OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1908. 10 STOP TWO RUNAWAY PORTLAND YOUTHS Captured at S. P. Depot by Local Po lice Tiniest One Had A 22. Herbert Martin aped 14 and Chn.-Iei Hunt aged 16 wore apprehended hv Chief of Police Burns and Nightwateh Ed. Shaw just aftor thoy had pur chased tickets for Albany about 8:00 o'clock Monday evening. The t .v i boys had run away from home In Port land, and presumably came down here on iho car and intended to take the vam south. The little lad was anno I ith a small 22-calibor pistol. They were put in the Jus for safekeeping ntil word came from Portland what should be done with them. The Portland authorities telephoned Chief of Police Burns just before eight o'clock to keep a look-out for the boys, and furnished him with a description of the ruifaways. Burns went direct ly to the dejHit with Shaw, and as luck would have it, caught one of them i-i the act of purchasing a ticket for Al bany. The officer let him conclude his purchase and waited for him to join his companion, which he did. putting both of them into the officers' hands. Hunt's mother came up Monday night and took charge of her precious, and Martin was turned over to the tender grasp of his father Tuesday morning. DR. JOHN McLOUGHLIN, FRIEND OF THE PIONEER AND FOUNDER OF OREGON CITY. mm " 1 V ? . ' ' ' i j a. GRAND ARNYPOST ELECTS OFPICERS J. C. Sawyer Is Chosen Commander Delegates to Department Encampment. - . ' . "w-J i .... - :?. I "1 v l ., - . . r How Dr. McLoughlin Appeared in Life. WILL SELECT PRON EIGHTEEN VARIETIES The Slate Ilnitlculluial Hoclely hn authorized Judge T. V. Hynn to mnUe a selection from the IS vnrle(len of treex which liave been Hhlppod to him for the model orchard lo bo Installed ou his place, liisli-ud of putting In all of the IS varieties. DOVER NEWS. Mr. Hews returned to pover'Mon day from Panulngton, where ho went to spend Thanksgiving with his family. (Jrandpa lvshacr tiled last Friday morning. Ills son Joe and James went down to attend the funeral, Word was received Saturday, that Jacob IVShn.er'H wife tiled the name day that IiIh father died, Mr. ami Mis. Woodlo celebrated their silver wedding Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Kellt and children spent the afternoon with the Kit -miller family, Sunday. Mr. Morrison has a new buggy. Harry Morrison wan out and npont the day with hla father, Htinday. Potato digging la about done In thin neighborhood. MULINO MUSINGS. W, A. Woodslde and W, Watlaen made it biiHlsuess trip to Highland last week. Ken Adklim ban completed bin new barn. Mis. l.eo has returned home. Hlie had been working for Mrs, Unnton of Mulalht. Mr. Fisher has returned home again mi. I planted an orchard. j Mrx. Katie White has moved Into j tbo I Inward house, j Mrs, Wallace Is staying w ith her j (laughter, Mis. Fred Woodslde. , F. A. Wood side killed It fox lust week. A. W. t'heney write his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . A, Cheney, from Sun ! Francisco, that they have made pbuis ant visits there with his brothers, I. ! S. and t! It., and are g"l'ig on to 1-os ' Angeles, HOLIDAY GOODS Full HtocU at bargain prlcei. l.adlea' fur top HllpperH 6o Men's Mllppers, 50c, 75c $1.00 New Bureau Scarfs 250 Fur Bonn, 75o $1.00 $,''s DidlH. Be, 10c, 19c, 2!)C 3!ic, BOc. lilovo and Handkerchief Uoxeit m1 2. New Toy, 6c, 10c, 1tc, i"jc, up. pretty Vases, 10c, 12' o, 13:, IUc. Albuinn, 6c, 10c, 2GC, -t'Jc, up. (Sloven, lllbbotis, Haliilkelldilefs, BliK". Thomson's Bargain Store GROCERIES! New Frch UrcMUieil lMMids, Sr- Mimtblc Vrgctubl. . All giecrf ii-K pine and lrip.lt. Tiltpbone y, in d t f goods will '"ic ipiiiklv. Nut I, lite ('.innite and I'tiH'choii Wuic J. E. JACK y ainimniiiiwfri Meade Post No. 2 of the G. A. R. held its regular meeting last night