o OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER V, 1906. HOl.KAMOr.CANS.TITXXLL3Lj IL TVT BYI 1 costs "ready- 4 but when SUCCESSOR TO ADAMS BROS. p7M vvith thi ick OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE Pure', raw linseed oil f j 7i I 111 mr mium u2 i Cruz iraiion lor pjaiion, it makes the best paint for the least money. TOR 8ALE DY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. i i I K'wrwy jJT J 14 I;j M. PRIMARY 15 TOO COSTLY WOULD AMOUNT TO ABOUT 125 FOR THE NEXT CITY ELECTION. Council Transact! Large Amount Builne Sldewalki Wanted at Top of South HIM Road. of Tho Mention of tbo council Wed nesday evening wan marked by tho -amount of work that wait accotn pllithxd and tho length of time It took to do It. A It wait tho regular month ly meeting and tho end of tho quarter, tho rKirt of tho officer were read and tho meeting did not adjourn until likely that. tliM'o Ih whom It will re-1 inula until tho dry hciihoii of next year. It Iiiih been proponed to open Wanli- j liiKtoii dtriM-t between Hecond and Third, hut tho property owner on that part of tbo utreet wero ready j with n renioiiMtrnriro and th) matter! wait referred to tho atnwt committer). On tho Mouth Knd road tho people, living at the top deHlro a aldewalk and Mr. Telford wan ready with a petl-j tlon axkliiK that tho city extend one ' to tho city limit. Tho city In wllllrifij to do thU If tho county will respond with olio to tho top of tho hill. I Tho Oregon City Aerie, Order of ! Eagles, purchaHod the J. Q. Adam street Improvement bond for I3GG.16. j Tho report of tho City Treasurer . and City Hoeordor wero read and or dered filed. Tho report of 1 reaming I.atouretto wan referred to the finance committee, j A blic grist of tho accumulated bllli of tho month wero examined and or-! (Id red paid. J Tho only bid for a street culvortj wit left with the street committer. I Tho bond revolution advising tho cancelling of tho Center street bonda Id the aum of 1270 was read and 11 o'clock. Mayor Caufield called tho meeting adopted, to order and tho following council-1 Councilman Knapp Introduced hi men responded t roll call: Andrnen, ; "" reaolutlon. which provldea for llrandt. Harrington, Justin, Knapp, ! tho oaUbllahnient of Poatai Savings Straight and Wllllama. banka. The qunatlon arising aa to what " rpPort of Engineer II. A. waa to bo dono with tho city water , Kan''" warrant for a portion of the cart, It waa ordered that Chief of contract amount waa ordered drawn 1'ollco Charles Burns bo Instructed 1 ' favor of the contractor for tho to find mmio aultahlo place for It to 1 bridge over tho gulch on Madlaon atay during tho winter. Tho chlof haa ntret. Tho bridge la ono fourth com In mind a barn In Grennpolnt and If I'bied. tho wagon can bo taken lnalde It la Tho estimate of the engineer for Our customers tire Mill looking for flood values and we are still serving them. We are anxious to make business and we do it in the riflht way. We are gradually working into new methods of handeling our trade and are continually overhauling our stock, so that we can keep tresh and dean goods before you. This a busy store. The proof is in the way it has grown and it's going to grow more. We ask the help of our customers, we cannot do it alone we always repay---come to our store and you'll see. The W. 15. Corset Did you ever try our Nu form Corsets? EVERLA8TING I GRACEFUL ! COMFORTABLE and 8TYLI8H I The most widely adver tised Cornet In the world. They aell at $l,$l.50,$l.75,$2,$2.50 blankets and Quilts Clean, all wool JlankelH. White ami gray, $4 to $7.50 a p air. targe hI.o cot ton Blankets, white tan and gray, 75c to $2. Extra quality, good weight Quilts $1 to 2.25 Queen Quality LADIES' WRAPS No previous aeaaon haa shown such pretty fabrics that wo ahow this season. Tho plaid coats are exceeding ly popular and bid fair to hold their own through the entire aea son. Wo have macks of theae pretty things to abow you. op ) La "Vs$ means tlon In 8 h oep. ahopplng plr-amire perfec ladles' Shoe Is a' here. Why? Because we take an In terest In you and your foot wear. We fit you perfectly and give you the beat values money can buy. QUEEN QUALITY $3 to $4 L'ltz & Dunn, $3 Ml 'ml: W W. ! Hots We need not Introduce our "Conqueror" $3 Hat. It Is too well known, both