OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1906, , 1 It Quiets the Cough This Is one reason why Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is so valua ble In consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless couching. Hut It docs more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. Tlio linat kind of tnntlnoiiUI "Hold for ovnr lty yer." A M4.tr J O. Ar-r Co .T.ow.ll, KM. Al.v iu(iurulur.ra vt f RAKSAPARII.U. llvl O H MH VMIOB. W ). rig .r roi.l W. pulillih tit ftirmiilH if .11 our nittioli. SCHOOL REPORT. y bowola regular with Ayor's E LLO I the Pllla. U'iiiit of (ho HjirlriKWuliT nchool dlMtrlct, No. 1, for month ending I VI ilay, November IV. Number of I)U)Hh enrolled In the ad vatHMtil department, 13; number of days taught, 2H; ilayw ul tendance, iliiyw almonrc, 8; (linen tardy, 7; uvoiui'.i) dully attendance, 12. lloll of lliiiior: VVIIIIuui, Grace, IHIud and Itot'.n (Homier, Mull lit Tucker, lien KIk K I i i h , MiiIIimw Jagmln Uii'l Clinrllo Kan dl... Number of puplhi enrolled In pri mary department, 27; n ii m I ip r of dnyn taught, 'M; iluyn nlcndllliee, ;;7.',; daya absence, Union tardy, .1; nvonii;.. dully alteudnni'", is. Itoll of Honor; John Mogor, Marlon, Anion, mid Millie Mlllanl, John, F.mory mid laiiH'M CIohiii'i-, Wi'Mlcy Kullxbi) ry, . urn) Mulxd Wilcox. VIhI tor, Mr. (Homier. Kliiorn 1 1 nl ti'T, principal; Llndu Winn er, iiMiilhliint. 0m4!k 8UNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. ti- ... J I I. . '..V . , .-,.t Mr. Hloll Ih loading u cur nt Clack amas wild potatoes Ilurlon Dear durff It helping with Urn hauling. Tim banket uncial nl Hunii.VKldi! wan - m 1 ii'il iim inic'crnnfiil iih wlidicd. 'J,11' XI loili n of loiij ilih- Soiim mail work w nn dniio on Itork tiliii i- ti'li'iilniiid w irM it; ! I'rt'i'll hill luwt week, which will hidp On pui, U'uhliinnton.tJuli- j It iiulli' lilt!"'. fornix uihI Idaliii imw in Mr. and Mm. J. II. Di nrdorff took operation liy tin. I'mnlic 'ii trip to I'oiilinid mid Mlnihorn Mii!!nii 'ri !i-i!iiiiin (!oin j SprliiHH la'it .Saturday nnd Sunday. u y, covrriiiK 'J.'.'itii Mm Hviirdorrf In 'oiiKldcnildy lin- lowiiH j piuv.-d III In ullh. r i:;M I I REECIPTS INCREASE IN COUNTY OFFICES DELINQUENT TAX LI8T WILL TOTAL $300 LE83 THAN LA3T YEAR. ill) above picture of t ho man and IihIi j'h the trade mark ofScottViKmulHioji, and in tin Hynonvrn for htn nth and purity. It is Hold in almost all the civilized coun I rii'H of tlx' Hobo. If tlio rod HhIi Ix-cnmo extinct' il would be a, world-wide calam ity. bccauHe the oil that comoi j fi mi it h liver surpa.sHCH all other lain in nouriHluno; nnd life-divine; inoiierlieH. Thirtv veai'H ne-o k 1 i i i f u . ni n i Winck, i.cci.iiitc, cli.U i ii. t cri.,. h. i,,,,,! KV il,,,,. ; i;-e i'l'ijineiom oi j.inui- All tin- Hiiiihl'iictioii if n ' en 1 1 1 1 ;i in men t HiU Fildiiy aftci noon. ' 'l way f Jin-Jiarine; ji'T.-onal t iiiiiinuiiiciitioii. i HamiiiK win in. nt Mr. CookuK i.t ! d liver oil ho that everyone cun j Ionian. i,o t iJfi't. to h : s iiidiiy cm'mIhk;. " ! ' :ke it nnd get the full value of (:-nr ini.lertaii.lii,K. Sh,- tii.t.. in talk .f . xt. ndliiK U.., t.-i... j t he oil without t he obj.rt ionable ; Kan.. ,t. San rriii-iHcoid...!... wiiv t.. KinuDKiiio thu wint.-r. t-thto. S-ott' ErnulHioii in the i i- e.t-ny i.ear.i tir l ort- Th. y can .Miy K.-t nnnthur di cult ! I ient t hinir in t he world for w lain!. Orient, City oHici nl llanlniii's Druir Sinn if I--II I TWILIGHT GLEAMS. . ................ .-c W. S. LDDY, V. $., M. 1). V. linluiu VrW-ii- I "i "loiilo, Ci;lliid;i iKiiiip 1 j 1 ( ('.l ido 'tr of t tin r v ' n'.i. timl the Slllji l s nl I hit a;;", l-.li 1'iiati il .i' in i;n t Ciiy mi4 i l.ilin.ln il an o'll'T .it '1 lie 1 l- !"ii!i Sluldr. .- .