OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1906. 3 OREGON CITY and VICINITY' BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. and $50 attorney's fees in the suit of Jacob McMillan ts. Thofcas McMillan. W. H. Barr of Canby was transact ing business in the city, Thursday. Mrs. C. R. Livesay of Crescent Hill is recovering from a shock of nervous prostration. GALA SOCIAL TIME IN WOODMEN HALL A petition was filed and an order granted to ' sell the personal property in the estate of William H. Vaughan. Agnes Justin, the daughter of Matt Justin, who has been very ill with typhoid 1 fever, is reported convales cent. V Mrs. S. L. Rue. of Crescent Hill, who has been very ill for some time, is now resting easily, but is still very weak. Ernest Shank of Canby, will spend the winter with his uncle, Wm. Shank in this city, and attend a business college in Portland. George W. Metzger called on the county superintendent today. Mr. Metzger is on his way to take charge of 'the Mulino school. The Misses Johnson, Minnesota teachers, applied at the office of Su perintendent Zinser today and were directed to the Logan school. A marriage license was issued to Stella Sinclair and Henry Hemmers, both of Sandy. The bride is not of age and the consent of Mrs. Sinclair was obtained. - Mr. Hulbert of Gladstone received a small omnibus the other day which he will put into commission .here shortly hauling people around town from the trains and the boats. I. D. Taylor has just completed a house contract for T. M. Kellogg at Crescent Hill. The- house isa hand- Mrs. D: D. Shindler of Oakland, Cal., spent Thursday in Oregon- City with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. ,W. Nor ris. Mrs. Shindler was on her way some 9-room structure and is now in home from Seattle where she had been possession of the painters. for the past six weeks. While in Seattle Mrs. Shindler met with an.ac- W. M. Freeman has filed a complaint cident, badly spraining "her ankle, but against his wife Lizzie, alleging cruel "was- improving when she was here, and inhuman treatment as the ground She left for her home Thursday even for divorce and praying for the cus- mS- , tody of their minor child William. I ! Default has been granted in the The ladies of St. Paul's Guild of the suit of the Gladstone Real Estate as Episcopal church, will hold their sociation vs. Alf M. Eklund and P. H. meetings regularly on Thursday of (Marley. The latter is barred from any each week till December, when they .'. interest in the property. Eklund owes expect to give one of their successful the association' $280 upon a note and annual bazaars. ' . . . I mortgage and interest from September I- 28, 1895, and yesterday afternoon an Dr. T. E. Beard, who recently moved order was made for the foreclosure of I center piece of pink roses with a cir- from Grants Pass, is building a mod- a mortgage on block 122 In CJlaastone era cottage at Maple Lane. Dr. Beard I and judgment was given the plaintiff has given up the practice of medicine ; for $465.36. - On Friday evening the Woodmen of the World entertained at their hall the Ladies of Woodcraft. The Circle en tered in a body and at the door were met by the Woodmen, who escorted the Circle team, officers and mem bers to the center of the hall, where they were welcomed by Commander Snidow in a neat speech. . This was responded to by Mrs. Jennie Betzel, guardian neighbor of the Circle. A very pleasing program was carried out, each lodge taking part, after which Mr. and -Mrs.- Al. Cannon lead ing the grand march, proceeded to the banquet hall, where the tables had been arranged in the shape of a mal tese cross, an . emblem of "the order. The decorations or tne table were a on account of ill health. His health has improved since coming here. The case of Robbins & Son vs William Lusk, in which the former se cured a judgment for $184.45 and $7.20 costs with interest at 8 per cent from January 13, 1897, has been trans f erred to Multnomah county. Nellie Revierre yhas filed a confplaint against Emil Revierre praying for decree of divorce and granting the custody and control of two . minor children. The ground alleged in the complaint is desertion. Ex-Judge T. F. Ryan, returned from Hood River, where he had been a dele gate to the Oregon Irrigation as sociation. Judge Ryan reports that the - pears ' taken ' to . Hood River by Richard Scott, of Milwaukie, were the finest in the exhibit. " . " In the suit of "W. A. Garner vs. .Jo seph Castagnetto, an order of default was made October 9, and a default was also entered in the suit of Gertrude O Crawford vs. Frederick Crawford. Judgment has been rendered for the plaintiff in the amount of , $115 with , 8 per cent interest from March 13, 1895. D. C. LATOUEETTE, President. F. J. MEYER, ' Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 - Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance ZE3T. UTS. GROSS " ATTORNEY AT L,A.W " ' : Main Street, OREGON .CITTV. Toads' Livers and Serpents' Eyes May have , been good enough for the heathen Chinese but now-a-days everything is certain about chemistry. We know just what, effect on the human system each drug will have. In filling your prescrip tions we add care to science and produce remedies that will do their work. . You Don't Know What you are taking when you take medicine. You place implicit confidence in the physician who prescribed it and the druggist who compounded it We realize this fully, and act accordingly. We want you to have every confidence in us. We want your prescription trade. We have made a specialty of this line we will appreciate your trust. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Prescription Druggists The Oregon . Irrigation association in session at Hood River yesterday, elected the following officers : Presi dent. F. W. Metcalf. Ontario; First vice-president, W. H. Moore, Portland; second vice-president, J. W. Perkins, Medford; secretary, A. King Wilson, Portland; treasurer, Tom Wright Union; executive committee, Stephen A. Lowell, chairman, Pendleton; E. N. Smith, Ontario; W. P. Meyers, Laidlow; Tom Ryan, Oregon City; F. W. Holgate, Klamath Falls. The next place of meeting is Grants Pass. Paul . Logan Reed has an affecting story in his application for a divorce from Mrs. Anna Reed. This couple were married in Portland, August 3, 1890, but soon after the wife refused to' do the' household ' duties.; She re fused to cook and often there was nothing .on the breakfast table , for Mr. Reed to eat Coupled; with this annoyance is recited the abusive lan guage that Mrs. Reed at times used. The climax was reached whan she hit him over the head with a chunk of pig iron, thus driving him from the house. Mrs. G. A. Heinz and children are visiting Mrs. John F. Clark, of the West Side. Mrs. Heinz formerly lived in this city, where her husband, G. A., was in business. They moved from here to Klamath Falls, where Mr. Heinz went into the general merchan dise business. The climate did' not agree with Mrs. Heinz's health, so from there they went to' McMinnville, where they have been visiting Mrs.' Heinz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. "W. .H. Adair, who bought the large farm of Hon. Willia'm Galloway, Mr; Heinz has purchased one of the finest farms in Yamhill . county near Dayton, the price being $5000. . cle of Virginia creeper. The tables fairly groaned beneath the supper which had been prepared by the- la dies. After supper dancing was in dulged in. The decorations were very pleasing and unique, representing a minature forest. Much credit is due for the success of the entertainment to the committees having charge of the af fair. The reception committee of the Woodmen was composed of I. D. Tay lor, S. S. Walker and E. J. Lankins; and the committee on decorations was Hattie Farr, chairman; Mrs. Jennie Betzel, Mrs. Al. Cannon, Mrs. Kellogg and Mrs. White. I Sick Headache Cured Sick headache is caused by derange ment of the stomach and by indiges tionf Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct - these disorders and effect a cure. By taking these tablets as soon as the first indication of the disease appears, the attaox may be warded off. For sale by How ell & Jones. s ., PRIVATE LIGHTING PLANT. Innocent looking oak brush came near causing a stampede among the Greeks working on the Southern Pa cific tracks in town here.-: One after another became afflicted with sores, and the men began to fear that some contagious skin disease..had broken out in-their midst. Not being very far advanced in the matter of English, they found it" difficult to make them selves understood or to-understand the explanations of the physicians. After some effort, with the, aid of pencil sketches of the leaves and some ges- tulation and pantomime, the foreign ers began to grasp the nature of their affliction and were greatly relieved to find out that it was nothing more seri ous than oak leaf poisoning from the poison oak brush in which they were working along the tracks. Frank Busch, proprietor of the big house " furnishing store at Eighth and Main Sts., said Saturday morning he intended putting up a private -electric light and power plant, utilizing the Singer Hill creek for which . he already- has a- franchise. The Singer Hill creek, washes over the-bluff. at -Eighth street with con siderable force ;even in July and Au gust and during the rainy season it drops with a-roar that can be heard for blocks. At that time it is estimat ed that 50 H. P. can be developed. Mr. Busch says he has made arrangements to turn in another stream up on the hill - so that in the dryest season he will have plenty of water power. Mr. Busch- says he is impelled to erect a plant of his own in qrder to secure satisfactory lighting service at a reasonable rate.. If his plans' mature he hopes to he able to furnish light for the entire Weinhard building, the other buildings on that block and pow er as well as light for the Oswald fur niture, factory, that is also owned