Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 19, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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W. 8. U'Ren C. Schuebel
Deutscher Advokat.
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements' of estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you
money on first mortgage.
Office in Enterprise Building.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Probate and Realty Law Practice
Specialties. '
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
OfElce Upstairs, first building south
of Court bouse.
O . D . E B Y,
Money loaned,' abstracts furnished,
land titles examined,, estates settled,
general law business transacted.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
J. E. Hedges
F. T. Griffith
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building.
Opposite Court House. .
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures,
Abstracts of Title and General Law
Business. .
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Phone 521.
Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and
Eighth Streets.
I A. T. Daniels to Caroline Pfennin-T
ger, 14 1-2 acres in Geo. Crow's D. 11
John C. Wolgamot to Frank H. -q q c. d., $1. ' ":
Wolgamot, 39.73 acres, Canby, $1. I h. H. Daniels and S. W. Daniels
Albert W. Funkhauser and. wife to an(j ife to Caroline Pfenhinger, 14
James H. Harris, sec 28, tp. 1 s, r 2 -e, 1-2 acres in Geo. Crow's D. L. C, $1.
$650. j Caroline Pfenninger ... to Wilhelm
Claude Thayer and wife to A. W. pfenninger, und. 1-2 inL In 14 1-2 acres
Lambert, property in sec. 29, tp. 1 s, jn Qqq, Crow's D. L. C.
r 2e, $400. - - ' j Noan stingley to O. W. P. Ry. Co.,
Richard Schoenborn and , wife to und. half interest in 7.43 acres in
Frank Schoenborn, 30 acres, sec. 4, tp. t. l. c. of John Tuttle; $1. ,
4 s, r 2 -e, $1200. j Joseph P. Offield, patent to NE NE,
William B. Sears and wife to Jo- g i2 NE, NE, SE Sec. 2, 7, R. 2 E;
hannis "Johnson, lot A, in tract 48 and igO acres. '
part of tract 4, Willamette, $900. I Robert DeShazer to G. D. McGow-
Oregon Water Power & Townsite an, 7 acres, Tract B, and all Tract
company to Frank Morris, lot 10, blk. f. and G. Clackamas Riverside; $3000.
13, Estacada, $100. f C. L. Calkins to Elmer Calkins, 3
Peter Taylor and wife to Jerry Fiola acres in NW, Sec, 4, 3 R. W.; $1.
and wife, certain described land in Elmer Calkins to S. V. Allison, 43
Clackamas county, $2200. j acres in NW, Sec. 4, 3 R. 1 W; $1000.
C. K. Ballard to. William Blakely, . Mary A. Lee to Sarah M. Lee,-80
a portion of the Lot Whitcomb d. 1. c, ' acres, SW, NE, and SE, NW, 16, 4 S.,
in tp. 1 s, r 1 e, $800. R. 3 E; $1500. ,
Helen L. Stratton to E. N. Foster Mrs. Jessie Holman to R. L. Hol
and wife, all of lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, man, part of lots 1, 2, 7, 8, bl. 132,
blk. 25, Falls View add. to Oregon Oregon City; $1.00.
City, $150. I - R. G. Pierce to P. J. Lutz( lots 12
Hibernia Savings Bank to F. A. and 13, blk. 8, Falls View Add.; $52.
Crawford, all of lots 14, 15 and 16 ln( J. L. Ogle to Geo. E. Daugherty, 40
Milwaukie Park, $141, (acres in SE. part. Sec. 3, 5, SR". E;
M. Francis Thornton and wife to deed of correction; $452.50.
Edna F. Forbes, all of lot 1, blk. 10, M. C. Sewer to O. W. P. & Ry. Co.
Oregon City, Oregon, $1. J. P. Gever D;L.C. Sees. 19, 30, 31, 2
B. A. Town and wife to Martin J. S. 3 E, easement over 102 acres; $250.
Downs 122.65 acres in sec. 7, tp. 3 s,! C. M. Ware to Luther F. Ware, 82
r 3 e, $2400. acres in Sec. 20, 2 S. 6 E; $800. :
Hibernia Savings Bank to Maurice , Ann Scott to John F. Steelhammer
E. Briggs, all of lot 4 in blk. C, Mil- fruit lots 105, 104, 130 of Friends, Ore
waukie Park, $150.
United States to Malvina Scott,
gon Colony, f. c. d; $1.00.
Lydia Scott to. John F Steelhammer,.
160 acres in sec. 34, tp. 5 s, r 4 e', fruit lot 126 Friends Oregon Colony,
patent. f . c. d; $1.00.
