i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1908. 11 COUNCIL IN NO HURRY ABOUT FREE LIBRARY IId willful tlio councll'M attention to tho fact that their decbilon In favor of tin) project woulil not bo monument al from u llnimclal Ktandpolnt, wince nlmoHt whmkI) finance Had been rala ed )y voluntary HulmcrlpthmH to carry liii! thing through for the. first year. venlnnno, which was determined to bo next WodnoHilay. Thin called for a vlKoroun Hpooch frotn Councilman Ilratnlt. Brandt Friend of Library. KpoaklnK briefly of tho dire necea- ulty of a public library, and empha The ordinance contalnM all the net-en-, HWinK wl,af thft (;o,nlr)U,. had point- CITIZENS' PETITION IS REFERRED TO SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR INVESTIGATION. ONE CHAMPION AMONG MEMBERS Councilman Dramlt Makes Vigorous Speech Against Delay, But It Opposed by Collrjyuci and Mayor. tin' appoint j it of Mayor ('unlli'ld ninl ( 'niinclliiK'ii Knapp, llramlt unit Afulri Mctt iih a ruiiiiiilt li i' lo luvritl- cut" tin' llliiiuy ipti" I Inn, In confer j with tin. i i.iiiinltt.M. of Hi,. library ift men, inont of whom live In rent, , ini aii'l Ik n put t al tin- inl-d letting tlio property-owners go The llev, I', K. Hntninond followed up Kat her HIlli'lnnnd'M remark, em phasizing the lack of a proper place fur the young people of the city to go of an evening, lie Hliowed that It, wiih within the clty'a province to do all Hint was prayed for In the position, ami calli'd at tent Ion to the fact that a municipal lndelileinent doen not at nil Indicate n lack of pronperlty, or pt'Ogri'HHlVCIieMM. liepnly Iilnlrlct Attorney Hcbuebcl ilccl'ilvcly put hlniHclf on record an favoring more than a half mill tax, and pointed out that, the cii'Ih of Jim lice could only he Hulmcrvcd hy car rying along tlio public- llluaiy project from T'oncy obtained by taxation of property owner, niul not al'vayw fall ing hack on tho public Hplrltcd busl- Jiiiinii il iiu't-l t it k held lor thin purpoite ml WeduMiliiy, h all llliil (In. II luary iu in 1 1 1 could nccnmpllidi Willi tin. members of Hi" coiiih II hint cvi-iiliu'. 1 1 h j i i (lie Iiiikc number of iiilnii ! pi ,,iin and iiiiiihmi of f-l 1 1 . -li m and properly owners, tb'Tn wan only ion- i ii m i-1 1 1 1 1 n ti Mho ljimKi. a word In faor of Urn project at hint ulc.lit'M fni-i i mg and that wim Mr. Hrutidt, who foil lli)- o ill I i I'll Willi ('lillllcS!ll"n Andre -,i n. U.iinl, and JuMln to lay the inniier over for Invei tlcallnii, Th" council wmi railed to order at n i loi lc and only one win. reported iili-eiit, Coiincilnutn Straight. In or der iml to compel th" library nitHocln (tin cniiunllteii to wilt thrjiugh the ti ilioiii rnutliiK hi! liu Mayor Can Held t'Mih up the mall' r of eMitbll.ih Ini; n free library hy Impo-lug n mill or a l i'lfuilll lux. The petition wan pi i i nli-d. lii iiiliiK the names of n lliit;e innjiirlty of the citleii'i, lind the null' rriplli.n llet, ihowlng n total of iii-r J r.oo The Itev. Kr. Jlllh-lirand th n mad" a vh'iit Mpeiili In fiivor of c.rautln,'; lie p. ill, oil, pnlntlUK out the i Is ,f a library and public rending room, Rent free Flguren by Secretary Marvin. MIm Marvin, mcretary of the Ore Kon Library mmtiihidoii, j-ave Home e:.llma!en on the running expenii-H of a library. Many towiu, mnaller than Ori'K'Hi City and a food ileal younger, can boii'it of Mieceitiful library under taklliKM. The i"peiiMi-n would Hot eced for the llr'tt year what In now in by way of voluntary mlcicrlptlorm dirt a haifmi'l tax. I'or $SI0 the li brary cinil 1 be run a year, n t count- liter heat, -lc She called llllilitioii to the fact that n- ver yet hat a failure been reported of ii city library under tithing, 'i:"'i tbe city got hack of If. Slu. iho-vcd alo Hint heie piiitlcular ly, where tu many vi.tinjr tieniile lenve wary HiireKuanm aainKi exiravagant iiiananeinelit, mid accord I n to ltd terimi tho city council may never levy more than a 1 mill tax, thoiiKh It may levy leiiH, for tho library fund. W, H. inten laid particular HtreHH on the lack of facllllleM In this city where men Intcreided In municipal inami?ement and organization, could delve Into the knotty problem. He nhowed that tlui mere acqulwltloii In a city library of other city and utate reporlH would be of