OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1906. 6 OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. G. W. Goodrich of Clackamas -was in. town transacting business " Saturday. Wm. Moehnke of Beaver Creek was in the throng of Saturday shoppers in Oregon City. Charles Bollinger spent Saturday evening and Sunday with his parents at Rockwood. - Miss Anna Gray has returned to Portland, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jack Molfett. J. C. Hiestand of the Cascade laun dry has let the contract for his new house in Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Williams of Beaver Creek, were in Oregon City on Friday for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Henderson left Saturday for Elwood to visit with his parents for a few days. Miss Genevieve. Green has accept ed a position as apprentice in Miss Goldsmith's millinery store. When in want of an up-to-date rig go to the Bradley Stables. 44tf William Marshall, the rustling mer chant of Russellville, was visiting relatives in Oregon City Sunday. Thomas Myers, who has been very ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ab. Dillman, is rapidly recovering. Rev. W. B. Moore, pastor of the M. E. church of Clackamas, was tran sacting business in Oregon City, Monday. Mrs. Kate Shannon and family have : moved to Oregon City from Canemah and have taken a residence on Seventh street. T. B. Hankins and family are going to move to Cottage Grove Saturday and intend making that place their future home. Miss May Kelly, teacher in the Portland schools, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kelly. George E. Oglesby of Marks Prai rie, Republican chairman of the Macksburg precinct, was in town on business Monday. Miss Margaret Ostrander of Salem returned home Sunday evening after two days' visit with Miss Bertha Koerner of this city. Dr. L. L. Pickens has purchased the property adjoining that of Jack Moffetjand expects to erect a modern cottage in the near future. Jeannette Wiggins of Portland has returned to her home, after a few days' visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson. Miss Bertha Oberst of Sandy called on the county superintendent Satur day on her way to Glad Tidings, where she will begin school next Monday. Rev. Thomas L. Jones, one of the best known Methodist ministers in Oregon, preached morning and eve gregations in the M. E. church, Sunday. came over from Vancouver in an au tomobile, leaving that place at 11:30 a. m. and arriving here at 1:30 p. m. nicely fitted up as a school room. The total enrollment now reaches 160. Mrs. Johanna Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Pellatz and family of Aurora were Oregon City shoppers, Friday. Mr. Pellatz says experience has taught him he can do lots better in Oregon City than he can in Portland. HEIFER, lost first of last spring. Dark brown Jersey, short, stubby horn with downward dip. Reward given for information leading to her recovery. Sarah K. Blount, Glad stone, Ore. 42t2 The funeral of the seven-year-old son of Gert Zetke, of Pete's Mountain, District was held Friday afternoon from the Zetke home, the Rev. Liesman offi ciating. The lad died Friday after a serious illness. He was a general favorite with his friends and will be sorely mised by them and his family. Mrs Tt. n. Rononar has been sDend-, District ing this week in Portland. Hay, grain, flour and feed of all kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at the right price. 44tf Charles W. Goode asks that a di vorce be granted him separating him from Liilie M.'Gnorie. They are resi dents of this city fid were married in 1885. The wife is alleged to have deserted four years ago. Oregon scenes as photographed by S. P. Davis of this city are in demand in the East, he having filled orders for a number of large houses, includ ing A. C. McClurg & Co., of Chicago, who are the publishers of Mrs. Dye's books. Mrs. James Chase and Mrs. R. D. Wilson have returned from Spring water, where they spent several days with relatives. Mrs. Chase and Mrs. Wilson attended a birthday picnic at Cazadero onv Friday and report a most delightful time. J. R. Niles has opened a new store near the Gladstone station for the sale of groceries, stationery and notions. Mr. Niles came to Gladstone last spjjng from Woodburn, bought a lot and has erected a building. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hickman of Portland spent Saturday evening and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. C. T. Hickman. Mr. Hickman formerly re sided in Oregon City, but is now Port land manager of the Pacific States Telephone company. Clark N. Greenman, an Oregon City pioneer, is one of the heroes in Mrs. Dye's latest . book, "McDonald, of Oregon." Mr. Greenman has been a resident of this city for years, starting his transfer business in 1865 and which he has conducted ever since. Miss Addle Clark returned last week from Salem, where she Bpent several days with relatives and friends. Miss Clark expects to leave for the Hawaiian Islands in about two weeks, where Bhe will spend about four months in traveling. Dr. W. C. Adams of Portland visited friends in Oregon City Sunday. Dr. Adams left for Echo, Eastern Oregon, Monday morning, where he will en gage in the practice of medicine. He was formerly of this place, where he has many friends who wish him suc cess in his new field. SAW MILL for sale 11 miles south east of Oregon City. 60-horse power mill, in good running order Good lo cation; good market. Yellow fir tim ber. Price reasonable; terms, cash. Dix Bros., R. F. D. 4, Oregon City. 43-4 Ira Dickey, Isom Vaught, H. L. Vaught, O. W. Robbins, Orin Cut ting and John Shepherd, all of the Molalla country, were in town Saturday. G. W. Lindsay, formerly a sawmill man in the county, is in town Friday ' and reports that his hotel at Seaside has done a prosperous summer's business. Among a list of persons recently examined before the Supreme court at Salem, who were admitted to the bar, Thursday, is the name of Charles V. Galloway of McMinnville, recent candidate for Congress in this dis trict, and formerly resident of Ore gon City. Earnest Hatch, of Canemah, has returned home from the vicinity of Marauam. where he was engaged in bridge construction. Mr. Hatch re turned home on account of being threatened with malaria fever. He was with a party of five, who were engaged on the work. The Portland high school football team is trying to arrange a game with the Barclay high school team to be played on the grounds of the Multno mah club in Portland next Saturday. The total number of rural mail routes in operation in the United States on October 1 was 36,566. The number will be increased at least one on October 16, when Oregon City No. 6 starts. New management at the Farmers' Feed Barn wilr- convince you where to stop hereafter. 44tf Mr. and Mrs. Morton Park of Van couver, Wash., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Park, Sunday.' They FOR SALE 180 acres in Clark coun ty, Wash., miles from railroad; 45 acres in cultivation; 40 acres slashed and seeded; 40 acres timber cut ofE and burned; good 7-room house; large barn 115x55 feet good water and plen ty of out range. Price, $6000, one third cash, balance on time at 6 per cent interest. Also 250 acres near Wilhoit Springs, 80 acres cleared, good house and barn, $20 per acre. Israel P. Putnam, Oregon City, Ore., or Lewisville, Wash. 42t2 Miss Eva Moulton, who was so se riously -Injured last Thursday night by being thrown out of a buggy while going to Oswego to attend a Rebekah assembly, is slowly improving. She Is still confined to her bed and is unable to use her lower limbs. :Miss Moulton has many friends, who hope for her speedy recivery. St. Johns parochial and high school is so crowded that a room in Father Hildebrant's residence is being used as a school room, the popular priest himself teaching a class in the higher branches in his home. The large school house with three big rooms is filled with students and the entire lower floor . if the old residence has been Patents were granted Oregon in-, ventors this week as follows: Bert R, Amend, Portland, artificial hand for playing chords; Wm. E. Burrow, Ophir, clevis; Cassius F. Frazee. Portland, safety-binder; C. A. Peters, Gresh- am, sliding hook for hauling cables; Alvin Porter, Palmer & L. Anderson, Portland, pulley block. ' . The local bowlers find it too late to enter their club in the first series of the Portland City league, the en tries having closed on October 1. A series of local matches will be played and a club composed of the best play ers organized in time to enter the second series of the Portland league, that begins about February 1. 