United States to Alva J. Scott, 160 j Ella and J. S. Korb to John Steel
acres in sec, 34, tp. 5 s, r .4 e, patent. ; hammer W half lot 140 Friends Ore-
Mary V. Piatt to Edna M. Mc
Grath. lot 1 and part of lot 2 in blk.
26 in Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s add.
to Oswego, $80.
John H. Stickney and wife to W.
E. Niles, certain described . lands in
Clackamas county, $5350.
W. B. Jennings and- wife to S. A.
Lynge, lot 32, first add. to Jennings'
Lodge, $350.
Louis Feuer and wife to Gambrinus
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate
' our specialties. Office in Commer
cial Bank Building, Oregon City,
Office Phone 1101 Res. Phone 1773
C. H. DYE,
Corner Sixth and Main Streets,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Pioneer Transfer
and Express Line
Established 1865.
Freight and Parcels Delivered to
all Parts of the City. Rates
719 Main Street.
Now is the Time to
We are closing out
our ,line of Mixed
Paints, all shades,at
25 per cent discount.
gon Colony, f. c. d. $1.00.
'. Chas. A. Cogswell to Myrtle Tyler,
Tracts E. F. G. G Cogswell's 1st
Add. Milwaukie;. $1259.
Herman A. Lee to Robt.. J. Batty,
3 acres in DLC , of Philander Lee, 3
S-l E; $10. . '' ' ' - ; '
E. M. Howell to David K. Bill, 4
acres near McLoughlin avenue and
Madison streets; $250.
W. G. Bohm to O. W. P. & Ry. Co.,
Brewing Company, lot 8, blk. 26, Ore- right of way over west half DLC John
gon City, '$1. j Tuttle, (q.c.d) ; $1. '
Dresden Investment Company to . R.L. Robertson, Beulah Hawley and
Gambrinus Brewing Compnay, lot 8, Viola Freeman to J; P. Freeman, 40
blk. 26, Oregon City, $13,000. j acres in DLC, John Tuttle, $1000.
Cecilia Kaegi to Margaret Short, ! Jas. A. Freeman to J. P. Freeman
lots 3 and 6, blk. 63, Oak Grove, S half E half J. Tuttle DLC, (q.c.d) ;
S?800. ; $1.00.
Eastern Investment Company, Ltd., ' Beula Rowley and Viola Freeman
to W. A. Currie, 160 acres in sec. 12, to R. L. Robertson, 40 acres in John
p. 7 s, r 2 e, $1. I Tuttle DLC, (q.c.d); $1.00.
John Graham to Earl Mertz, 240 Holden Hargreaves to N. P. Hult,
&crei in sees. 13, 23 and 24, tp. 6 s, s half SE and SE of SW, sec. 33, 4
r 1 e, $4000. s-3 e, 120 acres ; also n half SE sec,
Branch Tucker and wife to Al Llnd- 33, 4 s-3 e, 80 acres, including saw
sey, 31 acres in sec. 4, tp.. 4 t, r 4 e, $1. J mni ; $4000.
Andrew H. Ride to Ernest Lehman, Hibernia Savings Bank to Felicita
property in sec. 6, tp. 6 s, r 2 e, 160 c. De Bauw, lot 2, blk. 13, Milwaukie
acres, $4500. jPark; $30.
By sheriff R. B. Beatie toD. H. Mo-J 0. W. P. Townsite Co. to C. C. Sale,
sher, tax deed, 10 acre:? in ace. 31, ' lots 21 and 22, blk. 6, Estacada; $400.
tp. 4 s, r 1 e $336. Cath C. Sale and Harry L. Sale to
J. B. Presnall to B. S. Cook, s 1-2 e. F. Surface, lots 21 and 22, blk. 6,
of ne of ne, sec. 31, 1 s, 3 e; also a Estacada; $400.
strip of land in n 1-2 of ne of ne, of Gus. Johnson to Charles Berg, un
said section, $1500. j divided half in 10 acres of Eli Ans-
D. C. Latourette to Matt Schweiger well's tract; $550.
and P. J. Hennemann, part of Al j N. W. Richards and .Chas. W. Rich
Smith D. L. C, 2 s, 2 e, $2975. ards to Clarissa B. Hall, 10 acres in
Josiah Platts to Gottfried Lehman, ' DLC of L. D. C. Latourette, sec. 4,
lot 1, blk. 26, Oregon Iron & Steel 3 s-2 E; $4500.
