"OREGON CtTV-ENTERPRISE-FRIDAY NOVEMBERa,3QlJ.?;5s . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Ot D. EBY," . ATTOENEY-AT-LAW Money loaned," abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business , transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. ... W. S.. U'Ren C. Schuebel j. E Hedges " F. T. Griffith HEDGES & GRIFFITH .V LAWYw --.v 4- Rooms 10-13 Weiiuuw- txuMlng. Opposite Courx O. W. EASTHAM, T-1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW " Collections, Mortgages, Foreclosures, " Abstracts of Title and General Law business. - Office oyer Bank of Oregon City. : U'REN & SCHUEBEL ' ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW -' Deutschep Advokat."""" " Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish ; abstracts of title, lend you money-; on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building. Oregon City, Oregon. FRISCO DESTROYED ! ; FOR ITS SINFULNESS EVANGELIST JONES SO DECLARES IN A SERMON AT BAP- TIST CHURCH. THOS F. RYAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. GEO. C. BROWNILL, ATTORNEY-AT-?-W. , Phone w y ," Office in Caufield Blag., Main and Eighth Strww'i'. C. D. & D. C, LATOURETTE i .: ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our specialties. Office in Commer cial Bank Building, Oregon. City, Oregon. : J . ; ' nfFfQ Phntin 1 1 ni Rpa PhnnA 1772 C. H. DYE, : ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Corner Sixth and .Main Streets, . 'Oregon City, Oregon. "I believe San Francisco was des troyed by God in punishment for its wickedness and as a warning," said Rev, H. Wyse Jones, the evangelist, during his sermon in the Baptist church Sunday night. f Many profess they did not see the hand of God in the destruction of that wicked city, the preacher went on to state, but "I do, just as He destroyed Sodom of old for its wickedness and depravity." Rev. Jones theory, while at vari ance with the scientific explanations offered by Berkeley and Palo Alto pro fessors, is not new and was uttered in the pulpit a number of times short ly after the disaster. Rev. Demaree, of the Presbyterian church of Redding made a similar statement a few weeks after the earthquake. CC-Veil (iboi N ;;y,T icr." just arrivert, Best tra.'.r- of Fruits and vegetables. Frf--!; new currants and raisins just in. AH groceries promptly delivered. Phone us. J. E. JACK PHONE 561. 'x : -. ' r c - . ; ; Choose Your Druggist Carefully ABERNETHY GRANGE PAIR A SUCCESS Large Number of People Attend the Exhibit at Park-place. - ' H. 33. CROSS ' ATTORNEY AT IAW Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Main Street, OREGON CITY D. C. LATOUEETTE, President. F. J. MEYEi?, Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 3100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There was a large attendance at the first annual meeting of Abernethy grange at Parkplace, Saturday, a nice exhibit of fruit and an extensive dis play of fancy work. The quilt on which tickets were sold was awarded to Mrs. Jones, wife of the master of Clackamas grange. The ladies served dinner and that with other things sold brought the proceeds to over $30. Mrs. C. T. Howard of Mulino, State secretary, was present." Mrs. A. M. Brayton was in charge of the fair. SANDY VOTES FOR ROAD ASSESSMENT No Opposition to .Special Tax of $5 on Every $1000 of Property Value: FULL BENEFIT OF PAY-DAY is never yours unless a portion of your wages is put away for future use. Begin now to provide for the "rainy day" that is sure to come when sickness visits your, home or you are thrown out of employ ment. A good way to do this is to open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us and add ' something to it each payday. .Come and see us and we will gladly give you any de . .. sired information. ' A DOLLAR WILL START YOU. ;: C'l-rpy THE BANK OP OREGON tITY Judge G. B. Dimick attended a meeting at Sandy, road district No. 6, Saturday,held for the purpose of levying a special assessment for road improvements. Contrary to general belief that the imposing of a special road-tax would be greeted with strong opposition, no contrary sentiment man ifested itself. The special tax provider for $5.00 on every $1000 of assessable property, Under, this new, method of raising funds a glaring inequality ..will be wiped out. Heretofore, public spirited property owners have contributed in labor, etc., more than the equivalent of a five mill tax, and the large specu lators have derived the benefits of enhanced values. Now everybody con tributes according to the same ratio, Going to Clean Their Orchards.: The farmers and fruit growers around Aurora are going to clean up their orchards. Some have held" back because, as they said, it would do no good for them to- spray if their neigh bors didn't, but since the decision here of the Sell wood-Reid ' case those who favor clean orchards5 will spray and will invoke, the law to see that their neighbors do likewise. ? . ' Careful of Your Property One ' of "the" secrets of - our - success , in the Baggage and. Transfer Business Safes; Pianos and Furniture Moving Phones, Office 1121 