Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 30, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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County -Officers, For Six
Months Ending Septem- -bet
30, J906.
of the County Treasurer of Clackamas County, for the six months ending on
the 30th day of September, 1906, of money received and paid out, from whom
received and from what source and on what account paid out.
Special City Fund
Amount on hand last report . V ; . $8957.95
Amount received from Sheriff 1905 taxes ......... i. ... .V ... 741.54
Amount received from sheriff 1904 taxes '. 2.28
" Amount received from sheriff 1903 taxes 1-80
Amount received from sheriff 1899 taxes ..." '. .. 1.80
Total "I".-.. $9705.37
Amount Paid out , . . 8966.76
Balance on hand . . ......$ 738.61
Special School Fund
Amount on hand last report ... $14716.69
Received from sheriff 1905 taxes . . ". . . . . 1961.73
Received from sheriff 1904 taxes 19.73
Received from sheriff 1903 taxes 3.82
Received from sheriff ' 1902 taxes 1.68
Received from sheriff 1899 taxes 1.80
To correct error 2.20
To correct error 2.42
Total $16710.07
Amount paid out ......... 14885.09
Balance on hand $ 1824.98
General Fund
On hand last report $ 2124.87
Amount received 1905 taxes 6062.88
1904' taxes . 154.29
1903 taxes , .. 30.36
1902 taxes 25.94
1900 taxes 6.11
1899 taxes 92.22
1895 taxes 8.13
Fines and Licenses 1302.75
Fees from county clerk 2050.40
Fees from Recorder 1902,25
Fees from Sheriff , 129.85
Transferred from Bridge Fund 7000.00
Sale of old rock crusher ." . 250.00
Refunded by E. Thomas 2.00
Refunded by Geo. Hillard , . . . 2.75
Refunded by Wm. Williams 2.25
Sale of blank deeds and mortgages " 1.45
Damages on account Koellermeier road 40.00
Delinquent taxes from county Clerk 23.80
Total $21212.30
Amount paid out 14769.35
Balance on hand $6442.95
County School Fund
On hand last report $43662.80
Received from taxes 1905 3780.73
1904 42.30
1903 . 6.75
1902 '. . 1 2.18
1900 - .42
1899 - 16.32
1895 ...... : , 1-14
Total $47512.64
Amount paid out on Sup't warrants $32662.00
U """ - Balance on - hand 'T,. ..'.., 1. . $14950.64 .
. Road Fund .
1 Amount on hand last report - $21136.00
' Received from taxes of 1905 . . 4814.35 .
' '1904 39.73
' 1903 ...... '...v 6.08
1902 3.93
- - -1 OArt A O
I .7 1 M 7 ......................... .......... ,1t
1899 i 16.33
: " ' ' ''1895' : r.TV.-. : .V.-.-W. .-. : ; " .61
Refunded. L...... 43.70,
r ' Rent road roller . .' . i . 14.00
Amount paid out on roads
Balance on hand . . . .
.... 24737.03 -
. 1338.13 :
, $ 313.07
. ."'.v 120.00
'....$ 433.07 ,
:. 40.00
Institute Fund
Amount on hand 'last' report . : "7V. :.V". .".v.
Amount received from ;Supt. of Schools
Total . . . . . . t . .
Amount paid out , . .
Balance on hand ...
Indigent Soldier Fund . '
Amount .on hand last report ..$ 15.98
. Transferred" from " county fund'1 'V.'T;"T:".T '.' : I .... ..... ' 100.00
Total . . ". . I ."..',.. .... . 115.98
Amount paid out ........ . ',.." ..1 ' '30.00
. 5.,........$ 393.07
Balance on hand . .-.
Library Fund
Amount on hand last report .
Received .from taxes of 1905 . .
Total .
Amount paid out ..
..$ . 85.98 .
. .$ 781.69
...$ 857.53
. . ' 817.30
. $ 40.23
Balance on hand .... , . ; . . .'. .
