4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1906. Oregon City Enterprise! REAL estatetransfers Published Every Friday. J Thomas H. Miwro to Win. Welst IB. A. Galloway.. Editor and Manager , North ha,f no.hws,,s .rast NW and Subscription Ratet: : vc cv see 2iV 4 s r, P. 1fi0 nrrea: JIOO. Thos H. Moore to Wni. Welst, NK NW. N halt NK SK NR. see 30.4 at", i R, It.rt acres; $100. j William Millon to G. T. Heebe N ' ! Italf NR. lots 1 and 2. soc. 22. lot 4, Cue Year $1.50 Bix Months 75 i Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Advertising Rates on Application. Subscribers will find the date of ex- -nirAtlAn stfmiTieH im thetr narwira f,-.l. Jowing their name. If last payment Is ; soc 3 M ,C: lr"1 sj tl0r0S alsi 1,u t not credited, kindly notify us, and 'of claim No. 61, 3 s-4 R, B.G4 acres; the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. THE PEOPLE DECIDE. lly a decisive majority the voters have decided that the city should not be taxed to buy the old home of Dr. John McLoughlln. This adverse vote does not indicate any less regard for the founder of our city, but that the public memorial to fcim should be of a different character than the expensive preservation of Ihe house in which he lived only ten years of a long and busy life. The main causes of the result were, first, the belief, as already stated, that the city should honor Dr. McLoush lin in a different way, and second. the sandwiching of the practical with ; the sentimental, or in other words, ', combining with the preserving of tht' $5000. H. T. Cununlngs to R. T. LInney NW sec. S. 2 s-5 E; $U00. Mary Lucas, .lane Hingman, Juliu Frost. .Tno. Straight. Alice Russell to Frank R. Lucas, lots 1 and 2 blk. Straight's Add to Farkplaeo; 50. W. H. Lucas to A. Holmes, lots 5 and 6, blk. 3. Farkplaeo; $,".00. Elizabeth Sharkey and other heirs to Fat rick Sharkey and William T. Sharkey E half NIC sec 2S, 1 s-3 E, SO acres, qcd. $1.00. Civile Evans to Jno .1. Hruek S half V half PLC Lillian Evans, sec 17. IS. 20. 3 s i E, 73 acres: $3200. 0. V. F. Townsite Co. to II. I.. Croft, lot 0, blk. 31. flrst add Estacada: $200. H. L. Croff to John Fage lot 0. blk. 31 First Add Estacada; $300. .lohn Hagens to Finlev O. McCrew S half SW. sec 30. 1 s-3 E. ijcd; $1. Tliomas EUinghatn to Finlev O. MeCrew part sec. 30, s-3 E, I acres: home to honor Dr. McLoughlln. the !''''" I . S. Land Office to Santa Fe Pa cific Ry. Co.. lot 4 NW. sec 1. 17 n-5 E. 30 acres in Arizona exchanged for plans to use it for this or that civic purpose. A third cause that may have caused mure adverse votes than most people think was the very general belief that wealthy local men. with some assist ance from voluntary contributions by pioneer families all over the State, should buy the home, and turn it over to the State to preserve. THE LONG WAY AROUND. The item in the Stafford let'er puj lished in this paper, expressed a gen eral desire of the Clackamas county i ....nn 1 : ..... .. i. . li'iii. for more direct mail connection .vith Oregon City. A larg. part of that territory is now i served by rural routes from Sher- ' vood and Os .vego. Mail from or iJ ! the county .seat p.,.s a roundalMiut v.j.