Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 30, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County
W. E. Frazier, Plaintiff, ' '
Emma E. Frazier, Defendant.
To Emma E. Frazier, , the above
named, defendant: y . A' sj.
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear an
answer the complaint filed against! You are hereby required to appear
"y ou in the above entitled cause on : or j and answer the complaint filed against
before the 22d-day of December, 1906, you in the above entitled suit on or
.that being after the last. day prescrib- j before the 21st" day, of December, A. D.
"Vid in the order for" publication of tMs! 1906, said- date being after the expira
' summons, and if you fail to appear! tlon of six (6) weeks from the first
the said plaintiff will apply to the 1 publication of -the summons and if
court for the relief prayed for in the! you so fail to appear and answer said
1 - .5. -j; j a x l.
ing between you and the plaintiff and
ror such other and further relief as.
.-shall be equitable. '"' ' :" '
This summons ' is " published In the
Oregon City Enterprise' for ' six con-
secutive weeks by order of Hon. G.
B.Dimick; judge of the County Court
of Clackamas county, Oregon, made
the 5th flay of November, 1906, first
publication being oh the 9th day of
November, 1906. . . i -v
527 Chamber of Commerce,
4S-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Rose M. Holden, Plaintiff,
" ' vs. ' :'; .'
James E. Holden, Defendant.
To James E. : Holden, the abova
named defendant: ' ' '
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled cause on or
before the 4th day of December, 1906,
.that being after the last day prescrib
ed in the order for publication of this
summons, and it you tail to appear
the said plaintiff will apply to the
' court for the "relief prayed for in the
complaint, 'to-w' fpry a decree of the
court dissolving the marriage exist
ing between you and the plaintiff and
for such others and further relief; as
shall be equitable. ' " '"" '
This summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise for six con
secutive weeks by order of Hon. G.
B. Dimick, judge of the County Court
of Clackamas county, Oregon, made
the ICth day of October, 1906, first
publication being on the 19th day of
October, 1906. .
DENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
45t7. 'v
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Nellie Mullen, Plaintiff,
vs. -
"William Mullen, Defendant.
To William Mullen, defendant above
named :
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 21st day of December, A. D
1906, said date being after the expira
tion of six (6) weeks from the first
publication of the summons and if
you so fail to appear and answer said
complaint for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in the complaint, to
wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, on the ground
of desertion and for such other relief
as may be just and meet in equity.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of'
the above entitled court, which order j
was made and entered on the 7th day
of November, A. D., 1906, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is six (6) weeks; date of the first
publication is November 9th, 1906,
and the date of the last publication,
December 14th, 1906
48t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
421-4 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State ct
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. , ....
Charles Evans, Plaintiff,!
Angeline Evans, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, You, Angeline Evans, are here
by required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against ' you herein
on or before Thursday the 27th day of
December, 1906r;saidl date -being "six
weeks from the' first -publication . of
summons herein, . and, t if 1 you fail i to
appear or . answer, the plaintiff will
apply to .the courWor. the rejief prayed
for in the. compJamtrbn file herein,, to
wit: For a decree dissolving, the bonds
of maltriniony ; now e existing . between
the plaintiff., and j defendant- upon the
ground ' of acts' 1 of extreme cruelty
committed: by, the -defendant against
the plaintiff, " and 'for such other - -belief
as may be equitable.
This summons is served upon ,,you
by publishing for' nbtiiess j than Six
successive weeks in the "Oregon City
Enterprise,' published' in - the ; County
of Clackamas and the State of Oregon
and by order of Honorable Thomas
A. McBride,, judge , of the above, .en
titled court," which order is r dated Oc
tober 29th, '1906'; ba !:,-rj-o?. j :5o ,
The date? . of : the . first . publication
hereof is. Friday," the J9th; day ' of 'No
vember, i906, and the iJate ot the; last
publication is Friday, the 21st day of
December, 1906. -
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
508-511 Columbia Bldg., Portland, Or.
48 t7
In the "Circuit Court of "the State; of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Irene , McKinnon, Plaintiff, .
vs. -
j A. C-. McKinnon, Defendant. , f.
To A. C. McKinnon, defendant above
named;:; '.'?'$ Y- 'u!'
d?5" -In- the name of the State of Oregon:
! T t -,. V,r,.f t.L: .'ti
on America by foreign visitors
lief : prayed for . in the complaint, to-
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and 'defendant; on the ground
i of cruel and inhuman treatment and
i for such other relief as may be just
and meet in equity.
