Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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fc 4 Th e S a tis f ac tio n Lin e T ,-
Progress of Work on O. W. p. & Ry.
Power Plant at Cazadero, Re
ported by I. M. Park.
Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager
, - Subscription Rates:
Ona. Vmp 1 so
I. M. Park, who has charge o the
feix Months & carpenter work of the big power
-j. riai suDscripuon, two monms.. .no plant of the O. W. P. & Ry. company
at flazadem. thinks that nnt nf the
Advertising itates on Application. blg machines will be In operation
Subscribers will find the date of ex- about December . 1. Mr, Park has
Diration stamped on their papers fol- been here serving on the jury, but
lowing their name. II last payment is has been excused by the judg on
not credited, kindly notify us, ana account of business at Cazadero ne-
the matter will receive our attention, cessitating his -return.
Mr. Park's home is at Springwater,
rcntereri at t.h nnstoffiee at Oresron where he has a fine farm, but has
I mMra.A V " P,),.n ...1.
City. Oregon, as second-class matter. " ia-".llxJL
longer, when his work will be corn-
Dieted. He was formerly a resident
JOneS-erasei. 1 nf nn?nn riitu- and ha rosfilorl
A quiet wedding will take place at several years near the Barclay school
St. Paul's Episcopal church Wednes- -nouse From here he moved to Bridal
day afternoon at 5 o clock, tne con- veil, where he resided several vears
trading parties being Miss Muna before going to Springwater.
Brasel and Mr. .Herman jones,
doih oi.roiunuu. S ' TV Z I Markle From Markle,
mono, recior, wiu uuiuare, mo iu- t-.i v UTa-n, -nrano n i;,i
pressive rite of the Episcopal church from her husband Jameg c Markla.
oeing usea. iy immHw The two were marriea in Minnesota
oi tne Driae ana groom u y,a- 1900 d th lf alleees. deser-
u- I firm fiinrp . spntdmher 1 Slflx TVTra
ine Dnae is a must esuiiittuie uu Mat1r1a lart Qcto f1i -i rt
ucroiinjuoucu J"u."& x r tj , , sume her maiden name, Elinor V.
lilt! UaUKULCl Ul Ulia. Xi.OW UJ ci.7,1 I t i
young man. and is manager of the
"Trouble Department or tne Pacinc oonaoience rtesoiutions.
States Telephone company, with head- Molalla Grange has adopted resolu
quarters at. Portland. Mr. Jones spent tions of condolence on the deaths of
his boyhood days in Oregon City, two memoers, miss Mynie uross ana
coming here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mattie Wells. Both were faith-
Mrs. Griffith W. Jones, when two years ful members, and the grange charter
of age. He has a host of friends here will be draped in mourning for 30
who extend their hearty congratula- days. Sympathy is extended to the
tions. A reception will be held this bereaved relatives.
evening at the home of the groom s
brother, Linwood E. Jones, of Sev- . Nlahala Hanson Estate.
enth street, at which only relatives
The estate of Mahala Hanson was
filed for probate and Roy W. Cochran
appointed administrator. The estate
is valued at 2500.
(Z Sold On Mert Jj
will be present.
Charley Stewart has rented H.
Tn (in .' c nlaro
Albert TiPhman and famiiv nf Pnr- SUIT CASE Tagged Chas. Hunter,
land snnt a few rtavs with Mrs. T,eh- Ostrander, Wash., between Oregon
man's parents the first of the week, p11 and Col?- ct- 31. $5.00 reward
Thft Davis Rros finished hauling Lu UUUBI- eieiiuoiie voiLon posioi-
on friends here, Sunday. Hay Srain' flour and eed of &u
Mr. Dunton, our school teacher, is kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at
talking of having a singing schocl. the right price. 44'tf
We all hope that we will succeed in
haviner it as there is a number around SUMMONS.
here -who would be glad- to take les-
OTis. In the Circuit Court of the State of
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Rose of Port-I Oregon, for Clackamas County.
land visited with relatives here the Irene McKinnon, Plaintiff,
first of the week. vs
Little Johnnie Lehman is staying A. C. McKinnon, Defendant.
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. To A. C. McKinnon, defendant above
J. R. Lewis. ' (named;
Mrs. Eph Jones was called to Can- In the name of the State of Oregon:
by Tuesday on account of the illness You are hereby required to appear
of her mother, Mrs. Kalbfleisch. and answer the complaint filed against
: you in the above entitled suit on or
.UNCLAIMED LETTERS. before the 21st day of December, A. D.
