Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 02, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
; Published Every Friday.
That would sweat most of the non
sense out of them. -
H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager
Subscription Rates:
One Year $1.50
Six Months ". ; . .75
Trial subscription, two months. .25
Advertising Rates on Application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postoffice at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-class matter.
Such an impartial and experienced
newspaper correspondent as -"Sumner"
of" the Chicago Record-Herald,
says Hearst will probably win in New
York next Tuesday.
If Hearst wins, close observers of
the political trend will not be surpris
ed. And some men who have no use
for Hearst and deplore the class feel
ing he creates, will not be displeased
at his victory.
The sooner the false antagonism be
tween capital and labor is brought to
a crisis,' the easier it will be to kill
that animosity forever. !
Nothing will so' quickly clear away
the mists of falsehood and misunder
standing as responsibility put upon
those who have conjured ttp the fog.
Attorney General Moody will be ap
pointed an associate justice of the
supreme court to fill vacancy made by
retirement of Henry B. Brown.
However brutal football may be,xit
still. has this advantage over automo
bile racing, that we never hear of any
of the spectators being killed.
For the
George Gould says he's willing, as
a railroad man, to sell his roads to
the government. Price' not stated.
As a citizen, however, Mr. Gould is
opposed to government ownership, be
cause, in his opinion, private owner
ship is better able to rob the people
by exorbitant freight and passenger
tariffs, and rob the laborers by low
er wages. Of course Mr. Gould did
not use those words but that 'is the
plain English of what he did'say.
He also professes to believe that
the collective wisdom of the country
is less than that of single- citizens
who make up that country. In other
words, a part is greater ' than the
whole. '
s George is a very wise man.
If anybody would make me the
greatest king that ever lived, with pal
aces and gardens, and fine dinners,
and wine and coaches, and beautiful
clothes, and hundreds of servants, on
condition that I would not read books,
I would not be a king I would rather
be a poor man in a garret with plenty
of books, than a king who did not love
reading. Macaulay.
It is asserted that money is pour
ing into Colorado from all over the
United States, and other countries, at
the rate of $500 a day, to assist Hay
wood's, campaign for the. governor
ship. Haywood is in jail. The Den
ver Post, commenting on the situation
says the Socialists differ from the av
erage Republican or Democrat, or In
dependent, in that, if they are truly
sincere, they will contribute out of
small incomes to their cause, whereas
ttie regular parties have to milk cor
porations, or put up rich candidates
or assess office-holders, to pay cam
paign expenses.
The proposal, originating with The
Dalles Optimist we believe, for the
legislators to ignore the selections
by the people for United States Sen
ator, is bad advice. Bourne and Mul
key are no worse now than when they
won at the primary. A legislator who
pledged himself to obey the primary
result would perform a dishonest act
if he broke that pledge.
Good men are being put up for city
offices. There seems to be no live,
local issue just at present to test
whether the prospective officials are
progressive as well as good, but that
qualification should not be ignored.
The test may come long before the
men elected in December complete
their terms of office.
John D. Rockefeller accuses the Jap
anese of commercial treachery. If
there is anyone who should be a judge
of commercial treachery, John D. is
the man. Expert testimony always
carries weight. V
If every thing that is being said of
the New York campaign 'now is true,
the grand jury ought to indict both
candidates lor felony. And if it isn't
true, it ought to indict - them for perjury.
A mob down in Arkansas admits
that it made a mistake and lynched
the wrong man. But it promises to
repeat the operation as often as is
necessary till it gets the right one.
' George Orm and family have moved
to Oregon City.
Sarah Thomas spent Sunday after
noon with friends of West Carus.
Mr. Hough, Will Smith, Davis Bros.,
and Mr. Brown, all took loads of
prunes to Oregon City, Tuesday.
Miss Edith Jackson did some sew
ing for Mrs. Spence last'week.
Jacob Kalbfleisch went to Canby
Mrs. Daniels of Beaver Creek call
ed on Mrs. London, Monday.
Ira Morris was here Tuesday.
Norman Howard is working for Jim
Shannon of Beaver ireek.
Ed. Howard will finish digging his
potatoes this' week.
Miss Cora Jagger of Portland visit
ed her parents Saturday and Sunday.
Ralph Howard made a business trip
to Oregon City Sunday.
Miss B. Howard was a visitor at
the school one day last week. '
Otis Howard took dinner with C.
Stewart and family, Sunday.
We are glad to welcome our old
friend Fred Lindsley back again.
Norman Howard spent Saturday
and Sunday. with his pirents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Howard.
Mr. Dunton expects to have a bas
ket social at the school house in a
few weeks. Boys, don't forget your
Miss B. "Howard called on R. M.