1 Sarah Lochhead has commenced action in the circuit court against her husband, whose first name is Robert, for a divorce. There is noth ing remarkable in that when it is noticed 1 in the complaint that Mrs. Lochhead states emphatically that her husband has used abusive lan guage that is too vile to print in the document and that he uses rum to excess. Miss Mary Conyers, formerly if this place, who is studying voice in New York city, recently sang in both the Congregational and Episcopal churches of Norwood, N. Y., and twice during the convention of the arch deaconry, which was held in that place. Bishop Nelson and all rectors of the diocese being present. The pa pers of that place speak in highest praise of her voice. The county court completed its ses sion Friday afternoon with, order ing the road supervisor of the Clack amas district to open up the road leading west from that town and re moving all obstructions. - The bridge over Pudding river was ordered accepted. It has been, in the course of construction for some time and is located a rtiort distance west ol Barlow. Royal & Son of Salam were the contractors and the court op- dered a warrant drawn in the firms favor for $1813, which was the con tract price of the bridge. COUNTY COURT (Continued from page 3.) District J. M. Mallatt, 3.50 C. Churchill, 5.25 L. Wallace, 3.00 F. Erickson, 3.20 : No. 20, J. J. Jones, 1.50 J. Mangan, 1.50 Philip Putz, 1.50 Fred Beuer. 3.00 Albert Beaurer, 3.00 B. Sullivan, 2.50 t No. 21 ' . J. C. C. Hall, 27.60 L. Hubbard, 25.45 J. Mallatt, 42.00 John Denison, ' 39.35 R. H. Snodgrass, 26.25 Ralph Holman, 8.75 A. L. Larkins, 14.00 B. F. Noyer, 39.75 Frank Grim, 22.35 W. R. Jones, 19.75 Robbins Bros., 1.00 Dave Robison, 1.75 Ams Denison, 21.00 Dan McLaren, 19.25 W. R. Jones, 32.50 t No. 22 The Giant Powder Co., 40.40 M. Trullinger, 2.25 R. D. Ball, 19.68 Godlob Freyer, 17.50 Gust Johnson, 11.80 Geo. Boyer, 10.50 Budd Lay, 10.50 Jas. Lay, 3.50 John Denison, 3.50 James Hall, 3.50 B. F. Noyer, 3.50 Frank Grim, 3.50 Jas. Mallatt; '3.50 Jas. Mallatt, 3.50 Dan McLaren, 1.75 A. M. Denison, 1.75 D. H. Ramsby, 1.75 E. W. May, 1.75 L. Dickey, 15.75 R. P. Cooper, 3.50 F. R. Cooper, 7.44 Albert Engle, 20.00 Pearl Hall, 4.37 O. Mendel, H. Bronner, District No. 13 Pope & Co., W. Emmolt, J. H. Sevier, John Hughes, George Gill, W. Shannon, B. C. Wheeler, J. Confer, Manrice Ward, W. C. Ward, O. Holllngsworth, 7.50 4.00 2.85 10.00 District No. 23 Carlton & Rosenkrans. 10.75 District No. 25 J. B. Mitts, B. Wallace, F. Wehnes, H. Harms, J. Glade, J. F. Mitts, J. Etzel, F. G. Parmer, A. D Gribble, J. Heinz, District No. 26 Robbins Bros., The Giant Powder Co., D. Engle, W. H. Engle, J. M. Austin, Ray Austin, M. S Hungate, Clay Hungate, Bert Perry, Ben Cole, Lloyd Shaver, Gilbert Engle, A. Steinger, John Steininger, D. Ramsby, A. Baty. W. W. Everhart, Leo Shaver, M. R. Boyles, J. V. Harless, H. N. Everhart, Fred Shafer, i 17.50 15.00 15.00 2.25 12.00 1.50 .75 1.50 6.60 3.00 3.70 50.75 9.00 25.50 21.50 20.00 1.50 17.00 13.50 6.50 22.50 12.00 2.25 8.25 8.25 1.50 .75 2.65 5.25 3.75 40.00 14.50 D. C. LATOURETTE, President. F. J. MEYER, Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OP OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 3100,000 ,,, Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ZE3I. IKS. GROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Main' Street, OREGON CITY 14.00 District No. 29 20.00 j w. L. White, 34.00 District No. 30. 