Incatculahlo value and tend toward better cltl,ennlilp and belter municipal marini;ement In (bin community. In thin particular alone tbe Itiveidmcnt would pay many tllllcH over. Mrn. Kva ICmery I)ye and Father lllllebrand Kpol.e brle.'ly, and Mrn. W. S. IJ'lten made the announcement that varlotm HocleileM Iti the city, exclu hIvd of what appeared on the nub- mm A N ed out all aloriK, Mr. IJrandt addreHHed hln remarkH to the councllmen and arraigned them for winning to put the matter off and not Mhoulder the renpon dblllty of a definite declHlon. "Von ought to have wurage enough to vol' for a public library," declared the Kpeuker vlgoroualy. KnthimiaHtlc applause greeted the remark. "There In no iihu to jKiHtpone and ahovo thin matter off until It l too late to do anything." Councilman llandn then took the floor, backing up the mayor, an did j Councilman .JuHt.ln. The motion to inveatlgat't wan carried hy 7 to ),! Ilrandl. voting agalimt the renolutlon, While the rnemberH of the commit- j lee do not feel particularly encourag- ( ed by the couiicH'h action, and while! the project advocated by th'-m de nerven of better treatment than wiw I accord' d It, renewed effortH will now ! R DAY For out this week UBAR GAIN FRIDAY" Sale this store announces the follow ing sensational offerings: xcrlptlon llHt, had promlMcd to aupport ). ,.),. t convince the committee of! the library financially to an amount no j (n,. advlHabilily of ehiabllHhing a 11-1 Ichh than Jr. per trontli. IiiW lotam , )rary an,i ll i-l them to make a favor- $:i'i0 a year, and would liquidate a very hlgnlficant Item In the running expeiiKcn of the city libmrv. Mayor Cauficld Oppoiei It. ablij report to the council next Wed- j ucHdny. From verbal expreHnlons at Hie polla, Monday, when the McLough- lln fund wan voted on, there hci-rnx to The llnst word of objection thi n ,e little doubt but what a referendum came from the mayor tilinxclf. Mr. vot? on the library proposition would CauhVltl expn-Hed blmnelf an opponed J K0 through by an declnlve a majority to tbe ImpoMlllon of a lax, con;icr- , utl fyu, Mcl,ugh!in matter was de- Ing the city'n flniuiclal condition at the present time, Efen the iron-clad ordinance did not dispel the mayor's fear c-f f;:ure mlHinanageinent and ex travagance, )lo declared hlniHclf in favor of a library we'l enough, but objected to lmp:in!ng any kind of a Kcneral (ax to wupput It. Membern feated. wbonl and iii to work without attend- Iprenent called hta attention to what an lir.; the high M-ho.il, there Pi a Hpeclal need of a public; library to give the Nouni: people of the city an oppor tunity of hetti-tlng them, i-lven nlong eilucat loniil llmi. Antiouncetiii-nt nn mnde liy Hev, llainniond that If the city got back of the movement lir. Carll would donate Insignificant Mini wan ankcd, no inor.) than an increase of 2 centn on $.",eo worth of nsnennable property. He de clared that It would raine the rate jof taxation ( ne foiuth, which wan vlg joromdy disnuted, Judge Hyan j linting out Unit 9 tnllln w -e levied ih.w and j the addition would Klmply and ; eighteenth, not ( nc ipiarter to JL'"U worth of bookn, and other tieonle. iiinler tl. Mim.. coiiiIIiIoik. !,, .il,r,'"'lt '-y- Attention wan called A tgood deal of mlnci'llaneoiiH busl nenn wan di-nponed of by the council at the meeting last evening. The re port of taxen fog, the year wan read and referred to the finance commit tee. The amount does not include a cent of road money from the county this year, ulnce none ban been paid over. The amount of $2211 in due. Tbe ordinance Imposing a 3 mill tax for a permanent road Improve ment fund and 0 mills for the general fund wan read for the second time one and passed, the The report of the committee on the Woman's Italncoatn, only a few remaining in brown and gr'-en . 50 values for $5.95 Comforters, best silkalinc covered, full Kie and filled with good clean cotton, spec ial at $1.23 I!lankets, good size,, gray or tan, special for Friday only at . . .' 