for style and quality. New fall blocks are In. Also strong line at and $2.25 Petticoots We have a big line and the prices are catching. Black mercerized, 7-gore with nice flounce, $1.25 to $25 Silk Taffeta, beautifully fin ished, 7-gore, 14 Inch flounce with dust ruffle, $5.00 to $5.00 $1 1 fc. Little Gent'a Overcoat, ages 4 to 10. For toys of thU age you want something serviceable, and yet, It must be smartly trimmed to look welL We have 'em and they are Just right, too. $3.00 $6.00 the Improvement of Sixth street was Ick, who will look into the law of the read and the amount, $299.06, was or- ( election. It la assumed that the prl dered paid. The contract entered intoimary method will not have to be used by the mayor and recorder with as It' will cost the city In the neigh Harry Jones, for removal of rock on borhood of $125. It is thought that Washington street, was approved. by the candidates running on a citl Tho work will cost 75 cents a yard, the zens or Independent ticket there will city to pay one-third and the property be no expense of registration as the owners two-thirds. primaries would require and that can- The matte, of conducting the next ' dldate wou,d be provided as In for- city election was brought up and the mer elecllons- question referred to the finance com mittee and City Recorder W. A. Dim- way too slow a process for his 2-acre field. W. H. Jones has gone on the Colum bia to buy oxen to log for the ne saw mill. A Young Mother at 70. ' "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia bad entirely disabled her, until six months Dements Best Hard Wheat Flour. A great bread maker. 43-tf naUUU. ua IUQ ifXmk IUUL BLIiUUI was a caller at Superintendent Zln ser's office Tuesday. f SHOES lluby Shoes 10c, 19c, 47c Misses' Heavy SIhm-s 69c, 95 Child's $1 flno Shoes; beauties 88c Child's low shoes, cut to C9c. 87c. (jidli's' Kxtra (imid Coarse Shoes $1-89 LndleM Fine Shoes, $2.25 valuo $1.95 Ladles ratent Colt (best $3 flno shoes, small sixes), now $2.50 Ladles' $ 1 .50 line Shoes for $1.17 Men's $i r.() Flow Shoes $1.39 Hoys' l.r.O Flow Shoes $1.18 Hoys' $1.50 Shoes $1.39 Men's $2.00 Iju-o Shoes $1.70 Shoo Lneca 1c pair, better, 3 pair 5c Kent Heavy Laces, 3 pair 10c Insoles ;ie and Gc; leather at two thirds Two packages tacks, D;; Shlnola, 2 for 15c; Jet oil. 8c. MILLINERY Save you a nice sum on millinery, which la sold by us on a small margin. Houglit factory's samples and offer latest atylo pretty huts at 69c, 99c, $1.29, $1.49, $1.99 worth double. Come early, bargains like these don't come often. Lares, millions, Trimming", Shapes, etc, at low est prices for good material. DRY GOODS Our new dresH goods aro now moving quickly. Linings at less than city prices. Host thread', 3 for 10c; pins, package, lc. Ink, 4c; mucilage, 4c; vasallne, 4c. Knvelopes, 3c; Tablets, lc. 5c pencil tablets, 3c and 4c. Flno lead pencils, 3 for Gc. Common lead pencils, rubber tip, 7 for 5c. Toilet Soapa, lc, 3c and 4c; flno, 8c. A nlco saving on nlco Soaps. 10c Canvas Cloves for.,,' 5c Leather (Moves 21c, 25c, up. Sample Neckwear nt wholesale. Sample Towels and Scarfs, Center Pieces, etc., at two thirds. Sample Nightgowns at two-thirds. Samplo Corsets at two-thirds, and small sizes at about one-fourth, or 19c 39c Handkerchiefs, lc, 2c, 4c, 9c; a big saving and big variety. Pearl Buttons dozen .....3c Trimmings aro cut, many at half. Hose Supporters from Gc. Luces at a cut, 10c lnco for 6c Pins or hairpins, package 1c Hoys' 10c suspenders 7c Hoys' 50c Kneo Pants for 40c Sample Hosiery at wholesale great assortment. Jewelry at half or less. $1.50 llazors cut to 88c FURNISHINGS Men's Punts, samples, 69c, 99c, $2.39 a big sav ing. Men's 10c course aox 6c Men's Xc sox for 5c Hoys' heavy underwear 25c 29c Men's heavy underwear 40c, 48c Men's wool underwear 85c, $1.00 Men's cotton shirts, 60c goods for 45c Fine shirts r.t two-thirds. 