Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 05, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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'2,01)0 niilfrt of Iouk ,jH.
tuticit telephone wire in
Oregon, ViiMliiiintoii,(!iili.
forniit iiml Idaho now in
(ii'nitiini by the I'licilic
Station Telephone (Nun
puny, covering 2,2)U
Quick, melinite, hou
All the HiitihliK't.ion of ii
I'erHoniil eoiniiiiininitioii
PiMtuncH mi elicit to ii
clear uiilernliiii(liiig. Spo
kane ami San I'runciHco
h m ennily hiitril in Port
land. Oregon (,'ity ollice nt
Iliinlniii-'s Druir Store
For I ii fun t and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Tlio Kind Yon Ilnvo Ahvaj'rt Itoiight, mul wlilch lots Ix;ci
In who lor over IU) year. li;tn bornn Uio Muriiuturft of
nnil lift Im'cii Iliads under III jxr
hoinil hiiixtvIhIoii hIimo Its InCiiiiey.
which order In mucin and entered on
tho 19th day of September, 1900.
!)uto of Hint publication hereof Is
September 21,
Attorney for l'lalntiff, &05 Commer
cial Ulilg., 1'ortland. Oro. 4H7
Allow HO oimi f olee ( you In tlilg.
Iliitim tho
Bignutuiu of
All ('oiinlerlVlls, Imitations ami "JiimI-iik-kooiI " urn but
KM-rliiicutH that trllio wit Ii uiid ctKlaner I Ik; health of
Infant and Children KximtIcimh uaiiiMl Ihje rlnn nt.
Caxt or la Is a lmrinh'sH milHt It uto for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Kyriii. It In I'lcuxant. It
contain neillier Ojiluiii, Morililnn nor oilier Narcotic
MihMtaucc. 1 1 h ago In ItH guarantee. It dehtroyn Worms
and ullayH 1 YverlslincNM. It iiich Diarrho-a and Mind
Colic, It relieve Teething Trouble, curcH Count Ipal Ion
and Flatulency. It iiMiinllut-s tlio Food, regulates the
Stomach and liowcls, ghiiiji liealthyauil natural hleeji,
Tho C'lilliln n'n Panacea-Tho Mothcr'H i'rlend.
Bears tho Signaturo of
six sfTTrr
n m i i im to i ii , , '" I
ym iifiki it wi mi nivu,far.lHf.H P. fa
111 (M'eKott City hy Huntley Hum
til ) Ilk J '.I t4t"t il r la it M (kl It
H"t4 tlM"l,
ni.MWiu,, M ALL COUNTUf.
Am ii Mr t i It Ji4i4fi tu i ft limr,
m.'trY ttt.t flrH Ik f.ltfMt,
Pit ft md MHflftmtM Pficl!c ticluiWtlf.
Writ .if Ij' u !
nuu itf. vp ciim iuui oc
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tut tltiUUI COUMNT, ? MUU tm f T, DO OH CfT.
I- '.'5 ;.' :"' .'"w?,Mpw,,l;.---.,ll.'rWP
Hi" matter of the Kntate of Alary
10. Imvlii. (li'CcaHed.
Notice Ih hereby ;iven that, pur
Miiaiit to an order of the County Court
of the Slat" of Oregon for Multnomah
County, made and (filtered on the 20th
day of Scihmber, )'.));, I will, from
and after the :;oth day of October,
Kioi!, jiiocccd to hcII at. private nale
I(; following (IcM'Tlbeil real jirop
ly of hald (tate, aiul all the right,
title nii'l Iniei'eHt whhdi the n.ahl Mary
.10. iJiivlw had thendn at th time of
her death, to-wlt:
An undivided half-interest in the
S''a of the followltiK de.Tlb(il Jin-milieu:
IScluiiliiK .!!'' ehaim cant
and 2u chaitiH north of the
unari'-r ioHt bet-Ainu Kcetlonn 10
and II, In tp. 2 S. It. 2 K. W. M.
