Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 26, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    ... VgJJr No More '
Cold Rooms
If you only knew how much comfort
can be derived from a PERFECTION
Oil Heater bow simple and economical
its operation, yon would not be without
it another day. t
Vou can quickly make warm and cozy .
any cold room or hallway no matter in
what part of the house. You can heat
water, and do many other things with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Turn the wick as high or low as you can there's no danger.
Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned.. Gives
intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke
less device.. . 11
Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beauti
fully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9
hours. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get
heater or information from your dealer, write to
nearest agency,for descriptive circular.
r and steady lighl
cannot be
equalled for
its bright
steady lieht, simple con
struction ana absolute safety.
Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of
brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to
any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed
room. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest
agency if not at your dealer's.
Many an Oregon City Reader Will Be
When people read about the cures
made by a medicine endorsed from
far away, is it surprising that they
wonder if the statements are true?
But when they read of cases right
here at home, positive proof is with
in their reach, for close investigation
is an easy matter.
Under the date of ' February 27th,
1906, "W. M. Stone, a well-known resi
dent of Oregon City, writes us the
following: "I have been much bene
fitted by the use of two boxes of
Doan's Kidney Pills. My trouble was
occasional dizzy spells and too fre
quent passages of the kidney secre
tions. I had to get up often at night
to pass them,, I have also had some
few attacks of backache. Having
found real help through the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills, I do not hesitate
to recommend them."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. '
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Parkplace Hall.
Al. Richardson of Parkplace Is re
modeling his shop and will have a
comfortable little hall, about 20 by 40
feet ready for use in a short time. The
place will be very convenient for
lodge and meeting purposes, and small
parties of different descriptions.
, Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. Cures . toothache, ear
ache, sore throat. Heals cuts, bruis
es, scalds. Stops any pain.
Have you an Electric Flat Iron
Electric Flat Irons save time& money
MY in your household if you care to be up-to-date, progressive, in
the swim; you will use an Electric Flat Iron. ,
By filling in the coupon below, you will receive one of our ELEC
HRIC FLAT IRONS, under conlitions which ought to attract you.
STYLE NO. 1. Regular household, 6-lb. Flat Iron.
STYLE NO. 2. Nickel-plated 3-lb. Smoothing Iron for dainty work
The Iron will be delivered promptly upon receipt of coupon with
out expense to you.
. C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent.
You may deliver to me one Electric Flat Iron, style
No. , which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory, to
return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If
I do not return it at that time you may charge the same
to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge
will be made for the Iron if I return it within 30 days.
Dept. "E". Address
Portland Gen. Electric Co.
C. G. MILLER, Coutract Agent, Oregon City, Ore.
Maple Lane Grange No. 296 held
its second annual fair in. its; hall Wed
nesday. It was" largely attended both
by members and friends.
Among the visitors present were
Mrs. A. M. Brayton, Mrs. M. Ingram
and Mrs. I. D. Taylor, of Abernethy,
Parkplace; Mr. and Mrs. William Gris-
enthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence
of Central Grange, Beaver Creek;
Mrs. V. Y. Bennett of Aberdeen, S.
Dak. ; Mrs. Wheeler Church and Mrs.
S. S. Walker, Oregon City.
The morning session was opened by
the Master of the Grange, S. T.' Ro
man, Lambert Beard acting as sec
retary pro tem, and after the usual
routine of business a sumptuous ban
quet was enjoyed. '
After dinner a brief time was well
kspent in viewing the exhibits,, which
had been brought by the members of
the Maple Lane Grange. Master Ro
man then called to order and the fol
lowing program was rendered: Open
ing address, Master S. T. Roman;
Song, "Work For the Night Is Com
ing," Grange; address, C. E. Spence;
recitation, Mrs. William Beard; duet,
Edith and Ruth Parker; recitation,
Shirley Swallow; vocal solo, May
Splinter; recitation, Mrs. A. Mautz;
address, William Beard; recitation.
Myrtle Swallow; duet, Pleasant Al
len and John Darling; address, Mrs.
Ingram, of Abernethy Grange; ad
dress, Mrs. Brayton of Abernethy
The program was concluded by a
few well chosen remarks by Mr. Ro
man. Miss Ethel Jackson was accom
panist for the vocalists. A (social
hour followed the program.
