OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1906. f '1 1 5 I ! I "I 1 I POLKADOTCANSf ' ? ? TIM TT Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick ri m wit pigment, ' gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money. " ' ' ( FOR SALE BY GEORGE A., HARDING . OREGON CITY, OREGON. COUNTY CONVENTION OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS The Clackamas County Sunday convention will be held at the Baptist church in Oregon City, Friday, Satur day and Sunday, October 19, 20 and 21. Each school Is entitled to two delegates, provided that schools hav ing more than 50 members may send one additional delegate for every 15 members above that number. The program for the convention fol lows : Friday afternoon, 2 o'clock Open ing exercises, President George Ran dall; address of welcome, C. H. Dye; response, Rev. J, J. Patton; "The Average Sunday School," Mr. Phipps; "The Primary Department," Mrs. W. A. White; "The Home Department," Mrs. T. E. Gault; discussion. Evening, 7:30 o'clock Song ser vice, Rev. H. B. Robins; "What We Should Know About Our Pupils," Rev. R. C. Blackwell; "Evangelism in the , Sunday School, Mr. Phipps. Saturday morning, 9 o'clock De votional exercises. Rev. J. R. Lands borough; "Opening and Closing Ex ercises," Mrs. C. A. Nash; discussion; "Sunday School Records and How to Keep Them," C. Schuebel; "The Boy Problem," Mr. Phipps; "Teacher Training," R. R. Steel; Methods of Ingathering," Rev. H. B. Robins; bus iness session. Afternoon, 2 o'clock Devotional exercises; "Decision Day and Its Possibilities," Rev. J. R. Landsbor ough; "Grading the School," R. R. Steele; "The Organized Men's Class In the Sunday School," H. W. Davis; "The Teachers' Opportunity," Mr. i Phipps; question box; business ses- ' sion. Evening, 7:30 o'clock Song service, J. W. Loder; "Our Future," A. , A. Morse; "The Modern Sunday School," Mr. Phipps. ' Sunday afternoon, 3 o'clock Ad dress to Boys, "A Critical Time in a Boy's Life," Dr. C. M. Babbitt; "The Book," Mr. Phipps. Evening, union services Singing hymn; prayer; Scripture; anthem: collection and announcements; song; "A Call to Service," Mr. Phipps. For any pain, from top to toe, from any cause, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil. Pain can't stay where it is used. Administrator's Sale. An administrator's sale of the per sonal property of the Vaughan estate takes place Monday at the farm with M. H. Hostettler as auctioner. McBride Coming Saturday. Judge T. A. McBride will be in town Saturday, October 20, to set cases for the next term of the circuit court which opens on the first Monday in November. A Reward. We offer a reward of 25 cents for every case of skin trouble, eczema, ulcers, old running sores, wounds, cuts, or any kind of scalp trouble that Dermakola Ointment will not heal, for if not cured we pay the 25 cents back. Huntley Bros. Oregon Bled by Book Trust. State Senator Miller of Linn county says Oregon pays bigger prices for school books than any other state, i ' 1 t I I I REMIND YOU that you need a. tain proof Overcoat. Don't put it off any longer bat bay now while yog have a good selection to choose from We catty a, very complete line this sea son. The designs are correct. UMBRELLAS 75c to $5.00 Mauri, ScKafff 2iLef and Dock Brand rain proof coats. The best of the better ones $10 to $25. A! Successors to Adams Bros. OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE. a and he produces the figures to prove his assertion. Here is a sample - of the figures: In North Carolina a First Reader costs 13 cents; in Oregon 25 cents, an increase of 92 per cent; Second Reader, 18 cents; in Oregon 30 cents, an increase of 66 2-3 per cent; Geography 40 cents; In Oregon 60 cents, an increase of 50 per cent; First History, 40 cents; In Oregon 60 cents, an increase of 50 per cent. LADIES and GENTS UMBRELLAS LL PRICES $1.00, .50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 4.00, 5.00 - Up to 10.00. WILL DEDICATE CITY HALL AT MILWAUKIE NEW STRUCTURE COMPLETED LAST WEEK WILL BE OPEN ED SATURDAY. " Next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock will occur the dedication of the new city hall at Mllwaukle. The cere mony will he xheld in the new city hall itself and. several prominent men of the county are going to respond with addresses. The speakers will be Judge G. B. Dimick and George C. Brownell. Mayor Shindler will pre side. The new structure was completed only last week, and is a very large building. It was started three months ! ago. Later on Improvements will be added. The second story will be fixed up for entertainments and dances and a stage will probably be built. Warren Greenwell. A license was issued yesterday in Portland to P. L Benjamin, aged 42, of Oregon. City, and Marie L. Clontier, aged 25 of Multnomah county. Marriage licenses are more than keeping pace with the . complaints of divorce proceedings filed with the county clerk these days, as is apparent from the above record of those issu ed Saturday. In addition to the fore going there were two others publish ed in the Star of that date. LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of the city council for a renewal of my liquor li cense at my present place of business, on Eighth street in the "Weinhard building. E. MATTHIES. 