OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTODErV 1908 A Mighty Combination is the mortar and the pestle when in the hands of expert chemists. Life or death is often rolled up in a prescrip tion. The greatest doctor in the world may writ e it, but if the druggist doesn't do his part, or does it wrong, the doctor is useless. It stands to reason, that a. physician can only win the fight against death by using strong, virile drugs. Such drugs can only be found in a first class pharmacy this is one of the reasons your physician tells you to take your prescription to Howell & Jones to be filled. By giving you better value than you have been getting elsewhere for the same money we have kbuilt up the largest drug business in Oregon City. At Howell & Jones' you'll always be sure of finding what you want, and sure that you're getting just what you ask for. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists William Pierce Johnson, president years tho old pinning mill at Twelfth of (1h Willamette Pulp & Paper com- and Miitn streets nml will uho (ho pany, returned to his homo In San same for a barn ami warehouse. Mr. i Francisco Saturday morning, i (Ireenman's business has developed! j to such ai extent, that ho llndH that Kmery Pyo has accepted n position ho will Imvo to linvo a store house. I with n surveying crow on tho O. K. & IN. In Knstern Oregon, where, ho 'poets to be Inisy for tho winter. to luuullo Momo of tho goods Id his , ox- trade. As hooh us tho building can ho placod In shape It will ho oceuplod I bv tho lossoos, Earl Leonard Plller of Seattle was, visiting his aunt. Mrs. Thomas Char- I man. a fow days ago. From boro ho s FOIl SAI.K- ISO acres In Clark conn i ty, Wash., mllos from railroad; 45 1 went to Vancouver where ho enters ''-'s ' cultivation; 10 acres tdnxhed j cvdlogo. I and seeded; 10 acres timber cut off j and burned; good 7 room house; largo j I Mr. nnd Mrs. 1.. O. Mooro nro on-'1""'" U"'S" feet good water and plen jtertnining Mr and Mrs. George Cain 'V f out range. Trice. $0000. one-; jof Salem, who are on their way to U'li'd cash, balance on time at Ci per i Portland, where they will mako their cent Interest. Also CRD acres near' future home. ' Wlllmlt Springs, SO acres cleared, good , I ; hoiiMo anil barn, $'.'0 per acre. Israel ! W. I.. Shult. has rented the vacant p. Putnam, Oregon City, Ore., or I I store In the Commercial Hank block. I.ewlsvllle, Wash. j that was at one time the postoITlce. : j ; and will shortly open a racket and dry-! Chief of Fire IVpartiuent Kd Mc-1 : goods store. j Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Howard were In I Oregon City. Is taking bis vacation i They were accompanied by their son. Mrs. Howard Is secretary of the ' State Orange. j The following Oregon Were cranted patents last week: Par jwin Hyde. Mount Tabor, brick-dump ' Ing machine; Gustavo Nettle, Lea i burg, snatch block. I j It. II. Tnbor of Mount Pleasant lias ; harvested his crop of prunes nnd has i them la tho dryer. He has about j 1400 boxes, which Is a very small per ; rentage of his crop, which was spoiled by the rains. Farland Intends to put the members of the Hook and Ladder company; tliroiu'.h practice drills occasionally with the new apparatus that the city recently purchased. Tho new ladder truck has a forty foot extension lad-' der that takes considerable skill in operating ami It will require consld- Inventors ,,nli,i,, billing for ,1,,, , , ,,. customed to performing with tho lad der. A practice was to have been held Friday evening, but was postponed un til more of the members of the com pany can be collected for service. SPECIALS AT The Pair Store Ihmlinn Uuildinj:, Tluoo loorn North of l'ostollieo WILL START MONDAY WITH SPECIALS IN OUTING FLANNELS FLANNELETTE CAMBRICS PERCALES DRESS GOODS LADIES' AND CHILD REN'S STOCKINGS MEN'S SOCKS NOVELTIES IN HAIR ORNAMENTS Plain Lawn, Hcmstiched Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c up. Latest in Shirting and Ginghams. A full line of Men's. Ladies' and Children's Under wear for winter. The very heaviest of Shaker Flannel at 10c, worth J 5c. OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. Ralph Cross and his cousin John Cross loft Friday for Sand Lake, n?nr Nestugga, where they will engago In ranching a ICO-acre farm. They took with them 10 thorough-blood cattle besides other farm animals. Sunday afternoon, at the head of Seventh street, a runaway occurred which luckily for all parties did not result worse. The team, which was one hired from tho F.lk Horn livery barn, became frightened by a "whir ly glg" that was being operated by some children and at oneo broke away. M. Yoiler was In a wagon ahead of the running team and tho two crashed together. Mr. Yoder Is reported to havo sustained a badly bruised hip. Tho occupants of the light livery carriage were not hurt, but the car- Tom Myers Is very sick with ty phold fever and has been brought to rlnR0 WM ,)mlly ,,,,,,, p the home of his sister, Mrs. AD. Pill- man, where the best of care Is given' ,,. ,.... ,ih. FRIENDS OF HUNTERS HUH. l I . UJto una Ilia., ii.wiua who hope for his speedy recovery. 