Among the exhibitors were the fol
lowing: -
C. W. Swallow Rhode Island Green
ings, Baldwins, Grimes Golden, Rus
sets, Clavis (a seedling that has
been given that name by Mr. Swal
low taking letters from Lewis and
Clark, last year being the first year it
bore). Mills Prize, Early Massachus
etts, Early Freeman, Kay, Swallow
Greening, (seedling, the original ap
ple tree being on Mr. Swallow's fath
er's place in Massachusetts). Onions,
assorted ; . Squash, Golden Narrow ;
Prunes Sugar, -Italian and Silver;
Pears Napoleon Butter, Bergamont,
"Vicar, Winter Nellis, Winter Bartlett;
evaporated apples, without sulphur;
two varieties or French walnuts: pre
oparturins; Franquette, French, chest
nuts. Mrs. Swallow Canned fruit, ' jellies
and canned vegetables.
Mrs. John Crawford Tomatoes,
Early Bovee potatoes.
Miss Bessie Crawford Layer Cake.
A.' J. Lewis Apples:. Yellow Bell
flower, Northern Spy, Fall Pippin,
Baldwin, Orange Quinces; vegetables
cabbage, turnips, beets, radishes,
Mrs. A. J. Lewis Cake, canned
fruit and jellies. I
Mrs. Sarah Derrick Canned frnit, Mautz 2d.
' over by Mrs. James Shelly, Mrs. A.
Splinter and Mrs. .A. J. Lewis. , Miss
Bessie ' Crawford ' had charge of the
candy booth, which did a nourishing
business. The decorations were in
charge of Mrs. A. Splinter and Mrs.
James Shelly. "'
Maple Lane is a progressive, grow
ing grange. - It owns a commodious
hall, built in 1903, and is now con
templating the addition of a kitchen
for the convenience of the ladies on
such occasions. Regular meetings
are held the first Saturday in each
month and at the next meeting an
election will be held.
' The following are present officers:
S. T. Roman," master; Mrs. Mary
Shelly, overseer; Wm. Beard, secre
tary; A. J. Lewis treasurer; Mrs.
Seely, lecturer. -
' .., Premium Awards.
Worthy Master Roman appointed
as judges William Grisenthwaite of
Center; Mrs. May Waldron of Oregon
City and James Shelly of Maple Lane.
Their awards were as follows:
' Potatoes.
Early Freeman A. Mautz 1st, C.
W. Swallow 2d.
Mills Prize C. W. Swallow 1st.
Early Massachusetts C. W. Swal
low 1st. .
Early Rose Mr. Crawford Jst.
Burbanks A.- J. Lewis 1st.
Beauty of Hebron Lewis 1st.
Table Beets Lewis 1st.
Sugar Beets Lewis 1st.
Yellow Carrots Beard 1st, Lewis
2d. ,
White Carrots Lewis 1st.
Squash, Golden Marrow Swallow
Pumpkins A. J. -Lewis 1st.
Sunflower, Black Russian Swallow.
Onions SwaHo-v 1st, Mrs. Beard
2d. ,
Tomatoes Mrs. Crawford 1st.
Cabbage Mautz 1st and 2d.
King Swallow 1st, Davis 2d.
Kay Swallow 1st.
Baldwin Swallbwlst, Lewis 2d.
Prunes (Dried).
Silver Swallqw 1st, Mautz 2d.
Pacific Mautz 1st.
Petit Mautz- 1st.
Sugar Swallow 1st.
Other Exhibits.
Quince Swallow 1st, Lewis 2d.
Collection Pears Swallow 1st.
Dried Pears Mrs. Mautz.
Dried Apples Swallow.
Grapes Mautz 1st, Swallow 2d.
Canned Fruits Mrs. Swallow 1st,
Mrs. Mautz 2d. '
Jelly Mrs. Mautz 1st, Mrs. Hobble
Pickles Mrs. Shelly 1st, Mrs. Au
gust Splinter 2d.
Cake Mrs. Beard 1st, Mrs. Splin
ter 2d. -,' -
Bread Mrs. Beard 1st, Mrs. Lewis
2d. . ; '
Biscuit Mrs. Mautz 1st, Mrs. Hob
ble 2d. !
Butter Mrs. Derrick 1st, Mrs.
bread, cake and jellies.
Mrs. Martha Hobble Bread, jellies,
canned cherries.
Mrs. A. Mautz Canned fruit, bread,
biscuits, butter, grapes, cake, quinces.
Mrs. William Beard Bread, cake.
canned fruit, vegetables, grai$J dried
S. T. Roman Otaheite - Orange,
raised at Mount Pleasant from tree
about two feet high. There are 32
oranges on the tree and the fruit has
a rich flavor.
L. M. Davies Apples (King of
Mrs. James Shelly Pickles and jel
Miss H. Bailey Collection of house
plants, including a Cuneatun, aspides
tra and dracaenas. Miss Bailey has
recently completed a conservatory
near Maple Lane.