Thence v.chi llht rbaiiiK on the north
line of ih" i). I.. C. of I'reHiey u'idch;
thence koiiMi 2'!. (I.) (dialns; thence
cant 11 H I (dnilna; thence north 20. !.",
cluilim to ihe jilaci? of hetjinriini;,
coiiialiiln 20 acres, In Clackamas
(mi n I y , Oregon.
The terms of said Kale are as fol
lows: The entire iiirchai; jirice Is
to he paid In cash.
C. V. l'ALI.KTT,
Adinliiitralor of the estat of Mary
K. I (avis, decca .c l. I'ortland, Ore-
Dated .September 22, 1'JOG. 42t."j
New Pall Styles
Men's and Youth's Suits and
Overcoats, Hats, Pants and Shirts,
big; variety at reasonable prices.
Complete stock of Shoes for
Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys.
We save you from 50c to $1.00 on
every pair.
Full selection of Blankets, Com
forters, Trunks and Suit Cases, 33
per cent less in price comparison to
other stores' prices.
Rosenstein's Clothing House
Two Doors South of Postoffice
I ym
Notice of Final Account. jliist iiubllcatlon of DiIh KUinmons. to-
v ,i i , , , .i . .i i wit: on or before the 12th day of Oc-
Notlcc !( herebv k veil that the un , , , ., I,..
.toher, I (!",. and aimwcr the complaint
il.-rslKiie.l hnn tiled her llnal report in t iu-.l against you In the above entitled
the ailiiiinlMiiHiiou of (he eM ate of h'lil, ami If you fall to mi appear und
Kiioch Shlrvlii. (hceiiHed. and the Hon 'wwer within that time, tho plaintiff
Ciaiil II lUnilcl., Judije of the County
the date of thin notice, or the same
will be barred.
Date of this notice and first publica
tion thereof, September 14, 1906.
Last jmbllcation Oct. 12. 190C.
will apply to the court for a decree
disKolvluK tho bonds of niintrlmony
now existing between you ami the
above named jilalutiff, upon the
"rounds Mated In the complaint, to
wlt: cruel and Inhuman treatment and
"rim bubltiia! drunkenness, and fol
Orei;oii, as the time and jilace for j H,(.h (,Ih(.r r,.Ul. HS mliy 1)0 0qultatlo.
jCourt of CUrKanias counly, Htate ol
,(rKoii, has Ilve.l Monday, October
jl.Mii. Kan'., at in o'clock, a. in., at the
'county court room In Oregon City,
any are
Kituie and objections If
and for the Hcttlemeiit
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy la a Specific,
Sure to Civ Satisfaction.
It cln(, aoothei, heftlii, nil irotH'U th
diiwiutod intfliiibriinn. It ciirnii CitUrrh nd
lriv( wny a tlohl lu tho Himd quickly.
HoHtornt the Roane of Timid nd Hmidl.
Yjmy to u. CouUiim no injurious dniK'".
Applied into tho lemtrtU and nbirlil.
iAruo Hlxo, M cinU nt DruKiU or by
uiftilj Trittl Huo, 10 conU by iiiail.
ELY BROTHERS, 86 Wirnn St., Nw York.
tuber 7th, 19'ifi.
l'xecutlvi! Aforesaid.
C. D, & D. C. Latourette,
Attorney for estate. lot!
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Win. Chat. II. Smith, l'lalntiff,
Daisy A. Smith. Defendant. !
To Daisy A. Smith, defendant above
In tho name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to ajipear und
answer the complaint filed atialnst you
In the above entitled ault. on or before
the llth day of Octobe, HMHi, that be
liiK the last day prescribed In tho order
of publication of this summons, and
If you fall to ho appear and answer
said complaint, tho plaintiff will ap
ply to tho court for the relief therein
prayed for, to-wlt: a divorce from tho
iiiari iiiK" exlstliiK between you and the
This summons Is published by the
order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde,
JudKo jiresldliiK In the above entitled
court. The first publication Is on
August 2-1, 19m;. and the lust on Octo
ber Gth, lsuti.