Cooper one day last week. ;
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, Cour
age, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
Sale Begins Tomorrow, Saturday.
19 miles
jjj rect i
, 3 doses
r constipation oy giving siiihu um;";
Ayer's Pilla. All vegetable.sugar-eoated.
Made by J. O. Ayer Co., ImreH. Msa.
Also manufacture of
We have no secrets ! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
i iimnii
sities. He is contemplating going to
Linn county and. renting a farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hettman visited with
friends at Stafford last week.
Mrs. Bluhm is quite ill of bronchi
tis. Mr. Barrett Is buying fresh cows
in our neighborhood. He bought one
of Gus. Shubel and one of Chris Horn
shuh. . . ; ' ' -
Andrew - McKinnet of Cathlamet,
Wash.; is visiting friends and rela
tives here for a few days.
Otto and Wm. Moehnke are build
ing an addition ' to Mr. Kirbyson's
! v . IB&Iira 1
: . . -
O ; . -
Always Was Sick.'
When a man says he always was
sick troubled with a cough that last
ed all winter what would you think
if he hould say he never was sick
since using Ballard's Horehound Syr
up. Such a man exists.
- Mf. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado,
writes: "For years I was troubled
with a severe cough that would last
all winter. This cough left me in a
miserable condition. .T tried Ballard's
Horehound;iSyEuprJand' .have not had a
sick day-since-That's what it did for
me." '-Sold 'by Huntley Bros. -Drug Co.
Be Charitable.
to your horses as well as to yourself.
You need not suffer from pains of any
sort your horses need not suffer. Try
a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment
I It cures all pains. J. M. Roberts, Bak
i rsfield, Mo., writes: "I have used
your liniment for ten years and find, it
to be the best I have ever used for
man or beast." Sold by Huntley Bros.
Drug Co.
Rosensteiri Clothing
Main St. Next to Post-office.
. -
' 4&
from fall and winter stock
Clothing. vHats, Shoes
and furnishings.
" The Dover Sunday school and
preaching hours have been changed.
Hereafter SuP-lay school will begin
at elevenL"m.i preaching eve?y first
and third. Sunday at 10:30 a. m., Rev.
McPherson of Estacada is !the pastor.
George Kitzmiller, who had bee
very ill is improving slowly. ' Dr.
Robards was with him from' Friday !
till Sunday. ... .
Mrs. Cluster from Eagle Creek visit
ed with friends here Friday. . , r- .,
Frank Ahnert went to Portland
Monday with a load of chickens.
Mrs. Exon , and daughter Jennie
drove to Eagle Creek Monday.
Mr. Morrison who owns 120 acres
of land directly north of the postof-j
fice has moved out from Portland, and
will build a house "and barn.
A. . J. Kitzmiller captured a young
bear in a trap a week ago. ,
... J. L. Robertson is harvesting his
crop of potatoes on the Exon place.
George Wolf has returned froimthe
Hot Springs much better of his Theu
matism. ,
C. A. Keilt is papering his house. r
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kanne have re
turned from Salem where Ihey visit
ed their son Herman. . "
Mr. Payne is thinking Jf going to
the mountains for several weeks.
' The lecture given by Rev. A. Good
Friday night was well attended.
The spook entertainment given Sat
urday night was enjoyed by every
one. Quite a sum was realized.
Miss Helena Kanne has returned
to work.
There's No Reason
why your baby should be thin, and
fretful during the night. Worms are
the cause of thin, sickly babies. It
is natural that a healthy baby should
be fat and sleep well. If youf baby
does not retain its food, don't experi
ment with colic cures and other medi
cine, but try a bottle of White's Cream
Vermifuge, and you will soon see
your baby have color and laugh as it
should. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug
Will be put on Slaughter Sale at what it will
bring, no law of cost or loss considered.
JO, 20, 30, 40 and 50c cut on the dollar of
value according to condition. The loss has
been settled by the fire insurance company, the
benefit is yotirs. Beginning next Saturday
the greatest
in the history of this city will begin.
There's No Use
talking, you can't'beat Herbine for the
liver; The greatest regulator ever of
fered to suffering humanity. If ' you
suffer from li'ver complaint, if you are
bilious and fretful, its your liver, and
Herbine will put it in its proper con
dition.' A positive cure for Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and all ills
due to a torpid liver. Try a bottle and
you will never use anything elde. Spld
By Huntley Bros. -Drug Co. ;
"Healers," "Holy Rollers," and all
that Ilk need a six months' sentence
to a hand woodsaw ' and saw buck.
John Stoker has rented his farm to
Teral Osburn and has left for Wash-!
ington to work in a logging camp. I
; David Jones of Beaver Creek has .
moved his family to the old Stoker
home that he recently bought.
