OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1906. 'mm 1 y W. 3. U'Ren C. Schuebel U'REN 4. SCHUEBEL ATTORNETS-AT-LAW Deutscher Advokat. Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. ' Office in Enterprise Building. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Court house. OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. Dee Wright of Molalla was in the city Friday, ' T. L. Turner of Stafford was in the city Thursday. M. R. Boyles of Molalla was in this city Friday and Saturday. G. W. Dimick of Salem is visiting his son, Walter Dimick. O.D.EBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. J. E. Hedges F. T. Griffith HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Welnhard Building. Opposite Court . House. C. D. &D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our specialties. Office in Commer cial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Carl Dikman of Wilsonville was in town on business Thursday. Abernethy grange of Parkplace will hold its first annual fair on November 24. W- H. Boring of Boring was trans acting business in the county seat Saturday. When you want your horses well taken care of, stop at the Farmers' Feed Barn. 44-tf Suit has been begun in the county court hyAttorney H. E. Cross for the recovery of $50 for legal services against Louis Toedtemeier. The plaintiff prays for judgment for $50, together with costs and interest at the rate of 6 per cent from July 1, 1906, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Livinger and daughter of Baker City were in Ore gon City Thursday, visiting Mrs. Liv inger's sister Mrs. Linwood E. Jones. They left in the evening for Portland where Mrs. Livinger and daughter will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, for several weeks, few hours with Miss Dorothy Cross, of . this city, who is studying elocu tion, and also Miss Veda Williams, who is studying music at the - Chica go University of Music. Rev. Ham mond went to Chicago to attend the consecration of the Bishop elect, Rev. Scadding. Rev. Hammond took a prominent part in the impressive ceremonies. . H. E. Stevens of Milwaukle was transacting' business in Oregon City Thursday. . . ' Percy Williams, a prosperous farm er of Beaver Creek, was in Oregon City, Friday. . D. E. Pendleton of Molalla was transacting business 4n the oounty seat Thursday. Office' Phone 1101 Res. Phone 1773 C. H. DYE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. O. W. E ASTH AM ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Law Business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, - - - - - Oregon. GEO. C. BROWNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bradley of Mar quam were in the city Thursday on business matters. W. T. Henderson, postmaster of Elwood, was transacting business in the county seat today. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & Schuebel. Miss Jennie Rowen, who has the principalship of the MInne-ha-ha school, about a mile from Vancouver, Wash., was visiting with her mother. Mrs. Rowen, in this city Saturday. Miss Rowen was formerly one of Clackamas county's most successful teachers, having' taught many schools throughout the county. When in want of an up-to-date rig go to the Bradley Stables. 44tf A. Boy lan who has been in the ex press business in this city for the past three years, has sold out to Mr. Lewis, of Yamhill county and Henry Miller of Kansas City addition. The fiirm name will be Lewis & Miller. Mr. Lewis has extensive property inter ests in Yamhill county. He will move with his family to this city. About November 15 a directory company of Portland will publish a directory of Clackamas county. A. B. Keaton, the ' manager of the company, has started on the work of taking the census in Oregon City, and six men are now finishing up the work through out the county in the rural districts. The directory will be about as com plete as one would wish, judging from the different items the solicitors are taking down in ihe census. Some of the items which the book will con tain are the following: Name, ad dress, R. F. D. No., telephone, occu pation, crops, specialty, stock, years lived here, value of acreage, family (boys at school, age, etc), politics. These different items give a clew to what a complete volume it will be. There will also be a classified busi ness and county department. court Wednesday against E. H. Hig gins and Will Duggins. The com plaint alleges that the defendants pur chased a horse; last March and gaveJ tneir promissory note, pay a Die sixty days after date. The note was due May 4th, and Bauer now seeks to re cover either his horse or $80, the face value of the note, together with in terest at 6 per cent and $25 attorneys' fees. Dement' s