This "summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A.; McBride, judge of
the above" entitled court, which order
was made and entered on the 7th day
of November, A. D., 1906, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is six (6) weeks; date of the first
publication is November 9th, 1906
and the date of the last publication,
December 14th, 1906.
4S-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
421-4 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for- Clackamas County:,
Tony Arnaud, Plaintiff,
l ' VS. -
Rose Arnaud, Defendant. ...
To Rose Arnaud,. defendant above
la the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you m the above entitled suit on or
before the 21st day of December, A: D.
1906, said date being. after the expira
tion., ot; six (0) weeks from the first
publication of the ? summons and - if
you so fail to appear and answer said
complaint for want thereof the plain
tiff wilf apply to the Court for the re
lief " prayed, for - in the complaint, to-
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, on the ground
of desertion and for such other relief
as may be just and meet in equity.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of
the above entitled court, which order
.vas made and entered on the 7th day
of November, A. D., 1906, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is six (6) weeks; date of the first
publication is November 9th, 1906,
and the date of the last publication,
December 14th, 1906. .
4S-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff
421-4 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore
In the Circuit Court of. the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Birgitte Christensen, - Plaintiff, ,
Christian Christensen, Defendant.
To Christian Christensen, Defend
ant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause, on or before Saturday, the 29th
day of December, 1906, that . being
the date fixed for such appearance or
answer by the Court in the order for
publication of this summons, and if
you fail so to appear or answer, plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint, to-
wit: For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem meet and just.
This summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise not less than
once a week for six consecutive
weeks prior to said .29th day of De
cember, 1906, ! by order of the Hon.
Thos. A. McBride, judge of said Court,
made and entered on the 6th day of
November, A. D. 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First insertion November 9, 1906. ;
Last insertion December 27, 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
. Oregon, for .Clackamas County.
Harry S. Green, Plaintiff,
Frances F. Green, Detendant.
Trr Frances F.- Green, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon;
You are hereby required to appear
and answer, the complaint of the plain
tiff filed against you in the above en
titled court and cause on or before
the ith day of December, 1906, that
being; the. date fixed for such appear
ance and answer by the Court in the
order for publication of this summons,
and; if you fail so to appear -and ans
wer '"plaintiff -will "apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the com-
.'plaint, -.to-wit; - A; decree- iof divorce
from you upon the ground of deser
tion; arid, for such .other and further
relief as may seem just and equitable.
j This Summons is s published in the
Oregon City Enterprise, once a week
for six consecutive-' "weeks prior to
said 24th iday iof ) December, 1906, by
order ,; of the above entitled court
made ' a,nd . entered -on L the 6th day of
November, 1906, ,Hon.. ..T.. A. McBride,
Judge; presiding Jii;i ,
.ortrj mi .i Attorney ;f or the Plaintiff.
First publication jNov. 9th, 1906. 48t7
iiiii J. i U. "CAMPBELL,
Oregon - City, ------ Oregon.
Will practice in all courts of the state
Office in Caufield Building.
0- ----------- -----------Q
1 rv . . . 1
i -Mc inna n nr iirepnn "i
ii : "Tr;;
o ----- - .....---- -
Thisl gradual nandebnthuuous";pro-i
gress--of - the Europeaflx ii'itce -uU titH I
the. Rocky, Mountains has,the .solemn-;
ityiof a; providential event f, it, is" like
a deluge of men "rising anabatedlv'an'Hi
daily driven onward by the hand of
God. DeTocqueville.
f i De :TocqueviIle3 wasi any fib.esvant
Frenchman who visited America three-;
quarters of a century, ago," ana ,. iote
a book of his travels and impressions
of democracy one of the two or three
wl U1
that will - live. :. The foregoing quota
tion from his booki is appropriately
used by-Mrs. Eva Emery. Dye prefac
ing, as it were, her own foreword in
her latest book, McDonald of Oregon.
