s OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 1906. Umbrella Season Don't wiit till a shower drives you into the first store you come to and forces you to buy an umbrella. Come now and select from a stock that is sold with a guarantee not to fade, leak, crack or break. 75c to $8 00. For $ J .50 we will sell you an umbrella that you will be proud to carry and which looks and wears like the kind you see with $2.50 tags on them. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. The Rexall Druggists. aged 40 yours, nftor nn extended Ill ness, She wns the daughter of.l.M. nnd Parbara lllxson of San Francisco. In 1S!2 nho became tlio wife of Uos well L. llolman In Seattle nnd Hlnee (lint time lns lived In Oregon City. She Is survived by her mother, bus hand and four children. In this com munity Mrs. llolman occupied nn en vied position and she has many warm friends who will feel Iter death deeply. Funeral was held Saturday afternoon funeral parly pdiitf down hy special ears. Services were held according to the ritual of the Christian Science church, of which the deceased was u member. Mrs. A. V.. McCnuslund entertained it numher of friends at her home Fri day evening, In honor of her visiting Quests, Mrs. A. J. Montgomery of j Portland and Mrs. C. A. Mulr of Iowa, j The evening was spent at cards, nf , tor which refreshments were served, j Those present were Mosdanies YohnKo, j Herrin. .lack. (Jtvcuham. Uohertson. ; Hidden, McOaJn. Scheuhel, Kennnlrd, i lsrownell. Shaw, Frost. I.anshorough, Ketchem, Mulr and Montgomery. ! I SOCIETY AND PERSONAL NEWS ; i t Rowland-Sehultz ' their home ubout two miles west of Oregon City. Miss Faith Rowland of Marengo, lewa, became the wife of Pr. William Sherman Schulta Saturday at 1 o'clock the marriage being held it! St Paul a Episcopal church, the llov IL D. Chambers officiating. Miss Bessie Clayton Schultz, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and Mr. Hiram Wright, of Marshfleld, Oregon, was best man. Mr. and Mrs Schultz of Marengo, Iowa, were present at the wedding. The wedding was to have taken place at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, but the bride's train was four hours lateence white. Genevieve Capen. Madge find the impatient groom had to bide j Brightbill. Eulalie Shubel. Maggie Lis time. But at 1 o'clock the blushing bride arrived and the nuptials were solemnized by General Missionary H. D. Chambers, of the diocese. TheiLlonel Gordon and Ardon Hickman wedding march was played by Miss Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will Frank .laggar of Cams was In tow.t Monday. Taylor Henderson of Klwood was In town Saturday Mr. Yoder of Needy was nn Oregon ruv visitor Monday. Mrs. Lewelllug of Mtlwaukle was an Oregon City visitor Sunday. W. W. Everhart ofMolulIa was ln! Oregon City today on business. j Marsh Frnkes of Logan was tran sacting business in town Friday. j oeor.ee Swygert of Portland was Its ; Oregon City Monday on business. 1 Raymond Oleson Entertains. j MNs Vor"a Tllll o rjarlow was visit- Raymond Oleson, of Willamette, ' ing relative-? in Oregon City Monliy. entertained a numher of his friends ; , Harrington, a prominent farmer in a delightful manner at his home 0f Highland, was in town Thursday. Friday evening. Music was enjoyed j h. L. and W. O. Vaughan of Molal and games played In the peanut race I a WPre In town on business Thurs Miss Bessie Warner captured the first I day. j prize and the consolation prize was j Mayor William Shlndler of Mllwau-j awarded to Lionel Gordon. A spe-iiae was In Oregon City on business cial car was run from Oregon City I -Krlday. to accommodate the young people. j, jj. Stlckney of Milwaukle was j Those present were Louise Huntley, transacting business in Oregon City Louise walker. Horence Grace, nor- Monday I Mrs. Fanny Petit of Sellwood is tho freest of her mother, Mrs. Read of Gren Point. Harvey Ball, a prominent citizen of Molalla was In Oregon City Tues day on business. Attorney E. P. Morcom of Wool burn was transacting business In Ore gon City, Friday. ill 1 Ml f1' I iff II I I I Plain Facts That your shoes are n important pn r r of your dress is ti foregone coii elusion. The name W. L. Douglas insures footwear of the highest quality; shoes Hint arc absolutely satisfactory in style, fit, price ami most of oil in good sound wear. Wc luive them in nil leathers at $3.50, Jt.OOund $3.00. Western Shoe Co's. workmen shoes are the toughest, strongest and longest wearing workmen's shoe made. In 5-10-1 2-1 4 in. tops at $2.50, $3, $3.50, l$'t, $5. We satiNlyzour Ishoe wants to your entire satisfat lion. Ml W. L. DOUGLAS, World's Greatest Shoemaker A. A. PRICE, Mgr. 6th and Main Streets. I Y M Brown. Marietta Hickman and Bessie Warner; , Claire Cordon. Harry Mc- Clure. Waldo Caufield, Carl Schram, Mrs. It. L. llolman died Thursday make evening at her home in Sixth street, VTSEr"" tot