- j thamgh Portland and somewhere .s held up or delayed so that it takes ' from two to thr. days to reach if-? ' destination. Rural rout, s from Or'v'on Citv ; should s-orve all Olaciiainas county lxji.pie residing west of the Willamette . .eept in the town of Oswego. That voui 1 sill '.;. convenience .f the! pnat majority of the patrnr;-. It is pyoliahly out of the ' ! r'; to sc-cure those changes now, or until i'o'.i,!., service is grante,i. !;Ut it is well to tear in mind the desirability of such Changes when f 'la.eka:i:a-' turn for county service comes. l.acn irt'iii ,! ! witli ',i::;'; bavins r.ffice f.ri.nt'd c en! k:ll'l Si. IIS r.av ;')! ;ng trial jhisIi :i If Will be ; l the ne." r. witli ! t!ie name of that post on them. :i. Ii-;iart- i f. nt'v ordered that !e fro::! sentimental rea- ! the cl.anne. it is said the ; nf stamps will be more dif- ; t,i, j tfi dipn-e of in large let-, or at i.-ast it will be easier ' to trace th thief who attempts to dispose of them. new kin ficu'.t fl NE NW sec 13. 2 s-7 E. 40 acres. Sarah .1. lUtckmnn to William I.in dau. part DI.C A. Hood 3 s-2 E. 25 acres; $1000. Sara'i J. Puckman to Olaf Oss part PLC A. Hood. 3 s-2 E. 30 acres. $120'. Rachel M. May to James L. May, 10 acres: $1. ! W. L. Chapman to William Haber j lach W half lot 1 and 2 blk. 0, Marsh- field, qcd; Ba!f P. Youmans to William Haber laeh. W half lots 1 and 2. blk. 6. iMarshfield. qcd: $". C. Chapman to William Haber- ach west half lots 1 and 2. blk. (.. Marshtleld: .". Helen L. Stratum to Dnvill K. Jack son fr. lot 11 blk. 20 -ir Falls View Ai'.d; $20. State of Or-g.m to Fred Coop-T NE. X half ?E and NW SW sec 30; xy . N half SW. SW SW E half SE and lets 1. 2. and 2. sec 23: NW NW s"c. 32; E half E half NE sec. 21: SH see. l:i; :..",.",.2' acres : jr.r.oo. Fred Cooper to .lohn H. Cole, sam as above. IT.'i'iO. Hans w. Hansen to East Side Mil! Lumber Co.. timber right. PE SE sec. !v pt. SW NW NW sec. 20, 2 si 4 E: $:iM.t. (ieorg, n : i il .loim Epperson to East Side Mil t Lumber Co. timber rights in sec. 2'"' 2 s-4 E; $22."'. Hans Paulsen et al. heirs of Her n:an Lins, and executors and heirs of Jno. C. Schmidt, NE SW s.-c. 13. 3-4 E. to East si.'.e M. & Lumber f'r; ! '.on. W. H. f'ortler to Henry Nofzig'T, 40 acres. SW corner sec. 31 4 s-2 K: $1100. Santa Fe Pacific Ry. Co. to William P. McClure, NE NE sec. 13, 2 s-7 Ii. o acres $10.". V. S. Land Office to Frank L. tins- (iH. llagey to Levi Stehman acivs, sec SO. 4 s i IS; $1. Eli;.ft Stehman to Levi Stehman 7 12 acres, sec 30, 4 n-l E, qcd; $1. Mary L. Holmes to Charlotte Uul lard, part W. Holmes PLC, 3 s-2 E. I acre; $110. Mary Holmes to Charlotte Uullard. part W. Holmes PLC, 3 s-2 E; $22'..:0. Clyde Hughes et al to Clara Jacobs part 1. I. Tompkins PLC, 2 acres; $1. Martin V. Thomas to Robert T. Looney, SE SE and E half SW SK sec. 6 and SW SW sec. 5. 