We say. appropriately because . in a
book that is of great merit as a story,
as an historical romance, as a picture aid's boyhood gives . the story ; of old
of old Oregon in the time of the fur ! Oregon l before the . "Boston men"
traders, and a book containing the be- came. -During his stay at Vancouver
fore unwritten but deeply interesting , there came a party of Japanese, , whose
and dramatic account of the adven- ; typhoon-swept junk had been cast on
tures of the young hero who penetrat- l the coast near Flattery.. The coming
ed the seclusion of old Japan and made of : these little strangers made an in
possible the success of the Perry ex- effaceable impression on ,the boyish
pedition the chapter that is being Ranald, and years after when a clerk
quoted by the papers all over the in a bank . in Elgin, Canada, he be-
country we say in a volume ; with so
many merits, the greatest art is found
in "Book II Beyond the Border,','
where she tells of the- crossing of the
plains and mountains- by the pioneers
of '43 and '44. Everyone has read
the story of the emigrants, of their
toilsome march, privation and suffer
ing, attacks by hostile savages and
the obstacles of no less hostile nature.
It has . been written by hundreds of
writers of moreor less renown, but
no one has felt the weariness of the
desert, endured the heat, cold, hung
er or thirst, or seen day by day the
brave men and women die from pestil
ence or murderous Indians unless he
or she actually made the trip or has
read Book II of McDonald of Oregon.
It is ; a national prose epic of a sol-
! emn, providential event in American
historythe chief fact in the first
century of national life. -
Like in the epics of the Greeks, 'Mrs.
Dye acquaints us 'with'Jhe actors in
her drama before they they are trans
formed into heroes an heroines by
suffering or danger; gives us a picture
of them in their peaceful, humble
homes in Missouri, Kentucky and In
diana. There are real life scenes and
the names are an honor roll of the
Willamette Valley pioneers. Love ro
mances are started back in the old
homes that wind in and out like a
skein of gold, in the story of crossing
and culminate during the titian strug
gle that wrested the primeval wilder
ness from the mighty grasp of nature.
The Sagars,. Watts, Gilliams, Cur
rys, , Boones, Simmonses, Mintos,
Reeses, Morrisons, Clarks, Shaws,
Bowmans, Thorntons and scores of
others, familiar names here today,
take hold ,on the reader like one's
"own folks," and you only "regret that
the covers of one small book could not
encompass the complete story of each
family's fortune or misfortune down
to the present day. . r
Words of praise cannot give a true
conception of these chapters. They
must be read and read with a know
ledge of the causes and results of the
great migration of which these people
!ormei a part.
Buv tnere are glimpses flashlight
pictures in words of the beginnings
of Oregon City and the- openings of
the roads -("over Mount Hood," chap
ter for instance) leading to this haven
for the men and women of '44, that
make the reader pause and wish the
exposure to the light had been longer.
The greeting of the kindly, white
haired Dr. McLoughlin and his timely
succor to the march-impoverished em
igrants, will cause a deeper regard
for his memory and a more keen de
sire that his bid home be preserved
both out of reverence to him and for
the sake of Oregon:
The discovery of gold in Califor
nia, the rush of Americans to this
coast and the final abandonment of
the Columbia by the Hudson Bay com
pany fittingly close this winning of
Oregon. Douglas closes the factor's
house at Ft. Vancouver on the Colum
bia and goes to Vancouver Island,
while all the old feudal territory of
the lordly company, is humming with
the life of new democracy: "Mexican
doubloons were flying everywhere,
building up the brisk trade of the
coast. Where of old two or three
ships a year had entered the Colum
bia now fifty arrived in '49. At Port
land twenty vessels stood waiting at
once . for" cargoes; and Oregon ' flour
taken down to California and sold for
one hundred dollars a barrel. " But
ter, eggs, and vegetables were worth
their weight in gold. Packed in moss
like jewels, apples from Luelling's in
fant orchard brought from two to five
dollars apiece in San Francisco,
and two years later the sturdy nurs
ery man Who had hauled his sprouts
across the plains gave Oregon her
fame as the 'Land of . Big Red Ap
ples:'" ' " ' , '' .
Rut what of the hero of the' book,"
Ranald McDonald? Bo'rn at Fort
George on a stormy night of February,
1824,, his mother,, daughter of old
King Cumcumly, died as he came into
the world. His father Archibald Mc
Donald, a shrewd, and faithful servant
of the company, married again, a white
woman this time, , and by her, ".had a
numerous family, one of , whom,, Ben,
is living today, in Montana. Archi
bald McDonald left Astoria , after the
death of his Indian wife, the Princess
Sunday, and the baby Ranald was tak
en care of in his grandfather's cabin,
until . the father married a,gain and
then Ranald was reared with his , half
brothers and sisters in the. various
posts wThere Archibald was stationed.
Ranald never, knew until late, in life
of the, Indian blood in his veins.
