J. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1906. Saw and Hammer Altering Dr. McLoughliiVs Old Home The old home of Dr. McLoughlin at the head of Main street, opposite the woolen mills, is -being remodeled into a more convenient and modern house. Parts of the house that were brought from England are being taken out and replaced with new parts. How this Is regarded by strangers was shown, Thursday, when Dr. and Mrs. Wm. S. "Wallace of Los Angeles visited the old house during a tour to points of historic interest about our city. "Noth ing less than sacrilege," said Mrs. Wallace, "and I am surprised that the citizens here do not take steps to pre serve their historic places both as a matter of duty and pride, and for fi nancial reasons as well, for-1 am sure such places attract many visitors to your city." Dr. and Mrs. Wallace themselves came to OregonCity because of its historic interest. Thed had read Mrs. Eva Emery Dye's book, McLoughlin and Did Oregon; being at Portland came to this city to meet the author of the book that had given them so MOLALLA GRANGE FAIR (Premiums Awarded (Continued from last week). Best Quinces, Albert Moshberger 2 Best Grapes, B. Fredrich 1. . Best Burg. Grapes, do 1 Best Spitz. Apples, do 1 Best King Apples, do 1 Beit Rhode Isd. Apples, do 1 Best Belle Flower Apples, do 1 Best Baldwin Apples, do 2 Best Lady Apples, do 1 " Best Red Cheek Apples, do 1 Best Gravenstein Apples, do 1 Beat Pears, Bertha Adams 1 Best Sorghum, Albert Moshberger 1. Best Wolf River Apples, Louise Sail er 1. Best- Blue Pearmains Apples, W. W. Everhart 1. Best Pop Corn. do 1 Best Pop Corn C. W. Herman 2. Best White Dent Corn, J. W. Thom as 1. . Best White Dent Corn, P. C. Miller 2 Best Yellow Corn.H. A. Kayler 1. Best Yellow Corn, P. C. Miller 2. Best Cabbage, T. B. Donaldson 1. Best Cabbage, Gottlieb Feyrer 2.1 Best House Flowers. Mrs. L. C. Dun ton 1. Best tobacco, Jacob Harless 1. Best Plug Tobacco, Jas. Rastall 1. Best Cookies, Mrs. E. T. B. Thomas Best Tobacco Stalks, James Rastall 1 Best Watermelons, May Herman 1-2 Cookery and Preserved Fruits. Best Cookies, Mrs. E. B. B. Thomas 1 and2. Best Hop Yeast Bread, Mrs. Annette Albright 1. Best Hop Yeast Bread, Miss Vesta . Harless 2. - Best Light Biscuit, Mrs. Annettie Al bright 1. Best Roll Butter, Mrs. Eliza Daugh erty 1. Best Roll Butter Mrs. E. T. B. Thom as 2. Best Baking Powder Biscuit, Mabel Dungan 1. Best Baking Powder Biscuit, Ipha Robbins 2. Best Soda Biscuits, Mrs. Orla Bux ton 1. Best Cake, Mrs. Annie Everhart 1. Best Cake, Mrs. E. T. B. Thomas 2. Best Apple Pie, Mrs. Mary Robbins, 1. Best Pumpkin Pie, do 2. Best Butter Prints, Mrs. E. T. B. Thomas 1. Best Display Jellies, " do 1. Best Display Can Fruit do 1. Fancy Work. Best Rug, Mrs. W. D. Adams 1. Best Rug, Mrs. R. Boswell 2. Best Crazy Quilt, Mrs. Ellen Sawtell, 1 do ' do Elsie Daugherty,2 Best Tidy, Mrs. Mary Stewart 1. Best Tidy, Mrs. Jennie Perry 2'. Best Stand Cover, Mrs. Gottlieb Fey- rer 1. Best Stand Cover, Mrs. Mary Stew art 2. Best Cushion, Mrs. Anna Perry 1. , Best Cushion, Mrs. Annettie Albright . 