Attorney for Plaintiff, I'ortlund Ore
gon, tliti
A Delightful Beverage
A Safe Stimulant,
A Good Medicine.
For Sala by
. E. MATTHIAS -Ao"oy
for Oregon
City. I
A our (itkrantocd If Jon ufl .
IUoys Rnnnncltnni
PILE uuuutiuiy
0. Mult. Tlioinpaon, Buii'i
IOrwlnl Aohnol, fltilrirlll, N, C, wrllmi " I on in
the j dn ll tou olalm fur Ihrm." Jr. 8. M. leorn,
IlWvn IUHJI, W. wnii'ii - u 1117 Biro unnnriai iur
ffcotluh." Ir. II. 1). Mutilll, Clarkiliurn, TcoDi, wrllm:
' In i nrMUa of 38 J"rt, I brt found ua rnumlr li
i Bin in .in i in ii in mi TkijmwwM
Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros
Call for Free Sample.
This summons is jmblished by order
of tho Honorable (Irani H. Dlmlck
JudKe of the county court of Clack
ainas county, Htate of Oregon, made at
chambers on the 21th day of Aimust,
19IH',, (Hrectlni; this suminons to be
published In tho Orison City Kilter
lrlse, a newHjiiijier of general circula
tion iiubllshed in OreKon City, Clack
amas county, Orcein, for hIx consecu
llve weeks, bcKlniiliiB on tho 31st day
of AiiKiist, 19u.
The date of the first publication of
this numinous will bo made on the
Slot day of August, 19uG, and the
date of the lust publication will be
made on the 12th day of October,
3St7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
OreKon, for Clackamas County.
Mary L, Swain, Plaintiff,
John Swain, Defendant.
To John Swain, defendant above nam
In tho name, of tho Htate of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
und answer the complaint filed nuainst
you in tho above entitled suit by the
12th day of October, 190fl,thut being
tho last day uescrlbod in the order
of jiubllcatlou of this Hummona, and
If you full to ho appear and answer
suld comjilalnt tho plaintiff will apjily
to the court for tho relief prayed for
thendn to-wlt: for a decree dissolv
ing the bonilH of matrimony now exist
lug between you and tho plulntlff, and
for the changing of plaintiff a niinio.
This Hummons Is published In the
Oregon City Knterprise, a newspaper
published in Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, for hIx consecutive
weeks, by order of Hon. Grant H. Dlm
lck. Judge of the County Court, State
of Oregon, for Clackamus county, duly
niudo and entered on the 28th day of
August, IDOli, tho dute of tho llrst pub
lication being on the 31st day of Au
gust, l'JOti.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 245 Morrison
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Last publication, October 12, 1900.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, Land
Office at Portland, Oregon, Septem
ber 1, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said
proof w ill bo made before the Register
and Receiver, at Portland, Oregon,
on October 12. 1906. viz: Garrison P.
Nickel!, H. K. No. 15.750, for the Lot
4 of Sec. 27, T. 3 S.. R. 1 W.
Ho names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
William Kaako, of Aurora Oregon.
G. V. Keller, of Aurora, Oregon.
0. 1). Taylor, of Aurora, Oregon.
William Taylor, of Aurora Oregon.
3916 . Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Charles Littler, l'lalntiff,
Alice Littler, Defendant.
To Alice Littler, Defendant above
named :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to apjiear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled cause on or be
fore October 27, 1906, said day being
more than six weeks from the 14th
day of September, 19o6, the date of
the first publication of said summons,
and If you so fail to apjiear or answer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
jily to the court for tho relief prayed
for In the Bald complaint; to-wit: For
decree of said court dissolving the
marriage contract heretofore and now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and for such other relief as to
the court may Heem Just and equitable.
The order for publication of sum
mons In this suit was made and enter
ed hy Hon. G. B. Dinilck, county Judge
of the county of Clackamas, State of
Oregon, on the 12th day of September.