35.60 51.00 5.00 J. Simon & Bro., Tualatin Mill Co. 13.50 District No. 31 12.00 27.50 2.75 21.20 10.56 Stafford General Store, 2.20 Z. Elligsen, O. Barnes, District District District District District John Mattoon, 22.00 l. j. Barnes, H. P. Mattoon 21.00 h. Baker, Narve Mattoon, 34.00 1 District No. 34 C. Ray, 40-0 M. Barde & Son, Fred Rant, 75.00 p0pe & Co., J. T. Fullam,' v 52.50 j. f. Montgomery, No. 15 Williams Bros., F. Busch, 75 E. Story, O. C. Lumber Co., 23.30 o. C. Lumber Co., H. Jones, 264.00 R. Bernier, R. H. Taber, 5.00 j. Green, A. Warner, 4.00 w. Dutcher, Lester Marrs, 2.00 w. Fine, Wm. McCord, 7.50 w. Martin, No. 16 J. W. McKay, Wm. Raddatz, 3.75 H. Elliott," James Rettinger, - 1.50 H. Elliott, David Cox, , ' 1.50 District No. 35 H. H. Eastman, 3.85 j Beall & Co., W. G. Randall, 6.50 District No. 36 No. 17 F. Busch, Carlton & Rosenkrans. 5.63 C. G. Hoffman, A. Robbins, 4.50 Rufus Choats, Geo. Kelland, . 4.50 Geo. Leffler, Ivan Dimick, 1-50 Thorn. Leffller, A. H. Knight, 3.75 A. Collister, - No. 18 - - J- S. Owings, The Giant Powder Co., 127.95 Ben Casto, Cummins & Co., 1-54 N. Blair, W.F.Harris, 4.05 District No. 38 L. Moser, 1-25 Wilson &. Cooke, E. W. Hornshuh, 10.50 J. Baumgartner, G. A. Shubel, '' 75 Emil Tucholke, A. Durst, 1-45 August Tucholke, No. 19 - H. Broetje, A. Fish, 8-75 Theo. Worthington, J. J. Mallatt, 1100 Elmer Worthington, Al Larkins, 3.00 x Ed. Stanford, F. Erickson, 3.50 E. Tucholke, J. Erickson, 3.50 C. Kerr, A. Mallatt, " 3.50 E. T. Elmer, J. A. Davis, 7.00 j O. Wissinger, B. Ward, 7.00 H. Thiessen, 10.00 3.50 1.75 1.75 18.40 2.00 6.50 15.35 6.60 142.37 12.00 69.00 69.00 57.50 45.00 100.00 20.00 10.00 . 22.00 Y 15.60 1.10 9.00 7.00 4.00 16.50 2.00 2.00 15.00 9.45 60.00 16.00 8.00 , 8.00 12.00 .4.00 -4.50 ' 2.50 - 8.50 2.00 .75 20.00 City and Country Specials Eight lots, 7-room house, good spring water piped in house, good well, one half block from school, overlooks river and park of city. Price,. .$1250 Twenty-two acres, 8 level, balance slightly rolling. This place has from -800 to 1000 cords of wood on it, good spring, on good road, 5 miles from Oregon City. Going cheap. Price, w $450. Some choice lots and improved In Gladstone, Oregon City's first suburb, low fare, 6 minutes ride from city. Prices reasonable. Ten acres, half mile from court house, growing city, small house, good young orchard. Price.... $1000. Two choice lots and 7-room house in Falls View, good well and root house, all kinds of fruit. This Is a snap and you had better hurry. Price, $500. W. F. SCHOOLEY, "The Man Who Makes Property Move." 524 Main St., Oregon City. I For Sale The J. C. McCord farm 1 j miles from Oregon City will be 5 sold in tracts to suit purchaser, S JO, 20, 30 and 40 acres. l Other farms for sale. Ab stract of title with each farm sold. OREGON CITY TRUST CO., 2-3-4 Garde Bldg, J. A. Cain Agent. ft FRED C. GADKE Plumbing & Tinning Hot Air Furnaces and Hop Pipes, Pomps, Water Pipes. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. Res. Phone 1514 Shop 1518 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or Annual Meeting of Ogle Mining Co. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Ogle Mountain Mining company will be . held Monday, No vember 5, 1906, at 2 o'clock p. m., in Knapps hall, Oregon City, Oregon. 43t4 P. A. FAIRCLOUGH. Pres. ANOTHER FREE OFFER HAVE YOU AN ELECTRIC PLAT IRON Electric ffe Iff5 Electric Flat fm Flat ; Irons -3L Irons Save 1 Save: Your 1 1 1 V 1 IP Your Time f Money 1 ELECTRIC IRONS ARE ALWAYS READY 11 you care ior v-.wix y i.ixij.ii-.a-., wiun,ii( HEALTH, ECONOMY iii your household; if you care i to be up-to-date, progressive, in tne swim; you wm use an Electric Flat Iron. , 'By filling in the coupon below, you will receive one of our ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS, under conditions which ought to attract you. , T STYLE NO. t Regular household, 6-lb. Flat Iron. STYLE NO. 2 Nickel-plated 3-lb. Smoothing Iron for dainty work. The Iron 'will be delivered promptly upon receipt of coupon without expense to you. - CUT OUT COUPON. C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Oregon "City. You may deliver to me one Electric Flat Iron, style No. ' which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory, to return to you within 30 days from date of 'delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge the same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will .be made for the Iron if I re turn it within 30 days; , NAME . . te rfi Dept. "E" Address. ........... .. . . . . . PORTLAND -GENERAL EL CTRIC CO, C. G. Miller, Contract Agent, Oregon City, Ore.