Tommy Thomas was home spend-'
ing a couple of days with his parents.''
, Wm. H. Jones is hauling his pota
toes to Mr. Geo. Brown of New Era. !
Miss Ruth Braker has gone for a
.two weeks' stay with Miss Snidow of
Willamette. Walter Braker is home
with his , parents. I
Hugh Jones and Jess Mumpower
spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Several of the young people from
here attended a taffy party given by
! Mr. and Mrs. Will Randall and re
ported a good time. j
Miss Nora Gregory spent a day with
Mrs. W. H. Jones this week. i
SHUBEL SIFTINGS. Mr. Rambo and Mr. Mumpower of
Christ Moehnke. Jr.. has returned Oregon City are working in the . new
from Ritzville, Wash., bringing with , saw mIU- . .
him his bride, fornlerly Miss Maryj ! j
Whitlock. We congratulate the yourigj SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK.
couple and wish them a happy future. ' .
Mrs. Moehnke is a. 'daughter of Rev. j Potato digging is the main farm
Whitlock, .former pastor of the Luth- j work now. Mr. Stoll had his boys
eran church here. ' , j and girls working in the potatoes sev-
. Daniel Guenther and wife of Ritz-eral days last week. ' ; -
ville, Wash., are visiting his parents,:' Miss Key es has been unable to do
Mr." and Mrs- Wm.- Guenther," for a her customary washing for two or
time. ; 1 three weeks on account of sawing her
E. F. Ginther had a narrow escape finger badly. .
from being ripped open by an enrag-' A coyote was heard on Joe Dear
ed boar at Jake Grossmiller's Tues-. dorff's place one night last week. They
day. As it is, he is laid up with both must be getting rather tame,
his hands badly cut. ,,. I A dance was given Saturday night
' Martin Massinger ofc Portland visit- at Damascus and all report' a fine
ed his parents here Sunday. ' . '.l.time. -' ,
Miss Gertie Shubel of Oregon City, ' Mr. Reed ' has put his hay press
visited her parents Sunday: away for. the winter. Mr. and Mrs.'
Chris Hornshuh took a load of hogs E. Hubbard and .children and Mr. and
to "town Tuesday. - j Mrs. Geo. Ellis were guests of Mr. '
" Kilian Schmidt is trjing to get a and Mrs. Geo. .Deardbrff on Sunday,
team of horses and other farm neces- also Geo. Harvey and son Paul. t
V :. 1 -: 7- - ...
Miss Rosa Taylor is ill.
The general health in this communi
ty is poor. Every one is complain
ing more or less.
Grandmother Fritress is quite ill
of a cold and lagrippe. f
Miss Lillie - McConell is ill of ty
phoid fever. - .
Died, at her home in Wilsonvilie,
Mrs. Mary Shaver, aged 68 years,- of
heart disease. Mrs. Shaver was a
You needn't stop the
clock when you leave an
order at
Harris' Grocery
We have the most prompt
delivery service in town.
We' sell the best A-l Enamel
ware at grocery profits.
New crop York state Buckwheat
0 flour just received. Delicious
home made Jelly, 10c glass.
If you love good coffee try our
Special Java & Mocha, 35c !t.
NewGerman Kraut just
in at 10c per quart.
Harris Grocery
8th and Main Sts.
pioneer of this neighborhood, having
lived at her late home on the banks
of the beautiful Willamette for many j
years. She leaves besides her hus-
band two married' sons and one mar-
ried daughter and one single daughter, j
Seeding and digging potatoes are
the work of the day.
Mr. Huddle and family have moved
to their borne place and Albert Dear
dorff's will move in.
A young man by the name of Geo.
Held has taken unto himself a dear
little wife, whom we hope will come
into his life like sunshine. -
Mrs. Straack's nephew has gone
back east.
Mr. and Mrs. Becker attended the
lecture at Harmony Friday night.
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Washings at
Reasonable Rates No worry,
no regrets if you phone 1204.
Our wagon will call.
J. F. Wallace and Joe Goodfellow
have returned from Eugene.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the es
tate of William F. Edwards, deceased,
has filed in the county court of Clack
amas county, State of Oregon, her
final report and account as such ad
ministratrix, and that Monday, De
cember 10, 190G, at 10 o'clock' a.m., at
the County court house, at Oregon
City, Clackamas County, Oregon, has
been appointej as the time and place
by 'said Court for hearing and deter
mining any and all objections , to said
By 1 Geo. C. Brownell, Attorney for
Administratrix. . 47-t6
Are Going Past
Best Pure
$1.50 Per Gallon
others in proportion
gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly children.'
ivna it- is good tor their elders, too.
. Ask your druggist for it