Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 26, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.'
H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager
Subscription Rates: :
One Year , ?1.50
Six Months .75
Trial subscription, two months. . .25
Advertising Rates on Application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention,
Entered at the postoffice at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-clas3 matter.
If it is the duty of the State
to give each future citizen an
opportunity to learn to read, it
is equally its duty to give each
citizen an opportunity to use
that power wisely for himself
.and the State Wholesome
literature can be furnished to
all the readers in a community
at a fraction of the cost neces
sary to teach them to read,
and the power to read may
then become a means to a life
long education. A library is
an essential part of a broad
system of education and a com
munity should think it as dis
creditable to be without a well
conducted free public library
as to be without a good school.
F. A. Hutchins.
James H. Higgins, the "boy mayor'
of Pawtucket, nominated for govern
or by the Democratic state conven
tion of Rhode Island, wjf.l not, be
twenty-one years old until the votes
are in. If elected, he will be .the
youngest governor in the United
The death of Leroy C. Driggs at
Portland brings out the fact that as
a Democrat he was holding the chief
deputyship in the United States
marshal's office. He had peculiar
fitness for the work, says the Eugene
Guard. '
If it should ever happen that New
York would have a Senator Roose
velt and New Jersey a Senator Cleve
land the problem of what to do with
ex-presidents would begin to clear
Choose Your
Druggist Carefully
A druggist can do more barm or good than most
people give him credit for.
There are different qualities in drugs just as there
are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by
fhe same name. The difference between pure high
grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same
name, means the difference between keeping sick and
getting well.
When a doctor writes a prescription he means best
quality. When soma druggists fill a prescription they
think only about big profits. ,
Every Drop of
Medicine . . .
that goes in a prescription filled in this store is per
fectly pure. Pure drugs mean a speedy recovery. Poor
drugs mean a relapse. Ton want the best. Let us
fill your prescriptions.
We are giving away free, while they last, a 25 oent
box of soap with a 29 cent pair of scissors for 25 cents.
Reliable Druggists.
Mr. Cleveland's word for-the demo
cratic situation in New York is "af
flictive." He also calls it an "absurd
ity" and a "calamity." The innocu
ous desuetude statesman is still a dic
tionary searcher.
Mr. Rockefeller is doing his best
in a kindly and unobtrusive way, to
remove from the minds of the Amer
ican people the erroneous impression
that the Standard oil company is a
If they will put off letting those
Panama canal contracts until March
5, 1909, the man who could dig the
ditch, do it on time for the least pos
sible expense, may be at liberty to
tackle a big job.
Reduced to simple form, Senator
Beveridge's New York speech seems
to mean that the only thing necessary
to purify politics is to introduce some
pure politicians.
Mr. Hearst seems .to have decided
that being a Democrat is not yet an
exact science.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Jones of Eldorado
and Miss Eliza . Burns were visiting
the latter's parents Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mainwood were visit
ing at John Burns Sunday.
Irvin Wheeler has been selling oft
some of his stock this week. He sold
one horse, eight head of hogs .and five
dozen chickens.
Bud Hilton is clearing some land
on his ranch.
Frank Hilton is papering his house.
Alvin Phelps called on Irvin Wheel
er and wife.
Frank May called on Warren Han
dle. Charles Thomas and wife of Macks
burg were visiting the latter's par
ents in Portland for a few days.
The people generally are rell pleas
ed that James Wilkerson was ap
pointed mail carrier on the Canby
When you have headache or other
nerve pain try Ake-in-The-Head tab
lets and you can have your 10 'cents
back if your headache or neuralgia
is not relieved in . 15 minutes. No
matter what the cause is one tablet
gives relief. Huntley Bros.
The Shaver sale was largely attend
ed, and things sold very well. Same
can ' be said regarding the Vaughn
Bale a week - ago. It rained on both
events in the way that wets through.
Mr. Watts, late of Nebraska, took
possession ef the Leavitt farm Satur
day. Dr.. and Mrs. Leavitt left for
their new Portland home Saturday
F. C. Perry went to Table Rock to
take some views but had to return
without them on account of the high
fog and moisture.
Frank E. Everhart late of Newport,
Is again ' smiling in our midst as a
Molalla boy, looking much improved
in health.
Otis Engle is wearing out his ty
phoid fever and will soon be about
Mrs. M. J. Shaver has moved to
Portland where she will reside with
her family.
Pearl Harless had the largest sun
flower on exhibition at the fair in
the juvenile department and got the
blue ribbon on it too instead of Zella
Shaver. Lloyd Kayler, worthy master
of Juvenile Grange, had some fine
pop corn on exhibition which called
for its share-f , -the ribbonsr a red,
one. C. El Spence" and " Fred Spang-
ler of Carus had yellow corn, planted
June 1st. While the roots and stalks
rested on the floor the tassels swept
a 10 foot ceiling.