Best Flour Oregon City Wide Awake. From the Salem Capital Journal. Oregon .City high, school students will publish a paper. That city has a bright daily paper, would have a public library and shows other signs of up-to-date activities. . W. C. Mount, a brother of Dr. H. S. Mount was in the , city Friday on his way from Salem to Portland. Mr. Mount is a member of the firm of Llvesay & Mount, representing E. Clemens Horst & Co., of San Fran cisco, hop merchants. Hops, accord ing tp Mr. Mount, who is a prominent hop buyer, are not moving very fast yet. Several samples were taken of hops in the O. W. P. freight house. The quality of the hops runs about the same, a feature of this year's crop being the rather mixed nature of the stock from, the same grower. Miss . Jennie Reams has. accepted a position as an apprentice in Mrs. J. F. Dix of Shubel was trans- Sladen's millinery store acting business in Oregon City Fri day. Mr. Dix is one of Shubel's pros- gAW MIL , fo ... ,, ftmith. Charles McGetchie has accepted a position as packer with the Portland Flouring mills at Tacoma, Wash. , Of the salary of the Estacada mar shal, $35 is paid by popular subscrip tion and $15 from the town treasury. Sick Headache Cured Sick headache is caused by derange ment of the stomach and by indiges tion. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and effect a cure. By taking these tablets as soon as the first indication of the disease appears, the ' attaji may be warded off. For sale by How ell & Jones. Action on Promissory Note. George Bauer commenced an action on a promissory note in the justice O. W. P. Passengers Transfer. The O. W. P. bridge over the Clack amas has been put out of commission for a short time on account of the repairs being made there. Passengers have to get . off the car going to Port land, cross on a foot bridge, and take the car on the other side. Estate Reports Filed. The final report in the estate of John Knaus was filed in the county court Friday by the administratrix. Judge Dimick has set Monday, No vember 26, as the day for the final hearing. David Will, executor of the estate of Marguerite Will, deceased, filed his report' with the county court Friday, also and Monday, December 10, was set as the day for the final hearing. Marriage Licenses. Oct. 20. Charles F. Jensen and Julia Kimlin; A. C. Allger and Katie Mendal. MADE FROM HARD WHEAT. ft- !;''' SMI n.niiR walla walla Washington Used by housewives because of its goodness and economy. Makes the most bread and makes it most nutri tious. For sale by most dealers. Notice of Final Settlement. , Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of John Knaus, deceased, has filed her final report of her doings therein. and the Court has set Monday, the 26th day of November, A. D., 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., in the County Court room of the County Court House, in Oregon City, Oregon; as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final report and for the discharge of said administratrix. Dated this 20th day of October, A. D., 1906. URSULA KNAUS, 46-t5 Administratrix of said Estate. perous farmers. Office in Phone 521. Caufield Bldg., Eighth Streets. Main - and MEALS SERVED DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters Received Daily. BRUNSWICK HOUSE AND RES TAURANT. Main St., Opposite Suspension Bridge. . When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. J. U. CAMPBELL, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. John Borbounia has started a bar ber shop at Estacada. Editor Wil liams can now take his bourbon while he- is being shaved. J. L. Kruge, of Wilsonville, several times a member of the Oregon legis lature, was "transacting business in the' city Thursday. J. L. Seely of Wilsonville was trans acting business in this city Satur day. Mr. Seely Is one of the most prosperous farmers of that section of the county. New management at the Farmers' Feed Barn will convince you where to stop hereafter. 44tf Miss Johnson, daughter of H. H. Johnson, has moved into the city from Clackamas Heights where she ' had been living with relatives. She will spend the winter in the city. east of Oregon City. 60-horse power' mill, in good running order Good lo cation; good market. Yellow fir tim ber. Price reasonable; terms, cash. Dix Bros., R. F. D. 4, Oregon City. 43-4 n KF TP EC IR D5 F. F. White and daughter Jean have returned from Seaview, where they had been occupying a cottage with Senator Rands and family of Vancou ver, Wash. Mr. White says that the weather was warm and delightful. Fishing was excellent and they caught all the fish they could eat. ' The party drove to the cranberry swamps, where they gathered over five gallons of the berries in a very short time. The