OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1906. 5 CIRCUIT COURT n SPECIAL SESSION SUIT OF SMITH VS. DIXON FOR DIVISION OF REAL ES TATE FEE. Writ of Attachment Agalnat New Clothing Store Noll le Revlero Given Divorce and Cuutody of Children. Tln (linn of Smith vh. DUou wii'i taken (lie circuit ("tilt Hill III' iliiy morning l'.V Judge T. A. Mcllrtile 'I'lif plaintiff occupied I ln Hiitii'l moid of llii' day. A large delegation of Cuuliy n'iiili were In it 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 a i iih Itni'KMi'H iiml ttpeclnliir In llic pro- I'l'illncM brought iiituiiiHt tin. Cuuliy i-illtnr Half of II r i tt l In l M I i f 1 nf ll'il) fur tin- mile of iniiim tlinliiT lands Ih 1 1 bolie lit Content lull Smith allege that In' Ih entitled in tin' Mini uf t-'i'l hy v lit tin nf a mrlnyrhhli agreement which Hlxuii dcnM In tutu O l F.by rcpiem-nts Sniltli In Hie matter iiml flii'ii & Hrlini'lii'l appear f r tli' defendant Hiiillli vviik nuhjected in it long ro'iH examination by Mr I -lt-n A writ (if iitliii'liiiii'tit wiii procured Saturday iiikiii liy lv Maude) mi thi' Mock nf Kv:i M Wi I' ll it li I Inihl'Mli'l operating n partner ii ml ' r tin' linn name nf I: M Welsh, it iii w clothing More mi Main iii-iir Fourth street !' 1 1 writ ri-'iu'tn from unpaid ncruutitH fur Muck f ill!) I " In 1 1 Up to N'uVi tuber fur Willi h debt bill In ''II lid now lnlp il There are nix different rlalun nit forward ti y nix dlffcietii dry i'iMi.1-1 uti'l i In it liuii'iH, all of wlilcli have us Mgied llieir cliilni'i In tin1 plaintiff. I' MumPd, wliu It Ihn large-1 cn.iliinr Tin- atiiiniiil't nil' f Mi; i!'i' Mamie), i'..'. line N'.iliui. ilnirri' ciii:iiatty , I7" ilnc ' ! i'-i'iii- linn in, Writ .V Midi !; II'JI tin.' II. M linger S iltic ll;r Fi ii'ilmaii Shoe company, tunl rim- 11 II Young. Ill all $'.'M default ii" obtained hy William .1 l!:l. lu-nin I Mry (' Ktley at li'N.n N'l-lln- ll' Urrri' nlitaiin'il a iln-n-r ami al .n tin- i-ii . f i . 1 i.f (n inlniii clill'luii. IN ita anil Uiii-tM. In her ill ' M f ii i k -i -i tl i n M-t iti-.-ilnM Km!) l!rv ii I e When tho West Wm Watt. From Putfiiiin'it Magazine, "Hot ween the Missouri and the Pa cllle," hiiIiI a member nf Congress, "Mavtt a h t rip nf ciiltiirabln prairie not above 200 in- 300 miles wide, the re gion Ih waste and Htorlle, not bettor I hull Ihn Desert nf Hnliiini mid quite dm dangerous to croitH." Thn author nf these wonlii wan Kilwurd Itiit (if Missouri, whom Horace (Ireuloy Iouk afterward boomed fur the presidency In thn New York Trillium mid In the Chicago Itrpnlillcaii convention of IKliO mid who became Attorney den rial In Lincoln's cabinet. This was In tlm session (if Congress uf I H0. Ah lain UN 1K43 McDulllo of Hi hi Mi Carolina, In a speech In the Hniiatn which wiih iipplaiidc'l hy many persons In and nut nf that cliiunlier, iti'ilari'd that fur iii;rli'iiltnral iurpiH I'H Im "wnlild lint kIvc a plnrll (if Kliilff fur tlm whole Inrrllnry" wchI (if the Kinky M hi ii t ii I n h Punlehment Before Crime. A Ihlrf hrokn Into a inllllnrialrn'M tnaiiHloti rmly tlu other tnonilnn; and found liliiiHrIf In Urn iiimhIc room lleni Inn fiHititteiH appioai'hliiK, h" look rnfiiK" hehlnd a Hcreen. I' roll) rich! to nine o'clock the 'ld hi ilauKhter had u nlin:lnn IcmkIiui. I'lolll nine In tefl o'clock the nee nnd 1 1 ii 1 1 1'. Ii t -r took ii piano Irtmoii. 