6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 231906. ) PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY O. D. EBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW '' Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general ' law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. J. E- Hedges F. T. Griffith HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYKsw Rooms 10-13 Weinnra muting. Opposite Court W. S. U'Ren C. Schuebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW . Deutscher Advokat. Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise Building. Oregon City, Oregon. O. W. EASTHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections, Mortgages, Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Law business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. GEO, C. BROWNILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Phone Office in Caufieid Bidg., Main and Eighth Streets. . THOS F. RYAN, , - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. FROG POND CROAKS. There was a wedding dance at the grange hall Saturday evening. Quite a large crowd went from here. Winter oats look right for a good crop next year. There are lots of potatoes in the ground yet. The roads from here to Willamette are getting pretty bad. Milo Lee's baby boy is sick with the lung fever. BARTON. r, C. D. &D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our specialties. Office in Commer cial Bank Building. Oregon City, Oregon. Barton is booming. Mr. Burghardt was in town Satur day. He is running his mill now while his daughters are tending the store. That is the reason he is getting so much more trade lately. Several Bartonites attended grange at Eagle Creek Saturday. The grange is getting along nicely under the mas tership of C. A. Zeek. The school is steadily progressing with ' Blanche E. Miller as teacher. The school is going to give an enter tainment and Christmas tree Christ mas Eve., the - 24th, in Burghardt's hall. Everyone is cordially invited to come and have a good time. Boys bring presents for your best" girl. MOLALLA NEWS. I . . J . J m -i BM UHice .fnone iiUJ. .ties, rnone mo C. H. DYE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance H. IE. CROSS ATTORNEY AT L,AW Main Street, OREGON CITY D. C. LATOUKETTE, President. F. 3. MEYEiE, Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 3100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. FULL BENEFIT OF PAY-DAY is never yours unless a portion of your wages is put away for future use. Begin now to provide for the "rainy day" that is sure to come when sickness visits your home or you are thrown out of employ ment. A good way to do this is to open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us and add something to it each payday. Come and see us and we will gladly give you any de sired information. A DOLLAR WILL START YOU. THE BANK 0E OREGON CITY Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving pSeSe8332' Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 524 Main Street Your Satisfaction is our Success. f .- J. E. Smith Hardware Co. I0th and Main Sts. Oregon City. We are here with a big line of Hardware, Gro ceries, Graniteware, Tinware, Implements, WagonsandiBuggies and anything from a pin toa40 horse power c ngine. J. E. SKHTH HARDWARE CO. I Oth andMain ' - - . The Busy Corner T. A. MeFaddin has his wood-house covered and enclosed which will add much to the comfort of the premises, as the well has been included in the building. B. F. tlariess has strung wire into town from his residence and will soon be talking by machinery. Mrs. Rachel Boswald has the south ern addition to her dwelling enclosed and painted. Our R. F. D. No. 1 mail carrier un der the force of habit, came in with one or more eggs in his pocket and of course had several plausible stories to tell how he came by the hen fruit. Vaughn Bros, gave their new Ken tucky hounds an outing Sunday, trail ing a wolf the greater part of the day, coming to where the coyote had killed a goat in the foot hills. As the hills abound in steel traps the boys called in. the dogs for fear of getting them pinched. The eight hounds will make a good chase after they get down to business. Molalla Assembly No. 82, United Artisans, is adding new members to its ladge membership roll. Not to be long to a beneficiary organization is to live away back.. Always Was Sick. When a man says he always was sick troubled with a cough that last ed all winter" what . would you think if he should say he never was sick since using Ballard's Horehound Syr up. Such a man exists. Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado, writes: "For years I was troubled with a severe cough that would last all winter. This cough left me in a miserable condition. I tried Ballard's Horehound .Syrup and have not had a sick day since. That's what it did for m6." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Hay, grain, flour and feed of all kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at the right price. 44tf When you want your horses well taken care of, stop-at the Farmers Feed Barn. 44-tf MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & Schuebel. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Kind You Kaye Always Bought Bears the Signature of X7 FRED C. GADKE Plumbing & Tinning Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes, Pumps, Water Pipes. - All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. ResPhone 1514 Shop 1516 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or Choice Lots - and- Improved Property At Gladstone, Oregon City's finest suburb. Low fare, six minutes' ride from city. Prices reasonable. Eight room house, out buildings one acre of land, all cleared and fenc ed : close to store; fine location. Also other small tracts, ranging from one to fifteen acres, at reason able prices. . 120 acres, 55 acres clear, iy2 acres of fruit, all kinds, 50 acres heavy fir saw timber, 7-room house 16x26 and 14x16, vbarn 26x38, good cellar valued at $100, granary, blacksmithshop, wood shed, 11 miles from Oregon City and 9 miles from Estacada good well and small stream of water run ning through place, free rural deliv- ; erjv fences all around the place. $25 per acre. - W. F. SCHOOLEY, "The Man Who Makes Property ' 1 Move." 52 Mam St., Oregon City. Conned Goods New stock just arrived. Best brands of Fruits and vegetables. Fresh new currants and raisins just in. All groceries promptly delivered. Phono us. J. E. JACK PHONE 561. I vll OUIC S. The J. C. McCord farm 1 miles from Oregon City will be J? sold in tracts to suit purchaser, S 10, 20, 30 and 40 acres. fltlioi farma fri" snlA Ah. stract of title with each farm sold. : OREGON CITY TRUST CO., 2-3-4 Garde Bldg, J. A. Cain v. Agent. Oregon City Shoe Store The only exclusive shoe store in the city .- Fine Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen and the 'Young Folks Krausse Bros., Props W. WRIGHT, ngr. Car load of fine Alfalfa Idaho Cattle received by R. PETZOLD. To people desiring to put down beef, it- will be sold by the quarter, at wholesale prices. This is not peddling wagon meat but the same we sell on the block. MT. HOOD CAFE, M. Justin, Proprietor. ... Fine Wines and Liquors, Pool Tables Porter on Draught. Family Rooms. Main and Fifth Streets. Choose Your f Druggist Carefully A druggist can do more harm or good than most people give him credit for. There are different qualities in drugs just as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities goJ the same name. The difference between . pure high grade drugs and eheap, inferior drugs of the 6aane name, means the difference between keeping sick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription he means best quality. When some druggists fill a prescription they think only about big profits. I Every Drop of Medicine ... that goes in a prescription filled in this store is per fectly pure. Pure drugs mean a speedy recovery. Poor drugs mean a relapse. You want the best. Let us fill your prescriptions. We are giving away free, while they last, a 25 cent box of soap with a 25 cent pair of scissors for 25 cents. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists. Special Sale! To make room for our new goods now arriving we are making big reductions on all dry goods. Great values for little money. Call and see us. G. N. JOE MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. . A. Knapp. L. A. NobeL KNAPP & NOBEL DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS Retail Liquor Store Family Trade Solicited 714 Main St., bet. 7th and 8th Both Phones OREGON CITY FRANK W 1 SB' The IH3eff sialbv! - CHRISTMAS GIVERS X Come to Oregon City Furniture and Holiday Headquarters There is interest and profit for you in every inch of our establishment. No where will the wideawake shopper find such grand assortment of furniture, carpets, toys, etc., especially adapted to the needs of the Christmas giver as here. Nowhere will you fi nd prices based on a level as uniformly low as here. This house is strong in every feature which helps and protects our cus tomers. It is strong in. character, strong in stocks, and has and will continue to make 1 owest prices without exception. ' -' r si TOWfaW)WI!Wiriirirfinifliiniiftiinw?Hfni 3 piece Parlor Suit $20.00. $14 03 mm j vrxt mm. IF I Jte';;;jfJ ! L ' - V f Ladies' Writing Desks from $5 to $20 Comb. Book Cases from $12.50 to $40. China Closets from $20 to $35. Coal oil Heaters from $3.50 to $6.00 $9.00 Extension Tables, round ana square, $12.50; regular $16.00 value.