A Badly Burned Girl.
or boy, man or woman, is quickly
out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve
is applied promptly. G. J. Welch, of
Tekonsha, Mich., says: "I use it in
my family for cuts, sores and all skin
injuries, and find it perfect." Quick
est Pile cure known. Best healing
salve made. 25c at Howell & Jones'
drug store.
Mr. Clebe and son of Highland,
were in the neighborhood Saturday
avd Sunday, visiting friends.
Mrs. Lenn entertained relatives
to dinner, Sunday. Mrs. Lenn will
leave this week for Seattle where
she will visit her sister for an inde
finite period.
Joe Hiighes Was out from Port
land one day last week calling on
friends and relatives.
Mr. Gray and family leave next j
week for California, where they ex-1
pect to reside for some time.
Logan, Oct. 23. Friends here have
received word of the death of William
Huber, ' son of Jacob . Huber, at the
family's present home at Trout Lake,
Washington. He was about 18 years
of age, and had only been ill about
nine days. . The family moved from
Logan about four year3 ago and have
the deep sympathy of many frieids
here. William was the fourth son of
a , large family of children, another
child dying of the same disease three
years ago.
'Mr. Smith of the Clear Creek cream
ery, is recovering nicely from the
operation for appendicitis in the Port;
land hospital.
ka life-long Republican.. "Uncle Dave"
as he was familiarly called, had no
enemies, but was loved . and respect
! ed by a host of friends. He was a
1 good neighbor, always ready to help
the distressed and needy, and will be
greatly missed in the community.
D. B. Yoder has moved back to
his old home near Needy and will try
the hop business. -
Henry Wolfer will run the hop bus
iness alone in the future, as his broth
er Charles will go to Portland for the
winter. ' .
Oglesby Bros. Co. are negotiating
for more real estate and will try the
onion business along with their hop
Some of the hop growers did not
like our remarks about dirty hops. If
they 'will call at Aurora and inspect
a few samples they will be convinced
that what was said about dirty hops
was putting it very mild.
The Needy literary society will
soon commence its reguflar winter
Very few hops are being sold here,
as most of our growers are in a posi
tion to hold for better prices.
Since the heavy frost our farmers
will try and get their potatoes dug.
The crop here is almost a failure, and
what there is are very small.
Several acres of new orchards will
be planted here this winter.
W. H. Bair of Canby was getting
hop . samples of our hop men. He is
working for Tooze and Page of Wood
burn and Portland.
We learn there will be an action
at law over a contract regarding hops
to be tried at the November term of
circuit court at Oregon City.
It is said that the Paradise City
wedding is indefinitely postponed.
Is Yxur
Hair Sick?
It's Your Own Fault if You Continue
: to Suffer With Indigestion.
How to Improve Your Complexion.
Everyone who wants a good, healthy
color, a ruddy glow and a clear skin
free from the effects of biliousness,
sluggish liver and chronic constipa
tion should get a 25 cent package of
Laxakola Tonic Tablets today. Hunt
ley Bros.
Hay, grain, flour and feed of all
kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at
the right price. 44tf
David Zimmerman, an old resident
of this vicinity, died at his home near
here, after over a year's illness of
cancer and dropsy. The funeral was
held Friday, October 19, and the re
mains were followed to'their last rest
ing place In the Zimmerman cemetery
by a large concourse of friends and
relatives. Services were conducted
by Rev. John P. Cole and the grave
was literally covered with floral trib
utes. Mr. Zimmerman was bora in
Alleghaney county, Pennsylvania,
February 11, 1837. He removed with
his parents to Missouri in 1843, where
October 14, 1860, he was married to
Miss Elizabeth Wolfer. They crossed
the plains to Oregon with ox teams,
after a six months journey settling
on the land which has since been
their home. His widow and five grown
children survive him. Mr. Zimmerman
was a member of the Missouri State
militia during the Civil war. He was
E, S.
Hdwe Co
cordially, invite you
to inspect their new
line of . . . . .
Quick and courteous
Service for all . .
Hdwe Co.
On the Busy Corner' .- 1 0th and Main.
If they could only tell you person
ally-of the number of Oregon City
people who have been cured of indi
gestion within the last two years by
Pepsikola Tablets you wouldn't hesi
tate on trying this remedy one
single minute. Their success with it
has caused them to wonder, and the
longer they sell it the more confi
dence they have. No one need have
dizzy spells, sick headache, bilious
ness, nervousness, loss of appetite.
sour stomach, coated . tongue, palpi
tation, restless nights, or any other
symptom of indigestion and stomach
trouble if they will only use Pepsi
kola Tablets. It is also a splendid
nerve tonic, it improves the general
health, puts on firm, solid flesh, and
if you are run down or emaciated it
will almost surely increase your
weight. There is not one case in a
hundred that these tablets will hot
cure. No matter how many remedies
you have tried, don't -give up. They
know Pepsikola Tablets will cure you
or they could not sell them for more
than two years on a guarantee to
return your twenty-five cents if they
E. F. Ginther has bought a seed
Rev. Emil Hornshuh Is visiting his
parents for a few days.