'r(lll ten to i-i'Vi'H o'clor k Hie eld f.t diiUKMrr had a hIiikIiik Ichmoii. I'lolll rh-Vrii to twelve o'clock the oilier mm had a h hi.hii on the Mute. Al twelve llfteril all Hi" hrotliriM lllid hI'iIi-ih llHtetiihleil mid hlililli'd an ear i plHIIiiK piece for voice, piano, violin and (lute The thief wtae.Keieil out from hehlnd tlm hcreen al twelve forty live and fallim; at I in-lr feet, cried: "I'or heavru'H Make, have me ar- P'Hled!" DEATH RECORD Thoma Th funeral of" Caroline ThomaH, riK'd 50, wlfo of John Thorn an of Canny, wan hold at Canhy, Hun day afternoon. Iiitermnt followed In the Zlon oetiMitery. Mm, ThomaH' (loath, which occurred on their farm m-Hr Canhy Saturday, wuh dun to heart failure. Tho coiiplo caiiin to Cretin 11 yoarH hko from IIIIiioIh, BeHldeH tho litiHband a fam ily of Hev n children mourn her death, MrH. L. 0, IUkkk, CharleR, Joneph, Nancy, Hoy and Kthcl ThomaH and a married rtaiiKhtcr In Idaho. Mr, ThomaH' maiden name wuh ,i'liniia Caroline liuriiH. Rhe wan born In i'lke county, IIIIiioIh, Febru ary I, IHTit!, and waf married to John I,. Thoinaa In Calhoun county, IIIIiioIh, November 4, 1X70, with whom alio came in Oregon In 1881. They have rcMlded on their farm four inllen eatU of Canhy hIiico then. Keven chlblren motirii with the hiiHhmid and father. The children arc Mr. .. (1. ItKH, Nancy i:., ChiiH. A., Mary M .lom-ph K, l.eroy II. and Fthel K. ThomaH. HihIiIi'h thene hIio havi-H an aged mother, two hroih' iH, .1. II. linni and I,. IV HuriiH, mid three (jrand children, mnl a hont of frieinpt. She wan a kind and faithful wife, a lovlnj? mother ami a true friend. None knew her hut to love her. The bereaved family hat the Kympathy of tint community. CtCEMDER WCATHER FOR LAST 35 YEARS. t ii ciivrrlni; '' ycirt. complied f .mi i him i nun-lit weather reninl.) at linCahil, 'how Hie fn'lowiiiK condl I !i.,i .u.i I lecriiilier ; Mean ui' normal temperature. 'l tie r t i . watiiieMi umiith, I s 7 ." . with an aera::e of H dereeK; ciililent mouth, I-nM, M h an average of "'1 decrees ; ini:he:t temperature. C.i ieree:t on the i::tli. 1 sm; ; iuent temperature, ;i lei;rerH on I lie "lid, 1 HT'.I. I'ii clplial Ion AveriiKe for month, 7 '. I iliclli". , aVt'l'lIKe number of tlllVH wiih n of an Inch or more, nil; r,rraii"l monthly precipitation, 'J. .11 Im In h In lvs; leai t nioiiilily precipi tation, n SS Inclii'M In IKS)',; reatt-Ht iuiiouiit of precipitation recorded In mil 2 cuiiMecut Ive Iioiii'h whh T . t inclieH on the ll'th ami Flth, ISSi: riraleM r.inonnt. of unow fall record ed in any II I consecutive hour, (re'i on! lAieiulliu: to winter of iss-l-K.'i iiiilyl wni II inches on the I'M, ISH'.' CIihiiIh and Weather -Avenme nuin m i' nf clear tluvM. H; partly cloudy rlnyi, s; cloudy days, 1!0. Wind I'revnlllni: winds have been from Hie Hoiith; average hourly veloi ily of Hie wind in 0.1 mlh'irKhleheHt velocity of the wind wiih ,rii miles fr Hie Houlhwt'Ht on the 7th, IS'.II. Entjineer Can Take Photograph. Fp In WaidiliiKtnii, a railway brhlKe liad la en dei.lriiye'l by the recent tlootlii. and It wiih iieo-HMury to re place It The bridge engineer and bin ftafT were oiilereil In ha'ite to the place Two daVK Intel' came tin- mi perilltellllellt of the lllvl'tlotl Allllt Iiik from bit private car. be eiicoun leieil tin- oM iiiii'iler brldiv builder ".Itie," Mild the HUperlnlenilellt. it II 1 Ihi- wonlt ipiivi'ieil with energy, "I wai:t thi. bridge Job nidied. Fvery hoiir'ii il' lay cut-N Hie company money, l.te iill j: it the ellKllieer'.H plflllH fn- III'1 lli-W 1 1 1' i 1 1 1'e I don't know," replied Hie briili:"- builder. "whither the rliKiiieer h:i-t cut Hie plcluie drawed yet or Hot, hut Hie I'ii'!;:.