U7iHiarie Ri-fte Troncfor ' fn Residence 1833 ; i.. ..... .v. t 524. T Main Street Your Satisfaction is. our Success- J. fc? Smith iHardwareCo: JOth and Main Sts. Oregon City. -. .... . . We arehere with a big line of Hardware, Gro ceries, Graniteware, Tinware, Impiemente, ' '- Wagons'andlBuggies and anything from a pin n s-S.swai J. E. SMITH HARDWARE CO. 1 0th and Main The Busy Corner A Year or Blood. t The year of 1903 will long be re membered in the home of P. N. Tack et, of Alliance,"' Ky., J as a year " of blood ; w-hich flowed so copiously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleed ing "from" the"' lungs and a frightful cough ha,d brought ;me at death's door, -when ' I rbegan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after tak ing jfour bottles I was completely re stored and aa time has proven perma nently cured.?- Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at Howell & Jones' drug store. Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottle free. I DRAPER APPLIES FOR ' POLICE JOB. i Chief of Police Charles E. Burns is in receipt of a letter from Harry Drap er of Spokane, applying for a job on the-local .police force. ; - " Draper ' is the man who, with his bloodhounds, played an important part in the capture of . the notorious mur derer Frank Smith for which part of the- prize money was awarded by the .county, court two days ago. -i- i He evidently appreciates the liberal ity of Clackamas county and is look ing, as " he says, for good fields to work. his blooded animals. He is very desirous of leaving; the part of the country In which he . now is. :- V Mr. Burns informed him that there does not seem to "he an opening id this locality for Draper and his - animals.-! 5 " " V"-J"i- . i ll noia Had a Close Call. ' ."A -dangerous , surgical operation, In volving the removal of maligant ul cer, as large as my hand from my daughter's hip, was prevented i'by . the application of Bucklen's 'Arnica Salve." says A. C. Stickel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persistent use of the Salve completeJv cured it." Cures - puts,. Burns OTVi Injuries 25T at.Howgll & Jones' druggists. For Sale The J. C. McCord farm 1M miles from Oregon City will he sold in tracts to suit purchaser. 10. 20. 30 and 40 acres. -Other farms for sale. Ab- 44 stract of title with each farm sold , CITY TRUST 44 OREGON J 2-3-4 Garde Bldg, t Agent J. A. CO., Cain OrcgonCityShoeStore The only exclusive shoe store in the city - b ine Footwear for Ladies, ientlemen and the - Young Folks lirousse Bros., Props VV. WRIGHT, ngr. Car load of fine Alfalfa Idaho Cattle received by R. PETZOLD. To people desiring to put down beef, it will be sold by the quarter at wholesale prices. This - is . not peddling wagon meat but the same we sell on the block. . MT. HOOD CAFE, M. Justin, Proprietor. ... ... Fine Wines and Liquors, Pool Tables Porter on Draught. Family Rooms. Main and Fifth Streets. A druggist can do more harm or good than most people give him credit for. "- : . ; . There are different qualities in drugs just as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by: the same name. The difference between pure high grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same: name, -means the difference " bvtween keeping sick and getting well. ' ; r - - - - When a doctor writes a prescription he means best quality. When some druggists fill a prescription they think only about big profits, i : . , : i I Every Drop of Medicine that goes in a prescription filled, in this store is per- ... fectly pure. Pure drugs mean a speedy recovery. Poorv drugs mean a relapse. You want the best. Let us fill your prescriptions. We are giving away free, while they last, a 25 cent box of soap with a 25 cent pair of scissors for 25 cents. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists. V' . Special Sale! To make room for our new goods now arriving we are making big reductions on . all dry goods. Great values for little money. Call and see us. G. N JOE MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. A.' Knapp. L A. Nolwl KNAPP & NOBEL DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES r AND LIQUORS Retail Liquor Store - Family, Trade Solicited 714 Main St., bet 7th and 8th Both Phones OREGON CITT CHRISTMAS GIVERS Come to Oregon City Furniture and Holiday Headquarters There is interest and profit for you In every inclof our establishment. No where will the wideawake shopper find such grand assortment of furniture, carpets, toys, etc., especially adapted to the needs of .the Christmas giver as here. Nowhere will you fi nd prices based on a level as uniformly low as here. ' - f j ; y Jl r . ri .1 A 'This house is strong in every feature which helps and protects wir cu tomers.3 It Is strong in character, strong in stocks, and has and will continue to make 1 owest prices without exception. ' ... ' mitm j J ' - '"f'1 3 piece Parlor Suit $20.00. Ladies' Writing Desks Comb.' Book Cases China Closets from from $5 to 20 from $ 12.50 to $40. - $20 to $35. - ' ' T-' I $9.00 Extension Tables, round ana square,! $ j z.U; " regular 1 value.