OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. My Hair Ban Ajjoau Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you ! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home ! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over ci3C7 sea " THIEF TAKES ALASKA I CHRISTMAS MONEY A 5U- trv J. C. A7Pr Oo.. J AAao manufacture SARSA - yers JJ.VY STIPP ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City H ELLO ! 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire ir Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering ' 2,250 towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harduigfs Drusr Store WffiSCl j i pi ' v rT Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now all over the World. For sale by E. MATTHIES. Drying1 preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, CG Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Kasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Dement' s Best Flos MADE FROM HARD WHEAT. Takes Purse Containing Cash From Alaska to Purchase Gifts. Sent A purse containing valuable papers and ?22 in money, sent all the way from Alaska to buy Christmas pres ents, was stolen from off the dining table in the home of Mary Adelle Case of Falls "View, one morning last Case placed the purse there to have it handy to give the money to her brother Charles who was to buy the presents. He came down in a few minutes and the loss of the pock et book was discovered. Another purse belonging to Mrs. Case and lying on the table, was not touched. There is no clue to the thief, who is supposed to be a tramp. A door opened into the dining room from off the porch. The $22 was sent by Miss Case's sister who lives at Haines, Alaska, with instructions to buy Christmas presents and send to her in that far off land. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Some of Pat Murphy's sheep were killed and injured by dogs last week near Sunnyside. The dogs were not caught. Harry Feathers also had one killed by dogs recently. He saw the dog but did not kill it. Mrs. Alice Deardorff is on the sick list. Dr. Hickman was out to see her Monday and pronounced the illness to be caused by a liver and kidney trouble. Tom Keyes is again in the neigh borhood for .a short time. Charles Hunter, wife and daughter were making a Short visit at his fath er's last week. " Will Donley has been rather under the weather for a week. Hunters were around doing lots of shooting, Sunday in spite of the rain. Mrs. Lillian Hunter spent several days in and around Portland the last of the week. EAGLE CREEK NOTES. More rain than needed. Potato dig ging at a stand still because of it. J. T. Brown's house has been paint ed, making quite an improvement to the looks of his place. School commenced in district -No. 50 on the 5th of this month with Miss Bessie Chittenden as teacher. J. P. Woodle dug about 50 acres of potatoes this year. The Sellwood Mill company has the frame for the roof of their mill nearly ready. When all is completed it will have a very nice mill which will be hvidy for the farmers who wish lumber. I understand that Thomas Pankey has sold his farm to Herman Horger and that he will .perhaps move to southern Oregon. Grover Douglas is improving rap idly in health. The Linderman saw mill is running full blast, and gives employment for a large number of hands. The O. W. P. is placing the poles m place for the wire line to Portland which I understand is to be in opera tion soon. "SPED (01 LIFE" That's what a prominent druggist said of Scot't's Emulsion a short time ago. Asa rule we don't" use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it- does through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. We will send you a sample free. He sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of erery bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & B0WRE demists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c and $1; all drufgfets. Funeral of Mrs. Elmer Wright. The funeral of Mrs. Nanna Paddock Wright of Grants Pass, notice of whose death was in yesterday's Star, is be ing held Thursday afternoon at the old home of her parents, County Treas amas, Rev. W. B.. Moore, officiating, ure'r and Mrs. J. C. Paddock at Clack The body arrived at Oregon City Thursday morning, accompanied by the bereaved young husband. It was taken to the Paddock home in Glad stone so the mother, who is ill, could have a last look at the loved face of her daughter. From there the funeral cortege went on to Clackamas. The deceased wasy about 30 years of age and a graduate of the University of Oregon. She leaves many friends be sides relatives to mourn her untimely death. 11 I f V A care guaranteed if you use - PILES BDZ- Suppository Graded Schools, Statesrille, X. C, writes: ' I can say they do all joa claim for them." Dr. S. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., 'writes ; " They giro universal satis faction." Dr. H. D. McGliL, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: " In a practice of 33 years, I have found no remedy to eqnal yours." Fhick, 60 Cents, Samples Free. Sold by Druggists. 'MARTM RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Call for Free Sample. Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. The John J. Fulton Co. of San Fran Cisco, First in the World to An nounce the Cure and present i Definite Percentage of Recoveries (87 per cent) and Give Out Lists of the Cured. ;-lAt.. - . --w - -a ? . 3 Ur, mills EhA " Walla walla - f WASHINGTON v mil There's No Reason why your baby should be thin, and fretful during the night. Worms are the cause of thin, sickly babies. It is natural that a healthy-baby should be fat and sleep well. If your baby does not retain its food, don't experi ment with colic cures and other medi cine, but try a bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge, and you will soon see your baby have color and laugh as it should. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Ben McDonald Writes. Here are some of the San Francisco recov eries. All of them were declared by phjsicians to be incurably' 111 with Bright's Disease or Diabetes: N. W. Spaulding, President Spaulding Saw Co.; Adolph Weske, founder Cal. Cracker Co.; Carl D. Zelle, pioneer druggist; Chaa. Engelke, editor San Jtancisco Journal; K. M- Wood, editor Spirit Hevlew; Edward Short, of the Call; C. A. Newton, yardmaster S. P. Co. (Sacramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repelier; Mrs. M. Empey, 30 Steiner St.; Mrs. S. E. Cline, 1737 Broadway; Mrs. P. Goyhenelx, 928 Fillmore St. (tapped 38 times); R. C. Pell, Manager Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.; F. J. Bach elder, Paciflo Coast Agt. Seth Thomas Clock Co.; E.B. Cutler, Attorney, 330 Pine St.; Win. Hale, Real Estate, 215 Sansome St.; Mrs. C. .C. Matthewson Proprietor Hotel Clifton; Thos. Haskins, Merchant (Petaluma); Col. Wm. Hawkins, TJ. S. Quartermaster's Department; Chas. F. Wacker, Merchant, 131 6th St.; Mrs. Thos. Christol, 426 27th St., and hundreds of others. Some were at death's door when put on the compounds, but many such recovered. TLat many were in extremis may be learned from tliis; Some recovered who had been tapped dozens of times; others were already in the ttvitchings of uraemio poisoning; many had from four to six physicians conurm' the ftital diagnosis; several left standard hospitals in extruuiU; several had relatives called in for last interviews, and a l;w recovered who were in a state of absolute coma. In a word ."bout 87?i of all coses of Brijrht's Disease and Diabetes, heretofore positively in curable, are now curable under the nw Fulton Compounds. The Kenal Compound for Brlirhfs and Kidney Disease is 81; for Diabsros, fl.HX Pamphlet free. We have just estabiish- d a depot in your city wheie you will fijicl liio Com pounds and pamphlets, viz; INSPECTOR MAY CUT DOWN SCALY TREES JURY RETURNS , VERDICT FOR DEFENDANT IN THE SELL WOOD VS. REID TRIAL. After a protracted deliberation of almost three hours the jury in the case of Sellwood' vs. Reid returned a verdict in favor of the defendant, thereby upholding his action in cut ting down 34 prune trees which were infested with San Jose scale. The delay was unlooked for by those who had been following the trial, since the instructions of the court were to determine , three distinct matters of fact which were abundantly estab lished by evidence and admission on the part of the plaintiff. Apparently the argument of Attor ney Latourette touching upon Reid's unnecessary exercise of authority weighed stronger than was expected. It was clear, the court instructed the jury, that the law merely required the officer to establish an infested condi tion, to prove proper notice given the owner to spray, and to show that the owner did not spray within the time allowed. Then, according to the con struction given yesterday, the officer can spray the orchard himself or destroy it. Neither step Is made man datory to be taken first. The point which caused the trouble was the question of whether the com missioner's act did not show instead of sole attention to duty a certain de gree of recklessness, when, instead of burning the Jnfested trees her left them lying on the ground where he had ordered them cut. It is evident that point weighed considerably with the. jury, though under the law as in terpreted by the court, it should not have been "considered. WANTS POSSESSION OF HER EARNINGS. Sarah E. Nelson of the St. Paul house, in this city, Is suing for di vorce from her husband Charles J. Nelson on the ground of cruel and in human treatment. A temporary in junction was granted Saturday morn ing restraining defendant from draw ing any of a $1700 deposit in defend ant's favor in the Bank of Oregon City. Plaintiff married defendant in 1898, and alleges that in 1899 defendant in dulged in high and riotous liying and gambling, and treated the plaintiff shamefully. The work of keeping up the household devolved on her at all of the various hotels and restau rants they have conducted in Salem, Portland and Oregon City since their marriage. When they opened up the St. Paul House plaintiff says she did all of the cooking and practically ran the establishment. By her own ef forts she had accumulated ?400 which her husband deposited in the- local bank. Her i industry increased the sum to about $1700. The defendant left her a month ago and has not com municated with her since thett' He has threatened at various times to draw the money in the bank, and the re straining order of the court followed. The plaintiff prays for a decree of di vorce and an award of the $1700 for alimony and attorneys' fees, also costs and disbursements of the suit. Geo. C. Brownell represents the plaintiff. Wee One Dead on West Side. Tffe 17-day old child of Mr. and Mrs. Forward of West Oregon City died Friday morning. Viiere's No Use talking, you can't beat Herbine for Jie liver. The greatest regulator ever of fered to suffering humanity. If you suffer from liver complaint, If you are bilious and fretful, its your liver, and Herbine' will put it in its proper con dition.; A- positive cure for Constipa tion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and all ills due to a torpid liver. Try a bottle and you will never use anything else. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. WINTER RATES TO YAQUINA BAY. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye has received a I OJ,nrrnn & nn n:t,, Tirn tter from Ben McDonald of Butte, vtiarman & - -ltV U9 tor0. "Used by housewives because of its goodness and economy. Makes the most bread and makes it most nutri tious. For sale by most dealers. let- Montana, brother of the hero of her book, Ranald McDonald, expressing great delight In her treatment Df the historical events, connected with his family. He has sent to Dr. Helmcken of Victoria for the mysterious pack age. He says he remembers Dr. Hel mcken, having met him many years ago, at the home of Sir James Doug las of Victoria. It is possible this package may contain the long lost picture of Ranald McDonald, none of which are known to be in exist ence, y Road Across Eagle Creek. It is proposed to open road across Eagle creek in the Tracey neighbor hood. It will require a $300 or $400 bridge across that creek, and the Es tacada News says it believes that if the county will build the bridge and approaches the people will do the rest. I Hints on Health and Beauty. - A valuable treatise on beauty hints and complexion secrets comes free in side every 25 cent package of Laxa kola tablets a tonic laxative containing extract of dandelion and cascarin for the skin. Huntley Bros. InOLD'-yPtl WPX'lFBh POMMELA X1KE ALL WATERPROOF CLOTHING. is made of the best I material! in bkek or yellow uliytfuirantroUniisold reliable dealers everwhere 7 STICK TO THE V 1! .m ' 'inn w incrijnci ISR SB' TOWER CANADIAN UOJRnm AJTOWCR CO. Id TORONTO. CAN. BOSTON. -1A5 U SA TJfl FRENCH FEMALE y PILLS. A Safx, Ckktaiw Ehjip for ScppnnszD Mkwtkuatioi. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, S'e! Sure! Speedy! Satis factum Guaranteed or Uoney Refunded. Sent .prepaid for 91.00 per box. Will aend them on trial, to be 'paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If voar druggist does not nave them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO. . box 74, Lancaster. Pa. boid in Oregon City by Huntley Broa. Oregon's Great Recreation and Health Resort at the Newport Beaches. Ticket Sales Resumed Nov. 1st to May 31st, 1907. As a winter health and recreation resort Newport is the one par excel lence. Recognizing this, and wishing to give the people an opportunity to breathe the fresh, pure ozone of the ocean, the bouthern Pacific and' Cor- vallis & Eastern have resumed the sale of tickets through to Yaquina From all S. P. points tickets will be sold throughout the winter and spring until May 31st-, every ' Wednesday and Saturday and from Albany, Corvallis' and Phi lomath on the Corvallis & Eastern, tickets will be sold to Yaquina and Newport DAILY. The rates will be the same as during the summer, and will be good for re turn 60 days from date of sale. , Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths will be in operation during the entire winter and treatments will be given daily. Other Health Resorts Closed. During the winter nearly all other health resorts are closed or difficult to reach, and none of them have the advantages of Newport and vicinity as regards climate, points of interest, recreation, and amusement. For par ties desiring to enjoy fishing, hunting or seeing the ocean in sunshine or in storm, the famous resort Is unequal led, the surroundings are ideal beau tiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, fresh vegetables, milk, honey, fruit at lowest possible cost, fish and the famous rock oysters to be had for the trouble of securing them.. Full information from any S. P. or C. & E agent or the General Passeng er Agent of either Company. Rate from Oregon City to Yaquina $6.00. r 49-t7 if .POLKA.DOT.CANS-I ! ft. I' TTTT Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than - "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money. FOR SA1E BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY. OREGON. I I I I f 1 I KlNUx:HsPATkcoMPANY: fVlI&l gggggggi w jr " jp g Can jgtfjjv 7 U With This Oil Heater With a Perfection Oil Heater you can heat a cold bed-room, make a sick-room, more comfortable, warm chilly hallway, heat water quickly, and do many things bet'.er than can be done with any other stove no matter what fuel it burns. The superiority of the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) lies In the fact that it generates intense heat without smoke or smell. The oil fount anil the wick carrier are made of brass throughout, which insures durability. Gives great heat at small cost. Fount has oil indicator and handle. Heater is light and portable. Absolutely safe and simple wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Operated as easily as a lamp. All parts easil y cleaned. Two finishes nickel and japan. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest, agency for descriptive circular. can be used iu any room s the Dest all-round t lamp made. Gives ir. steady liirht. Is the safest lamp you can buy. Brass t Tiro ugh out and nickel plated. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if you cannot get it from your dealer. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . X A The JSajfc Lamp BSi a clear, GET mjSYi Holidays. -'Are Near ELECTRIC LIGHT is the magnet that draws trade. Keep your store bright and yoti'Il be kept busy . ( A show window brilliantly illuminated with ELECTRIC LIGHT makes many a sale "the night before." It attracts atten tion, makes it easy for yor dis play to. be examined and shows your goods to THE BEST AD VANTAGE. AN ELECTRIC SIGN will make a name for you and when your name is made it will burn it into the public's eyes and minds. It is an investment that pays big dividends. Our repre sentative will explain how. REDUCED RATES for current on Meter Basis. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent OREGON CITY