swamps, where the berries grow are about a mile from Seaview, and the low bushes grow among the moss in the swamps. A company has bought 800 acres of swamp land and several hundred acres of the berries are being cultivated. I Best Winteir Footwear comfort and great dura bility, The Ltion heavy shoes for men and boys we think are Best In The World. Broader, heavier soles, firm insoles, best counters of ample size and heavy soles; insoles and counters of best Calif tan nage, the World's Best. The Uppers are heavy "Luzon stock, nearly waterproof. Ten times the com fort and twice the wear. Uppers thoroughly stitched and riveted and fitted with bellows tongue. Call and see them, grocers profits only, so we are away under Portland Prices. Will practice in all courts of the state j Wg motner) wno is lying dangerously The Rev. P. K. Hammond return ed Fridav after a month's visit in The second hand store or a . l, Chicago and . New York, and begin Cummings is in he hands of credit-1 . wltn Sund win officlate as ors, t. L.. saum, iiusubb U1. - , , at p,.,, hl,Ph. Mr TTarrl. ciiaui.3 v""'- imond snent ahmit. twolvn riava with taken possession Of the Stock. j. William, who ia nttendine- !the General Theological Seminary at A. B. Niles of Walla Walla, visited New York. , At Chicago he visited a Mrs. Elizabeth Warner tne nrst or the -week. Mr. Niles was on his way to California, where he went to see Office in Caufield Building. T.IVY STlPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Main 131 1 ill. A black bear carcass weighing near ly 200 pounds was brought to Pet zold's meat market Thursday. The animal was killed early Thursday morning by Mr. Mayfieldof High land. Wanted Gentleman or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address with stamr. Jos. A. Alexander, ureguu City, Ore. Dec. 21 C. N. Snider of San Francisco ar rived in Oregon City Saturday morn ing and held the civil service examina tion for the city free delivery. Six teen applicants were present to take the examination which was held in the Odd Fellows' hall. 'The Southern Pacific is made de fendant in an action for damages by the Gladstone Real Estate associa tion. A barn of the plaintiff's valued at $400 was set on fire by sparks from the defendant's engine, which, it is alleged, was insufficiently equipped with spark consumers. Particular About What You Eat ? That is the way of people generally who buy groc eries, vegetables and pro visions at our store, for they know we are Particular About What We Sell Quality and Right Prices at ; . , V. HARRIS 8th and Main Streets SHOES SHOES Mens high top Luzon shoes, best quality outside counter, 12 in. top $445 Men's Luzon shoe, best farm shoe, extra heavy, extra good, nearest waterproof and double wear at S2-95 Boy's heavy plow shoes worth $1.50 to be sold at g 1 .29 Men's $1.50 fine shoes cut to $ 1 -25 Boy's $J.50 lace shoes cut to SI -39 Boy's high top shoes, Klondike eyelets at $2-45 Ladies $2.00 coarse shoes $1.85 - S 1 -59 Mens $3 calf shoes $2 60 Misses shoes $1.50 1.25 down to $ 1 . 1 7 Coarser shoes, broken lots 79c and 95c Baby shoes 44c, 17c down to 8c Carpet slippers, now 25c Sole leather, 2-3 "shinola 2 for 1 5C Jet oil 8c, laces 1c pair, insoles 3c GROCERIES 10c box of matches 5c 10 qt. galvanized pail 19c 12 qt. galvanized pail - 23c Tar soap 2 for 5c Great values in soaps 1, 2, 4 and 8c Cheat seed sack 90c Raisins, half usual price 5C 10c chimney, large " 7c 10c package Arm and Hammer soda 6c 25c wire clothesline 1 5c Toilet soap, 1c, 3c, 4c and 8c, nearly dou ble values. 10c bottle bluing 5c Washing powder, first class, pound 5 c Baking powder and prizes cut to 43c Fine roast peanuts, pound 1 Oc Clothespins, dozen 1c Sewing machine oil, good grade 5 c Good bulk lemon or vanilla, ounce 5c About half price, bring bottle. Pure bulk gloss starch, one and a half lbs, 10c, this is about half for two packages of starch weigh' one and a half pounds. Teas at two thirds prices 25 to - 45c Tin coffee pots now 8c Tin dishpans ; 1 4C Feed, Hay, Meat and Lard. DRY GOODS Lace Curtains, sash length, 25c, 39c, 59c about one-fourth value. Sample Union Suits and vests at two third value, mostly -arm goods. $1 Corsets 59c; other corsets (small) now 39c and 19c Yam, a skein, 4c and 6 c Ink 4c, Vaseline 4c. Mucilage 4c Envelopes, package, 3c Handkerchiefs, 1c, 3c, 4c Men's Pants at cut prices 99c, 119- 2 39 Men's 50c Underwear, broken lots 40c Boy's 35c Underwear 29c Men's warm Underwear at three-fourths value. Hats at bargain prices lOc 19c, 49c, SI. 48 MILLINERY. Pretty hats, stylish, well made at 1-3 less than elsewhere. $5 hats for S3-72 $4 hats for $3. 1 9; $3 hats for S2-39 Small lot cut to 49 Beautiful Hats one third saved. GOOD DEMAND FOR FARM PRODUCE ID) IF IE CO)