58c pair Men's blue, brown and pink Underwear, derby-rib bed shirtn and drawera, all sizes, special for Friday only.. 43c Ladles' ready to wear Street "Hats, prices cut in two, a great line to select from. Special 97c Ladies' and Men's Dress Shoes In straight Lace or Illucher, $2.00 values. Special $1.48 f a t 'o pniMite a place for the young k(.,1 between (no and 500 volumes, nu ll of the city and keep 'hem out of nie einpha'd?e,l the condition In which mhchli f He pointed nut the Innd-jjill the fun-In were subscribed, name UMibHtty of n nliinttu y nssoclai -on j ly, cliy t upervi'don and mammement. of private cltleiiK to conduct the un-J Judge T. F. Uyan, wno bad drawn rtaklng Such ventures have nil fiu-ctni'lii-d to old Father Time and al-j assessment In Sewer I) -trict No. 5, 8o to the mayor' willingness to lm-j wan read, adopted, and the committee pose a McLoughlln lund tax. Why not discharged. The total assessment thin Instead? j equals $2791. The contractor was al- ronnriiimm n,ireen etnresse,! ; so grantedvan extension of time, 30 o Se ii n 0 -1 ui m himself if the kii mo opinion as the tip an ordinance covering the point, . mayor. Ci tincilmnn Knapp then in after brief n tnarl s mi the general ad- produced a motion to appoint a com- died out when the donors bean to j Inability of cxtahlh hlng the library, I mlttee uf three and the mayor to in heie Interest. j,,,,,) (i,,, ordinance he had prcnr..,. vestlgato and report at Its earliest con- It lll i in ii mi. ypypfcii j(iMiipfj hi im "' iitA m U i. ii ,1a. 1 1 t.!lLi. ; t mi k m i ave Yoii Been Asking Yottt self Questions? c f Have you been saying over and over to yourself-4 4 What shall it be?" Day after day hundreds of people ask themselves that pucstion, and day after day it goes un answered. For no' amount of at home imagining; will recall to mind even a small portion of the articles that enter into the consideration and until you have seen OUR stock you will fall far short of knowing the pleasure of choosing from heaped-up values. , our stock answers all questions A visit here will reveal "suitables" to make choosing easy for you. And though Xmas is still three weeks away---it's a pleasurable time to shopno crowds, ample time, and stocks without a dent in them. this Xmas jewelry will be "it" again as usual. Each succeeding Christmas makes greater demands upon us. This year we are ready for the "biggest yet." Have more of everything. And while the variety is just about endless, there is also that daintiness, that charm that is part of every well-chosen jewelry stock. As we hinted be ahead of the crowd. Glad to give you all the time you ask. Glad to lay aside your selections until the eventful day. BURME1STER and ANDRESEN days, to complete hl. contract. The committee on fire and water, at tho advice of Chief McFarland, re ported on the purchase of two new nozzles, which was approved by the council and tho- two articles will be ordered. The Ndef of Police was instructed to Investigate the poolrooms, with particular reference to their being fre quented hy minors and their closing hours. A committee of three and the mayor were delegated to draw up an ordinance covering the que-tion of closing hours and attendance by min ors. Andresen, Logus and Hrandt were appointed f tlraw up the ordi nance. ? LADIES' BOYS' AND MEN'S COMPLETE OUTF TTERS IMPROVED LIGHTING AND POWER SERVICE , The report covering the repair of the Fourth street stops was read and 'accepted and the charges paid, $155. The city's share of the rock exca vation on the hill was paid for, amounting to $150.75. The city pays l"c per yard on C03 cubic yards and the property owners pay the rest. I The assessment cn J. Q. Adams i street against Mr. Nash was read and referred to tho finance committee. The street committee was Instruct ed to notify property owners regard I lug the repair of old and laying down ! new walks on Pleasant avenue, the ! Cross property on 12th street, on l)uano street and on Molalla avenue. , A committee Is to investigate and attempt to secure the dedication of i land for the sidewalk on Molalla av enue. Thero Is some dispute as to i the boundary line, which will have to he settled bedore the work Is be- i a J ! gun. PROMISE OF BETTER THINGS FOR OREGON CITY INSTALLING NEW MOTOR. Says Husband Deserted Her i Pearl W. Smith has sued her hus I Hand Walter E. Smith for divorce on the ground of desertion. They were married in Portland Mny 10, 1905, and she alleges that her husband left her j in May of last year. There are no j property rights involved and no chlld ! ren to be taken care of. Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City Tewelers REBEKAH LODGE RESOLUTIONS. Pansy Ilebekah Lodgo, No. 141, at a recent meeting, passed resolutions of respect for the late Mrs. Jane R. Taylor rnd condolence for the family bereaved by her death. The resolu tlonn are signed by Mrs. Mila Klllen, Mrs. Mary E. Mitts and Estella Cres-well. LOST. HE1KER 2a years old, white with red spots and short pointed horns; has on small bell. Reward for Infor mation. I. F. Zimmerman,' owner, Ilox 37, R. F. D. 5, Sherwood, Oregon, (three miles south of Stafford. 62U The Portland Railway, Light & Power company, the, big corporation that has taken over the Portland Gen eral, the Portland street railway, the 0. W. P. & Ry., reports that p'ans are on foot to greatly increase the light ing and power lacilities enjoyed by the citizens of Oregon City, so that complaints on this score will soon be a thing of the pa.t. , The company is now Installing at Station "B'' and expects to have ready fcr iK.e in a short time, a quan tity of new apparatus, . including a 500 kilowatt mctor generating set for lighting and power purposes at Ore gon City. j This improved equipment will give ; to Oregon City the latest and best type j of lighting facilities, equal in every i respectto thoso furnished to Port-j land. . I This installation means radical and immediate improvement In the light ing of this city, says the company,. and at the same time lurnlsh adequate provision fc r power, making it pos sible to use the new type of induction motors. It will rlso enable the cus tomers of the company to use electric fans, the new high efficiency units of lighting and all modern electrical ap pliances and heating devices. j the city. The amount collected w ith , in the limits is $.'!0S5.41 of which $2211.25 was allowed as a refund and ; the county clerk instructed to draw ( warrants in favor of the city treasur- ! er- t In the matter of the application of i ! residents of district No. 6 for 13 boxes jof powder and assistance to amount ' of $299.75 which is the total of a vol- i untary subscription already offered, for planking the Kelso and Oregon City road, the court ordered the list of subscribers filed with the clerk and when the amounts are collected will furnish the assistance necessary. The application of Henry Grater and others for reducing the road was turned over to the board of road viewers, as was also the application in regard to the new Oak Grove or W. O. Proctor road which the viewers will locate. The plat of the Moss Addition to Sellwood was submitted, approved and ordered filed. Claims aga'nst the county were ex amined, approved and allowed. GREENWOOD NEWS. ROAD TAX REFUND MADE BY COUNTY Commissioners Order Warrants Drawn For Sixty Per Cent or Total of $2211.25. The county court has been in ses sion since Wednesday noon, Judge G. B. Dlmick, and Commissioners T. B. Kill in and John Lewellen being pres ent. Many routine matters have been disposed of so that the court has ad vanced rapidly with the tasks before them at this session. ,One of the important items before the county court was the refund of GO per cent of the 1905 road taxes col lected within the corporate limits of Tommy Thomas came from Port land to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Braker and family, Mr, and Mrs. D. Davies and son of Wardner, Idaho, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomas. Mr. Pease of Mt. Pleasant is put ting up tho new saw mill for the Greenwood Lumber company. It is ex pected to run in a week. Mrs. T. C. Thomas has been sick with rheumatism for several weeks. The Misses Bessie and May Clark entertained a number of frlend3 in a delightful manner at their home, Saturday night. Music and singing was enjoyed and games were played, after which a delicious supper was served. The latter part of the even ing was spent In dancing and taffy pulling. All enjoyed themselves immensely. Long Tennessee Fight. For twenty years W. L. Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness inside my nose was fearful, till I be gan applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this 'caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to return." Best salve in exist ence. 25 cents at Howell & Jones, druggists.