OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1906. The, Big Bridge Across the Willamette Has Not Pollen And we are glad for we want the peo- ple on both sides of the riytr to trade with us. ARCADE Is now open ith a complete. up-to-to the confirmtion of Court at tne date line of stationery, novelties and front door of the courthouse of said racket store goods, granite ware, tin- Clackamas county, Oregon, the fol ware, nickel and copper. All good, lowing described real property of said Horse brushes, scrub brushes, in fact estate, and all the right, title and in any old brush, lunch boxes, all kinds. . terest which the said John Kennedy Come and see us and get our prices. nad therein at the time of his death, A square deal is guaranteed f to all to-wit: who trade here. One ..price to all. J Cash only. 606 Main street. W. L. SfULTS, Prop. SUMMONS. i.LX me vhuuil uuun ui Lilt; ouiio ui - r, "'CBUii, 1U1 uaraamao V.UUULV. vs. Christian Christensen, Defendant. To Christian Christensen, Defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before Saturday, the 29th day of December, 1906, that being the date fixed for such appearance or answer by the Court in the order for publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear or answer, plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for in her complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and just. This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks prior to said 29th day of De cember, 1906, by order of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride, judge of said Court, made and entered on the 6th day of November, A. D. 1906. THOS. N. STRONG, Attorney for Plaintiff. First insertion November 9, 1906. Last insertion December 27, 1906. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. .. Charles Evans, Plaintiff, vs. Angeline Evans, Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon, You, Angeline Evans, are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before Thursday the 27th day of December, 1906, said date being six weeks from the first publication of summons herein, and, if you fail to appear or answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief prayed for herein, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant upon the ground of acts of extreme cruelty committed by the defendant against the plaintiff, and for such other re lief as may be equitable. This summons is served upon you ' by publishing for not less than six successive weeks in the "Oregon City Enterprise," published in the County of Clackamas and the State of Oregon and by order of Honorable Thomas A. McBride, judge of the above en titled court, which order is dated Oc tober 29th, 1906. The date of the first publication hereof is Friday, the 9th day of No vember, 1906, and the date of the last publication is Friday, the 21st day of December, 1906. EMMONS & EMMONS, W. H. FOWLER, I Attorneys for Plaintiff. 508-511 Columbia Bldg., Portland, Or. 48 t7 MiSlYUSH SERVIClABljr! j Jf-lL SHOES jj 11 :SELLIMG Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Property. In the matter of the Estate of John Kennedy, deceased: Notice is hereby given that pursu- ant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clacka- mas County, made and entered on the 6th day of November, 1906, I will on The southeast quarter of south-east quarter of section 27, in township One south, range 4 east of the Willamette meridian, containing 40 acres in said Clackamas county, Oregon. The terms of said sale are as fol lows: The entire purchase price is to be paid in cash. D. D. JACK ; v-n-nAr AanemA VVJV.COS,V5W. I T"o-n Q tana A OtC SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Harry S. Green, Plaintiff, vs. Frances F. Green, Defendant. To Frances F. Green, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff filed against you in the above en titled court and cause on or before the 24th day of December, 1906, that being the date fixed for such appear ance and answer by the Court in the order for publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and ans wer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, to-wit: A decree of divorce from you upon the ground of deser tion, and for such other and further relief as may seem just and equitable. This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six consecutive weeks prior to said 24th day of December, 1906, by order of the above entitled court made and entered on the 6th day of November, 1906, Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge, presiding. J. C. MORELAND, Attorney for the Plaintiff. First publication Nov. 9th, 1906. 48t7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Nellie Mullen, Plaintiff, vs. ( William Mullen, Defendant. To William Mullen, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 21st day of December, A. D. 1906, said date being after the expira tion of six (6) weeks from the first publication of the summons and if you so fail to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plain- tiff will apply to the Court for the re-j lief prayed for in the complaint, to- wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, on the ground of desertion and for such other relief as may be just and meet in equity. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 7th day of November, A. D., 1906, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six (6) weeks; date of the first publication is November 9th, 1906, and the date of the last publication, December 14th, 1906. JOHN F. LOGAN, JOHN C. SHILLOCK, 48t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. 421-4 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore. 1 - . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL r. h. Tabor was in the city yester day. George Staben of Beaver Creek was in the city Tuesday. H. G. Lake; of Gresham was an Ore gon City visitor, Wednesday. J. E. Marauam of. Marquam is a business visitor in Oregon City. L. P. Williams of Beaver Creek was in Oregon City on business, Tuesday. Rev. A. M. Groshong of Wilhoit was in. Oregon City on business, Tues day. M." Oatman of Mplalla was trans acting business in the county seat, Tuesday. Mrs. R. A. Gray and daughters Bertie and Bell of Marquam, are visit ing in town. F. E. Everhart and W. J. E. Vick of Molalla, were among Oregon City visitors, Tuesday. Born, to the wife of J. E. Hedges, a son weighing 8 pounds ; . Wednes day, November 7. Price Bros, have installed a new electric sign, reflecting light and credit on the community. N. Bordeau and daughter of Gresh am were visiting in Oregon City, Wednesday and Thursday. O. Thomas, one of Beaver Creek's prosperous farmers, was in Oregon City Tuesday and registered at the Brunswick Mrs. Moody and family will leave the last of the week for Marshfield, where they will join Mr. Moody, who has a position there. Allen . Jack and wife of Marquam, visited J. E. Jack. Mr. and Mrs Jack are on their way to Hood River to spend the winter in that place. Andrew Kocher of Canby, dealer in hardware and implements, was in Or egon City Wednesday morning on his way to Beaver Creek, where he went on a business trip. He returned to his home this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Howell will celebrate their golden wedding anni versary at their home in Canemah next Sunday evening. ' W. H. Howell, water superintendent, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Howell. Miss Mattie Case of Portland has accepted a position as stenographer with the Oregon City Manufacturing company and is making her home at the residence of Mrs. R. D. Wilson. Contractor W. H. Counsell was in town Wednesday. Mr. Counsell and family have recently moved from Milwaukie to near Portland where he has the contract for a. big job of street grading. J. A. McGlashan went to Portland to see his wife who recently under went a serious surgical operation at St. Vincent's hospital. He reports she is rapidly improving and that she will be able to be removed to the home of a friend, Mrs. F. J. Fellows, and will be able to come to her home in Oregon City in about two weeks Monday night Allen Butts, an em ploye in the Crown-Columbia mills. suffered, an injury to his right thumb which necessitated an amputation of that member at the very base. Mr Butts was engaged in cutting some paper,- when the "doctor" came down on his thumb, splitting it in bad shape The injured man is a resident of the West side and is well known in mill circles. He is about 22 years of aere His condition is reported as gratify- mg. Falls Encampment No. 4,'I. O. O. F. entertained in a delightful way The Rebekahs and subordinate members in the beautifully decorated lodge rooms Tuesday evening, when there were about 60 guests present. The main feature of the evening was whist, in which Mrs. L. Waldron and Mrs. T. Finnegan won the ladies prizes and John Fairclough and L. Feaster the gentlemen's prizes. Dur ing tne evening an oyster suDDer was served, after which a social time was spent. The committee in charge of the entertainment deserves a great ueai oi credit ior its success, and it is hoped by those who were fortunate enough to be present that such hap py reunions will be of frequent oc curence. Right in the beginning of the Rainy Season when our Shoe stocks are at the best, is a good time to lay in your supply of winter Shoes. We urge you to visit our store, because we know that , we are prepar ed to offer you greater money savings than any other place. A complete assortment; all styles, siz es and widths in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girl's shoes. 1 they say are a double blessing. So is our White House Coffee at 2 lbs for 75 cts and Tetley's Teas, for their quality is very high for the low price that is asked. , , A. Robertson THE SEVENTH STREET GROCER. R. L. HOLMAN, LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 1061. Next Door to Harris Grocery. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist OUR PAINTS Are Going Fast Best Pure Prepared Points $1.50 Per Gallon others in proportion CHARMAN & COMPANY CITY DRUG STORE Suspension Bridge Corner Talk is Deaf and Dumb Compared With Facts Incomparable in Style, Quality and Pinish, and Matchless in Price. Suits warranted to hold shape, fit and style untilg ,q $20 i Overcoats, custom tailored and guaranteed to givedjjp djne . absolute satisfaction. M . PO .Cravanettes, warranted waterproof. $9 tO $20 An inspection of our stock is the most convincing proof Canned Goods New stock just arrived. Best brands of Fruits and vegetables. Fresh new currants and raisins just In. AH groceries promptly delivered. Phono U3. J.NE. JACK PHONE 561. ' and suppose you mailed that , express order to some mail order house .and asked them to send you a watch for it. Do you think that they would select a watch that would suit -you as well as one you would select yourself. N Blot At AH Better watches or better anything else than ours can't be bought, and this is another point worth think ing about, when you purchase a watch of us you will have your guarantee made good at home without ex pense or delay. In case your mail order watch does not work satisfactory you are out express charges and the use of the watch for several weeks. If you in tend to purchase a watch come in before you purchase an express order and let us have a talk. Burmeister & Andresen Oregon The facts are that we are offer ing incomparable values in Over coats and suits for Men and Young Men. UNDERWEAR Ladies Fleeced Cotton 25c, 50c Ladies' Fine Wool 75c and $1.00 Children's Fleeced Cotton, ,10c and up. f Men's heavy Cotton 50c Men's Good Wool 85c and $1.00 Men's heavy Sweaters 50c, $1 and $1.50. Men's Wool Sox 15c, 19c, 25c THOMSON'S BARGAIN STORE t City Tewlers