2 s T E; $11000. (Hailstone Real Estate association to Mary Ann Kauch. lot 4. blk. 7.r, Gladstone; $100. Jacob Michel to Jacob Horn, A. P. Smith PLC, 2 s 2 E. 30 acres. $0000. J. W. Moffett to John II. Lcwthwalta portion of PLC Hugh Hums 2 s 2 13; 37.10 square feet ; $1. Christian Wing to Marie Wishon SE. SW, W half NE, SE. W kalf NE SE. Sec. 20. 2 s S E; 100 acres. $1000. Chas, Parker Osborne to Luettula J. PuriieH. west 215 feet lot 3. blk. .in, First snbd. Oak Grove; $1200 John Zohrlst to L. 0. l'osson and Mary Posson lot 11 and 12. blk. 11, Zobrlst add: $75. Annie II. Moore by R. 11. Heatle to Geo. A. Hamilton, lot 12. blk. 2. West Gladstone, tax deed; $l.fS. Annie H. Moore bv R. 11 Heatle to Lee A. Hamilton, lot 13. blk. 2, Glad- I 5 s-3 E; NE stone, tax deed; $1.M. j acres; $Jo0 I). J. Stoner to Mary E Fllis lot S, ' M.irv E Ellis blk. 107. qcd.; $1. i S. blk b'T; $!. George F. E. Smith Henry Miley j Mose l-'iu hs to C II and Catherine F. Mliev to Marv E. ISW. sec ;. SE SK ff Ellis, lot 8. blk. 107, Oregon City ; j $l0. $00. Laura II Scott to William M Gr.-tf John Put, to Katie Put. 13 .acres, ry S half SW sec 1. 4 s I E. $1. SW. corner SE. SW. sec. 20 4 s 3 e; j John Llniifitlmrger to Henry $120 ; llaiiimaiiu. SE SW. and lot I an. I S John W. Meldrnm to T. W. Pettenger, ! half lot 3, sec 20, L' s 7 E. Po m res; 1-2 , $1500. I Jno. MalniwiHid to Jayson C. Fel lows part of lot It!. Harlow ; bond for deed. Hibetntn Savings Hank to Herman Harris, lots, I. 12, 13. 14. 15 and 10, blk. 3. Mllwaukle Park; $210. N. M. McPanlel to t A. Stanton and 1. P. Taylor S half SW. SE sec. 2". 1 s 3 E, 20 acres; $1000. Jan. Huckbee to Grace E. Loder lots 3. 4. 5, 0. blk. 147; $1. O.W.T. Townsite Co to City of Es tm-rttla. lot 3. b!. 10. Estacada, $100 W. J, & Gen. Zlmmertiai. to C. P and Josephine Freeman. to acres. Tract S of Ukus Tracts, sk 30. I s 2 K: $1500 Louis Haker to A F Chapiumi W 1 half lot 2. blk. i. $100 I N. R Miilvaney to Rosa M Mul vauev. MH.j acres, sec 22. ami !7, 4 s-2 B. $0. i P. S. Land Office to Israel Rivers , S half NW and N half SW see . ,t s I E; 100 acres, patent J G. W. Hever to V, Schmidt and one ' third of und half tat In S half S half sec 1:1 ami nait ati.i . v sec. 20. 2 st! E; 2S0 acres, $i Itotiahue t'o to Portland Ji S.-n dy River Elec. Co . SW SR. 3S. 1st E. 40 neivs, $1 oo Julia J Tingle (o Portland .v S.n! River Ebv. Co. W half SW see 17. 2 s-tl E. So acres. $ce Chris Has tit W K UosviicranU 1I0 0." acres, sec 2'1, s-2 E, hunt cu tract; $"oo. H. F. Meer to T ! Hamilton 30 acres, sec. I, I . I E; 1 1 " H Grimm t W 11 Hair, s,e H", PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY TH03 F. RYAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW I'rubnto snd Realty Law Practice Specialties, lie I Estate, Insurance nod Loans, tf Ice Ppstalrs, ft rut bulldliiK oulli o Courthouse. 0. W. EA3THAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW vWIectlous, Mortgagi's, ForeclostinM, Altracts of Title and General Law buslnes t-Jlin ever Hank of Oregon City. Office Phono IIOt-ReH, Phono 1771 C. H. DYE, ATTORN ICY-AT LAW Conier HUth and Main Htreet, OrtKon City. Ort-Kon. 0, D. EDY, ATTOIINEY AT LAW Money loaned, uliHlracta furnlidiod, land tlllen examined, estates nettled. Kouerul law buiiliicMH traiiHacted. t)ver Hank of Oregon City. tec S J E. SCO to Ada G Skes, lot Johnson SW, 3t. 1 s-4 K. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lhonc: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bldi., Main and Eighth Sts. C D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTOKSKYS-AT LAW Ceminrrvi.il, Roil I'Ntatc and Probntc our Nprcliltlrn. Ollicc In Ciiiiime rritil Punk lluildiiiK, OKIIGDN CITY, OUKl'.DN, W. S I' KIIN c scmnuii'.i. U'REN & SCIIUEBEL A T TO K S K Y S A T I. A W 1 ) II 1 1 TSt ' 1 1 !! It ADVOK A T WU rtnilii f in nil iiuirls, nuikr coIIccIIuiih mel m ttlritu htii i)f rlutci ttict ot title, lend you nimu-v on ti r it luortiii. I'.mldini;, Ori-j-on Citv, diri-oii. J. E. HEDCES (Mlin I 'm ii Uh hi INHHHIIISE F. r. ChIFFITH part of DI.C, Isaac Laswell. 2 s-3 E. 272 S7 acres $1 oo T. W. Pettinirer to S. II Covell, und. one-third part of PLC, Isaac Las well. 272 S7 acres $l.e0 Lucy L. Koiters and Lewis lingers to Francis Scotten and Eleanor Scot ten, lots ;::! and 32 Pranelaud. Sec. 2S. 3 s-1 E; 10 acres $2."iOO Jesse Hobson, trusiee to pen F. Llllis part of Stephen A. Walker DI.C. 20 I acres land contract $12.0e0 H. C. Stvens t Grace E Loder, Phal- le L. Nash, lot 0. blk. 151, Oregon j City $1 oo The Waverly association to W illiam ,) , MucMaster. Id. 1. Waverly Heights;' ' 1 mi . ,' V D. Burnett to (). W. P.. t a-enu nt - ;to cut and fell trees on mi' 31 and ' 2 -s-l E. an I und. half int. in . 1 acres in sec ,,, .1 s-4 E; $2."a. Stat of ( r-aoti to C. N K.-iu' ' r,.7.7 acres in s. c. 31. 1 s 2 E; $7vl rs to Frank P. Kiley 1.2s 3 E. o acres ; r, Sail. sec. .V C. W. Kern to Fred E. I".'.' acres, ( NW. NW $ ! 'Hilt W. E. Welch Knei-ht NW. se $ l.'.liM. T. F. Ryan to Oreiton 4- Pal. Ry. Co. NK NW sc I. 2 s .". E. qcd; $1. Franc's M. Baker t" F. N ('admian, SE N.-:. -(- iv 4 s-t E, to acr s, $ If. Go-set. sec. 2o. 4 I., ao !.s ' i L. Na-.li. levins to half NW pin. Ma't i:, 10 Park, acres i (Ira. lots I lohn .'.'( II E. I.o.! 2. and . .lohtisi . 3 si to Louis Nicolai p:0 acres; $200. Oregon SweOUh 5 s-l! E; $300. ays the Indianapolis of happy hom'-s for s no wife "There are." Star, "thousaii l- which the trial marriage po.-ssei. idiann. Turn the husband an. loose, and they would marry twice as tpiick as before." Htill, it would per haps be be.-t not. to take any needless risk by turning th.-rn loose while fara ilv living expenses are so hiirh. P.-ary pot with it 2f,2 nilb-s of the ji.de ami says !,e would have reached it but for one unlucky storm. All failures are explained with an if or a but. The expedition rnn short of coal, so they were not any better off th"T Heppner and other Inland Ern )i:r' towns are the-e days. ton. W half NE sec. 13, 2 s-7 E, 80 acres in lieu of E half NW sec 2 f , 1 s-IO E. !'