Born, to wife of Herman Moehnke,
on October 13, a daughter. Mother
and child doing well. '
Miss Lydia Hornshuh has gone to
Salem where she will remain indefi
nitely with her sister and learn the
dressmaking trade.
Born, to the wife of Homer Rowens,
a daughter, October 8. Mother and
babe are doing well.
August Guenther is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guenther. "
Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Oregon City,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshul
That's too bad ! We had no
ticed it was looking pretty thin
and rough of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is
a regular hair grower, a per
fect hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
Want Watch
If you expect a watch to keep
time, buy It from a reliable
jeweler. Mall order houses and
department stores have oheap
watches and cheap clocks, and
cheap- clerks who know little or
nothing about watches to wait
on you. If they make a sale
and the watch ticks till you get
home, all well and good, they
don't care, you will always have
to pay for repairs they make no
matter if good, or bad.' You
pay express charges too. Their
motto is Get the Money. Its
different when you buy of
Wm. Gardner Jewc,er-
Mad by J. O. Ayer Co.. Lowell,
m.nuffcctmw of
W. S. Hearst, the extensive hop and
potato- grower of Marion county, was
transacting business in Oregon City
Monday. He returned to his home at
Hubbard Monday evening.
, AT
719 Main Street.
Tickets on Haviland Dinner
Set given with every purchase.
City and
Eight lots, 7-room house, good spring
water piped in house, good well, one-
half block from school, overlooks
river and park of city. Price,.. $1250
Twenty-two acres, 8 level, balance
slightly rolling. This place has from
800 to 1000 cords of wood on it, good
spring, on good road,, 5 miles from
Oregon City. Going r cheap. Price,
.: $450
Some choice lots and improved in
Gladstone, Oregon City's first suburb.
low fare, 6 minutes ride from city,
Prices reasonable
Ten acres, half mile . from court
house, growing city, small house,
good young orchard. Price..,. $1000.
Two choice lots and 7-room house
in Falls View, good well and root
house, all kinds of fruit. This Is a
snap and you had better hurry. Price.
"The Mart Who Makes Property
524 Mam SL, Oregon City.
they say are a double blessing. So
is our White House Coffee at 2 lbs for
75 cts and Tetley's Teas,, for their
quality is very high for the low price
that is asked.
A Reward.
We offer a reward of 25 cents for
every case of skin trouble, eczema,
ulcers, old running sores, wounds,
cuts, or any kind of scalp trouble
that Dermakola Ointment will not
heal, for if not cured we pay
the 25 cents back. Huntley Bros.
W. H. Frey is painting Dr. D. W.
Thomas' home.
Fisher Bros. & Co. moved onto
their homestead in Eastern Oregon
last week.
The new school house bell is'peal
ing its glorious sound over the hills
every morning. Mr. Trulllnger seema
to be a good hand to pull the rope.
Moses Thomas has finished putting
up Mrs. Edward's fence this week.
Albert Steudeman has purchased
a Montana double disc drill.
O. H. Hughes purchased a cow and
calf of Dr. James last week.
- Tom Martin and John Westburgef
left for the logging camp this week.
John Heft is completing D. M.
Thomas' new house.
D. E. Jones Jr., is moving to' his
ranch in Greenwood.
A. Thomas shipped 35 tons of oats
last week. " . -
A. Robertson
Work in the Bar
ber line, try the
White Hairs
Won't come while are waiting
for groceries from J. E. Jack's
Prompt delivery of nice fresh
goods is the motto of our store.
Call Phone 561 once and you'll
call '
Every Day Is
Bargain Day
It's not necessary to wait un
til after breakfast or after sup
per or any other inconvenient
Our low prices prevail on
Dry Goods and Shoes, day in
and day out from Monday morn-,
ing to Saturday night,
Thomson's Bargain
Christmas Presents
Latest Styles.
Hurry Up.
Don't Wait
Lymp's Studio
Phone I 204
Regular finished family wash
ings, 20 per cent discount
from laundry list prices.
Give us a trial. All work not
satisfactory, done over free.
And You'll See Oar Wagon
Electric Massage for blackheads.
"Head Vibratory," stops hair from
coming out.
M. Justin, Proprietor.
Fine Wines and Liquors, Pool Tables
Porter on Draught. Family Rooms,
Main and Fifth Stress.
A. Knapp.
Lu A. Nobel
Are Going Past
Best Pure
$1.50 Per Gallon
others in proportion
714 Main SC. bet. 7th and 8th
i Retail Liquor Store
Both Phones
Family Trade Solicited
verton, will make his fair season at Phone 1061.
Secrest Bros.' barn, River street, Ore Next to Harris Grocery,
gon City. ' ',' I -
Old Country
Hamburger Steak
3 Pounds for 25 Cents
Without a Preservative.
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.