by Mr. Busch. . City and Country Specials Eight lots, 7-room house, good spring water piped in house,1 good well, one half block from school, overlooks river and park of city. Price... $1250 Twenty-two acres, 8 level, balance slightly rolling. This place has from SCO to 1000 cords of wood on it, good spring, on good road, 5 miles from Oregon City. Going cheap. Price, .... $450. Some choice lots and improved in Gladstone, Oregon City's first suburb, low fare, 6 minutes . ride from city. Prices reasonable. Ten acres, half mile from court house, growing city, small house, good young orchard. Price.... $1000. Two choice lots and 7-room house In Falls View, good well and root house, all kinds of fruit. This is a snap and you had better hurry. Price, ". $500. W. F. SCHOOLEY, "The Man Who Makes Property Move." " R . L. HOLMAN, LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 1061. Next Door to Harris Grocery. , MT. HOOD CAFE, M. Justin, Proprietor. Fine Wines and Liquors, Pool Tables Vorter on Draught. Family Rooms. Main and Fifth Streets. A. Knapp. L. A. NobeL 524 Main St., Oregon City. FRED C. GADKE Plumbing & Tinning Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes, Pomps, .Water Pipes. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. Res. Phone 1514 Shop 1516 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or KNAPP & NOBEL DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS 714 Main St., bet. 7th and. 8th Retail Liquor Store " Family Trade Solicited Both Phones OREGON CITT MEALS SERVED DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters Received Daily. BRUNSWICK HOUSE AND RES TAURANT. Main St., Opposite Suspension Bridge. For Sale The J. C. McCord farm 1 miles from Oregon City will be sold in tracts to suit purchaser, 10, 20, 30 and 40 acres. Other farms for sale. Ab stract of title with each farm sold. OREGON CITY 2-3-4 Garde Bldg, J. .Agent. , TRUST A. CO?" Cain FOR FIRST-CLASS Work in the Bar ber line, try the Electric Massage for blackheads. Head Vibratory," stops hair from coming out. OregonCityShoeStore The only exclusive shoe store in the city Fine Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen and the Young Folks Krausse Bros., Props W. WRIGHT, flgr. - SPECIALS AT The Pair Store - Harding Building, Three Doors North of Postofiice WILL START MONDAY WITH SPECIALS IN 8 Your Prescriptions ' Called for and. Delivered. PHONE MAIN 76 Napoleon Bonaparte showed at the battle of Austerlitz, he was the greatest Leader in the world. Ballard's Snow Liniment has shown the public it is the best Lini ment in the world. A quick cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Burns, Cuts, etc. A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La., says: "I use Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family and find it unexcelled for sore chest, headache, corns,' in fact for anything that can be reached by a liniment." For sale by Huntley Bros.' Drug Co. Dearth of Teachers. . County Superintendent Zinser re ports that numerous requests have come to him from "the authorities in Wasco and in Gilliam counties for more -teachers. ' There appears' to be an unusual dearth of teachers this year. This condition of affairs is not confined to the counties above men tioned ; -. it seems to be quite, general, In this county, in spite of the large class licensed in October, conditions are almost . the same as everywhere else. It goes without saying that the requests of the outside authorities cannot be complied with. Fined for Selling Fish. Lawrence Bair of Canby, who was arrested some time ago on complaint of deputy game warden C. M. Dick, appeared before Justice Stipp Friday and paid bis fine of $50 for selling fish without a license. Month in vyhich to Marry. Girls" who are to be married this fall may be Interested in the rhyme for autumn weddings: Married in gold September's glow, smooth and serene your life will flow; Married when leaves in October thin, . toil and hardship for you begin; Married in veils of November mist, Fortune your wedding ring has kissed; . . Married in days of December cheer, Love's star shines, brighter from year to year. ' ' Particular About What You Eat? That is the way of people generally who buy groc eries, vegetables ancl pro visions at our store, for they know we are Particular About What We Sell Quality and Right Prices at V. HARRIS 8th and Main Streets - OUTING FLANNELS FLANNELETTE CAMBRICS PERCALES DRESS GOODS LADIES' AND CHILD REN'S STOCKINGS MEN'S SOCKS NOVELTIES IN HAIR ORNAMENTS Plain Lawn, Hemstiched Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c up. Latest in Shirting and Ginghams. A full line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Under wear for winter. The very heaviest of Shaker Flannel at 10c, worth 15c. W. L. BLO T h e Home fur ri i s h e r The Store That Saves You Money Goods Sold for Less Than Elsewhere Furniture, Ranges and Stoves Carpets, Crockery, Granite- ware and Wall Paper Main and 7th St. Opp. Suspension bridge