. S. Land Office to Robert Beli lo'.v lot 1! and NE SE sec 2, t-n 7 W lot 17. sec :; I n-7 W, and SE SW s'-c 34, 5-s I E, 1. ',!.:;.", acres in lieu of land patent in California "Sierra Forest Reserve." I'lo acres. O. W. P. Townsite Co to Charles Iieer-i, lots 10 and 11, blk 12. Estaca da; $-"o. 0. W. P. Townsite Co. to Charles peer.-, lot 1, blk :Pk Estacada; $."). Florence H. Trot-'o to J. F. Wince and G. N. Saip-r SW NW sec. 1 s-ll E, lo acre-s; $lu00. Levi Host.et.ter to V. R. Fl.ener, I2'i acres, NW SW sec. 5, 5 8-1 K; $ir.5l.2.-. V. It. Fleen.-r to Simon D. Voder - NW SW sec :,, s-l E, C22 acres; I $l"oo. J. L. Mordock to fl.-ore Kaib, lots 1.2 and ::, sec 15, 4 s-l E, 82.86 acres; : $5000. ! .1. F. .May to W. Graser 30 acres j Ezra Fisher LLC, 2 s-2 E; $2200. j Harvey E. Cross to Jessie C. Hain- iiton, part lot 25, SW Moss Add, Oi'o luon City, qcd.; $1.00. of I State Land Hoard to Donahue & Co. thinking is a high coinpliinent to the i SW SE sec 3C, 1 s-4 E, 40 acres; $.50. work Oregon Iron fc Steel Co., to B. S. , i Rosencrans lots l.'i and 14, blk. 42 O. ; I Ik S. Co., first add, Oswego; $100. Orepon Iron & Steel Co. to Mrs. E. J. Lewis, lots 15 and 10, blk. 42 O. I. & S. Co. first add Oswego; $100. A. W. Ooddard to L. P. Hosford, 1:54.85 acres, part DEC Francis Tal bert, correction deed; $2000. L. P. Hosford to Charles L. Myers 80.73 acres, part sec. 35 1 h-2 E; $5500. Mary E. Hamilton to Levi Stehman, part of sec 30, 4 s-l E, 7 1-2 acre. u.cd. $1.00. Sarah Ann Hagley to Levi Stehman : 7 1-2 acres sec 30 4 s-l E, qcd., $1. Alice James to Levi Stehman 7 1-2 acres sec. 30 4 s-l E, qcd; $1. Martha .. Trullinger to A. F. Soar son 55.50 acres, sec 28, 4 s-2 E; $400. Martha ; SW. S W, . r"o. ' Fr-d E V I'l.alle R. A. i W half N 35 acr. s; J Stat" Land Board NW sec. 22 5 s-3 E, Louis Nicolai to ' Col. Co., NW sec 22 John Zobrist to William Straight, lots 2 and 3, blk. 11, Zobrist Add to Estacada; $100. W. A. Proctor to Baptist church, : Pleasant Hon:. tract in NE SE sec. I I'J 1 s 4 E; $123. K. E- Franklin to Geo. A. Steel 2.7o ' acres, qcd; $1 00. K. E. Franklin to Geo. A Steel 1507 acres; qcd. $1.0o. G. T. and C. B. Franklin to G-o. A. :,n a.-r. .Steel, 1.507 arid 2.7o acres, qcd; ? I e.i j I'jihi. 1 Geo. and E. P. Steel to Home s-; l.h. cunty Invest. Co., j and j.iO,-. acres, qcd; $1.00. 1 ' . ' t fef',.rl to floo-Va 11, , hues part of PLC, S. S. White 2 s 1 E, 25.70 acres; $010.50. ! Mrs. L. E. Salisbury to E. M. Ras ::! sen lot 17, lot 4, blk. 10, Glad I stone, $loqo. 11. W. Hanson to Oustaf H. Lllja, '; SE SW, sec. 17, 2 s-l E; $20. I II .W .Hanson to Carl J. Hanson E I hair SW. S-s. 17 and E half NW, NW, se,.. X, 2 s-l E; $1. J. M. Mann to Portland and Sandy : River Elec. Co., N half SW sec 14, 2 s-5 E; $1000. M. J. Gallagher to Edw. O. Buck nor ;S half NE and NE NE sec 12, 0 s-2 E; I $420. j Jno. W. Iider to A. 0. Guynup lot blk. 87 Minthorn Add. Portland, fr. $S11 Win. Rosnisky. t'y sltcri.T to Henry llitiiitiianu. lot 2 and N half lot 4, sec. lie. 2 s7 E. acr.-s. $.7 t1', Manali Mar-hbank to D C. Howell 5 acres J A LeH PLC. 2 si E; :,..o Sarah J Bucktnan to It F Palmer, part of A Iloo.l DI.C. 5 s 2 E. 2' acres, $M'I. John II Koch to OiMtc.i A ('abb acres. GHirit Crow HI.C. N" 40, 2 s t E. $l.".oo. Ipbertua Savings Bank to Sarah E. B-an. lot 'J, 0. 