Graphic , pictures of the fur traders'
and their, lonely . lives ; are given, of
Simpson's wonderful , record-breaking
journey from York on Hudson Bay to
the Pacific; of the old, old days at Fort
Vancouver, when the good Dr. : Mc
Loughlin ruled over an empire great
er than that which won independence
from King George. The story of Ran-
came imbued with a . great, desire to
visit Japan, although it was supposed
to be certain death for the foreigner
who landed on the shores of the . Is
land empire. In 1S45. the Oresrvn ',
boundary question was . settled., and.
as grandson and next in kin to the
late King Cumcumly,. of the Chinooks,
he was . entitled to a handsome . in-
heritance, but he chose, : instead, to
carry s out his cherished " plans and
break into Japan. Journeying to, New
York City, he shipped before the mast ;
on board the whaler Plymouth, Cap- '
tain Edwards, ; master. EdwardS5 was
short of hands and agreed to McDon
ald's stipulation that he shou'd sell
him a small boat and. a.low him to
leave the ship off the coast of Japan. ;
The daring young navigator scuttled
his little sloop when in sight' of-one
of the islands,-and determined to place
himself at the mercies of the Japan- '
ese as a ship-wrecked sailor. T
Ranald's adventures in Japan and 1
the opening of that country by the j
Perry expedition form the third part
of Mrs. Dye's book. It was one of
Ranald's old pupils who was interpre
ter during the negotiations, by the
Commodore. Space will not permit
adequate description , of this longest '
and most quoted book of the four that
comprise the volume. It is the su'oject
of review and praise by all writers,
and is never laid down by the reader
until finished.
' The later emigration to the Oregon
Country.the founding of Seattle, the
Indian wars led by Kamiakin and Pio
piomoxmox, and hundreds of interest
ing and thrilling incidents are told in
Book IV. Of course, the main story,
the winning of the Oregon country
from first the British, then from the
Indians, and from first to last from the
gigantic forests, ends happily as we
who live in this prosperous and 1 avow
ed land well know. But the striving
and fighting, the heroic deeds of the
Stevenses and Currys, of JJargsret ci
Walla Walla and of Catherine May
nard form' a series of . pictures that
hold the interest of the reader to trie
conclusion, when the sons and daugh
ters of the pioneers of '44 are them
selves rearing sons and daughters,
fruits of those love stories begun be
fore the plains were crossed": wiieo
the Indians are tamed and our own
Pioneer Expressman of today,, Clark
Greenman, was teaching the red i.ien
farming; when Ranald returns to his
boyhood homes and- gets the .mitten
from ; his beautiful ' cousin; Christine
McDonald.- He spent his last days at
Fort Colville, which his father found
ed as a Hudson 'Bay post, and died
there in 1894.
- Mrs. Dye has-written- a s-trong book
one that is greater and yet is com
panion to "The Conquest," and "Mc
Loughlin and Old Oregon." The three
form a triology of historical romance
on the settlement of the Pacific North
west, that can fairly be. compared to
Sienkiewicz'. famous triology on the
Polish wars 'of the middle of the Sev.
enteenth century "With Fire and
Sword," "The Deluge"., and "Pan
Michael." ' ' ' ' ' ' ; "
McDonald of Oregon" is publish
ed by A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago,
and contains six illustrations by
Walter J. Enright. -. : ,, ;
Make Huntley Bros. Prove What Pep
sikola Tablets Do For Indigestion.
ic stands to reason that Huntley
Bros, would not come right out in
these ' columns year after year ' and
ask you to try ' Pepsikola tablets for
indigestion if they were not pretty
sure you would receive decided bene-
fit.'i " . "" ''-. ; -
You can see that for yourself; -"
The remedy fails to cure every
case; of course, but they always pay
your quarter back, should the tablets
fair to do good. ' -;
Life is too short for misrepresenta
tion in matters of this kind, and for
the small profit Huntley Bros.- make
on. - a. 25 : cent.5.package ; it, would be
mighty jpoors judgemnt ,to induce .you
to, make a trip to this , store and then
sell you something that would disap
point you. . .
1 "If 'troubled' 3 with " sour 3 iJstoniach,
heart burn," ; wind Jfbelching,: coated
l-tongue loss -of -appetitew.eakened en,- j
energy, steady your nerves, improve
ing or.other stomach trouble just .try
inn m is -i-- w-w so bpi i
S3! "-C
Pepsikola tablets on our say. so: OurKig residence, 269 Porter : street, Port-
woTd'-'for, it, they will buildjup yourt
yrr-n of an r! irvmnr " nftrvfs:'; i m nrnvfi
your appetite, enrich your biood and
put new life in your stomach as sure
as this world.