-i i li MH i-t in-i.r .Miiiii. Hoth rrli)hniiri. I'liniH ri.' l.p Main 1 3 1 1 ; Mrs. tfi-lnvlncr npent Tnomlay mid j W-dnc'ilay nt Ni-iv Kin, vlidtlia; with ; frl'-ndrt. j William Wlldia.t cclidirnti-d 1,U iMMli liirthdity, Tuesday. "1r. Matt. iim nii'l family vlnitcd nt !Un- li-itnc of Win. McCmd, Siunlav. iveak, I liin-kward clu drcn. thin, delicate people, and nil conditions of wasting nnd lost Ktrength. .lead fur trn lamile. (SCOTT & BOW'NE, Chemists WWII TtABh ITBEBT, KUW TOBX Ue.kntl$lM. All tlrufitutt. Financial rcportH from varloun coun ty offlclulu for November Compare tnoro than favorably with laxt month'H mid aluo with lant. ycur'H reports at tin; Kami) time. Tim tiherlff'M office nhows a moHt KriiilfylnR condition In connection with the d'liri'iirit tax lint. Novem ber 1 the lint totaled f.tMHM'i, fin compared with $ 1 ,1 r:0.01 for December 1 of hint year. It. wan predicted a month at?o that the amount would probably be reduced to $.'!,500 before the t.lmo fur publication arrived. At present the Ibt lan a'reudy dwindled to approximately ?,;.W), more than 100 h'HH than la:it. year. Tim county elcrl;'n officii for Novem ber kIiowh reei-ipt in fees of $005, as compared with $775 for last Novem ber. The decrease Imrotuas cmfwy by the fact that Judim Mclirido held court. In October which diverted a con f.lilerubh; aiuourit Into the October fund.-) that would naturally have Rone into November. Taking the two months and comparing with last year the report shown $1221.75 for this year October and November, anl $1 154 50 for laxt year. A Heady advance Ih noticeable in the county rlerk'K office for the last five or hIx years. For November the finuns are as follows: 1502. $'S2.00; 1'J'C, $505.00; 11)01, $01. fill; loo.',, $775. In; 1'jiiO, $;;5,00. The recorder's report gives the re feiptK for November of 1905 and 1'JOC to be $2IV05 and $:!20.O5 respectively. Kosensfeiris Fire Price Specials These Goods Must Go and Go They Will. Now is the time to buy - Time means money. Note the following prices quoted and convince yourself. Mens Suits $4.55 up. iCravenetfes and i Overcoats $0.35 up. it tri Mens Pants G5c Boys Knee Pants 19c j Mr ' KM-! - ' Mi v, llll ' Th Twili ,-iy llnrrisluiriier luri ietiinie. from It. Wa-.h. 1 Lulu l lioniison Kpent th. Mrs. Wilson, Tuesday. Il.illy Star llinls Its way to nt hciioui ami is iippreciitt i. inch by the pupils. WILL BRING SUIT FOR SPECIAL TAX NOTES FROM CARUS. i1 - ,.J -lay i LWMW ' tffVrSi i MASH -- - . 1 1 Fzz3a-cz;rzuLi8sj-sz lam Oak Grove Road Supervisor Will Start Action Against Six Mil- waukians. i t4Qgns& Mini J 7, H!;: , ,,, y t " I i 1 Mr V nfX flWIMA Ko Nasal CATARRH In al III u;'-, El's Cream Balm tit Atl-wi.H'K'tln-.- n:. 1 l.i .. 4 H nl t' . r!i hi. 1 (ii . 1 ftvtfif 11 villi lu li.o In ant' (viT tli- lin in!.f.ui- fti. I 1 u!.. '!1" l. Ill ii 1 1 111 Dir.lml t-1 c-ir- f..i:m. Il It t it ilryin;; J-l II. I .r.x'.M - !. i :U v. l-flr;;- Si..-, .'! C ll! nl I'lliJ jii.1. ..r t.y 11 m i : '1 !! 1 ' 11 ' 1 1 v m:n l in.I's, . n sm. -i, -w Vrk l';l! us M'liool teacher lilt I k'v the p. .111 of 11 basket Hoclal. h llmvaiil has rented farm this winter. If.-rthii Spanter iM.iy ko .1 In the ;i. ar future. Ada tlrei'.i.ry .sp.uit S.itui'.l.iy lu.iay witli her ulster in Oregon 11 up A pp. to PILES F,JErSaFPasUori6 It. II .... I.e. . . . . , i.;:i, - Itoa 1 Supervisor Henry Tb lessen of road district No. SI, Oak drove, is gium; to bring action in the justice court at Mllwaulile against six tax payers In his district for refusing to pay the special tax levied for road im- ! provemeiits. It is not known yt-t ! whether any more actions will be 1 1;, c, s- ary or not. I ! ! 'old In Ot'efznn t'tty by HuiUley Bros Call for Free Sample. III! In 1 1 J-'elioenlioi'li veral days for bus Mr. been work-White ! w k vjT i t n , y.jr 7,' ft n I,,.. K i,'-,-y if W"m I Faiiiou IK I: l I r ECO RD CROWDS AT j AURORA BAND'S CALL, j ui .H a. Nov . ::u The uiasip.iera.le ball fclven here Thiirsday nlnht by the j An 1 . it a bund broke the record in this i .