OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1906. O . D . E B Y , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. J. E. Hedges .F. T. Griffith HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building. Opposite Court House. OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. Dr. Morey of Molalla was. in the city Saturday. ' v F. A. Burns of Liberal was in the city Saturday. O. W. E ASTH AM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Law Business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Oregon. GEO. C , BROWNELL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' Phone 521. Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Streets. W. S. U'Rfcn C. Schuebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Deutscher Advokat. Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise Building. Oregon City, Oregon. , THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Court house. . J. L. Mumpower of Stone was in Oregon City Friday. H. S. Ramsby of Maple Lane was Oregon City, Friday. Geo. B. Fish, of Jefferson was visit ing friends in Oregon City Thursday. G. P. Rich of Barton was transact ing business in Oregon City, Friday.- James Adkins a prominent sawmill man of Canby was in the county seat Monday. , O. Thomas of Beaver Creek was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday and Thursday. Herbert D. Smith . of Bridal Veil was transacting business in Oregon City, Friday. Mrs. Mary Moodey of Clackamas was transacting business in Oregon City Friday. When you want your horses well taken care of, stop at the Farmers' Feed Barn. 44-tf William Beard of Maple Lane was transacting business in the county seat, Friday. O. E. Ramsby of Rock Creek called on the county superintendent on busi ness, Saturday. , A W rVinlrf a Tirnqnprnna farmer of Damascus, was in Oregon" City on business, Friday. , . Mrs. G. B. Hall and daughter, Mrs. Parsons, of Auburn City, Kan., who have been visiting their son and brother, W. G. Hall; and other friends here for the last three weeks, leave Monday evening for their home. I Mr. Kraxberger was on "his way home from Peoria, III., where he had been in attendance at. the national conven tion of the letter carriers association, as a delegate from the state of Ore gon, and also represented California and Washington.. Mr. Kraxberger had a most enjoyable trip, but says I there is no state like Oregon. He1 ! came through the Colorado snow storm. Mrs. Maude Hoopes of Gaston has returned home after a pleasant visit here with her sister, Mrs. Flora Swick. Mesdames Hoopes and Swick also visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Myers of Dodge. Gilbert Charters has accepted a po sition as book-keeper with the South ern Oregon Land & Investment com pany with headquarters at Portland. Mr. Charters was formerly clerk at Robertson's' grocery, and afterwards took a business course at the Allen Business College in this city. J Joe Adelstein, who held the posi tion of superintendent of the cutting department with the Oregon City manufacturing company, has resigned and moved to Portland, where he has accepted a position with a manufac turing company. At an "enthusiastic meeting of the - public library committee of the Woman's club, held at the home of Mrs. P. K. Hammond Friday night, it was decided to Invite each organiza- '. tion, lodge, social and other, to each I send two delegates to a meeting in the , courthouse Friday evening, November 16, at 8 o'clock. The public generally is also Invited to attend the meeting. Mayor Caufield attended the com mittee meeting Friday night and en couraged and assisted by his advice. WANTED: Girl from country to as sist in general housework. Good home and good wages. Apply to Mrs. E. A. Brady, Pearl street, east of Molalla avenue. 46-t2 Petition for Mayor. Petition for the re-election of May or Caufield is finding signers wherever presented, showing his widespread popularity. Deserted Zoosman. A complaint for divorce has - been filed by T. M. Zoosman. The defend ant, Cora Zoosman, is alleged to have deserted her husband since 1904. The couple were married in Oregon in 1893. A. B. Wilmont has moved with his family from Newberg and will occupy the Fred Miller residence an Jeffer son between Fifth and Sixth streets. Mr. Wilmont has come here to accept a position as clerk in Harding's drug store. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our specialties. Office in Commer cial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phone 1101 Res. Phone 1773 C. H . DYE, ( ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. W. H. Seltzer, of the Mulino neigh borhood was in the county seat on business, Saturday. C. D. Robeson, a prominent farmer of Colton, was in the county seat, Fri day and Saturday. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & Schuebel. James D.