7, V 11, 12 and 111, Miiwaukb Paik: ll'.'S. P. S. Ijind OfTsc to Cliriteii Han s. ti. E half SE. NW SE. NE SW, sec 2. 7 s-.l E, lO.i acres, paie.it, f. S. Land Olliiv to Jasper P. Faulkner SW s.-c. 1, I 1 I', IOh acres, patent. .1 J. Mar-hhatik t" Jaif't Boss SE NW see, ;:. t s-l E, o acres; $p.o William Main to Frank Gerrit. l..(n 15 and 10, he. 27, ii. I & S. first Add. (-we,;,; Hir.itn E Straiitlit f.i Moliie E SMatcl.t all 7 and X, Id. los, Oregon City: $'. ivy Straight to Molii. E. Straight, lots ::. I. i',, 7. and blk. 72 Oregon City, $! Andrew Teuke to Emil K.-t.-ls 20 acr. s in -, c. jo, j an.l W half W. half NW sec. lo, 2 s 3 E; 00 acres; $i',i"'ti. M. C. Oh ver to E. L. Trullinger. It acr.-; in .1. P & It. II G'.over DI.C, 2 s :: E and 2 E ; i !5o. Walter C. Glover to E. L Trullin ger. s"l acres in .1 P. .'. II II S.-iaer DI.C $3ln. O C. P. Co. by ste riff to Geo. A Hamilton, tax dee, I, 1 acre in H Stra ght PLC $.;.o. Heirs of Sarah E Truiling.-r to D L. 'I ruilinger, E half PLC S. J. Trul linger sec. 20.. 21, 22. 27. 2S 4 h-2 E; 323.11.". acres, pr-d; $1. J. W Fisbbtirn to E.-tai-ada State Bank all of lot 23, Idk. 0, Estacada; $3.-,o. Willis Imel 'Jt A. Mather, lots 4. 5, 0 and 7. blk. 12. Kent's Add. to Marsh field. $100. I.ucinda Simmons to Jaii,-i Mallett in T. N. Jackson DI.C 5 s 2 E; Burgbardt to E H I .Bti'-giianlr corner sec I I. 2 s 3 '.: H acre,. N. D. H;irt..T tu Ban! T. Smith, SE, SE sec. 30. I I e; l,orid for deed. $700. MEADE POST RESOLUTIONS. The Chicago Record-Herald says of Mrs. Eva Erncry Dye's book, "McDon ald cf Oregon" that it. "will have a greater charrn for the lover of Ameri can literature than for the novel read er," which according to our way San Francisco has a lot of money left out of the funds that were sub scribed for the relief of the earth quake sufferers. Evidently Reuf and Schmitz didn't believe in the old say ing "might as well be hung for an old sheep as a lamb." If the Louisiana congressman is ac quitted of killing a man the day after idection, it will be a dangerous pre cedent. Nearly half the people of this country feel lifce killing somebody next day after election. It seems to be possible for any man to do any thing, if he first makea a picture of it and goes at it with Ira shirt sleeves rolled up. qcl A. G. Guynup to Ida M. I bruston, lot 37 and 38, blk. 87, Minthorn Add to Portland, qcd; $25. Sarah J. Buckman to F. .1. Hurley and Charles Moran part of DLO! An- 'drew Hood, 3 s-2 E, 45 1-2 acres; $1820. j Hannah Rivers et al to Levi Rivers W half SW NW and W half NW SW sec 4 3 s-4 E, qcd ; $150. David Wittenberg and others to Frank S. Doernbccker part of DLO, No. 37, 3 s-l E, 3.33 acres; $1500. Andrew Jackson Voting to David Cuthbert, NW SE sec. lit, 2 s-l E, 40 acreH; $2075. Auric M. Draper to A pp. D. Jones, lots 5 and C, sec. 32, 3 s-2 E, .5.12 acres; $00. Bishop Seely to Charles T. Too.e, SW SE SE sec 14, 3 s-l W, 9.04 acres; $1.00 Charles T. Too.e to Joe. J. Thorn ton 9.04 acres SW SE SE sec 14. 