-eeti.m for PP.; crowds. There were j l.'.i'. ilauee numbers sold, and mer 1"H spi-i-tators' tickets. i The prize for the bi'-.l sustaiiieil char.irler was awarded to )'.. I,. Fish i and Mis.i V. A. Klllolt. who rejiie- sen'eil tin Indian .and squaw. The pri.e , tor the Hin t oi li-liial costume was won ! b .MUs 1.. U. Feiler mid F.. ). l-'e. j ler. representing ranch and Judy, The i prizes for most comical costumes' were won by Miss IOmma J. : wlui wire a costume iX 1s::o mi ur.-t, wliu leiire'ielited llaimv lb. oil in. MAKE EVERY DAY "1 kw ?7i COUNT- no matter how' fifiy.gfc ' bdd the w&ther tou cannoi ftfford to be without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER When vou buy ioo icr me 5ICN CF THE FISH Ov.f CO &0SO l A Dead Issue Anyway. There was one- a fun-ral in Ne braska and the preacher w ho had been asked to deliver the eiiinsy was a stranger in town and did nftt know the departed sister. So. after lie had said all that he could, he sugeste-l that if anybody else cmhl say a few words about the poor dead lady it would he well. Three or four made appropriate iv- ' marks. Then there was a pause. At last one old brother arose and said: "Wei!, if we're ail through speak- i iiiK a! out. the departed sister, 1 will ', l ow make a few brief remarks on the tariff." ii . M I Confiscating the Homes. nt home for fh'iiei at ions pasl ; amine now il l over the World. For sale by E. MATTHIES. Demcnt's Best Flour MADE FROM HARD WHEAT. f '-, 'Hi' i.'. ."f pttt t .. 1 I'hI a U0iCV7, JrvrJ. WALLA WALLA WASHINGTON I'rom the Appeal to lleasoll. : Some one semis me a copy ot Docu ment Ih!, II. K.. 5Sth congress, ltd ses sion. It. shuws that some three hun Jdred fanners in Sherman county, t)re I Hon, w ho had tiled on government mini aim compiieii witn all the re quirements of the hoimsstcHil law, im provlti); and InilldiiiK homes and plac ing all of II In n hli;h stale of cult i viillon, were 'dispossessed of their yei.rs of toil and lands i(( permit an Fasten! Oregon Land company to net possession and it still has possession. The settlers were disposed oil the plea Unit the laud was In a grant for a military mad. and the farmers were forced to take oh" their Improvements - and then t lu land company proceed ed to put their Improvements on the hind nnd rent it. out. The Kovcrnment at Washington is simply a co conspira lor with a lot of thieves who fallen off the people by such trickery. The niililary road was merely a trick );ot throu.nii congress to enable a few thieves to i;et. possession of a lot of rich farms worth about n million dol lars. Hut Oregon voles to scud men like Mitchell and Hermann to coni.', ress, so I nuess they must lllo their treatment. Under Socialism the land will be for th8e. who work It, i 'iisal Cntarrh iiuickly yields to trout- j nyder ' iiient by lily's Cream Halm, which is nyn. j (.r) ubly ftrniuiilio. It is rnccived through tho ! liohiritii, cleanses nu m iiiti mo w uoio bur- j faro over which it diffuses itself. lini(;gists i uell tho fiDc. hizii; Trial tdo by mail, 10 cents. Tef t it and you are suro to contiuuo i tho treatment. AniiounoenHMtt. To oooiiunoihito those who aro partial : to tho use of atomizers in applyini; limiids j into tho iiasal pivasios for cnt'trrhd trou- j lilti, tho proprietors pri paro Cn-nm llalni iu i liquid form, which will bo known as Kly'u j Liquid CiiMini Hiilin. 