Two beauiful patchwork quilts had
been made by the ladies of the grange
and chances were sold for 10 cents.
The tickets were placed in a box and
drawn by little Myrtle Swallow, the
lucky number being 226, held by Mrs.
Ordway, who was recently married,
and who will leave for her new home
in Massachusetts Friday evening. She
will take the comforter as a pleasant
remembrance of the fair at Maple
Lane. The other winning number,
266 was held by William Lewis.
Miss H. Bailey presented Maple
Lane Grange with a beautiful Cunea
tum plant which was auctioned off
by A. J. Lewis. The highest bid, $1,
was by Wallace Lewis
In the evening the floors were clear
ed and dancing was enjoyed till a late
hour by the young folks.
The decorations of the hall were
very artistic, with vines, variegated
leaves and ivy. Over the door was the
word "Welcome" in evergreens. The
booths where fancy needle work and
home made candies were sold, were
prettily made of bunting and ivy.
The needle work booth was presided
Candy Miss Bessie Crawford.
Collection ' Photos Wallace Lewis.
Vetch Spence 1st, Beard 2d.
Pearl Vetch Beard.
Popcorn Mrs. Mautz.
Oranges S. T. Roman.
Potted Plants Miss Bailey.
Battenburg Mrs. Splinter.
Embroidery Mrs. Splinter.
Pillows Mrs. Shelly 1st and 2d.
Pillows Mrs. Splinter 3d.
Quilt Mrs. Shelley.
Tidy Mrs. Boerner.
Pigs Lawrence Mautz 1st.
Buff Orphlngton Chicks Lewis 1st.
Collective Exhibits Swallow vlst,
Mautz 2d, Lewis 3d.
Lest We
forget Baby is restless, can't sleep
at night, won't eat, cries spasmodi
Vermifuge never fails to cure. Every
mother should give her baby White's
Cream Vermifuge." So many times
when the baby is pale and fretful, the
mother does not know what to do.
A bottle of this medicine would bring
color to his cheeks and laughter to
his eyes. Give it a trial. For sale by
Huntley Bros. Drug Co.
Made Life Miserable.
Divorce proceedings were instituted
Friday afternoon by W. B. Bell against
Clara C. Bell on the ground of cruel
and inhuman treatment. ' Plaintiff al
leges that since the time of their
marriage he has been persuaded from
time to time to turn over various
properties in his wife's name, and that
after he had done so she began to
make life miserable for him by con
stant nagging and scolding. Accord
ing to the complaint she spent a
large share of her time among the
neighbors stirring up strife and
trouble between them and himself.
We invite the attention of every wage
earner to the advantages of our Savings
Bank. It affords a safe and profitable
place for the accumulation of small
savings.. " ' -. " - t "'
The Bonk of Oregon City
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business 1
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
BeidemeeI833 U 1 1 IIOII 13 UI U3. I 101131 CI M.
Main Street
7 to 9 o'clock of each week
Just those branches you are wanting. Indi
vidual instruction. Get started now while
others are beginning. This is your opportunity
E. O. Allen, President
Garde Building. Oregon City, Oregon
Good Teeth Means Good Health, Good Digestion and Good Looks
and acknowledged skill and gentle
ness in handling the most ' difficult
cases have robbed the dentist's of
fice of its old time terrors. People
entrusting their work to us are sur
prised and delighted at the results
which will not fail to satisfy the
most exacting.'
We aim to keep the lead; old
fashioned methods find no place in
our office. We give the best in
skill and methods and appliances
for a reasonable fee.
If you desire the best possible results for the amount we
charge, you will not be disappointed at this office.
I I DFfKFWS Dentist, Weinhard Bid., Phones, Qty
L. L. rilILllJ, 1293, Farmers 121.
Every Family Should Use
Preferred Stock Pure Goods
The ne produced bears a reputation that has stood
the test of time and still in the lead as
Preferred stock canned Foods, Fruits, Fish and Veg
etables, Dried Fruit, Etc For sale by '
Phone 1261 H. P. BRIGHT BILL
1 v
At the Wm. Vaughn estate sale of.
personal property near Molalla the
first of the week, the sales totaled"
over $2300 in less than three hours.
Fall Styles
Men's andiYouth's Suits and
Overcoats,lHats, Pants and Shirts,
big variety at reasonable prices.
Complete stock of Shoes for
Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys.
We save you from 50c to $1.00 on
every pair.
Full selection of Blankefs. Com
forters, Trunks and Suit Cases, 33
per cent less in price comparison to
other stores' prices.
Rosenstein's Clothing House
Two Doors South of Postoffice
, B " a .-" "V. '.. ' "