Letters remaining unclaimed in the 1906, said date being after the expira
Oregon City post-office for week end- tion of six (6) weeks from the first
ing November C: publication of the summons and if
Woman's List Compton, Miss Myr- you so fail to appear and answer said
tie; Cox, Mrs. Vena; Engum, Mrs. complaint for want thereof the plain
Minnie; Hill, Miss May; Schmidt, tiff will apply to the Court for the re
Mrs. Albert; Wertz, Miss Birdie; Wal- lief prayed for in the complaint, to
lace," Mrs. Chas. wit:
Men's List Armstrong, Ralph; For a decree dissolving the bonds
Davidson, R. M.; Morris, J. W.; Roch, of matrimony existing between the
Heinrich; Smith, S. E.
E. C. Gerber and W. M. Kirchem of
Logan, were transacting business in
Oregon City, Wednesday.
i plaintiff and defendant on the ground
of cruel and inhuman treatment and
for such other relief as may be just
and meet m equity.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of
the above entitled court, which order
was made 'and entered on the 7th day
of November, A. D., 1906, and the
Fritz Birkenfield to John F. Love- time prescribed for publication there
lace, und. half int. lot blk 4, Estaca- of is six (G) weeks; date of the first
da: $250. publication is November 9th, 1906
O. I. & S. Co. to Geo. W. McCoy, ana tne aate or tne last publication,
lots 1. 2, 15. and 16, Rosewood, 2 s-1 December 14th, 1906.
E: ocd. $30. . JOHN. F. LOGAN
Trustees to Eagle Cr. Pres. Church 48-t7 Attorney tor Plaintiff
near Foster road. $1. 421-4 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore.
John H. Burns to Walter Hornback
16 acres NE, part SE, sec 1. 4 s-1 E;
W. L. Block to Oreg. & Cal Ry. in the Circuit Court of the State of
Co., strip off sly half lot 2, blk. 28, Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Oregon City; $75. Tony Arnaud, Plaintiff,
J. H. Olds to Am. Invest. Co. 30 vs.
acres in 2 s-1 E; correction deed; $1. Rose Arnaud, Defendant.
Am. Invest. Co. to Jesse Hobson, To Rose Arnaud, defendant above
30 acres, 2 s-1 E; $1. named:
Jesse Hobson to Mamie Lillis .68 in the name of the State of Oregon:
acres, S. H. Walker DLC, 13, 2 s-1 E; You are hereby required to appear
$4000. and answer the complaint filed against
John H. Gibson to W. H. Counsell you in the above entitled suit on or
lot 6, Gibson subd. J. A. Logan tract, before the 21st day of December, A. D.
sees. 19 and .30, 1 s-2 E; $750. 190G, said date being after the expira-
H. T. Sladen to Robt. F. Watts, lots tion of six (6) weeks from the first
6 and 7, blk 95, Gladstone, $350. publication of the summons and if
Frank J. Finger .to G. W. Cook, lot you so fail to appear and answer said
8, Wichita, 2 acres; $300. complaint for want thereof the plain-
G. W. Cook to Agnes Sweet, lot 8, tiff will apply to the Court for the re
Wichita, 2 acres; $425. lief prayed for in the complaint, to-
William C. Bristol to Etta A. Mor- wit:
ris, und. half SE. NE, sec. 25 6 s-6 E, For a decree dissolving the bonds
lot 2 SE NW, SW NE, sec 30, 6 s-7 of matrimony existing between the
E, 151.73 acres; $1000. plaintiff and-defendant, on the ground
O. I. & S. Co., to James M. Corn, of desertion and for such other relief
lots 5 and 6, blk. 8. Oswego; $300. as may be just and meet in equity.
Max W. Davies to C. H. Johanson This summons is published by order
3 2-3 acres in SW SW sec. 29, 1 s-4 of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of
E; $1. ' the above entitled court, which order
Mary Robeson to Frances M. Robe- was made and entered on the 7th day
son, 30 acres NE, sec. 32, 4 s-3 E. of November, A. D., 1906, and the
James Feeney to Teresa M. Feeney time prescribed for publication there-
lots 4 and 5, blk. 28 O. I. & S. Co.
First add. Oswego; $1. ,
John Zobrist to Charles Shutter,
lot 8, blk. 12, Zobrist Add. Estacada;
O. W. P. Townsite Co., to E. S.
Womer lot 3, blk. 25, First Add to
Estacada; $125
E. W. Conell by Sheriff to J. M.
Coon, lot i4, blk. B. Oswego ( tax deed
A- Feldenheimer and E. W. Conell
by, Sheriff to J. M. Coon, lot 15, blk
30, O. I. & S. Co. First Add Oswego,
. tax deed; $6.65.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
of is six (6) weeks; date of the first
publication is November 9th, 1906,
and the date of the last publication,
December 14th, 1906.
4S-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
421-4 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Washings at
Reasonable Rates- -No worry,
no regrets if you phone 1204.
Our wagon will call.
i toi.
