Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 02, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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What S) With
You This
Can g W : :
Do 0Heater
With a Perfection Oil Heater yon can heat a cold
bed-room, make a sick -room more comfortable, -warm a
chilly hallway, heat water quickly, and do many things
better than can be dope with any other stove no matter
what fuel it burns. The superiority of the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
liea In the fact that it generates intense heat without smoke
or smell. The oil fount and the wick carrier are made of brass
throughout, which insures durability. - Gives great heat at small
cost. Fount has oil indicator and handle. Heater is light and
portable. Absolutely safe and simple wick cannot be turned
too high or too low. Operated as easily as a lamp. All parts
easily cleaned. Two finishes nickel and japan. Every heater
warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for
descriptive circular.
and is the best all-round
house lamp made. Gives
a clear, steady light. Is
the safest lamp you can
buy. Brass throughout and nickel plated. Equipped with
the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory.
Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if you cannot
get it from your dealer.
annie Mcdonald who
seeks divorce.
Divorce proceedings have ' been be
gun by Annie McDonald against Wil
liam M. McDonald. The couple were
married in 1885 in Kansas and for
fourteen years have lived in this part
of the country, for the last four years
just south of Oregon City.
has been compelled to suffer all kinds
of personal indignities for the last
twelve years; that she has been at
tending to all the work on the farm.
and that her husband has been in the
habit of cursing her and the children
for no cause whatever. This fail in
particular his treatment of herself and
children has been especially cruel.
There are ten children, ranging from
1 to 20 years of age. The wife
prays for a decree of divorce and cus
tody of the minor children; also $25
a month alimony and the support of
the minor children, who are to be
entrusted to her care.
E. " H. Tisen, manager cp Frank
Busch's ranch, was in the city Sunday
and reports the apples in that local
ity in excellent condition. The crop
consists of Baldwins, Spitzenberg and
Yellow Newton. In quality, color and
size they appear to be every bit as
eood as the celebrated Hood River
variety. For shipping purposes the
Clackamas product is the equal of
the famous Hood River fruit..
' In line with Mr. Tisen's report
comes the news of a unique exhibi
tion in Olds & King's window at Port
land. The last week there were dis
played in the above mentioned firm's
window a large number of boxes of
the finest Hood River apples, labeled
where from and by whom raised. Sat
urday the window was ' filled by 6 or
8 boxes of apples bearing this sign:
"Give Clackamas a Show."' The ap
ples were raised by Mr. Byers of" this
county, and compared more than fa
vorably with the display of the week
Both Mr; Busch's and Mr. Byers'
experience in this line proves the
contention of the Horticultural so
ciety's conclusions at a recent meet
ing to be correct. Scientific raising
of apples in this county, as begun by
the men spoken of, if carried on wide
ly all over the county, would put
Clackamas in the front rank with the
Hood River country.
Martha A. Huts'on to John W. Bel
low, part blk. 18, Oregon City, 2 s-2
E; w. fl.; $16.00. .
; George' D. Ely to William Mdllien
N half NEL lots 1 an 2 Sec. 22, lot 4,
sec. 23, 3 Mi E; 155 acres, part of sec.
15 and 22, 3 s-4 E; 5Yz acres w. d.,
$4000. -.
J. G. Mumpower to D. T. Griffin
15.56 acres, sec 13 and 18 2, s 2 and 3
E; w. d.; $750. .
James M. Tracy to George Henry
Smith 15 acres ill Hiram Straight D.
L.C. 2 s-2 E; q. c. d.; $1000.
Jane Bingman, Julia A. Frost and
Mary Lucas to G. H. Smith, und.
3-6 in Hiram Straight DLC 2 s-2 E;
Mary Bottemiller to J. O. Storey,
24,06 acres, Geo. Crow DLC, 2 s-1 E;
Edward S. Bottemiller to J. O.
Storey 24.06 acres, Geo. Crow DLC,
2 s-1 E: $8000.
The complainant alleges that she Ficken.
Marriage Licenses.
A marirage license was issued Wed
nesday to Urania LaCroy and Edward
m. cross
Real Estate, Main Street,
Loana, Insurance
Have you an Electric Flat Iron
Electric Flat Irons save time& money
MY in your' household if you care to be up-to-date, progressive, in
the swim; you will use an Electric Flat Iron.
By filling in the coupon beiow, you will receive one of our ELEC
HRIC FLAT IRONS, under conlitions which ought ,to attract you.1.
STYLE NO. 1. Regular hoisehold, 6-lb. Flat Iron.
STYLE NO. 2. Nickel-plated 3-fb. Smoothing Iron for dainty work
The Iron will be delivered promptly upon receipt of coupon with
out expense to you. " ' .'. , .V
v C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent.
You may deliver to me one Electric Flat Iron, style
No. , which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory, to
return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If
I do not return it at that time you may charge the same
to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge
will be made for the Iron if I return it within 30 days.
NAME... ,
Dept. "E". Address .......
Portland Gen. Electric Co.