4017 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lonely Swiss Delighted at Burmeis-
ter & Andreten's Store Sat
urday Night
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of George For
man, deceased, by order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Clackamas, and all persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby notified and required to
present the same to the undersigned
at her residence in Barton, Clackamas
county, Oregon, on or before six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice, which is also
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Julia Potorson, Plaintiff,
Olo Peterson, Dofondant.
To Ole Peterson, the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are horeby required and notified
to appear on or botore the expira
tion of six weeks from the date of the
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Frank J. Kerr, Plaintiff,
Margaret Kerr, Defendant.
To Margaret Kerr, the above named
In tho name of tho State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you lu tho above enutiou court ana
cause on or before Saturday, Novem
ber 3d, 1906, said date being six (6)
weeks from and after the first publi
cation of this summons, and It you
fail so to apjiear or answer, the plain
tiff will take default against you and
apply to the Court for the relief de
manded In the complaint herein, to-
wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and granting plain
tiff an absolute divorce on the grounds
of desertion, and for such other re
lief as may be equitable in the prem
This summons Is served upon you
by publication for six (6) successive
weeks In tho Oregon City Enterprise,
by order of Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck,
Judge of the county court of the coun
ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon,
After being out In this country for
many years and doing his best to mas
ter the language and often longing
for a sound of his own, a native of
Switzerland was given a surprise and
a treat in Burmeister & Andresen's
store Saturday night.
There had been several songs and
tunes played on the graphaphonea in
the store, which entertained a number
of neonle out on the street, and the
man from Switzerland wandered in
to see more nearly where the music
as coming from. He seemed de
lighted. When the instrument was
wound up and a colored gentleman
sang some coon song he would stab
his hands deep In his pockets and
laugh loudly.
A German piece was put In the ma
chine and this seemed to please the
man from over the water, as he un
derstood a few of the words. But
Mr. Andresen had a thought He
knew his listener was from Switzer
land so he dug out a love song In
Swiss that had a final triumph of
yodeling at the end.
The success of the piece was to
mediate. The Switzlander started In
open-eyed wonder at the Instrument
that was talking to him In "his own
language, the language that ne naa
not heard for so many years. At the
last yodel he took off his hat and gave
a yell which was interpreted as "en
core" and the piece was played again,
much to his delight.
Mr. Andresen made a hit and that I
Trust to Nature.
A prr;U rmiriT Americans, both ma
tnd women, are thin, j.uio and puny, with
poor circulation. U-cauMj they have Ill
treated their stomachs by hasty eating
or too much catii.K, by consuming alco
holic liereragr-n, or by too clre-o confine
ment to hnn., oflicj or factory, and In
consequence t!,(; stomach must m treated
in a natural way Ix forn they cn rectify
their earlier niL-dake. The musclea in
many such people, la faci In every weary,
thin and ' thin-blooded person, do thwr
work w ith (treat dlfliciuty. A a result
fatiK'ie comes earlv, ii extreme and lasts
Ions?. The demand for nutritive aid Is
ahead f)f tho gupjdy. To Insure perfect
health every tmsue, bone, nerve and
muvle should take from the blood cer
tain malerials and return to It certain
other. It is necessary to prepaxe the
siomacn lor trio worn oi laKini; up irom
the food whit is necessary to make good,
rich, red blood. We nmt go to Nature
for tiie remedy. There were certain
roots known to the Indians of this
country before the advent of the whites
wmrti later came to me Knowieage oi
the settlers and which are now growing
rapiiliy in professional favor for the cure
of oU-'tlnate stomach and liver troubles.
These are found to tie safe and yet cer
tain in their clennsin and invigorating
effect upon the siomacn, liver and blood.
These are: Golden Seal root. Queen's
root. Stone root. Blondroot. Mandrake
root Then thcro Is lilack Cheirybark,
The medicinal principles reading in these
native roots when extracted with glyc
erine as a solvent make the mt reliable
and efficient stomach tonic and liver In
viaorator. when combined in lust the
right proportions, as in It. Pierce's
Golden Medical DiscoverT. Where there
is bankrupt vitality uch as nervous
exhaustion, bad nutrition and thin
blood, the body acquires vigor and the
nerves, hlood and all the tissues feel the
favorable eilect of this sovereign remedy.