Co.'s 1st add. to Oswego, $100. William Shepard to David Shepard,
Josiah and Wilfred Platts to Fred , 20 acres in Champing Pendleton DLC,
W. Lehman, lot 2. blk. 26, O. I. &"S. 'sec. 32, 3 s-l E; $150.
Careful of Your Property
One . of the t secrets of our success ; ;
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
"SZSS Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Main Street
That Edward Schmidt, the well-to-do
hop grower, who was found dead
at his home three miles north-west of
Aurora Thursday morning, deliberate
ly committed suicide is the verdict
arrived at in the coroner's inquest
conducted last evening by Justice
Stipp, acting as coroner, G. Hedges,
acting constable, and Dr. H. S. Mount.
Mr. Schmidt was 66" "years old and
leaves seven children. His wife died
a few years ago. From writings left
by the dead . man it is evident that
worry and melancholy at the pros
pect of his children gradually leaving
his home as they grew older, was the
motive for the crime. He had made
several - threats before to take his
tif e and his -daughter, upon com
ing into the house Thursday morning
found a note telling explicitly where
his body could be found, what dispo
sition should be made of his affairs,
and why he took his life.
The body was found in a small shed
several hundred yards from the house,
and the weapon, a 38 calibre revol
ver, was found at his side.
. .The bullet .entered the right tem
ple and tqok a downward course ,lpdg-
mg in the lower part of the brain.
A Most Worthy Article.
When an ' article has been on the
market for years and gains friends
every year, it is safe to call this med
icine a worthy one. Such is Ballard's
Horehound Syrup. It positively cures
coughs and all Pulmonary diseases..
One of the best known merchants in
Mobile, Ala., says: "For five years
my family has not been troubled with
the winter coughs. We owe this to
Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I know
it has saved my children from many
sick spells." For sale by Huntley
Bros.' Drug Co.
J. K. Jones to Augusta Schoenborn,
part of lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, blk. 140
Oregon City; $1700.
Lest We'
forget Baby is restless, can't sleep
' at night, won't eat, cries spasmodi
I Vermifuge never fails to cure. Every
j mother should give her baby White's
I Cream Vermifuge. So many times
when the baby is pale and fretful, the
mother does not know what to do.
A bottle of this medicine would bring
j color to his cheeks and laughter to
, his eyes. Give it a trial. For sale by
Huntley Bros.' Drug Co.
Officers Elected at the Meeting Held
With Mulino Grange, Wednesday.
Co.'s 1st add. to Oswego, $475.
Charles Lander to Wm Page, n 1-2
of, Orlando Bidwell D. L. C. 3s, 3 e,
160 acres more or less. $1.
Wm. Page to Chas. Lander, about
100 acres, 3s, 3 e, $1.
Julia L. Joyslin to Clementina D.
Bradford, lots 13, 14, 15, 19, 20 and
w 1-2 of lots 16 and 17, blk. 11, Mil
waukie Park, also part of lot 18, said
blk. 11, $338.
Heirs of John Panky to T. T. Pan
ky, sw of se and se of sw of sec. 3,
3 s, 4 e, 80 acres more or less, $800.
G. W. Prosser to Henry Mettatol,
46.91 acres of Jesse Bullock D. L. C,
2 s, 1 e, $50.
Elizabeth B. Carson and J. G. Car
son to B. Lee Paget, lots 1 to 4, tract
45, lot 1 tract 58, and lot 4 tract 59,
Sub. 1, Oak Grove, $4650.
I. J. Bigelow to Albert L. Bigelow,
20 acres in ne, ne, se sec. 11 tp. 5 s,
I Pomona Grange met with Mulinc
u. a. toiogsam 10 a.. ja oiogsuJii. ( Grange, Wednesday, held the annual
lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk. 9, Canby, q. c. d., election of officers, and spent some
$50- ' J time in discussing a resolution avor-
Asa G. Stogsdill and Catherine ing the establishment of a People's
Stogsdill to H. K. Stogsdill, lots 5, 6, lobby in the National capitol. No de
7, 8, blk. 9, Canby, q. c. d., $50. finite action was taken on the resolu-
Eastern Investment Co., Portland, tion. The election resulted as follows:
to -Gustav- Engebrecht, q. c. d. lots Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla, mas
1, 2, 3, 4, blk. 179, Oregon City, $1. ter; J. D. Chitwood, of Damascus, over
George A. Steel and Eva P. Steel seer; Mrs. Maggie Johnson, of Mil
to Gustav Engebrecht, lots 2, 3, 4, blk. waukie, lecturer; Fred Spangler, of
179, Oregon City, q. c. d., $1. j Beaver Creek, steward ; Oscar Eaton,
J. F. Mumford to Caroline Pfen-'of Oswego, chaplain; Richard Wright
ninger, 14 1-2 acres in Geo. Crow's of Molalla, treasurer; Mrs, Mahala
D. L. C, q. c d., $1. Gill, of Logan, secretary; Walter Glo-
Jerome Templeton and Belle P. ; ver, of Eagle Creek, gate keeper; Mrs.