- It up and tin- trains N '-' in' i.M-r It." Will Annul Street Vacation. A decree pro cnnfeiHor was taken in the circuit court, hy tiie piaituuiH In the ciiie of ,1 T. Apprrson and T. Harlow vt. Frank Itunch. The conlro- veiiv arose over Hie vacation in a piece i.r city pinperly inljoinin ine Y M ('. A biilldinr, on Main Si Mr. Iiu-ch KUcceeilliiK In havliiK the city council Micale the property, but the pI'iireeillliKH were defective nnd will be annulled, ii demurrer to plaintiff's complaint bavlnj; been overruled Surveyors Wait on Leaves. Now that the leaven have fallen pretty well, it party of uirveyorH Is preparing to Mart work on the survey of the Orcpm City & Molalla railroad. It Is expected that with Ihn fall of the leavt'H work for Hie mirveyors will be much ennler, hence the delay up to the present time, Deshazer-- Tin? funeral of Robert Iiesha.er. up'd 7'!, who died at the homo of Mr. C. R. UvcHay, Haturday, wa i held Sunday afternoon and Inter ment took place at the ClackanuiH cemetery. Mr. Dewhaer came to thin rcplon :iu yeari K from bin native Htate IIIIiioIh, and located on the farm. He In Hiirvlved by three daiiKhtirH and four hoiim, Mrs. A. F. Jonca of Yaki ma. Wash.; Mrn. C. R. Lively of I'b a .nnt Hldf-'e; J. (J. Deshazer of Sandy; II. R. iJcHhazer of Morrow county; Mr. II. .. Ward of Ilarton, Jacob Iieshazer of Agency l'lalns, Crook county; and Joseph lieshazer of Hover. Robert DeShaier Will Filed. Thn will of -Robert DoShazor ha boon llUjd for probate. J. O. IX;8haz nr, Hon of thn (leccaned, and C. R. LIveHay, Hon-ln-law, are named an ex iiciitom. The value of the eHtate Ih J7000. TIioko who are named bh htdrH for varloiiH portions are tho widow, i'arthetila UeHhazer, the children, Mary L. Joiich, Nancy Llvenay, Harah C. Ward, J. (I. Ix-Kha.er, Henry H. UoBhazer, Jacob DeShazer, Joaeph De Hbazer, and a Krandnon, Walter Hrnlt.h, Patrons' L. I. A. Elects Director. A meellnK wiih held at the court hoiiHii TueHday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, to elect a director of the I'a Itoiih' Life IiiHiirance BHrt(K;latlon for OlHtrlet No. .'!, to micceed C. K. Kpence whoHe term expired. He wbh re-elect-ed for two yearH, 7!i voten belrif? cast. Mr. Kpence wan chairman of the mcet liiK and J. W. ThomaH Hccretary. Iiavld McArthur, C. K. Horllni? and Mra. M. I). Reed comprlHcd the erederitlaln committee. LOGAN SCHOOL REPORT. Ioan, Dec, 4 Report of Kchool dlHtrlct No. S, month ending Novem ber 28: Averae number of pupils belong ing, '.'A; average dally attendance, 32; daya attendance, C47; days abnence, 121); times tardy, 20. Thrwe neither ab.sent nor tardy, Ef lie Klre.hem, liertha, Robert and Pearl King, Helen and George Tracy, Lena and Arnold Dane, and Delia Miller. Vlaitors during the month were, Mea dames Chaa. Tracy, R. Newklrk, M. Krakes and Messrs. R. Dane and M. Frakes, directors. Visitors are al ways, welcome. ALICK K. RITTER, Teacher. DISTRICT SCHOOL NOTES. MIhs Pearl Applegate of Salem has begun to teach In tho primary depart ment of the Harlow school. She takes the place of Elizabeth Habersham, resigned. Worth the Money. V,. A. Chapman and Alex Robinson were arraigned before Judge Stlpp on a charge of assault and battery on 1 Willis Imel at the Clackamas ceme- i tcry, Sunday. The Hound beating ac corded Imel reunited from uncompll-' i mentary remarkH passed by the lat ter regarding RoblriHon's family. (Chap man was fined $10 which he paid. Rob liiHon'H case Is Kt. Ill pending. ' FOR SALE. Itegistered fluerrisey Hull, bought of W. H. I.add estate. F ir sale cheap. Will trade for registered Jerney or CnertiHey. J. R. Carr, one mile oouth of Clear Creek creamery. r2 t2 Marriage Licenses. Dec. fi - F. W. Street and MIhh Reva Hollingsworth. Dec. fi W. F. Habcrli'ch and MIhs I-:. Lily Street. Foster The many friends of Mls