- Mclntyre, who was visit ing relatives in the southern part of Michigan for several weeks, has re turned home. On his return journey he stopped at Chicago, where he spent a few weeks with friends and relatives. Editor Williams of the Estacada News was transacting business in Oregon City, Saturday. J. W. Moffitt left Sunday morning for San Francisco, where he will be gone for about a week. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it, accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. David Mowe of. Woodlawn was a guest at the home of Mi;, and Mrs, Samuel Roake, Sunday. Mrs. E. S. Warren will arrive from Newberg this evening and will ac company Mrs. C. O. T. Williams to Roseburg' where she will visit with her niece, Mrs. J. M. Lawrence for a few weeks. Mrs. Williams will remain with her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence, till January.- Geo. Lazelle a prominent farmer of New Era, was transacting business in Oregon City, Monday. R. L. HOLMAN, LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 1061. Next Door to Harris Grocery. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice in all courts of the state Office in Caufield Building. LIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. i Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteii nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, bas located at Oregon City and,iestablished an office at The 'Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. ' Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Main 131 1 B. B. Garrett of Marquam was In Oregon City Friday returning to his home Saturday morning. When In want of an up-to-date rig go to the Bradley Stables. 44tf Mrs. O. Wissinger of Milwaukie, has returned home, after a few days'-visit with her sister, Mrs,. T. L. Charman. W. W. Meyer, Orin Cutting, G. C. Frazer and Robt. Beatie of Molalla transacted business in the city Friday. Frank Stormer and family of Silver ton have rented and moved on to the Mathews farm across the river from Estacada. Mr. Brown and family have moved from the Hornshuh cottage on Seventh, street to Sellwood, where they will hereafter reside. Claire Evans, who had been at Lew iston, Idaho, for six months, has re turned to this city. Mrs. J. Doremus and daughter Myr tle of Redland left on the S. P. Sat urday morning for a few days visit in Salem. They were accompanied by Jay Mosier, who had been working on the old Mosier place up on the Mo lalla during the summer, and goes to Salem for a visit with his mother. "ROLL OF HONOR" FOR DISTRICT SIIOOLS SUPERINTENDENT ZINSER MAILS INSTRUCTIONS .FOR . -KEEPING SAME. County Superintendent ZInser has .been visiting the country schools all week. Saturday morning some literature was mailed to the teachers in the county, instructing them to keep a "Roll of Honor." The Roll of Honor consists of a neatly engraved linen paper, which is to be framed and hung up for public Inspection, containing the names of scholars who ' have at tained a prescribed standing in schol arship and deportment. The library books will be sent to the various districts about November 1, supplied with cards and pockets recommended by the Library commis sion for the purpose of keeping track of the books. Good Teeth Means Good Health, Good Digestion and Good Looks OUR PAINLESS METHODS and acknowledged skill and gentle ness in handling the most difficult cases have robbed the dentist's of fice of its old time terrors. People entrusting their work to us are sur prised and delighted at the results which will not fail to satisfy the most exacting. We aim to keep the lead; old fashioned methods find no place in our office. We give the best in skill and methods and appliances for a reasonable fee. If you desire the best possible results for the amount we charge, you will not be disappointed at this office. WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOTJ. I I DIf KF1TC Dcntist Weinhard Bid., Phones, City L. L. rlUXCWJ, 1293, Farmers 121. r t ' A Quality That Counts M. J. B. COFFEE - Mocha and Java This is a combination of Javas fancy mild cof- . fees, and Mocha. It's an excellent article. 3 lbs. for SI OO H. P. BRIGHTBILL ' Phone 26 TREES A MENACE TO O. W. P. TRACKS Lebanon extends an ' invitation to Oregon City commercial' bodies to visit that city and attend a joint meet ing of a Farmers' Institute, under di rection of the Oregon Agricultural col lege, and the Willamette Valley De velopment league on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 6 and 7. Wanted Gentleman or ' lady with good reference to travel by rail or with rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Ore. Dec. 21 Ralph Dfmick, youngest brother of County Judge Dimick, visited in the city for a short time Friday, on his way to Portland, where Whitman col lege meets the Multnomah team on Saturday. Young Dimick plays tackle on the college team and took part in the. game against Willamette Wednes day, beating them 10 to 0. He is now on his way to Portland, having visited a day with friends at Hubbard. ' Mrs. Hickman and daughter, Armin ta, of Willamette left Thursday morn ing for Los Angeles, where they will spend the winter for the former's health. Mrs. Frank Clark of Canemah, who had been visiting in Albany and Cor yallis for two weeks, returned to her home, Friday. . New management at the Farmers' Feed Barn will convince you where to stop hereafter. 