Although some iihrsicians have been
aware of the high medicinal value of the
above mentioned plants, yet few have
ue ' puro glycerine as a solvent and
usually the doctors' prescriptions called
for the ingredients in varying amounts,
tritn cumtui.
The "Golden Medical Discovery !s
scientific preparation compounded of the
glyceric extracts of the above mentioned
vegetable ingredients and contains no
alcohol er harmful habit-forming drugs.
Ize so many comic sections. It is cer
tainly a cure for the blues.
There is an entertaining variety of
special features in the Sunday Record-Herald
and in addition a Sunday
magazine which has all the distinct
ive qualities of the famous independ
ent periodicals. Celebrated authors
and artists contribute the text and
illustrations. The picture on the
first cover Is in rich colors. It seta
a new standard in Sunday Journalism.
lonely man from
acted a promise
Switzerland has ex
that the next time
Hobbs and Jackson.
marriage license was issued to
Bright' s Disease and he comes to town he wlu have more
Diabetes News.
The New Fulton Compounds Hava ! Iun ana Vem 01 11 18 Iouna
Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries I in the color comic section oi tne sun
Among Chronic Cases of Bright' !
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable.
Dracefsts know that Bright' Disease and
Diabetes hare been regarded by physlolan as
tnourable and that up to the ad?ent of the
Fulton Compounds that nothing on their ahelres
would touch it. It Is a proven fact that nearly
Dine tenths of all cases are now curable, and
druggists themselves are taking the new Com
pounds. One of the recoveries was Dr. Zells
himself, the pioneer druggist of 133 PaolOO
street, San Francisco, aud he gave 11 to over a
doien others who recovered. Here Is another
Interesting recovery (We copy from the Saorsy
meuto News of Novomber 16, 1903): m
"After a sertous illness of over a year Judge
J, R. Allen of this olty has recovered and re
gards himself most fortunate In successfully
battUng with what Is generally regarded as a
fatal malady, Brlghfs Disease of the Kidneys.
In speaking of his case Judge Allen said: '1
believe that the treatment given me by my
tihvaictsn was in accordance with the best
methods used in the regular praotioa ot medi
cine, but it afforded me no relief. Hearing ot
the Fulton Compounds 1 went to San Francisco
to Investigate and was soon convinced I should
undergo the treatment. It was three months
before I noticed a change for the better. I used
the medicine faithfully for nearly a year and
eaa now find no evidence of the disease and
am sstisfled it is entirely eliminated. My ap
netlte Is good. I have gained seventeen pounds
lu weight aud will be
day Record-Herald. The constant
aim is to keep these amusing Illus
trations free from vulgarity and mis
chievous suggestions which character-
Amanda E
Hobbs and Gerald A.
Seventh Street, near Depot
IIreat Britain and America.
pieasea vo aescriuB wt
extmrtenoe to anyone who may call or writ.'"
When You Want the Best
AurAmnntn Khwii. Nov. 11). tOO'i.
The editor of the News himself was the friend
who told Judge Alloa of the Fulton Compounds.
Thev are the only things known that cure
Brlght's Disease and Diabetes. Fulton's Renal
Compound for Hrlght's and Kidney Diseases,
l: tor Diabetes, II. W. John J. Fulton Co.,
40 Washington street, 8an Franolsoo, sols
compounders. Free analyses for patients.
Bend for Pamphlet. Wa are the exoluaivs
gents for these Compounds la this oily.
CKtrmtn & Co., ( Drug Stori.
I UJb5 (lll33
Range or Stove for the Low
est price you cometoTolpo
Iar's. What we say about
our goods we stand by as
hundreds of pleased custom
ers will testify.
Fcrnittfre, Carpets, Mat
tings, Linoleums, and all
floor coverings. We furn
ish your house from top to
bottom, and save you all of
Half on Yottf Bills.
Inspect our big stock or new
and second hand goods be
fore buying anywhere else.
Main Street
1st door N. of Commercial Bank