I) ( ) i .-on Cjty propel t y . trad'- fin- c-iunl ry land Will look up tillc-i to land fro it Cade is made I lv. n .", lot bon e, barn r.-id chi.-k-park i-t W'ill.-ueet'e, for sale ( heap o in l.illan-iits No real i- date a;;. -ut to Interfere II In' re t-'d call, w rite or phone JOHN V. LODEH, Aitorm ; at Law., htevus liulbling. Oregon C.tv, Oregon Adminittr.itor'a Notice. N-itice Is hereby given that th.- un derslgneil has been appointc. by th" Coutily Court of f'lacl aueei County, Oregon, in administrator or On- es' tat-- of Mahal. i Hanson, defeased. All persons having claims against said odate are hereby notified (,, pre M-nt th,. same to tie- undersigned nt his residence, w I'ortor street, I'mt land, within six months from this date. I ROY W. CfX'HKAN, Arlmlnlstnitor of the Estate (,r Mahala Hanson, deceased. Dated Nov. Illli, Pun',. in tr, SUMMONS. I In the Circuit. Court r,r tin- State or I Oregon, for Clackamas Count v , Nellie Mullen, Plaintiff, vs. William Mullen, Defendant. To William Mullen, defendant, nl io vi llained : In th! name of the Slate of Oregon; Yoil .MM hereby r.-.jlii.-, d (o itl,p,.ai and answer the complaint, filed against yon in the above entitled suit, on or In fore the 21st day at December, A. D pteil, said date bent; uft,-r the expira tion of six (0) weeks from the lirst publication of the summons ami If you so fail to appear and answer said complaint for want, thereof (he plain tiff will apply to the Court, for Ihe re. Ili-r prayed for In the complaint, to wit : For a decree dissolving (he bonds of matrimony existing between the plainliff and defendant, on I lie ground of desurtlon and for such other relief as may be Jusl ami meet. n equity. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Alcltrlde, Judge of the above entilled court, which order was made and entered on the 7.h day of November, A. D., lliuo, and the time prescribed for ptibl icn I Ion (here of is six (0) weeks; dale of the lirsl publication is November lilh. Huh;, ami Ihe dale or the last publication,' December llth, Pino. JOHN I'1. I.OOAN, JOHN 0. SHILLOOK, IXt.7 Attorneys for Plaint iff. 421-1 Mohawk Pldg., Portland, Ore. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW. Abnti-ncl of Property KiirnlMlKid. , Officii wllh OrcKoii City KnlirprlNo, 8UMM0N3. In tho Circuit Court, ot tho !f,tiiU of Oregon, for OhicluiuiiiH County, May Jacob, Plaintiff, VH. Elhei M. Jiicolm, Defendant. To EIIiih M. Jiicobi, tho ubovn tiume, ileleinbint ; III the inline of the State of Oregon: You lire hereby required to iippi-n-iiml answer the complaint llle-l against oi In the iiInho eiilllleit I'oiei unit calcic nt iif lit fore the e)lnitlon or six weei from the dale of Hint pal,. Ilciilloii of this notice, iiml f ion fnii to do so Out pi, ilul Iff will apply to Dm court for the relief prayed for In nabi complaint, to wit: u decreo ilkneiWliuj the bonds of unit rlmony oxlitlluu be tween you urn! plaintiff and learning to plaintiff her maiden mum-, May Cheiiewol th. This ttiliiimous Is pule II died purmiiiut lo order of lion T, A Mcltl'ldo, Judge of Mllld Court, liiadm November ti. pieu, directliiK that thin notice be published Hot o-im tluit Ollfn II Willi for mU consecutive Weclm la the Oregon City EuteipilMe. TIlO lilUn of the Hist publication of thin notice Is November '., I'.liMl, IIENUY ST. It AYNT.R, OltT Atto y (or PlaiilitT Notice of Aditonlttrator'i Sale, of Rel Property, In the matter of the Estate of Joha Ketim dy, deceased : Notice is hereby given that put'sii I nut to an otilcr of the County Couit : of the State of Oregon for ('luclai J inns County, made ntnl entered on th tilth tiny of November, I'.nui. I will oh I the I Ith day of Dec ember, Hun',, pro ' Cecil lii i e ,t. public miction. Hllllji-ft I to the contlrmiit iou of Court at tin front door of the