Aia Foster In Oregon City are griev ed in b-arn of her death, Sunday ev ening about 'i o'clock, at l.er home in Cortland, of tuberculosiH spinal inmiiiKlt is. M Us Font er was a dauKbter of R'-v. A. S and Maggie R. Foster and until a few months ago was a resident of Ibis city. Sim was graduated in Hie cbt -H "n I from the Harclay high school, and after a year at Allen's business ciilles-e. became stenographer for I "Hen & Schui-bel. She bad been In fulling health f"r a vein. The funeral of Miss Foster was held from the home In Portland Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Milligan, a lire long wriend of Mi'.s Foster, and Rev. McHlade of the Mispah Presbyterian church of Port land officiated. Pioneer Chapter No L'S. (), K. S. of tills city at tended In a body and conducted ser vices at (he grave. A number of friends from here attended the funed-al. A Western Wonder. There's a Hill at Howie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This won der Is V. L. Hill, who from a weight of !i0 pounds has grown to over ISO. He says: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consumption. I was reduced to lio pounds, when I began (aking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Now aft'T taking i bottles, I have more than doubled In weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Huaranteed by Howell k Jones, druggists, r,n(. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. iff bold as BRIGANDS Arc the new fall de signs m four-in-hands. Brilliant stripes and contrasting effects are "what's what.M out gathering for suitable holiday gifts of Ties, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, Hand kerchief s,Hose, Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, Fancy Vests is big enough to make your eyes swim and fine enough to make them glisten. QUITS STEAMBOATING FOR HOTEL BUSINESS. Captain A. .1. Spong, for the last Hixleeii years In the service of the Oregon City Transportation company, was In the city Friday alleriioon, vis It lug with friends preparatory to his (b'pi.i iu:o for Carson. Washington. Mr. Spong has Mevcred his connec tion with the transportation company mid him taken a third Interest In the Mineral Springs Hotel company at Carson. Together with his Hon-iu-law, 10. H. Shlppard, and Frank H- Ship pnrd, Mr. Spong will run the resort which Ih within easy distance of Port land up the Columbia to Wind River. Mr. Spong, who linn made many friends during IiIh long service up and ilown the Willamette, will undoubted ly receive many visits from old ac 4pialntanci'H at his new location. MAN NEARLY KILLED IN- LOGGING CAMP. Arthur I'lch, a young man who re sides at Poring, came near meeting Instant, denth Tuesday, lie was at work at O. A. Palmer's logging camp Just above Kstacada at the lime and was standing close to the wire cable when It. broke and the Ironed end bit li i nt on the back of the bead. He was taken to Kstncadii and Dr. Smith ad ministered to his wound, and later ho was taken to a Portland hospital. Mr. I'lch's condition was quite serious. Ills skull was badly fractured and a piece of bone was removed front Hie brain. Marshall Mrs. Marshall, who died at Silver Lake, Monday, was until Ilftei'ii years ago a resident of Ore gon City. She was the daughter of Milton Hrown. Mrs. John Hill and Mrs. Frank Taylor are sisters. Twenty years ago Mrs. Marshall then Mrs. Charles Anderson, run a boarding house where the (). W. P. traction sta tion now stands. Roche William Roche, 00 years old, who lived on a small ranch out on the West side, (lied Tuesday night ns the result of stomach troubles. Mr. Roche cairn