Templeton to Caroline Pfenninger, 14 Kent, Ceres; Lulu Kirchem, of Logan,
1-2 acres in Geo. Crow's D. L. C, q. c Flora; Mary Shelley of Maple Lane,
d., $1. I Pomona; Bertha Spangler, of Beaver
R. B. Morton and A. V. Morton, ML Creek, lady assistant steward; J. T.
Hood, to William Maine, lots 14, 15, Apperson, of Parkpiace, C. E. Spence,
16, blk. 27, O. I. & S. Co.'s 1st add. to of Beaver Creek, and G. R. Miller, of
A complaint has been filed in the
circuit court by Johanna Roe, pray
ing for a decree of divorce from her
husband, Jens A. Roe. The parties. are
residents of this county, living near
The complaint alleges inhuman
treatment as the ground for divorce
and further recites that defendant is
unfit to be entrusted with the custody
of the four children whom he has mal
treated for some time past. The
plaintiff prays for a decree of divorce
and that one third of the 155 acre es
tate be set aside for her use together
with $3000 alimony.
Julius Caesar
was a man of nerve, but sickness left
its mark and he became aged before
his time Sickness is often caused by
a torpid liver. Herbine will regulate
your liver and give you health. Mrs.
Carrie Austin, Hollon, Kas.. writes:
"I consider Herbine the best medi
cine I ever heard of. I am never with
out it. Sold by Huntley Bros.' Drug
Oswego, $900.
Highland, executive committee.
She stands upon the silent hills,
A tender sorrow in her eyes,
As one whose heart at parting thrills
With Summer's sunniest memories;
While, waking from her tearful gloom,
With cheeks on fire and eyes. aflame,
All nature blushes into abloom
At sound of her beloved name.
Back to the world she woos the light
That died as Summer's smile ex
pires ;
And all the fading woods grow bright
With flashes of her altar fires;
Yet crowned and pale" she walks apart,
, Lips moving in a mute caress,
And folds above her throbbing heart
The mantle of her loneliness.
As sometime when the bloom has fled,
The light that marked our Summer .
When Spring's best hopes are ripe or
dead, t
And life's pale Winter hurrying on, '
We stand at eventide aside, i
Wearing the robes we hoped to win,
And fold our lives in piteous pride.
All fair without, all scarred within.!
"We invite the attention of every wage
earner to the advantages of our Savings
Bank. It affords a safe and profitable
place for the accumulation of small
savings. . -
The Bank of Oregon City
7 to 9 o'clock of each week
Just those branches you are wanting. Indi
vidual in str action. Get started ,now while
v others are beginning. This is your opportunity .
E. O. Allen, President
Garde, Building. Oregon City, Oregon
I Look After Your Teeth Before It Is Too Late
City Phone? 12&3. .
Mutual and Independent 131.
We are doing strictly high
grade dentistry. Our methods
are up-to-date. Upon our return
from the East we opened one of
the best equipped Dental Offices
in the Northwest with modern
appliances, such as are used in
the large Eastern Dental Offices.
Have been engaged, in the prac-;
tice of dentistry for over 16 years
in Oregon City, You are invited
to call and get acquainted with
us. We do ' painless work, ask
about it. Examinations and ad
vice free. Prices reasonable.
. Post Graduate Haskell and
Chicago School of Dentistry.
Weinhard Bldg. Oregon City
Every. Family Should Use
Preferred Stock Pure Goods
The ne produced bears a reputation that has stood
the test of time and still in the lead as
Preferred stock canned Foods, Fruits, Fish and Veg
etables, Dried Fruit, Etc.' For sale by
New Fall Styles
Men's and Youth's Suits and
Overcoats,Hats, Pants and Shirts,
big variety at reasonable prices.
Complete stock of Shoes for
Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys.
We save you from 50c to $1.00 on
every pair. '
Full selection of Blankets. Com
forters, Trunks and Suit Cases, 33
per cent less in price comparison to
other stores' prices.
Rosenstein's Clothing House
Two Doors South of Postoff ice