and elected officers and also delegates to the pepartment encampment to be held next June. Resolutions were passed honoring a dead comrade, Patrick Fuge, who died recently. A joint in stallation, with proper ceremonies, wUl be held on the first Monday in January of the officers elected to the G. A. R. positions Monday night and also the officers elected recently in the Women's Relief Corps. The following were chosen: Com mander, J. C. Sawyer; Senior Vice Commander, Daniel Williams; Junior Vice-Commander, H. Blankenship: Chaplain. E. T. Grider; Officer of the day. A. T. Hobble; Quarter Master, G. A. Harding; Sargeant, J. A. Tufts; Officer of the Guard, W. V. Freeman; Delegate to Department encampment. J. M. Taylor, O. L. Clyde. H. Blanken ship. E. T. Grider, Daniel Williams, .1. A. Tufts, and E. Cahill; Alternates, J. A. Roman, y. W. Freeman. Joshua Gorbitt, C. C. Babcock, J. C. Paddock, H. H. Johnson, city surveyor, also left The encampment will be held next June in Newberg. Following is a pen picture of Me I.oughlin from an address by Dr. it. K. Uines of Pendleton, who vtsh.v! Oregon City in is:.:'.: "I was walking up t'ae Main street , that fien ru-tic pioneer l.u.r.iet. '!ieii I sa.v advanc ing toward ii'-" a man of the must ma jestic a:i i venerable mien I ha 1 eu r l-ehe!.'.. Much over six feet in he;.:'n. with t;.e body :.!id '.imbs of an Apo'lo lie'vi.'.ei e, he moved v. ith an easy.: g acej'-il sr;j. t':at revealed the cul tured g'U'.tU '-.'.an as is the sturdy athlef,-. !',. va drt --ed in sol er b'ack. S'.i v. oil fitted as t display s.iji. r; i'-a:ne to the fine-t advantage, liis feet were encased in b-uided nice casins which :! th":n appear a- lieiieate as a well gaiteied wo'iian. Hi long, tlowing hair, white as a bank of sno-.v, :;wcpt the tip of his shoulders, forming a shining, silver ! sitting for his round and ruddy coim ; teti.o'.ce. full of strength V" t full of I beulKtiity. It was a form upon which ; "Very god d:d see:n to S"t liis .seal, to ., . , ,. the wnil 1 a-utra:iee of a man. I s we nv t. mid I w as iii'r . lueed to i-.: by r.:y fo-.tpani.in. wh:t ha J known .ved from lst t lK. an! re-c-iw'd his kindly greeting; with a we-.-.! of ..doe.:,,,' to Oregon, I felt a 'V.tle uiovieg in my heart Inwards t''.o st-oiig and khu!!v maiihoud that ; evidently throbhe.i .-. ; h.n that mag:il I'e cut body." HOME OF DR JOHN MCLOUUMLIN . SOUTH MAIN ST. OREGON CITY. HELPED lilMSELP TO PAIR OP OVERSHOES' L. Erickson from near Clackamas went into the Red Front store about j ll:5u Tuesday and helped himself to : a pair "f overshoes that belonged to ! the proprietor. E. C. Hamilton bad ; his eye peeled for various reasons, j however, and caught him at it. Erick- I son was taken before Justice Stipp by Chief of Police Burns who happened along just at the right time and the ; judge fined him $25 for petty larceny. Erickson secured the necessary money and was released shortly after. ,i ,,c ." v o,n: j fl y ,r t-vT-:; r-1 . iiv.tjl' .ft ii ..f- - f it-- 1 1 - iV- t ' ? " - v s : i " i-,V. !'-"d. I'Tniiii'iui" X'l'n i t "rrrT i ' ' t" ' t hj ',' i 1 1 . I The ahev; picture shows the old home of Oregon City's founder as it was in about 1353. jCity and Vicinity lbout eight lioitrs more further down line waiting for a wrecked freight ain to be cleared out of the way. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Albert Hagstrom to Willis M. Yonce lot 11. blk. 20, Estacada: 350. Frank J. Finger to F. J. Webb-man, lot 13, Wichita. 