1 1. ('. L Alt H ' K :. I'ivm.I.hI. I'. J. MKYKIt, Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK or orison city.okcgon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a (Jciicral Hanking" Bu-iiiee!. Open from '. a.m. to :i .tn, ENJOY- Fritz Welse has moved from Gresh Km to a point near Clackamas. Miss Hazel Cooper has commenced a term of school at Wilsonvllle. J. W. Jackson, a prominent citizen ct Molalla, was in Oregon City Mon day on business. Ab. Dlllman, who has been sick at his home for the past week, Is re covering rapidly. has gone to Cotrell, whore she will conduct the school for the winter term. H. A. tourette Allen, farm. manager of has left for the La-Eastern SAW MILL for salo 11 miles south east of Oregon City. COhorse power mill, In good running order Good lo cation; good market. Yellow fir tim ber. Price reasonable; terms, cash. Dlx Bros., R. F. D. 4, Oregon City. 43 4 ING VENISON. Pastors of churches In or near Ore- Oregon to engage in wheat raising on ! gnn CUy flro ,nvUe(, tQ end or brlng a large scale. Workmen are re-shlngling the roof cf the Methodist church on Seventh and Main streets. The ladles of the Congregational church wll hold a market In the baso ment of the church next Saturday afternoon, October 6. in advance church notices for publi cation In the Sta. where they will be read by more people In Oregon City and suburbs than read all other dallies combined. Jack Johnson, formerly of this city, las accepted a position with the J. K. Gill Co., of Portland. H. Bigelow, who operates a sawmill on the Abernethy, was in Oregon City cn Thursday on business. After a stay of two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schwab have returned from their outing at Long Beach. Mrs. Bessie Sleight left for Port land Sunday where she has accepted a position with the Shogren dress making establishment. W. H. Sampson returned Saturday from Barlow, where he had been visit ing his brother-in-law, L. E. Arm strong, who is critically ill. HEIFHR, lost first of last spring Dark Wrown Jersey, short, stubby I born with downward dip. Reward I given for information leading to her recovery. Sarah K. Blount, Glad stone, Ore. 42t2 Services at the Congregational church next Sunday will be con ducted by the Rev. E. C. Oakley of Eugene. Mr. Oakley Is an Interesting and Intelligent speaker and it Is thought would like to come to the Oregon City pastorate. As several hunting parties have re-' turned from the mountains there are' not a few people of Oregon City en- ( Joying venison on their tables, which , was a gift of the mighty hunters to friends, showing the prowess of the j deer stalkers. ! George Kerns, Ilert Iloake and Ed Olds recently returned from Ogle , creek district, where Kerns shot sev-! eral deer. The party rcxrt a pretty hard trip, which cume near getting, the better of Olds, who Is large of; girth and short of breath. But ho was1 determined that the mountains should not get the better of him and his good nature pulled him through. The; trip, which lasted ten days, was en-; tlrely successful, as the killing of three deer Is evidence. ! I-I. 33. CROSS ATTORN ICY AT LAW Weill ICwtntc. Main Htrccl. I.onnn, Innurimce OWICCON CITY. John A Moore has gone to St Martin's Hot Springs, where he will Epend several days' vacation. Henry Epperson of east of Estaca da is proudly showing some very fine 20-ounce Pippins that he raised on his place. Some of them measure 13 inches in circumference and are ex- ..n,.f i nnoiitv hirh nil shows showed symptoms of Insanity that one does not 'have to be at Hood arrived In Oregon City Friday eve river tr, crow the best of armies. nlng from Portland on the street car, DEMENTED WOMAN TAKEN INTO CUSTODY. Mrs. Mary A. Bain was taken In j custody Friday night by Sheriff R. B. i Beatie, for the reason that she of Insanity. She r Dr. L. G. Ice Is In charge of the office of Dr. L. L Pickens, who has gone to Brownsville for a pheasant shoot. Miss Wlnnifred Roake of this city and on leaving the car by her actions ,... r- t