Yflr.. .n
vSEu J
.". S o 1 d o n M. e-r i t
J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco
When in want of an up-to-date rig
go to the Bradley Stables. 44tf
cent. Farm security. TJ'Ren &
Wanted Gentleman or lady with
good reference to travel by rail or
with rig, for a -firm of $250,000.00
capital. Salary $1,072 per year and
expenses. Salary paid weekly and
expenses advanced. Address with
stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon
City, Ore. Dec. 21
When you . want your horses well
taken care of, stop at the Farmers'
Feed Barn. 44-tf
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise1.
Justice of the Peace. .
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
Oregon City, vOregon.
Will practice in all courts of the state
Office in Caufield Building.
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands in Clackamas County, have
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete -set of Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg
Money to loan on Clackamas Counfey
- " Property.
When this store was on fire the smoke and water did most damage; The
loss fell on the fire insurance companies. The gain will be for the people
Every dollar's worth of goods must go. Men's, boys' and children's Suits,
Overcoats, Cravanettes, Pants, Canvas Coats, etc. Also boots, shoes, hats,
caps, shirts, underwear, sox, sweaters and all the new stock of ladies' skirts
and jackets. The prices are so low that no fair-minded person can resist the
temptation to boy. A great portion of the finest have not been damaged-
only smell of smoke a little. But they must be sold and. they will be fairly
fTnTh Worth of goods of all kinds at such prices
9V)W as they will bring.
Overcoats and Cravanettes
Ihis most elegant stock consists of the best brands known. But
smoke and water has done its work. They will be sold at Fire
Sale Prices. Some of them are in perfect condition, but go they
will and go they must. A big stock.
Iif Or Extra fine Overcoats and Cravenetts worth to $15
pU.O? according to condition.
Tailor made Overcoats and Cravenetts, worth to
$20, according to condition.
up to $27, according to condition.
Finest Imported Goods Overcoats and Cravenetts
; $9.85
Men's Pants Men's Pants
SI. 85
S2 85
2000 pair smoke and water damaged
Badly wet, all kinds, worth to $2 .
Fairly good condition worth $3
"Wet, worth up to $4
Damp and wet, worth-up to $5
Fine All my tailor made worth $7
to fit youths and men from 31 to 46 breast measure, while these
hundreds of suits no man can detect any damage except the
smell of smoke which would go away if aired a few hours, and
there are others more or less damaged by water We will as
sort them into lots according to condition and cut the very life
out of the former prices. The insurance loss is your gain and in
some cases far less than half price.
Fire Sale Prices
S4-85 for up to date $12 suits, according to
. condition.
$7-85 fr UP to $18 suits, according to condi- j
S9.85 fr UP to $25 suits, according to condi
tion. . -$
1 2.85 for UP to $30 suits, these are as fine
they make them.
Watch them go Some for a song. These
Fire Sale Prices is like finding them. Assort
ed according to condition.
35c for -a lot of damaged, up to $3.00 suits
85c for Good condition, up to $3.00 suits.
$1.85 Splendid condition up to $4.50 suits.
$2.85 Extra Fine Suits up to $6.00.
$1.35 $1.85 $2.85 $3.85 Good order
worth $3.00 to $8.00.
About 200 of them fine ones at that But
they got wet.
69c for choice of up to $10 Jackets.
Get here quick like finding money.
90c Big lot a little damp up to $2.50 values.
$1.65 Perfect condition, smoke smell to $3.
$2.35 Fine Dress, etc., worth up to $3.50.
2000 Pairs a little water, lots of smoke.
90c Big lot all kinds good. shoes.
$1.65 Calf, velour, etc., worth to $3.00.
$1.95 Patent VicI Calf, etc, worth to $3.50.
$2.65 Takes our fine Hand Bench Made up
to $4.50.
Dampi Smoke, Broken Boxes, Etc.
5c for a big mixed lot Sox, all kinds.
12jc for all kinds 25c Sox.
19c for wool, etc.', 35c Sox.
29c Wool . and Worsted 50c arid better Sox.
35c takes it away wet some snaps.
45c wool fleece etc, all kinds.
95c wool stock, many kinds up to $2.00.
15c Soiled and mussed all kinds.'
45c Fine Golf and Negligee, worth $1.50.
75c Best of Good Dress Shirts.
Wet, Smoke, Broken Sizes, etc, 35c pair up
The .firemen raised Cain in the Hat stock
the insurance company paid for the
15c Buy mix lot all kinds.
75c Soft and stiff worth to $2.00.
$1.35 Soft and stiff worth to $2.50.
$1.85 Soft and stiff worth to $3.50.
$2.75 .John B. Stetson $5 and $6 Hats.
Thi3 big fire loss gives you a fair, square
chance to visit a genuine fire sale and buy
the very best of everything at prices that
no man can but help appreciate. Goods will
be sacrificed, slaughtered, almost given
away. No faint heart about this Great Fire
Sale. The fire insurance companies stood
the loss. The people surely can stand the
Bears the
Signature of