1'iico incliidine; tho ; pray tiiR tubo ia 75 cents. Pi-aista or by j niail. Th i liquid form embodies the mod- j icinal proportion of tho hi did pivpurutton. j Will Entertain Pomona, thirliehl i.rmis.. No. 1117. initiated two new members Thanhssivins and enjoyed a hi;; dinner besides. C.ar liell will be host to I'omona tlranse in Januarv. Used by housewives because of its Hdodneis and economy. Makes tho most, bread and makes it most nutri tious. For sale by most dealers. When wanting to take a ride get a rig of Hradley, tho best in town. A Hunting Party Out near Mt. liood lo.ihiiu; for ; hear accidentally found the entrance j to a cave located in a very inaeeess- I ible part of the mountains. They made torches of pine knots and with J lilies ready for business entered the j cave. Near the entrance they came' to a birts' room with solid ruck walls and near the w alls w ere great stacks ; of bread, pies, cakes nnd limhergcr ! cheese (no beer). Tpon closer in-; sped ion It was found that, all these good things were baked in the granite and tin baking pans sold nt the Ar cade. A square deal. Cash only. W. L. ST LILTS thi" ..in St. PILLS. nTt AWP FREMCH FEU-ALE km u p i hi fin' Sn-ftiuMt MkVM'nc Aunt, i NEVER KNOWN TO f AIL, sj-. s,t. fiwM.tii tJtp.nitiUl mv MMtiev liolninivil. Sen I tir ptWl for 1.in HrlM'. Will Bt inl ihnin.n n ml.tnlu. i n .( i',.r wht'ti relloveil. Smniili t l-'nv, li vour .liulsi a.f.t not liuvti tliein feuil your inlTH tit llto mr uiMv. BOX f. LA NCAB1 UN, P. ! Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Uroa. I1 .' SAtK. t'wuv US ONITTO 1 WINTER RATES TO YAQUINA BAY. Oregon's Great Recreation and Health Resort at the Newport Beaches. Ticket Sales Resumed Nov. 1st to May 31st, 1907. As a winter health and recreation resort, Newport is the one par excel. U'lice. Recognizing this, and wishing to give the people an opportunity to breathe the fresh, pure o.one of the ocean, the Southern Pacific and Cor vallis it Eastern have resumed the sale of tickets through to Yaqulna From all S. P. points tickets will be sold throughout the winter and spring until May I! 1st, every Wednesday and Saturday and from Albany, Corvallis am! Phi lomath en the Co-vnllis K- Kntern. tickets will be sold to Yaquina and Newport DAILY. The rates will bo the same as during the summer, and will be good for re turn 00 days from date of sale. Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths will be in operation during tho entire winter and treatments will be given daily. Other Health Resorts Closed. During the winter nearly all other health resorts are closed or difficult to reach, and none of them have the advantages of Newport and vicinity as regards climate, points of interest, recreation, and amusement. For par ties desiring to enjoy Ashing, hunting or seeing the ocean in sunshine or in storm, the famous resort is unequal led, the surroundings are ideal beau tiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, fresh vegetables, milk, honey, fruit at lowest possible cost, lish and the famous rock oysters to be had for tho trouble of securing them. Full information from any S. P. or 0. & 13 agent or tho General Passeng er Agent of either Company. llato from Oregon City to Yaquina $0.00. 41-t7 I Mens Underwear a suit 75C osensiesns TJ Ih I ill 3 Un 1-1 o . . , ,,, . Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than "ready mixed" paint, but when L mixed with thick 4J niom.nf roller. oln least money. M I ' W I . r UI ' A - . . .... K" 3 JZ-i OREOON CITY. OREGON T tTkMli-Mlrt PAINT LUMBAkt ,- ,r -II.,1 GET BUSY! Holidays Ate Near ELECTRIC LIGHT is the magnet that draws trade. Keep your store bright and you'll be kept busy A show window brilliantly illuminated with ELECTRIC T Tf.MT 4the night before. " It attracts atten tion, makes it easy for your dis play to be examined and shows your goods to THE BEST AD VANTAGE. "AN ELECTRIC SIGN will make a name for you and when your name is made it will burn it into the public's eyes and minds. It is an investment that pays big dividends. Our repre sentative will explain how. REDUCED RATES for current on Meter Basis, PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ' C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent OREGON CITY