T Put $50 Or $100 Into a Diamond And it is like depositing the money in the bank. While the diamoni may not pay interest on the money directly like the bank it gives the wearer a prestige that pays dividends every day in the year. We carry a nice selection of Diamonds, both loose and mounted, and we are not afraid to have our collection com pared with anything in the country. Here are some of our prices: Baby Rings, set with little diamond, from $1.50 up. Ladies Rings; with a small diamond, $5.00 Some a little larger for $12.00 and $15.00 And you will be surprised what a nice diamond ring you can purchase from $25 to $50. It would be very satisfactory to us to show you the larger ones those that we sell from $50 to $200. We guarantee every gem we handle. It will always turn out to be exactly what we said it was and we state emphatically that you run no risk in giving us your dia mond business. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers Frank Mueller, a prominent farmer and hop raiser of Clarko'8, was In town Thursday. Mra. W. M. Robinson has returned from Cascade Locks, whero she. visit ed friends and relatives. I Mrs. C. N. Parker has returned, J j after an extended visit with relatives i ' at Sunnyvale, California. j i Charles Mooro has returned from i Elk Creek, Seaside, and will remain In Oregon City for some time. Frank Wlnslow. Democratic com mitteeman from Canyon Creek pro-( clnrt, was in Oregon City on Satur-j day. L. I). Jones and wife, Mrs. Susan Curry and Mrs. Moore, all of Clacka mas, were In town on business Thursday. Miss Bemice Adams of Portland was a guest of Miss umva unnuaii. Miss Adams will tench the Holton school. Mrs. A. K Davidson and son, Boy, of Molalla. were In town last Thurs day vlHltlng Mrs Ktnma Davidson ami daughter, Hazel. J. It. Hitching, formerly of Faglo Creek, this county, now in the llvory business In Fast Portland, was a i visitor in Oregon City Thursday. I Mrs. .1. J. Itasinusseii and son of; Portland visited tier mother, Mrs. H. Salisbury, of Gladstone, Sunday. She. was accompanied homo by her mo ther. Mrs. K. J. Marshall and daughter. Miss Crayce. spent Saturday and Sun day with William and Italph Marshall i.f Itussollvllle, w ho are leading mcr-, chant of that place. ; Mrs. Itohert Iluchosky, nee Jessie i Porter, formerly of Canemah but now , of Portland, accompanied by her lit- tie daughter, returned to their homo j Saturday after a visit with Mrs. Bu-j chosky'H parents, Mr and Mrs. H. 5.' Porter The many friends of Miss Joseph-j Ine Chase will bo glad to hear that her health Is steadily Improving since going to California. Miss Chase Is at present visiting with relatives In In Angeles, but expert to go to Sierra Madre to speift the winter. While at Sierra Madre this Hummer Miss Chase was visited two montliH by Miss Annu lielib, of Jamestown, New York, who formerly resided In this city, her father being boss weaver In the Ore gon City Woolen Mill. While at that place Miss Chase's health was very much Improved. While In this city she made her home with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Wilson, and made many friends here by her sweet ! disposition and her endearing ways. among the member. The postpone meat Is by agreement of commlttoo and Master and lecturer. FAVORABLE FALL WEATHER Summary by the Weather Dureau for the Week Ending Oct. 1. This week, on tlio whole, wa very favorable. There were several good Hhowers In the northwest counties, and although the weather at timet was cloudy and threatening In the southern and eastern counties, uo rain of conserpiencn occurred In those enmities. The tuoruluK were un usually cool nnd frosts frequently or cnrri'd In excised places; In hihiii of the higher valleys the trwXa were heavy, but In other sections they were light nnd harmless. The nfter noon temperatures were gi.nernlly uliove normal, without the heat being excessive, Th" winds along the roast were high Bt times, but In the lnt-Hor they were generutly light. Grange Fair Postponed. The Orange fair that has always been held at Oswego In October, has been postponed until further notice, on account of alckness and clonlh Sick Headache Cured Sick headache Is caused hy derange ment, of the stomach and by indiges tion. Chamlierlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets '!- 'ct these disorders ami effect a cure. By taking the.ci tablets as soon hi the first Indication of the disease appears, the atta;.( may he warded rf. For sale by How ell & Jones. Clothes for Your Pall and Winter Clothing Suspension Bridge Corner f' .. rv We tell ymi knowinglv thai you tan practice economy by supplying your wants at our store. Our reputation for great value giving is a retog- ni7cd fnrt. Men's Superior Clothing $3.50 to $25 YoutlVs Tine Clothing $6.75 to $15 Boy's Kant -Wear-Out Brand Clothing $2.45 to $6.50 f hiivhnufmiiii g Ininityiutle I 1 yjjfr ELLING