44tf Herman K. Jones, Miss Emma Bras sel of Portland, and Miss Louis Lev inger and daughter Margaret of Baker City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Jones, Sunday. Miss Winnie Roake who has charge of the primary grades of the public school at Cotrell,, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roake. J The work on the St. Paul's rectory is being pushed along. A veranda floor four feet wide is being added and when completed the residence 'will be treated to a coat of paint that will make it one of the neatest residences of the city. The wife and daughter of H. G. Miller are expected to arrive in Ore gon City the latter part of this week. Mr. Miller lately arrived from New York to take charge of the weaving department of -the woolen mill. Mr. Miller was so delighted with Oregon City that he immediately sent for his wife and daughter to come to this city to reside.' Condemnation proceedings ' have been begun by the O. W. P. & Ry. Co. against A. D. Burnett. The plaintiff corporation alleges that it owns a right of way over two pieces of land owned by defendant and that trees on defendant's land stand In such close proximity to the right of way that they threaten serious damage by falling on the tracks of plaintiff's rail way. PJlaintiff has obtained permission from Noah Stickney, who holds a half interest in one of the parcels of land, to cut the trees, but plaintiff and de fendant cannot agree upon the amount of damages due defendant for cutting said trees. The court is 'asked to as certain the damages due.. Careful of Your Property ' One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving "ESS? Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 624 Main Street MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY V ' 7 to 9. o'clock of each week Just those branches you are wanting. Indi vidual instruction. l : Gfet started now while others are beginning. This is your opportunity ALLEN BUSINESS COLLEGE . ' E. O. Allen, President Garde Building. Oregon City, Oregon J. M. Lawrence, register " of the Roseburg land office, came down from Roseburg Friday morning and after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mil ler for a short time he left for Port land on business, returning to his home on the evening overland. Mr. Lawrence was connected with the En terprise some years ago before going to Bend, where he became connected with a paper and where he resided a number of years before being ap pointed register of the land pffice at Roseburg. - W. W. H. damson has returned from Springwater where he conducted an auction sale on the DuBois place for G. C, Boudish. The stock of farm implements and everything in general to be used on a farm, are reported as having sold very well, netting Mr. Boudish about $1000. The owner ex pressed himself as highly pleased and left for Portland where he will be em ployed in the carshops. Franz Kraxberger of Aurora, - was in the city Wednesday, guest of his brother, Rev. W. R. Kraxberger, pas tor of the German Lutheran church. New Barn for Pioneer Erpress. C. N. Greenman has leased part of the building formerly used as a sash and door factory at Twelfth and Mam streets, and has had the building fit ted up into one of the finest barns in the city. Mr. Greenman has moved his belongings from the barn on 13th street to the new quarters The old barn is to be torn down and he will probably erect several modern cot tages on that valuable property. Mr, Greenman has been in the transfer business in this city since 1865, and has built up such a trade that it re quires four wagons to carry on the traffic. Dement rs Best Flour MADE FROM HARD WHEAT. jpjm- ''rai-Ma- wimp" f 1-r r Ul. .tW, I..n IWviB'tri H UElCR1 rt.niiR walla walla Washington I Used by housewives because of its goodness and economy. Makes the most bread and makes it moat nutri tious. For sale by most dealers. FULL BENEFIT OF PAY-DAY is never yours unless a portion of your wages is put away for future use. 'Begin now to, provide for the "rainy day" that is sure to come when sickness visits your u home or you are thrown out of employ -.' ment. A good way to do this is to open - a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us and add f-. '. something to it each payday. Come and see us and we will gladly give you any de- , sired information. A DOLLAR WILL START YOU. THE BAN ft OF OREGON CITY W. L: BLOCK The Home Furnisher The Store That Saves You Money Goods Sold for Less Than Elsewhere Ftirnittire, Ranges and Stoves Carpets, Crockery, Granite ware and Wall Paper Main and 7th St. Opp. Suspension Bridge 1