2. ' ' Best Collar, Miss Edith Sawtell 1. Best Apron, Mrs. Margaret Sawtell 1. Best Pillow Top, Mrs. Mackrell 1. Tea Satisfaction Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden JAJolssrRG? TEA ft much pleasure, and to see the places where the great McLoughlin lived and worked. Under Mrs. Dye's guidance they saw the graves of Dr. McLoughlin and his wife. The great pioneer of this Pa cific northwest, founder of our city, was buried in St. John's churchyard in .1857, and three years later his Indian wife was laid beside him." His stone bears this inscription: "A friend of Oregon and founder of Oregon City." In the church a stained glass win dow dedicated to his memory gives a speaking likeness of Dr. McLoughlin.! The old home is fully described in Mrs. Dye's book. The front room on the left of the large hall is where the old man died. It still contains the old-fashioned fire-place. Across the hall was his wife's sitting room. The narrow "colonial" windows on 'each side of the front door came from Eng land when the house was built. It is a two story frame building with broad steps from the street to the door. Best Pillow Top, Miss Bertha Adams 2. Best Pin Cushion, Miss "Vesta Har less 1. Best Chimese, Miss Edith Sawtell 1. Best Shawl, Mrs. Ellen Sawtell 1. Best Doily, Mrs. Gottlieb Feyrer 1. Best Handkerchief, Mrs. Margaret Sawtell 1. Best Home-Made Blanket, Mrs. R. Boswell 1. Best Quilt, Mrs. Kate Adams 1. Best Cushion, Rhoda Mackrell 1. Best Pechose, do do 1 Best pair Stockings, do do - 1 Best Bed Spread, Mrs.-Emily Case 1 Best Bouquet Dahlias, Miss Bertha Adams 1 and' 2. J. W. THOMAS, Secretary A Most Worthy Article. When an article has been on the market for years and gains friends every year, it is .safe to call this med icine a worthy one. Such is Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It positively, cures coughs and all Pulmonary diseases.. One of the best known merchants in Mobile, Ala., says: "For five years my family has not been troubled with the winter coughs. We owe this to Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I know it has saved my children from many sick spells." For sale by Huntley Bros.' Drug Co. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John P. Freeman to Viola Freeman, 10 acres John Tuttle DLC, NE, NE, sec. 5, 3 s-4 E; $500. John P. Freeman to Beulah F. Row ley, 10 acres John Tuttle DLC, SE, NE NE sec. 5, 3 s-4 E; $500. John P. Freeman to W. D. Freeman 100 acres S half E half John Tuttle DLC in sec 32, 2 s-4 E and sec 5, 3 s-4 E; $2000. Wm. Anderson to L. W. Stryker and E. E. Sharon, 25 acres in sec. 26, 1 s-2 E; $1200. W. A. Laidlow to L. K. Moore, lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, blk. 3, Maywood; $6500. Hugh T. Evans to Peter Taylor, lots 7 and 8, bl. 16 O. I. & S. Co., First Add, Oswego; $1100. Henry W. Dudley to John C. Hankin 20 acres, S half SW, NE, Sec. 33, 1 9-2 E; part of Wm. Phillips D.L.C; $2000. Pacific Title & Trust Co., to Mount Hood & Barlow Road 62 miles road, $1.00. (reconveyance). O. E. F. Lee to A. D. Hall, 90 acres, part of DLC No. 42, sees. 4 and 9, 6 s-1 E; $2951. . Sellwood Land and Title Co., to Geo. Bigham, lot 4, tract 60, first subdiv. of Oak Grove; $200. Pleasance P. Hedges, Edwin Hedg es, Albert G. Hedges, Geo. Hedges, Etta T. Chapman, Mabel Hollenbeck Dingman, to C T. Tooze, lots 3 and 14, blk 28, Gladstone; $200. Mary Lawe to Marshall C. Soule, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, sec. 26, 2 s-2 E, 44.8 acres; $500. Leslie L. Shank to Eliz R. GInzer, lots 5 and 6, blk. 2, Lee's Add to Can by; (Q.C.D.) $1.00. Eliza J. Darling to H. R. Chase and A. D .Chase, 351.48 acres, S half SW SEVEN FLAVORS Gate Japan Gate English Breakfast Gate Ceylon Gate Oolong Gate Fancy Blend -Gate Gunpowder Gate Black and Green ' 'Pacltd m Flavor-Tight Cartons J. A. Folger & Co., San F) ran Cisco Tor your Protection we place this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man'Yvitha fishon his back is our trade-mark, and It Is. a guarantee that Scott's Emul sion will do all that Is claimed for It. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion is one of the greatest flesh builders known to the medical world. ' W'll mead yoa mmmple tree, , SCOn & BOWKE, 40t Pearl Street Hew York and lots 3 and' 4, sec. 13 and S half SE, and lots 5 and 6, sec. 14, lots 1 and 2, sec. 23, lots 1 and 2, sec. 24, all in town 5 s-J W; $13,500. Bank of Oregon City to A. K. Ford, 2.60 acres in Julia A. Lewis DLC; $130. Willamette Land Co. to J. T. Ap person, blk. 11, Apperson's Subd. blk. 5, & and 7, Parkplace; $125. C H. Willoughby to Gottfried Grossenbacher, lots 1 to 8, blk. 13, Canemah; $1050. M. F. Donahue to Portland & Sandy River Electric Co. E half SE, sec. 8, N half NE, sec. 17, 2 s-5 E, 160 acres ; $1.00. ' Joseph Resch to W- F. Stangel, part of DLC, J.-W. Boon No. 42, and part of CI 45, 3 s-1 w, $2000. Edw. Danielson to A. C Mowrey, timber and right of way deed to half NW and SW, NE, sec. 20, 2 s-4 E; $1. Sarah J. Buckman to W. F. Harris, part of A. Hood DLCr in sec. 9, 10, 15, 16, 5 s-2 E; 1 acres: $1500. Wilhelm tiueperlet to Frank Gue perlet part of and Vicker's DLC, 105 acres, 3 s-1 E; $500. C. M. Wilson to F. T. Bradford and M. Calavan 49.52 acres in sec. 21, 3 s-1 E; $2000. Charles Hun? to Portland & Sandy River Electric Co. S half NW & N half SW, NW SE and SW NW, sec. 16, 2 s-5 E; 240 acres : $1. Anna Kaufman to Emma G. Robin son, lot 4, blk. 58, Oak Grove, w.d., $950. Emma G. Robinson to Emma M. Larson, lot 4, blk. 58, Oak Grove, w.d., $1250. Herman Retlig to Wilber Ray Bunn, lot 2 and N half SW, SE sec. 5, 2 s-3, E; 40 plus acres, w. d., $3700. W. L. Smith to Emma L. Cox, S half blk 4, (lots 5, 6, 7 and 8) So. Oswego, w. d., $800. ' ' Robert Glen, Rdbt. A. Glen and Hugh Glen to F. R. Bussard, part of DLC, Jos Kellogg, 13 acres, w.d., $1500. Gustav Will to Hugo Geschwendt, NE, SE, sec. 5, 3 s-1, E; 40 acres, w.d. $2600. Vevia Lansch to Arthur W. Brown, 12.53 acres in DLC, Henry Rowlie, 3 s-3 and 4 E, w. d.; $240. Fritz Timmermann to Julius Tim mermann W half NW, NE sec. 5, 2 s-4 E; w. d.; $1. Ira Erb to Annie Matthews, lots 8 to 13, lots 32 to 36, blk. 70 Minthorn Add., City Portland, w.d; $250. Ira Erb to Annie Mathews, lots 42 to 46, blk. 42, Minthorn Add city of Portland, w.d.; $100. E. F. Riley to Annie Mathews, lots 6 to 24, blk. 65, lot 1, blk. 66, Min thorn add city of Portland, w. d.; $200. Annie Mathews to Jas. P. McGHn chey, lots 6 to 24, blk. 65, lot 1 blk. 66, lots 8 to 13, and 32 to 36, blk. 70, lots 42 to 46, blk. 42, Minthorn add., Portland, (w.d.; $10.00. Maggie A. Johhson to Ira Erb, lots 8 to 13, 32 to 36, blk. 70, Minthorn add. Portland, q.c.d., $500. Laurie J. Moody to B..S. Payne lots 5 and 18, blk. 93, 1st subd. part of Oak Grove, deed of confirmation; $170. Ralph W. Hoyt, Trustee to Thos. Crowley part of Ezra Fisher DLC, No. 44, 2, s-2 E; w. d.; $125. J. G. Miller to E. B. Miller, part of I. Whealdon DLC, T 4, SR. 1 E; 151.20 acres; $5500. Thos. H. Smith to Lydie Kary, lot 59, blk 1, P. L. H. No. 1, w. d.; $30. O. W. P. Townsite Co. to City of ' Estacada, lot 8, blk. 7; $200. ! O. W. P. Townsite Co. tc T, A. Mil ler, lot 12, blk. 19; $75. T. A. Miller to R. G. Marchbantt, lot : 12, blk. 19 $300. ' G. B. Dimick to W. T. Henderson, 1 SE, NE and part SE. sec. 19, 4 s-4 E: , $1000. Jno, B. Mathews to Kate M. Col burn, part lot 4, blk. 30, First Subd. Oag Grove; $2375. J D. F. LeFevre to W. L. Mitchell, ' part of R. N. Workham DLC, sec. 22, : 3 s-2 E; 30 acres; $500. I Victor Erickson to Jas. C. Russell, part of J. D. Garrett DLC, sec. 31, 1 s-2 E; 5 acres; $600. Alice Russell to Jas. M. Tracy, H. A. Straight DLC, 2 s-2 E; 13 acres (q.c.d.) fl50. , Frank E. Mellim to Grace Loder, part