STATE OF OKJGOjN, County of Clackamas. ss.,:. -
I, J. C. Paddock, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor
rect statement of amounts,. received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the-,
county treasury of said bounty for the six months ending September 30, 1906.
Witness my hang this 30th day of September, 1906.
County Treasurer.'
SEMI-ANNUAL.. REPORT, of the County Clerk of Clackamas County.
showing the amount of claims allowed by the County Clerk, for what allowed,
amount of warrants drawn and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid
from the first day of April, 1906 to the 30th day of September, 1906.
On what account allowed. Amount of Claims.
County Court e, 4. $ 931.75
Circuit Court 1167.35
The case of Johanna Boe vs. Jens
A. "Boe was taken "up in the circuit
court ' Friday morning. The morning
session and part of the afternoon ses
sion was taken up with the examina
tion of 'witnesses for the plaintiff.
The defendant took""the stand in his
own behalf shortly after the afternoon
session opened. . G. ; B. Dimick repre
sents Mr. Boe and George C. Brownel!
is conducting the case for Mrs, Boe,
The suit is for divorce and $3,000
alimony on the ground of cruel and
inhuman treatment. Mrs. Boe alleges
in her complaint that Mr.-Boe for
ten years past has maltreated and
abused her, that he keeps whiskey in
the barn continually, that at one time
he struck her with a cane. Accord
ing to the testimony this morning she
was reduced'to a nervous wreck and
had to leave home," going to her sister's
place . in Portland. There are four
children; the oldest one, Andrew,. 16
years old, corroborated his mother's
testimony and testified that his father
never did any real work but 'always
"monkied" about the house."1 Dr. Mc
Neary testified to her sound mental
condition, and a sister, Mrs. Reynolds,
testified to her physical condition
when she left her husband a month
or so ago. Mrs. Michaelson, the plain
tiff's mother and Mr. Michaelson, of
Astoria, a brother, were also called
to the witness stand.
The defendant took the stand this
afternoon and told quite a different
story. He alleges that the oldest son
Andrew, is an incorrigible youth and
a mischief maker; that his mother re
gards him as her "pet" and shields
him in all his misconduct, even breed
ing disrespect and disobedience to
their father. His version is that his
wife left home without any indication
of leaving him and that relatives at
Portland worked on her until she took
the steps to get a divorce. . All the
stories of ill-treatment, he maintains,
are dpnjured up in her - imagination
and h"$ insists that she has exhibited
at numerous times symptoms of in
sanity, imagining that somebody . is
trying to kill her.
Mr. Boe is a Scandinavian, and,
though speaking in a somewhat brok
en manner, used good and forcible
language and gestures in recounting
his version of the family squabbles
which were occasioned by the alleged
prodigal son.
400 RAisel) foir
$S00 More Needed Bad Condi
tion of Viola-Clear Creek ;
. V.' .- .. Road. " " ".-..':
Viola, -Nov. 21. The road between
"Viola and Little Clear Creek is in the
worgt condition it has been for many
Miss Lula Miller and J. R. Hamil
ton were married Saturday evening at
the home of the bride's parents, Rev.
Patton performing the ceremony. Their
many friends ish them a happy and
prosperous life. "
James Sevier is delighted with the
donkey engine , which he made from
his threshing engine. He says it
works to perfection. The largest saw
logs are handled without difficulty.
The Viola Sunday school is plan
ning to have a Christmas tree.
Rev. Patton is gathering money to
erect a M. E. church at Highland.
About $400 have been provided; $800
more must be raised in order to build
the house desired.
A Quality Thateottnts
M. J. B COFFEE - Mocha and Java
1 This? is a combination of Javas' fancy mild cof
fees, and Mocha. It's an excellent article. 3 lbs.
for SI OO
."' ;- ' - Phone 126 1
Notice to Would-be Citizens.
Judge McBride in . accordance with
the new naturalization law yesterday
afternoon set the first Tuesday and
every Tuesday thereafter during the
term for the day upon which natural
ization papers may be taken out. The
new law is a good deal more stringent
than the old one and requires a good
deal more red tape. ,
Always Was Sick.