o nmitniiA at once attracted attention. Dr. H. 1 James Smith, who recently sold his nurse of the Good Samaritan hospl- S. Mount took charge or the woman interest in the market at Estacada, ! tal, has returned from Seattle, where and turned her over to the authorl- has gone into the meat and poultry buying and shipping business. Mrs. Susan Curry of Clackamas has sold her residence to L. D. Jonea and will leave in a few days for Vir ginia, where Bhe will reside. she had been for a short time. Miss ties, I'ete jsmren taxing uie uemnu- Marrs is visiting her mother, Mrs. cd woman to his home for tho night, Samuel Marrs. of this city, but ex- until her guardian, a man of tho name i Twtiarwi nr,n where of Sorenson. arrived from Portland. she will make her headquarters ANOTHER FREE OFFER HAVE YOU AN ELECTRIC PLAT IRON If. L BfLQ The Home Furnisher The Store That Saves You Money Mrs. Bain was to have left for Ken tucky Saturday and her trip to Oregon , ... - Gltv Is thought to havo been an at- Several of the young men oi uregen ' ; . ... : h i.,.. k ,,,min, nf tempt to evade the journey. She has; City are considering the forming or 1 , , , , ,u , mu.nant reatves n Kentucky and was said a dancng club that will be a means of , . , ,i,.i passing the winter in a social man- ner. The Idea Is to have a member- wl a Mother. ship fee that will be large enough to' - cover the expense of six or eight OLD PLANK ROAD TO BE MAC dances, which will be entirely Invl-, ADAMIZED. tatlon affairs. The organization will be perfected shortly. County Judge Dlmlck and Comtnls- sloner Lewellen were over by Damas- Joe Susap, who needs no lntroduc- cub Saturday Inspecting a number of tion to Oregon City people, was small bridges that are in bad shapo visited by a sister of his who came and need to be repaired or replaced. Electric Electric Fiat f'fih Flat Irons xfe 'rons Save P'-m Save Your "r ' 'Jljp Your Time hJI Money II 11 tr 1 j into town Saturday with a band of Indians from the Warm Spring In j dian reservation. Susap was over joyed to so his sister and spent Sun- iday afternoon entertaining land her companions, who j camped on the bluff. her Goods Sold for Less Than Elsewhete Furniture, Ranges and Stoves Carpets, Crockery, Granite- ware and Wall Paper. The county rock crusher has been moved to the Highland road near Beaver Creek and Is at work crush ing rock with which to pavo that highway. The road Is, or rather was, wero . a plank one, but the plank are rotten and must bo replaced or tho road macadamized, and at the present I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vosburg and son prc(j 0f r,ank it Is cheaper, all things ! r,1.,..l,. nml Vila Tl 1 f f ff C TO ! t'h t X . n. ...u I itt, I, maln a utfTtk rriiul Main and 7th St. Opp. Suspension liridge 1KB were Oregon City visitors Monday) "county court convenes next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Vosmirg ana n(lfj(lay ln n.Kiar Hss!on son formerly resided at crescent near Oregon City but moved to Ne halem a few years ago, where Mr. Vosburg was connected with a lumber business. They have lived at Crelgh ton for the past year and have pur chased property there, owning a pro lific and thrifty vinyard. Wed- C. N. Greenman, the pioneer ex pressman, has leased for a term of Taken Up. Monday, Sept. 24, at my place five miles east of Oregon City, a small white bull, coming two years old. Owner please call and pay charges and take animal. WILLIAM LILLIU, Oregon City It. F. D. No. 2. 43-4 Box 9. ELECTRIC IRONS ARE ALWAYS READY If you care for CONVENIENCE, COMFORT, HEALTH, ECONOMY in your household; if you care to be up-to-date, progressive, in the swim; you will use an Electric Flat Iron. By filling: in the coupon below, you will receive one of our ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS, under conditions which ought to attract you. STYLE NO. Regular household, 6-Ib. Flat Iron. STYLE NO. 2 Nickel-plated 3-lb. Smoothing Iron for dainty work. The Iron will be delivered promptly upon receipt of coupon without expense to you. CUT OUT COUPON. C, G, MILLER, Contract Agent. PORTLAND (IHNIOItAL KI.KCTUIC COMPANY, Oregon City. You may deliver to mo one Klectiic Flat Iron, stylo No. ' which I agree to try, nnd If unsatisfactory, to return to you within 30 days from (Into of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may cbarg i the same to my account at. $1.00. It is understood that no charge will be inado for (he Iron If I re turn it within :!() days. NAME Dept. "K" Address PORTLAND GENERAL EL CTRIC CO. C. G. Miller, Contract Agent, Oregon City, Ore.