of bl. "A" Derlings' Add to Ore gon City; $110. Napoleon Bonaparte showed at the battle of Austerlitz, he was the greatest Leader in the .world. Ballard's Snow Liniment has shown the public it is the best Lini ment in the world. A quick cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Burns, Cuts, etc. A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La., says: "I use- Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family and find it unexcelled for sore chest, headache, corns, in fact for anything that can be reached by a I liniment." For sale by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. R. A. Wilkinson Funeral. The funeral of Robert A. Wilkinson was held from the family residence, , Fourteenth and Madison streets, Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. B. The deceased was the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkinson, and was born at Albany, N. Y., in 1.874, coming two years later to Oregon City. He was taken ill last April and was Just recovering when attacked by typhoid fever, with complications, which left him enfeebled. He battled bravely for life but, death conquered. He returned Wednesday from a sev eral weeks stay at Seaside. The be reaved relatives have the sympathy of many friends. Julius Caesar was a man of nerve, but sickness left its mark and he became aged before his time Sickness Is often caused by a torpid liver. Herbine will regulate your liver and give you health.. Mrs. Carrie Austin, Hollon, Kas.. writes: "I consider Herbine the best medi cine I ever heard of. I am never with out it. Sold by Huntley Bros.' Drug Co. - Measuring the Power. The TT. S. Geological Survey is maintaining stations on streams in Western Oregon, . gauging' their flow and supply of power. The nine sta tions where daily readings are made are as follows: Barton, Dickey Prai rie Mehama, Surver, " Hendricks' Fer ry, Jasper, Goshen Waterloo and Albany. Tib. E2useirirklslber. From a modest beginning to our present commercial position as leading furni ture and carpet dealer, our infallible method has carried as through to this great success, and that method - just keeping faith with the public, honest and reliable dealings, lower' prices and better, grade of furniture and carpets than our competitors. Folding Cots at RANK 2 V The Kind You Have Always in use lor over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare' goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind. Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA S7 Bears the Tie Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For , Over 3 O Years. . TMC OINTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. D. C. LATOUSETTE, President. F. J. MEYER, Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 3100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our Competitors squeal because our prices on carpets ,ari to low,, never mind Mr. Buyer you know , that 85c a yard will buy the best . wool carpet and 35c the cheap est. ;T This chair was no bought at 1 our store'and you can see the consequen ces. We sell only well ruece, jelia ble Rocking chairs fullsizeland;high armsj. or - B 1 75 3 Irons and handle stand 85c $2-50- Mi- ULTUf - ) Bought and which has been has borne the signature or and has been made Kinder his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. ALWAYS Signature of Our couches are made for com fort, let us show you at $ 1 O one and be astonish ed at the value. .S525 will buy V. this Parlor Lamp, ac tually one of the best lamps in the market. Ik $18 will buy a regular $25 Sew ing Machine, 10 years guarantee.