When, a man says he always was
sick troubled with a cough that last
ed all winter what would you think
if he should say he never was sick
since using Ballard's Horehound Syr
up. Such a man exists.
Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver; Colorado,
writes: "For years I was troubled
with a severe cough that would last
all winter. This cough left me in a
miserable condition. I tried Ballard's
Horehound Syrup and have not had a
sick day sinee. That's what it did for
mi." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co.
W. O. W. ELECT R. T.
.The semi-annual election of officers
of the Willamette Falls camp of the
Woodmen of the World was held Fri
day night. A large attendance was a
feature of the meeting. The success
ful candidates were: Clerk, R. T. Bar
bur; council commander, H. E. Stev
ens; banker, E. H. Cooper; advisor,
lieutenant, Mr. a Calkins ; escort, Mr.
Booker; watchman, A. Warner; sen
try, Mr. Gossler. The board of man
agers are I. D. Taylor, elected for the
long term, 18 months, and Elmer
Lankins, elected for . the short term.
Frank Betzel is musician.
' The office of clerk is the most re
sponsible and the. only office to which
a remuneration is attached. Mr. Bar
bur, who was the successful one from
a fairly large field of candidates, is an
old resident of Oregon City, and well-
known and popular both in and out
of Woodmen circles. He is employed
as fireman at the Willamette mills.
Schoolhouse Dedicated.
Superintendent J. C. Zinser has re
turned from the dedication services
of the new schoolhouse at Estacada.
A basket social and a large . miscel
laneous program were the main fea
tures of the dedicatory services.
The Oregon legislature will be asked
this winter to create many new offices
including . a railroad commission,
with three members drawing $5000 a
year each; state board of control with
three members, salary. $2500; two
new supreme court justices, salary
$4500; state bank examiner, $3000;
state auditor, $3000; insurance com
missioner, $3000, and about a dozen
others, salary not specified.
Be Charitable.
to your horses as well as to yourself.
You need not suffer from pains of any
sort your horss need not suffer. Try
a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment
It cures all pains." J. M. Roberts, Bak-
rsfield, Mo., writes: "I have used
your liniment for ten years and find it
to be the best I have ever used for
man or beast." Sold by Huntley Bros
Drug Co.
Good Teeth Means Good Health, Good Digestion and Good Looks
and acknowledged skilL and gentle
ness in handling the most difficult
cases have robbed the dentist's of
fice of its old time terrors. People
entrusting their work to us are sur
prised and delighted at the results
wVi",Vi arill nnf -fnil ' frn enfiefv the
1 " J . J
J?' J ' most exacting. ,
"C " P W aim1 tr lrtfT ThA lea A nlrl
fashioned, method? find no place in
our ofBee. We give the best in
skill and methods and appliances
for a reasonable fee.
If you desire the best possible results for the amount we
charge, you will not be disappointed at this office.
LI DirfFMC Dentist, Weinhard Bid., Phones, City
L. rlLlXClliJ, 1293. Farmers 121.
Classes Now Starting
English, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Shorthand
Start now while others are beginning. Complete
. courses in Day School. Night SchooL 7 to 9 Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday. The opportunity '
for you is now
E. O. Allen, President -Bridge
Corner Oregon City, Oregon
Road Surveys. . . 179.38
Fruit Inspector 56.10
Purchase of road machinery, .,. .2219.60
Outlaw Smith 518.47
Surveyor's Office ,!. .. Vj . . ., ... 133.50"
Total General Fund . . .".$24030.13,
Road Warrants 41522.64 "
; ' i . - Total .......... ' ..$65552.77
i , Amount of Outstanding Warrants . Unpaid. .
Outstanding county warrants on the 30th day of September,- 1906. $53,994.53
Estimated interest accrued thereon 1,800.00
Amount of road warrants outstanding ' .' 18,342.79
Total amount unpaid warrants i ......... ... $74,137.32
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss.
