Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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US s dl eg yi &, s t
Choice Lots
- and-
Improved Property
At Gladstone, Oregon City's finest
suburb. Low fare, six minutes' ride
from city. Prices reasonable.
Eight room house, out buildings
ne acre of land, all cleared and fenc
ed; close to store; fine location. -4
Also other small tracts, ranging
from one to fifteen acres, at reason
able prices.
120 acres, 55 acres clear, 1 acres
of fruit, all kinds, 50 acres heavy fir
saw timber, 7-room house 16x26 and
14x16, barn 26x38, good cellar valued
at $100, granary, blacksmithshop,
wood shed, 11 miles from Oregon
City and 9 miles from Estacada good
well and small stream of water rim
ming through place, free rural deliv
ery, fences all around the place.
$25 per acre,
"The Man Who Makes Property
524 Main St., Oregon City
Results of Co-operation Shown by
Clackamas County Bounty
j Are Going Past
Best Pure
$1.50 Per Gallon
others in proportion
That Hungry Feeling
is something you want and don't want
to lose. We satisfy the "inner man"
with just the sort of good things that
touches the hungry spot.
White Clover Honey, exquisite flavor
15 cents per pound.
Eastern Buckwheat Flour, from the
famous Bickett mills, Penn Yan,
N. Y., 45c for 101b sack.
Sliced Bacon, in glass jars, 30cts.
Mince Meat, Home-made, 21bs for 25c.
Cheese, A car load, just received from
Tillamook, October make.
Daily arrivals, New walnuts, imported
Smyrna Figs, Canned Goods, Fish,
A. Robertson
Phone 411
The 7th St. Grocer.
This Is
One Grocery
Where you can get the right thing at
the right price.
Fine young turkeys dressed in the
country ". . 25c pound.
Young Geese, fat and tender, 15c Tb.
Pacific Coast Cranberries 2 qts for25c
New Navel Oranges 35c dozen.
Fine Lemons and Grape Fruit.
All kinds of Nuts" and Raisins.
Gordon & Dillworth's Plumb Pudding
25c and 50c.
Our Butter is the finest in the market
60c and 65c.
Some Fancy King Apples from foot
hills ...$1.45
Harris Grocery
Full stock at bargain prices.
Ladies' fur top slippers 89c
Men's Slippers, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Linen Bureau Scarfs, .25c
Fur Boas, 75c $1.00 $1.25
Dolls, 5c, 10c, 19c, 25c, up.
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes set 25c
New Toys, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, up.
Pretty Vases, 10c, 12c, I So, 19c.
Albums, 5c, 10c, 25c, 49c, up.
Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Um
brellas. Thomson's Bargain Store
Molalla, Nov. 26. The South Clack
amas Bounty club now has ninety
members. The first f 1.00 membership
fee paid for the scalps of 11 wild ani
mals, was about nine cents per mem
ber for each scalp. If everybody at all
interested in stock, poultry and game
birds, would fall in line, each scalp
would, only cost a few cents each.
Think of one dollar paying for the
killing of twenty or thirty wild animals
that were continually preying on farm
stock. Co-operation throughout the
territory will work wonders.
J. C. Marquam will take you on the
membership roll of the bounty club
for the southern part of the coanty.
C. E. Gorbett will take your name and
dollar for the eastern section, 'hile
Eugene Mitts will more than meet you
half way in explaining the plan of the
club to the western division from
Needy to Pudding river. Any body
else who will take an interest in se
curing members may volunteer their
service and good will to the associa
tion and commonwealth by applying
for membership.
The Government will help those
that try to help themselves; we hope
by cause of this association to demon
strate simple facts of cooperation in
destroying wild animals, thus enabl
ing is to be in a position to ask the
state to come to our aid and assist in
the good work by paving a bounty on
what would be termed the mountain
animals that are destroying inore
game than the hunter. Thus the
South Clackamas County Bounty club
will work an influence beyond its own,
local interest. '
The announcement some time ago
that a model 10-acre fruit orchard
would be installed on Judge Ryan's
place under the direction of the State
horticultural society, has been follow
ed up with a consignment of trees
which arrived Monday afternoon over
the Southern Pacific.
The work of setting out the trees
will be taken up directly under the
personal supervision of Professor
Lewis of Corvallis, District Fruit
Commissioner Reid and County Fruit
Inspector Lewis.
This is the first of the two or three
such tracts to be installed in Clack
amas county, and developments will
be watched with interest all over the
county. The advantages of scientific
culture will be what the authorities
propose to bring home to fruit grow
ers, and if marked improvements re
sult from this experiment a great im
petus to scientific fruit growing will
be given to the industry in this county.
Electrical Workers Announce a
tocol Agreed to By Both
E. W. Hornshuh Thrown 15 Feet By
Delayed Explosion of
E. W. Hornshuh living nine miles
from here, was thrown 15 feet in the
air Saturday morning while clearing
a roadway. Mr. Hornsuh is road
commissioner. He and two other men
were blasting stumps and rocks and
had decided the blast was not going
off, but it did. The other two were
thrown eight feet.
E. W.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Hornshuh, corner Madison and Ninth
street, received a letter, Monday,
from a grand-daughter, stating he is
not severely injured, only sore. The
other two were not hurt at all.
The Portland local of electrical
workers. No. 125, met Monday evening
and announcement was made that an
agreement will shortly be reached be
tween organized labor and the Home
Telephone company which will ter
minate all the unpleasantness that
has existed for some time between
the workers and the new corporation.
Only official sanction from head
quarters is reported to be lacking
now. in the event ot a consummation
of the compromise the work carried
on by the Home company will un
doubtedly advance with more rapid
strides than it has heretofore.