here from Pioneer, Clark county, Washington, two years ago. Ho Is unmarried and has no known relatives. - I li ''. li V v. '-.'vrv"''-,- n v. V hen children ream-and wake" i N - Predicts 20 Cent Hops. Doiils Hachmund k Co., big hop dealers at Salem, In a market review Issued yesterday, predict 20-cent prices for hops within the next months, and present a convincing statement of production and consump tion to back up the prediction. JuHtlce llrewer snys that oratory Is rapidly dying out. Perhaps he means that tho orators are rapidly passing. No Cars: Ship by Water. Ramos tt Undsley of lOstacnda load ed and shipped two cars of cross-arms on Tuesday. They go to Portland nnd are transferred to vessels there, and sent to California hy water. It Is Impossible to get cars to ship freight over tho S. P. railroad. Dimlck Elected Captain. Ralph Dimlck, right tacklo on tho DeShazer Tho family of the late Robert DoShir.or received news Sun day, in their let urn from their fath er's funeral, of the death of the wife of their biolher Jacob DeShn.er of Agency Plains, Crook county. Mrs. DeSha.er leaves four children, the oldest, about 10 years of age and the youngest 2 years. Her death was from typhoid fever. The family have the sympathy of many friends in this double bereavement. Installing Power Board. K. L. Hudson, power man for the Pacific. States Telegraph nnd Tele phone company, arrived from Portland Monday morning to install the new power hoard. He and, manager L. Phillips will bo employed with this pleco of work for several days. Other material Is still slow in arriving on tho scene. Down through the ages has come the golden spirit of Christ mastide. Christmastide when hearts grow larger, and the fingers that necessity or habit has bent tightly over the pocket book loosen involuntarily. CHRISTMASTIDE When children dream and wake and, dreaming or I waking, long for one tiny glimpse of that dear, little, old man with cheeks like red roasted apples, and eyes like stars, with a pack that holds all that is beautiful in this world of ours, with a heart that is tender enough and great enough to care for the child of the satin-world, and the starving, homeless, hopeless waif of the streets alike dear, blessed, glorious old Santa Claus! It's a work-a-day world; but to all of us comes a time when the scales drop from our eyes, when we realize that our ambition to earn, to surpass, to rule, is but a piti ful result of our feverish twentieth century training; that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than to bring the desire to bring happiness to other people. Gifts at Christmas Time gifts to our friends, and to those who have battled with the world's whirl and come out losers. If you give them, buy them carefully. We have many A whole Store full This space holds but an announce ment that we will have a larger and better assortment for Xmas shoppers than ever before. It's high time you were thinking of your purchases we are prepar ing early tor you. Each day adds many new and pretty novelties to offer as Xmas suggestions. Look for further announcements. Mr. Joe Is Coming Home. Mrs. Joe, whose Japanese husband has been gone for months, and who a short time ago decided to begin inquir ies for his whereabouts, is in receipt Whitman College team, was elected or news that Air. Joo is on his way captain of the team for next year at a i homo. Mr. .Too left for Japan and has recent banquet. II is tho youngest ( not been heard from for months, brother of Judge Q. II. Dimlck. which fact aroused his wifo's anxiety. OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE sifl - - w.k mm