3 s-l W; $1050. Willamette Falls Co. to Chas. A. Hunt, lots 7, 8, and 9, blk. 17, Willam ette Falls; $100. E. Blombcrg to C. S. Hunt, lot 10, blk. 17, Willamette Falls; $100. Thos. F. Ryan to Frank Dusch N half NE and E half NW, sec. 22 4 s-4 E, 1C0 acres; $1. Frank Busch to Andrew R. Paulsen N half NE sec. 22, 4 n-4 B, 80 acres; The following resolution was adopt ed by Meade Post No. 2, G A. It. at the regular meeting hld December 3, 1900: Resolved, That, this Post, by the death of our late comrade Patrick Fage, has loi't a trii( and honorable member ami the country a good and upright cltl.on; the Colors and Char ter of the Post will be diaiied for the -xt 30 days In honor of his mem(ry; wp extend to his Weavcd family our deepest sympathy In their great loss i4 liusbfind erd father, and that a copy of these proceedings be netit to tSaoni. Geo. A. Hardin;, J. A. Tufts, Daniel Williams, Committee. King of All Couyh Mediclneo. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has been in the U. S. S' vico for about, sixteen years, says: "We have tiled many cough medicines for croup but Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. Wo also find It the best reme dy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leaving no bad after ef fects. For sale by Howell & Jones. Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that 1 will apply at the next meeting cf the city coucll for a renewal of my liquor li cense at my present place of business council for a renewal of my liquor 11 B2t2 W. E. WILSON. HEDGES Sc GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Wcinharii HuiKlin, opposite Court House Kcnl KwtMtc. l.tMiiin, Iiihui'IIiicc 11. I'L OlrLOHH ATI OR NICY AT LAW (IBF.GtlN CI Y I). ('. l,.Tl)i'!!i;TTK, IV,i.ct. I'. .1 M KY K , Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OP OIMiOON CITY, ORLGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 Tr.in-at t a (Ieiiir.il Baiilm;' llii-iin--. Open f ruin '. a in. to It p. in, Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Ba;;t;aee and Transfer Business f Safes, Pianos ami Furniture Moving PhMCl. Office 1121 lirniinmo Rrxc TafrtH f,, t KJi milium: mux ikiiimu iu. ktuiknct I Main Strerl FULL BENEFIT OF PAY-DAY is never yours unless a portion of your waj;es is put away for future use. Bejjin now to provide for the "rainy day" that is sure to come when sickness visits your home or you are thrown out of employ ment. A ood way to do this is to open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us and add something to it each payday. Come and see us and we will gladly give you any de sired information. ' A DOLLAR WILL START YOU. THE DANK OE OREGON CITY Your Satisfaction is our Success. J. E. Smith Hardware Co. I0th and Main Sts. Oregon City. We arejhere with a big line of Hardware, Gro ceries, Graniteware, Tinware, Implements, WagonsJandJBuggies and anything from a 'pin to"a40 horse power engine. J. E. SMITH HARDWARE CO. 10th and Main The Busy Corner