' ' '
flo Prizes- Kb Coujsons
t , iJo Crockepy ' :
Never Sold in BvFZ
l,..2,i2y2 .and. 5j
Pound Tins Only
. Folger & Co;
San Francisco
Charm of a Clear Complexion.
Every one. who wants a good
healthy color,' a' ruddy1 glow; arid' t
complexion f reei from ' pimples anc
moth spots should try Laxakola tab
lets, mild, safe, sure, prepared fron
vegetable laxatives with a selective
action upon the skin. 25 cents. Hunt
ley Bros.. Co, . .. '. . " ..'.,. , . -
' Hay, ' grain, flour and feed of all
kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at
. tne right price. ,
" V ' ' '. 44tf
';.. -. . " -
When you. want your . horses well
taken cara of. stoD at the Farmers'
Feed Barn.
cent, . Farm security. U'Ren &
Schuebel. ' ' '
WantedGentleman - or lady with
good reference to travel by rail or
' with rig, for a firm of $250,000.00
capital. Salary $1,072 per year and
expenses. Salary paid weekly and
expenses -advanced. Address - with
- stamp. Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon
City, Ore. - Dec. 21
FOR SALE OR RENT My - farm of
102 acres, half mile from Marquam,
Oregon. About "45 acres in cultiva
tion, besides the pasture. In eood
condition for a crop. House, barn and
r01,t-buildmgs; half mile from village
of Marquam, half mile from good
school, church, two stores, blacksmith
shop, postoffice; 6 miles from railroad.
For further particulars address, A. B.
Marquam, Tiller, Or. ' 50-t2
When you require an Abstract of Titl
to lands in Clackamas County, have
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a" responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite, you to-ex
' amine our complete set of Abstract
Books. '
608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
-tfiriv to loan ou Clackamas County
Property. . , .
Justice of the Peace. -
fff ice 1n Jagger Building; Oregon City.
Seventh- Street, neap Depot. .
:Trt-at Britain and America. '
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.
JOHN W. THOMAS, pentisl
Private Money to Loan
I have private parties with the fol
lowing amounts to loan on real estate:
Parties Amount. - . Time.
1 $3000.00 .. .. 5 to 10. years
1 $4500.00 3 to 5 years
2 $3500.00 .: 1 to 3 years
5 $1500.00 5 years
8 " $ 500.00 T to 3 years
15 $ 300.00 .? 2 to 4 years
25 $ 100.00, ... . ... :.
$ 200.00 ' 1 to 1 5 years
Interest at 6 per cent and your own
time for repayment, i - ; '
Also a little Chattel money at 8 per
cent. . . ... ,
Will buy notes and mortgages.
Also own Oregon City property' to
trade for country land. . ' -
Will look up titles , to land free if
trade is made.
Own 3 lots, house,'' barn and chicken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
installments.- - f::-.: . - ,f
No real estate agent to interfere.
If interested" call, write or phone, .t ,
Attorney-at-Law.. '' i
Stevens Building. ; k ; Oregon City,
... -. : Oregon.
" Administrator's Notice. - ' "
Notice is hereby given that the uh:
dersigned has been appointed by ; the
County Court- of . Clackamas County",
Oregon, ; as administrator . of the es
tate of Mahala Hanson, deceased.
All persons having claims against"
snt f, !Ramfi . ,. ' ,mrt(,rBimJ' at
land, within six months from." tMs :
date. :.,J , , ... p '' 1
Administrator of the Estate of Mahala
t r .., ,
Dated Nov. 9th; 1906.
Abstracts of Property Furnished. ,
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
, SUMMONS.. .. . .
In the-Circuit Court or the IState of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
May Jacobs, -Plaintiff. ,
-. .'. t - . i a . . & i--?s. --.c c
rji;"'' VS.' :- i . 1 ,- k i ':
Elias M. "Jacobs, Defendant.