2 acres; J300. F. J. Wiedeman to Edw. Nelson, lot 13, Wichita, 2 acres; $450. : J. W 'on bus . Andrews of Harlow was here 1 iness, Wednesday. Dr. ('. H. Meissner, who has been on an extended visit In the east in ' Philadelphia, Now York and Chicago, Miss Jcs:-ie Paddock went to Grants ;,, !l(.r(J lie jH taking a post-graduate Pass Wednesday to be gone about ten f,,,rH at tn0 Chicago polyclinic, will days, j return to this city about, the first of January to resume his work here In the. practice of medicine. F. Donahoe of Horing, a prominent E. L. Thompson to Thomas Ross, j saw mill man of that place, transacted Geo. Wills DLC. sec 25 and 20, 1 s-1 E, 7 acres; $1. Thomas Ross to the Public, part of S. Wills DLC sec 23, 2 1. 25, 20", 1 s-1 E; Mutnomah and Clackamas counties. 13. S. Cork to Thomas Darling, .0'2 SE NE sec 31, 1 s-3 E; $2000. John Nelson to W. A. Proctor and Frank Beers, SE SE sec. 3, 2 s-4 E, 40 acres, $900. Henry Ridderbusch to W. A. Proc tor, one acre, sec. 18, 2 8-5 E; $100. C. B. Smith to Abe B. Rhodes, par cel 100 ft. square, SE corner of land sec. Bk. 92, p. 13; $300. Henry N. Johnson to Marie Meinke W half se sec 18, 3 s-5 E; $300. Henry Ridderbusch to Proctor and Beers, timber rights on E half W half NE sec 19 and SW sec 18, 2 s-5 E; $1100. business in the city Thursday. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Stonish are; Charlie Dickey and Curtis Selby are just completing a pretty new hou-;e!a( wiisonville looking after the potato on John Adams street. crop. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moran enter Mrs. Johanna Wagner of Currys ' tained to dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Landing was buying Christmas pres-' Charles Ely and children, Mrs. Match- ents in town, Wednesday. Mrs. R. C. Brenier -will leave for Drain, Friday morning, to Join her husband, who went Monday to ac cept a position with the Dimlck lum ber company. The funeral of Wm. Roche was held at nine o'clock Thursday morning, from the Catholic church, interment in the Catholic cemetery. Henry Miley has returned from a visit with relatives in various pans of Missouri. He left here about the middle of last month, and has been spending his time wth different rela tives in the central, eastern, and northern part of his old state. He reports Missouri mud as juicy as it has always been. No mishaps occur red to the train on his way east, though the trip was made in the very midst of the high floods. A half hour's delay occurred near Pendleton, and ett and Jennie Wlshner. Mrs. J. 15. Faircloiigh went to Se attle, Tuesday, where she will visit , friends until the holidays. 1 John Francis is home from the Ogle mines. Quite a number are enjoying city mail delivery; others will be provided for later on. Will and Harve Everhart brought in a drove of fat cattle, Saturday for Everhart and Hill. These were the best I have seen this fall. Little Mabel Albright has been quite sick again. Mrs, Matchett entertained about 20 of her lady friends, Friday, at a quilt ing. Guessing games were part of the program, and all enjoyed a pleas ant afternoon. The Rosenstein Store and Stock in Possession of Tie UNION I SALVAG ADJUS i mum i : I 4 TO 7:8 AND1 I 1 7 jf r. a STOKE CLOSES) l,nili ,im ii nilp ijiy .mnwiyiHMfPji mi Invoice and appraisement of the goods on hand and all goods now at freight depots and in storage. The affairs of the Rosenstein Store will be adjust ed and all goods, including both the fire damaged goods now in the store and fine Christmas goods will be put On Fire Sale at Fire Sale PRICES Commencing Saturday Morning at 9:30 A. m. December 8; 1906. The stock consists of over Worth of Mens' Youth and Boys' fine Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Fine Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Sox, Neckwear, Mens' Jewelry, Oil and Canvas Clothing, Rubber Boots, Shoes and a complete stock of : Ladies' and Misses' fine Shoes, Umbrellas, Etc. 1 THE MOST MERCILESS SLAUGHTER SALE.OP of fine goods ever known begins Saturday, Dec, 8, at 9:30 a. m,, under authority of The Union Fire Salvage and Adjustment Co. i