Chance for Clackamas Fruit Growers,
Clackamas fruit growers have a
splendid opportunity to gain renown
and advertise the county by making
exhibits at the meet of the State Hor
ticultural society in Portland, Janu
ary 8, 9, 10. Fifteen fine cups are
offered for the best exhibits of apples,
pears, prunes and nuts. Particulars
as to entries may be had of E. R.
Lake, secretary, Corvallis. Two days
will be devoted to discussion and on
the morning of the 10th there is to
be a demonstration of power spraying
apparatus. Three gasoline outfits and
one compressed air outfit have enter
Warner Grange Meeting.
The meeting of Warner grange at
New Era Saturday was largely at
tended by both members and visitors
and a fine chicken dinner and good
program was enjoyed. The debate on
the spraying question was a lively
one and participated in by Judge
Ryan, George Lazelle, Mrs. Randall,
Messrs. Lewis, Sellwood, McArthur,
Randall, Dick and Frederick. Miss
Eva Smith sang two solos that were
much appreciated.
Made Happy for Life.
Great happiness came into the home
of S. C. Blair, school superintendent
at St. Albans, W. Va., when his little
daughter was restored from the dread
ful complaint he names. He says:
"My little daughter had St. "Vitus'
Dance, which yielded to no treatment
until as a last recourse we tried Elec
tric Bitters and I rejoice to say, three
bottles effected a complete cure."
Quick, sure cure for nervous com
plaints, general debility, female weak
nesses, impoverished blood and malar
ia. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones.
Price 50c.
Pioneer Transfer
and Express Line
Established J 865
Freight and Parcels Delivered
to all Parts of the City, j
Rates Reasonable. f
Ed Barrett of Redland and his hired
help, Will Spencer of Portland, were
the victims of what may prove a very
serious accident Monday afternoon
shortly after dinner. The two were
driving down Fourteenth street with
a load of baled straw, and drove un
der the railroad trestle at a fair clip,
when they were crushed between the
bales and the trestle, the load being
much higher than they calculated.
Both were doubled up, trying to dodge
the trestle with their heads, not think
ing it was as low as it proved, and
both were crushed in their cramped
Barrett was immediately taken to
Dr. Mount's office and his injuries at
tended to. He was unconscious for
some little time, and when he regain
ed consciousness complained of his
back and hip which appear to have
been badly crushed. Just how exten
sive his injuries are is hard to say.
Mr. Barrett's wife is at present con
fined to her bed as the result of a
child born to the family last Saturday.
Spencer was also rendered uncon
scious and was taken to the Electric
Hotel by friends, where he received
medical attention soon after. His
injury is prouounced to be much
worse than Barrett's. His spine seems
to have been struck, and he was
scarcely able to move his head on ac
count of the pains communicated to
his head along the injured spine.
Spencer is a young man something
over 20 and hails from - Portland,
where his parents reside at presfent.
His mother is expected this evening.
Pine Salve Carbolized, acts like a
poultice; highly antisceptic, exten
sively used for Eczema, for chapped
hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by
Huntley Bros.' Drug Store.
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Washings at
Reasonable Rates- -No worry,
no regrets if you phone 204.
Our wagon will call.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. vs.
Amos L. Lovejoy, William R. Lovejoy,
A. Lawrence Hudson, A. C. Gowdy,
and Elizabeth Gowdy, lawful heirs of
Elizabeth . Lovejoy, deceased, 9
To Amos L. Lovejoy and William R.
Lovejoy, of the above named-- de
fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before January 11,
1907, that being the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fail to so appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled Court for the relief prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint, to-wit:
For the foreclosure of that certain
mortgage executed by Elizabeth Love
joy on the 7th day of July; 1903, for
the sum of $180.00, due one year after
date, interest at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum until paid, and which
mortgage conveyed the following des
cribed premises, to-wit:
' The East half of the Northeast
quarter and the Northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of Section
Twenty- seven (27), T. 6 s. R. 2 E. of
the W. M., and for such other and fur
ther relief as the Court may deem
just and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of
the above entitled Court.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is Friday, November
30th, 1906, and the date of the last
publication of this summons is Janu
ary llth, 1907.
51t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
... !" 7"
Your Win
TLi I p: Shoes, Lace Collars,
i A .Bifc Lns siik Gives'
Ladies or Gentlemen will find
their wants filled very satis
factorily at this store. Every
department is complete with
fresh snappy stuff.
Belts, Hosiery; Furs,
Fancy Ribbon, Suits,
i3 fc-
1i . 'iT
m Silk Petticoats, and
zcp; '
'?$$U "IP-Fancy Purses and
rags, waists, OKirts,
Collars, Neckwear
Cuffs, Shirts, White
Vests, Shoes, Hosiery
Gloves, Hats, Hand
kerchiefs, H. S. & M.
Suits, Overcoats, etc. j
Come Today I
j. 3v
Suggestions JEo2
Gift Giving -
Sterling Silver-Silver Plated Ware
Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Jelly
Servers, Pickle Forks, Berry Spoons,
Tea Sets, Fruit Dishes, Cake Baskets,
Not Bowls, Butterdishes, Candlesticks,
Water Bottles, Sugar Bowls, Cream
Jugs, Tumblers, Spoon Trays, Saltsjg!
andPeppers, Vases, Bowls and Nappy.
Cbmolete sets and single pieces in Hav
iland, also fancy pieces in Japanese and
other imported goods.
Burmeister & Andrcsen
Suspension Bridge Corner
The Oregon City Tewelers