Colli '(house of Mi 111 i Clackaiiin-i county, (in goti. the fol 'lotting dencllbed reill prop-Tly of HlliU -, etttiite, an, all the right, title and In terest which the Mild John Kennedy i had therein ut th,. time of bin deatti, , to mt: The iiouth-'ii-.t quarter of miiith eu-if quarter of ja-ctioli IT, In township One south, range I , as of ,e Willamette meridian, containing -Id iicren In tiabi Cbii-kanu.H nullity, Oregon Th" tetiici of mild mile are us fol l.w-.: The entire purchase price Is to be paid In cash. D I) JCK. Administrator of tin- estate of John Kennedy, d an-.l. I latisl NoM iniier I'nu', is n; Ailminiatrjtriii' Notice. None.- I . het,-l, -n. ii that the un d' i :,:!! 1 ll.lmOiist r.it t i ,,( (j,,, ,.,tt,. I-' I .M t .1 l:,,h,. t i, il. s en ,-,. b.l, lileil ill the c. ft.l Co-li t et '!, k:,imH I 'o'lldv , I )l --,;. .i, h- r lilsi! ,i, count ii ., nidi iidiiiliii ttr.it i lv i r .lid e .tat", and that Mi, nd.it. . tin '.'it!, ,, t - .illier. ! mi;. .0 the bom ef H orl-icl, in the (..tell I . I .1 , been A..,( as tin time f . u- h- :u m,; , ,b)i clsiti , I i said account a:,d tie- ,-t t b-t-.i-ti t thct-of. m i;t ; i; i : r i Koiiiiit'i'.-!, '' ' ' d ml ti i-t i to 1 1 tiuter o' Final Settlement. N th ! . leu-ehy g . n ;(t th,. u-i I ' I t il -ttattu of t,hi- es- 'd William P. E-U.ud :. - i e,. 1 i l'!e, In ft... i-imiii) i ..ill t ,, ( he k an:., count . Sl.t I . , ,( i e.-s , ,u, hi t Inisi repot t nt: account , ,.!.(, n, ! - Hi i-t i'a ' t and that M.iii.l.o, i, t .o.er In. t :'-;, at In o eh.. I. a m . at ' ' 1 ' iiit.t t i ,,iit t ,,,, e, at II:. I : t '. , i 'iacka-i ,o Coiinl . i e .- -ii, ,.i :: ;io:.':t 'd a-, the t.;..,- ,m pk,, ,. ;!! Couit tor le-.ir.ng and ,.-h-i ' : ' a ' "V and all ol -..I I, et , to ;,:, lii it:' KIUTK l! A liD'.V MHiS. duitnlsttatiu I'V ' brown-ll. Alt, un. -y ,,i A 1 1 ; 1 1 n i -1 ra.i ris i; tq APPLICATION TOR LICLNSE. Nut if i 'b ': Igle I'oitil o ' . i: I oil i !npi i : i v 1 1 Hint ;e un. iy to th.- County - County f,,r ii ais. mult and viu ii- I'lod ot i; tin nt in .niiiary, P.HI7, ut. a I '! ,r - i mi ii 1 th,- CI. ii - f ,r I HI 1 lie lu or!-.. :. Sei'.l He "nun i u listed L'd d: . t; die-, 'd d Old hat v. w III pre I'tilioii to said sa'd been If, . Pint,. M. ALLISON. lie 'I'. Petitioner, Petition. To the Honorable County (hcirl of 'lai'kamas ( 'oquly ; We, the under d'-ned, residents and legal void s of Poring Preclnel, in ClaclUimn-i County, Slate of Ore'qon, hereby respectfully pelltlon your him! oialde body to grant to T, M. Allison a license for Ihe p.-rlod of 0 nioiitlis from the :.'d day of January. Hiu7, , sell spirituous, mall and humus liqu ors, In less quantities than one cnltim in ine town of Coring, Stale of ( Iregon D. .1. Iltle, S. E. Ca, Port llollis, W. II. Ci Poring preclnel. 'I, F M. Morgan. 'ard, Win. Ileder D. 1! -di rtiioeiiii. Roe. C I. nl. i. c ".in", .'-.--1 M-f.-i II. Allies;ol. (). I) 1 aimer, !;. isiisworlh, ,1. .1. 'I'lmnier man, C A. Wheeler. tcruegger, Frank Irvin. .loseph Horde, C,,ei (iro! shoiig, ('has Pfylfer, L. O. Coriu-ll. W, P. Ilreliiu, A. II, Parla-r, C. ; Evans, .1. C. .Sutherland, l re, Hulliick' L Smith, C. R. White, ,. n, (CNelk in tr! Appointment Notice. Nollce Is hereby given ,t the un dersigned. Julia S. Hall, has been up pointed by the llnorablo County Court of Olachninns county, Oivi-oii, adminis tratrix of the estate of Albert I). Hall, defeased. All persons having claims against said estate nr,. hereby notified to present. Hio same for payment with proper vouchers nt. tho onice of Cordon 10. Hayes. Stevens building, Oregon Cil,v. Ori gon, wllliiti nix months from the dale cil' thin notice. Dated November l.r,lh, PlOt!. , . i i 'HIMA- S. J I ALL, Ailiiunlslnilrix of the eslato of Albert D. Hall, Deceased. Cordon E Hayes, Attorney for Estate. 1 J IS)