C. G. MILLER, Coutract Ag-ent, Oregon City, Ore.
A Year of Blood.
The year of 1903 will long be re
membered in the home of F. N. Tack-
et, of Alliance, Ky., as a year of
blood; which flowed so copiously from
Mr. Tacket's lungs that death seemed
very near. He writes: Severe bleed
ing from the lungs and a frightful
cough had brought me at death's
door, when I began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, with
the astonishing result that after tak
ing four bottles I was completely re
stored and as time has proven perma
nently cured." Guaranteed for Sore
Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at Howell
& Jones' drug store. Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Wright's Strange Mania.
Oregon City police seem to have a
habit of late of landing people in the
insane asylum. With the commit
ment of Looney, and the recapture of
Bagnall, now comes the report that
D. H. Wright, who was taken to Port
land by Chief of Police C. E. Burns,
has been committed to the asylum by
the Portland authorities. Alcohol and
cocaine were Wright's undoing, and
his mania seems to consist of an hal
lucination that he is passing worth
less checks.
Made Happy for Life.
Great happiness came into the home
of S. C. Blair, school superintendent
at St. Albans, W. Va., when his little
daughter was restored from the dread
ful complaint he names. He says:
"My little daughter had St. Vitus'
Dance, which yielded to no treatment
until as a last recourse we tried Elec
tric Bitters and I rejoice to say, three
bottles effected a complete cure."
Quick, sure cure for nervous com
plaints, general debility, female weak
nesses, impoverished blood and malar
ia. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones.
Price 50c. '
The north-bound Southern Pacific
train due to arrive here at 9:47 a. m.,
from Thursday morninf. on will ar
rive in Ore ion City at 10.11. Other
trains will arrive ; as usual. This
change has been made as a result of
putting on an extra train on the Wood
burn division..
Mrs. A. C. Tower, who was visit
ing for a few days at Vancouver, re
turned to Oregon City Monday even
Had a Close Call.
"A dangerous surgical operation, in
volving the removal of a maligant ul
cer, as large as my hand from my
daughter's hip, was prevented by the
application of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve." says A. C. Stickel,- of Miletus,
W. Va. "Persistent use of the Salve
completely cured it." Cures Cuts,
Burns and Injuries. 25c at Howell &
Jones' druggists.
Oregon Patents.
The following patents were granted
to Oregon Inventors last week: . Paul
E Bartelmus, Pendleton, milking ap
paratus; Joseph Crowther, Dallas,
propeller; William B. Dennis, Black
Dutte, treating substances by the aid
of heat; Dalltor W. Kolle, Portland,
fastener for eyeglasses; David Still,
Milton, threshing machine.
Hibernia Savings Bank to Helen A.
Elkins, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15
and 16, blk. 2, Milwaukie Park;
Jno. W. Loder to George E. Douchy
lots 12 and 21, blk. 6; Edgewood Add.,
Oregon City; $85.
State of Oregon to A. M. MacLeod
W half W half, sec. 36, 2 s-2 E;-160
acres, $200.
Heirs of J. R. Shaver to Frank and
William Everhart, 5 acres in DLC of
Hugh Gordon, 5 s-2 E; q.cd.; $200.
Alpha J. Powers to A. S. Pattulto,
part H. Campbell DLC, sec. 29, 1 s-2
E; $10.
Hibernia Savings Bank to C. W.
Hattenstein lots '5 and 6, blk. 4. Mil
waukie Park $84.
Addie and Frank Hodgkin to Cora
Shook, N half lot 9, Jennings Lodge;
Addie & Frank Hodgkin to Florence
E. Rymal, S half lot 9 Jennings Lodge,
J. S. Otis to S. H. Miller E 35 acres
NW, NW sec. 28, 1 s-4 E, and part of
Sec. 21, $6500. .
Mary E. Gensheimer to Michael
Gensheimer, und. half interest in NW
SW and E half NW, SW; sec 23, 2
s-2 E; 60 acres; $200.
Joseph Schleuter to Paul Sauer, SW
NE, and lot 4, sec. 4, 4 s-o E; 80 acres
$375. .
Dr. C. B. Smith to Presbyterian
Church, parcel of land near Eagle
Creek; $50.
U. S. Land Office to John M. Mann,
80 acres, N half SW, 14, 2 s-1 E; pat.
Philip Bucklein to Clara Bucklein
lot 10. blk. 9, Park Add.; $1000. .
Sellwood Land & Improvement Co.,
to B. Lee Paget, lot 4, Tract 59, First
Add. Oak Grove, q.cd.; $1.00.
U. S. Land Office to Flavius Painter
W half SW and W. half NW, sec. 20,
6s-3 E, 160 acres, land patent.
Gottlieb Samuel and Tillie Gross to
Adolf, Mike and Gottlieb Gross J., W.
half DLC Nathaniel Bell, 148 acres; $1.