To Elias M. Jacobs, the above named
defendant:-; - - :' -Insthe
name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby , required" to appear
and answer the complaint filed'against
you. in the above entitled court and
cause at or before the expiration of
six weeks from the date of first pub
lication ,of , thisi notice, and.-if. yous fail
to "do so the plaintiff, wills-appiy1 d the
court for the relief prayed for in said
complaint, to-wit: a decree dissolving
the bonds.. of matrimony .existing be
tween you and plaintiff andi restoring
to plaintiff her maiden - name, May
Chenewortlu "r This .summons is pub
lished pursuant to order of . Hon T.
A. McBride; judge" of said' Court, made
November 5, 1906, directing that this
notice be published not less that once
a week for six consecutive weeks in
the Oregon City-Enterprise. H The date
of the first publication of this notice
is November 9, 1906. ' : -J :
48-t7 Attorney for Plaiitiff
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of bwen'J. Roberts'; "deceased; has filed
in :) the county Court of , - Clackamas
County'; Oregon', her final account as
,such administratrix of said estate,
and that Monday, the 24th day of De
cember, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, has been fixed as the
time for hearing objections to ' said
account and the settlement thereof.
50t5 - ;. - .Administratrix.
; .''"'. J.
Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real
;:i - Property. ;
In the matter of the Estate. of John
Kennedy, - deceased: ... .,
Notice is hereby given .that pursu
ant to an order of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for: Clacka
mas County, made and entered on the
6th day of November, 1905, I will on
the 14th day of December, 1906, pro
ceed to sell at public auction, subject
to the confirmation: of Court at the
front door of the courthouse of said
Clackamas .. caunty Oregon,, .the ..fol
lowing described real property of said
estate, and all the right, title and in
terest -which -the -said -John-Kennedy
had therein, at the time, of .his death,
to-wit:--.1-'- hifti'i ;
The southeast , quarter of south-east
quarter? of section 27, fin township One
south, range 4 east of the Willamette
meridian,1 containing 40 acres in said
Clackamas , county; Oregon. :
The terms of said sale are as fol
lows: The ' entire purchase ' price is
to be paid in cash. ;
Administrator of the estate of John
Kennedy, deceased, -i ,
Dated November 9, 1906. ' 48-t6
- Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given-that -the un
dersigned administratrix of the es
tate of William Fr Edwards,- deceased,
has filed in the county court of Clack
amas county, State of Oregon, her
final report "and account as such ad
ministratrix," and 'that Monday, De
cember 10; 1906, at 10 -o'clock a:"m.; at
the County court house; at Oregon
City," Clackamas County Oregon,- has
been appointed as the time and place
by said Court for hearing and deter
mining any and all objections to said
By Geo. C- Brownell, Attorney for
Administratrix.""" ","""''"47-t6
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas , County for a li
cense to sell spirituous, malt and vin
ous liquors for the period of 6 months
from the- 2d day of January, 1907, at
10 o clock a. m., and that we will pre
sent the following, petition to said
Court on said day for said license.
Dated November 12, 1906.
' : 1 , - Petitioner.
,; i7 Petition. .i:,
To the Honorable County Court of
. .Clackamas County: ,,, ,, ...
We, the undersigned, residents and
legal voters of Boring Precinct, - in
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
hereby, respectfully petition your hon
orable body to grant to T. M. Allison
a license for the period of 6 months
from the 2d day of January, 1907, to
sell spirituous, malt and vinuous liqu
ors, in less quantities than one gallon
in the town of Boring, Boring precinct,
State-of Oregon. . ..
D. J. Ilite, S. E. Card, F. M. Morgan,
Bert Hollis, W. H. Card, Wm. Heder
mann, John , Musa, D. Hedermoenn,
H. Anderson, O, D. Roe- C. Lake, C.
Palmer, E. Ellsworth, J. J. Timmer
man," C: A. Wheeler, U. Be megger,
Frank Irvin, Joseph Borde, Chas. Gro
shong, ;Chas Pfyffer, . L. O. Cornett,
W. , P. , Brehm, A. H. Barber, C. G.
Evans, J. C. Sutherland, Fred Bullock,
J. Smith, C.'R. ; White," L.1-D. O'Neil.
i- . ., - - 49-t5
Appointment Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Julia S. Hall, has been ap
pointed by the Hnorable County Court
of Clackamas county, Oregon, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Albert D. Hall,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to. present the same for payment with
proper vouchers at the office of Gordon
E. Hayes, Stevens 'building, Oregon
City, Oregon, within" six months from
the date of- this notice. -
Dated November 15th, 1906. "
-' f JULIA S.. HALL,
Admiflistratrix ioi the -estate of Albert
D. Hall, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Estate.
. 49 t5