45t2 Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, as administrator of the estate of Andrew Joerg, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to the undersigned at the store of Wilson & Cooke, in Ore gon City, within six months from this date. Dated October 19th, 1906. JOHN J. COOKE, , Administrator Aforesaid. C. D. and D. C. Latourette, s Attorneys for- said Estate. ' 45t4 Torments of Tetter and Eczema At- " layed. The intense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter and like skin . di seases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve and many severe cases have been permanently cured by its use. For sale by Howell & Jones. s? OREGON CITY MARKETS (Retail Prices). Wheat No. 1, 85c per bu. Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbL Oats In sacks, $1.30 per cwt. Hay Clover, oat, cheat, mixed, $10 per ton. Potatoes o per Tb. Eggs 30c per doz. Butter Ranch 2527c per lb; separator, 30c; creamery, 35c. ' Ruttabegas, carrots, turnips, par- ksnips, beets, 50c per sack. Good - Apples Choice, 50 65c per box. Peaches $1.00 per box. " Honey 15c per lb. j Live Stock and Dressed "Meats Beef, heifers $2.10; steers $3.25; per hundred. Hogs, dressed, 7 to 8c; Sheep, 4; veal 7 to 8c; lamb, 5c. urme The Oregon City Jewelers ister and Andresen Suspension Bridge Corner r Notice of Assessor's Meeting for Sew er District No. S. Notice is hereby given to all inter- ested persons that the stated meeting of the assessors appointed by the City Council of Oregon City to appor tion the cost of the sewer in said dis trict to the property benefitted, will be held In the office of the city re corder of Oregon City at the hour of 7:30 p. m., on Friday, the 26th day of October, 1906. AH persons interested in the said assessments are respect fully invited to attend and discuss with the assessors the plan and proceedure for assessing the said property in said sewer district, No. 5. R. KOERNER, H. C. STEVENS, - THOS F. RYAN, 45t2. Assessors. White Hairs Won't come while are waiting for groceries from J. E. Jack's Prompt delivery of nice fresh goods Is tke motto of oar store. Call Phone 561 once and youH call IT AGAIN The Society Lady SUMMONS. Prize Fruit. Two prize apples and two prize peaches are on exhibition in Knapp & Nobel's. The apples were raised by Budd Jennings and the peaches are a late Crawford variety sent by Mr. Nobel's brother from California. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Rose M. Holden, Plaintiff; vs. James E. Holden, Defendant. To James E. Holden, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 4th day of December, 1906, that being after the last day prescrib ed in the order for publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: for a decree of the court dissolving the marriage exist ing between you and the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as shall be equitable. This summons is published in the J Oregon City Enterprise for six con- Marriage Licenses. Oct. 13. Olgan Sannes and David S. Sanders. Oct. 13. Melzena F. Brown and ! secutive weeks by order of Hon. G. Harvey H. Ordway. j B. Dimick, judge of the County Court Oct 13. Estella Buckets and G. E. ' of Clackamas county, Oregon, made when she wants a first class picture, should go to Lymp's studio and make arrange ments for sittings and then wear " her best costume and get the best pictures; if you don't you will wish you had when YOU GROW OLDER. Lymp's fStudio Griffith. . Oct. 13. Ingeborg Nybo and C. Nelson. ' Oct. 13. Grace Konkle and J. Parbury. Oct. 16. Dollie B. Chitwood the 16th day of October, 1906, first publication being on the 19th day of October, 1906. ED. MENDENHALL and A. R. MEN- j DENHALIi, Attorneys for Plaintiff, and , 45t7. x f Scientifically Distilled j 1 d NaturallvJAeed H I I. Best and safest for all uses. For Sals by - E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agency for Oregon City.