' I. F. W." Greenman, County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, do here
by certily that the foregoing is a true statement of the amounts of claims al
lowed by. the County Court of said county for the six months ending- on the
30th day of ; September, 1906, on what -account the same were allowed,- the
amount of warrants drawn and the amount of warrants unpaid and outstand-
ingj as the same appears upon the' records" in my office and in my custody.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 30th day of Oc
tober, 1906.- .
! County Clerk.
Justice Courts -.... . .
Sheriff's Office
Clerk's - Office .:. . .
Recorder's Office . . .
Treasurer's Office .
Coroner's Office
Sup't. of Schools ic: . .
Assessor's Office . . .
' Tax Department
Tax Rebate . ..r- . . . '.
Current Expense . . i
Courthouse Expense ;
Jail .. . . .". .
County 'Poor' ; -1' . :.
Indigent Soldier
. . 519.60
. .1618.46
. .1333.60
: .1410.00
.. 706.83 i
. . 363.35
.. 719.98
. . 473.85
. . 236.95
. . 574.05
,. 131.99
. 30.00
. 112.62
Bridges 2738.71
Election , .... 4030.86
Printing IT". 'I 242.39
Road Damages . . .J. . . ". VlTr.l;. 7 . n' '600.00 -
Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for Taxes, and MonejT paid to
the County - Treasurer by the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, - for the
six months ending on the 30thday of September" A. D., 1906.
In Coin and Currency
. 1005 taxes and Costs
Cash. 1904 Taxes and
Costs ....
1903 Taxes' and Costs.
1902 and back taxes
Fees by J. R. Shaver. .
Fees by R. B. Beatie . .
Total received
June " July
; Sept.
3358.07 ' 1988.13 1106.88 1568.35 ' 4456.95
- 5.46
i4.7i ;
Total paid Treasurer. .
- 12.20
$5067.59 $3403.37 $2214.53 $1200.29 $1614.98' $4541.75
April May June July Aug. i Sept.
$5067.59 $340.3.37 $2214.53 $1200.29 $1614.98 ,$4541.75
STATE - OP OREGON, County .of Clackamas. ss. . ;
I, R. B. Beatie, Sheriff of said County, do herebycertify that the forego
ing statement for months of July, August and September is correct and true,
and that the books in our possession show the above condition for April, May
and June. , '-
Witness my hand this 2d day of November, A. D. 1906." :
R. B. BEATIE, Sheriff of Clackamas County.
By R. W. BAKER, Deputy. - : - .- y'':'i
from the
moKe a
Our offerings for Thanksgiving are matchless,
gains that will tickle your palate - Money saving values
are beyond comparison. Note a few of them;
Table Linens, bleached and unbleach-
. ed . ..... ..(.24c a yard and up
Turkey red tablecloth 16 cents a yd up
Colored Napkins ....... .....4 cents
Bleached napkins, extra large
... $1.20 per dozen
Space is inadequate to quote our many bargains. A
call will convince you.; '
of financial condition of Clackamas County on the 30th day of September,
1906. ;
Liabilities -
To Warrants outstanding and unpaid .V:. . . . w . . . . T.".'
Estimated interest accrued . . . . . . . .......
' Road Warrants outstanding Vand unpaid . . .'
- Total . . , -i 'f.'-K .". r .'. . . t . .
Resources r - C -..t . 'K.
!By Funds in "hands of Treasurer applicable-to the payment ot
County Warrants . . . '. taSj.-xjfciS. ....'...;
Estimated unpaid current taxes unpaid
Net Indebtedness
. l'Otax'-".-: ii-i"4- t v ; -t'Twi-t .":;-.
... 18,342.79
'.. . i
o .
, .:$r7,781.08
.. 63,335.24
i Corner Main and Seventh you can get
At ' T ; ' ""
o L. Block's
Furniture Store "
dtscount on all Heaters. We must make room
as our Holiday goods are coming in on us so we
are compelled to slaughter all our heaters. Uni
versal Heaters included in this sale.
i 1 nuiifiiiiii;
3 F; O JSAS O '' r V A-K ?.