Mike Gross to . Gottlieb Gross Jr.,
Ferdinand and Adolf Gross, W half
DLC. Nathaniel Bell, 148 acres, q.cd;
Ferdinand Gross to Gottlieb Gross
Jr. W half DLC Nathaniel Bell, q.cd;
Addie C. Hodgkin to Altha N. Em
mons, lot 42 Jenning's Lodge, $300.
Altha N. Emmons to Robert L.
Dunn, lot 42, Jennings' Lodge f $1600.
A. V. Hendrickson to H. S. Ban, 27
acres in sec. zb l s-d js; $dzt.
Eliza A. Ramsby to Fred Schaffer
E half NW sec 11, 5 s-2 E; $1200. -Oregon
and California Railroad Co.,
to S. O. Owen, W half SE sec. 9, 5
s-1 E; q.cd.; $560.
Joseph Resch to Mrs. Phoebe Wa
ger, part of V. Boone's DLC, 54 acres;
3 s-1 W; $2160.
Isak Pederson to S. O. Owen, strip
for road purposes in sec 9, 5 s-1 E;
n n
John H. Surface to Fritz Fall man
lot 2, Clackamas Heights, sec. 21, 2
s-1 E, 4.41 acres, $1000.
John Wetsler to Mrs. Margaret Em
mel, und. half lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, blk.
40, Milwaukie, q.cd.; $1.00.
Mrs. Margaret Emmel to Mrs. M.
IT. Wetzler and half in lots in lots
3. 4, 5 and 6. blk 40, Milwaukie, q. c. d.
L. G. Riggs to William Corbet n
quarter SW Sec. 12 4 s-1 E 40 acres;
$150. ,
William Corbit to L. E. Winslow
NE. SW sec. 12, 4 s-1 E; 40 acres;
Israel P. Putnam to Mrs. A. E.
David, all of blocks C and F, also lots
3, 4, 5, , 7, 8 and 9 James Chase Subd
blk. D. Parkplace; $400.
Edw. T. Peake to Adolf, Dora, Otto
& Henry Aschoff, E half NW- and N
half SE sec. 18, 2 s-6 E, 160 acres;
Marie E. Prettyman to H. T. La
tham, lot 2, blk. 4. Marshfield; $750.
J. W. Roots to J. A. Imel, "E half
NE tract 10, Boring Jet.; $750.
Choose Your
Druggist Carefully
A druggist can. do more harm or good than most
people give hint credit for.
There are different qualities in drugs just as there
are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by
the same name. The difference between pure high
grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same
name, means the difference between keeping sick and
getting well. .
When a doctor writes a prescription he means best
quality. When .some druggists fill a prescription they
think only about big profits. .
Every Drop of
Medicine . . .
that goes in a prescription filled in this store is per
fectly pure. Pure drugs mean a speedy recovery. Poor
drugs mean a relapse. You want the best. Let us
fill your prescriptions.
We are giving away free, while they last, a 25 cent
box of soap with a 25 cent pair of scissors for 25 cents.
Reliable Druggists.
In every city there are certain
stores . that have an enviable
reputation for low prices, such
Jenners of Edinburgh,
Whitley's of London,
" Macey's of New York,
Boston Store of Chicago,
and in our home town it is
lhomson'6 Bargain Store
Oregon City ShoeStore
- The only exclusive
shoe store in the city
Fine Footwear for Ladies,
Gentlemen and the
Young Folks
Krausse Bros., Props
W. WRIGHT, rigr.
Special Sale!
To make iroom for our new goods now
arriving we are making .big reductions
on all dry goods. Great, values for
little money. Call and see us.
Edison and
Columbia Machines
Easy payments if desired.
Send for the monthly Phono
gram It's free.
Wassom's Music
StOT6 419 MAIN ST-
Brunswick House
Oysters Received Daily.
Main St., Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Guardian Appointed.
At the motion of C. D. Latourette,
Erikke Trullinger was Thursday af
ternoon appointed guardian over Ade
line Trullinger, a minor. A bond of
$400 was. filed and a permit given the
guardian to sell timber off . the es
tate to James Adkins at a price not
less than $275.
High Prices.Short Crop of Spuds.
. Clackamas county farmers will 3t
eood Drices for their potatoes this
year enough to make up ior the crop
shortage m - some localities. i ins
shortage amounts to half a crop in
some sections but the county over
will, show a three-fourths crop at
least, so farmers report. The whole
sale nricft for fancy, early-dug pota
toes is from $1 to $1.10. Spuds as
they run are selling for a cent a
pound in Oregon City.
Cut Rate Subscriptions
We want your subscriptions, all of them, we
will save you money, risk and trouble if you
will bring them to us. We met all combina -tion
and club offers made by anybody, and of
ten go them one better.
How is this?
Pub Price Cosmopolitan, one year $1.00
a nn. Worlds Work 3.00
p0.UU Delineator 1.00
Mc Clures Magazine 1.00
. $6.00
These are the magazines you want, not the cheap
ones you don't want at any price. 1
huntley Brothers co.
The Rexall Druggists.