4 lc 59c 69c samples of 7uc to $1.25 goods. Men's Sample undershirts two-thirds. Men's Suspenders cut prices. Men'H 5e handkerchiefs 3 for 10c Men's "0c woul sox for 25c Men's Goo wool sox for 39c Men's ond Hoys' Hat s half price. More and less 9c, 39c, 45c, 94c. GROCERIES The bent coast flour Is "Pure White; wo keep It the best valley family Hour is Howard's Host Walla Walla is the best cheap flour at 95c. Wo are loading distributors of these three brands. Halsins, half usual price 5c 10c Chimney, largo 7c 10c package Arm & H. Soda 6c 25c Wire Clothesline 15c 15c Flour Sifter 9c Toilet Soap, bar lc( 2c, 4c, 8c nearly double values. Laundry Soaps, 2c, 3c, 4c. 10c Hottlo Bluing 5c Wash Powder, flrst-class, pound 5c Baking Powder and prizes cut to 43c Flno Hoast Peanuts, pound ...10c Clothespins, dozen 1c Sewing Machine Oil, good grade 5c (!ood bulk Lemon or Vanlla, ounce 5c About half price, bring bottle. Pure bulk Gloss Starch 1 Iba 10c; this Is about half for 2 packages starch weigh lft Iba. Teas at two-thirds prices, 25c to 45c My Wife's Salad Dressing, half 15c 30c Camping Coffee Pot, half 15c 20c Coffoo Pot, half 8c Meut for seasoning 7; fine Picnic Ham cut to 12'2c 15c double handled basket 9c 10c double handled basket , 5c 10c Stove Polish 6c 10-qt. (lalvanlzed Pail 19c 12-qt. Galvanized Pall 23c Box Toothpicks, Sc; bbl. tacks 3o Union Leader Tobacco 4c, 8o POTATOES, CHICKENS, EGGS In good demand Good prices. Coupons for free dishes. After Instructing the city attorner ago, when she began taking Electric to advise the collectors of road poll Bitters which have completely cured jtax to uso the law it collecting from her and restored the strength' and ac- ' delinquents, the council adjourned. tlvlty she had In the prime of life " writes Mrs. W. L. Cilpatrick, of Dan- L... -. roriTO ,orth Me- Greatest restorative med TOM SAGAR RETURNS J Icine on the globe. Sets Btomach FROM THE KLONDIKE ! Llver and Kidneys right, purifies the j blood and cures Malaria, Biliousness land Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Clarkes, Oct 3 Tom Sagar, who j Tonic. Price 50c. Guaranteed by was in the Klondike for the last eight Howell & Jones drug store." months, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Mosler were gather ing prunes at H. Wallace's one day last week. I Farmers are getting ready to 1 plough. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace and ' daughter spent Sunday with C. Smith 'and family. R. Bullard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andresen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace. Most everybody has returned home from hop picking with their pocket books full, of course. Prunes will soon be a thing of the past In this vicinity. Wanted Gentleman or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address with stamp. Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Ore. Dec. 21 EKED kONJ OREGON CITY, OREGON. Danger from the Plague. ! There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and Colds that are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, Me., writes; ,'it'B a Godsend to people living in climates where coughs and colds pre voll. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief In Asthma and ' Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones' drug store. Trlul bottle free. GREENWOOD. Demenfs Best Flour. The best for bread making. 43-tf Unclaimed Letters. List of letters in Oregon City post office for week ending October 3: Woman's List. Gamion, Miss Mary E.; Tangen, Mrs. K. L.; Markheart, Miss Minnie; Young, Mrs. I. J.; Phlll'ps, Mrs. R, Men's List. Bryan, George; Clark. J. W.; Friedrieh, Gustav; Harth. L., Miller, William (2); Thompson. A. E. (2): Van Buskirk, Lee (2). MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & Schuebel. The work of tearing down the Eighth street steps has been sus pended for a time for the reason that some of the property owners are try ing to collect funds with which to repair them. Tho hop pickers are home once more. All report having done well . and are well pleased with their out i lng. Mrs. Erlckson and her daughter, ' Mrs, Turner of Tncoma, Bpent a day j with Mrs. W. H. Jones. Mr. Knowles has moved his fain- illy from Sellwood to his place In ourj In'otahhorhond. Mr. Knowles has been ! engaged to teach onr school the com ing term. Ho will begin his term October 8. I Walter Baker is home from east ern Oregon. T. C. Thomas Is having the tele phone put In his house. We hope to: see it in every house before long. Rev; D. H. Jones of Boise, Idaho, made a short visit to his brother, W. II. Jones. Harry Eastman has purchased a pr tato digger. He thought tho old Unit) A Badly Burned Girl. or boy, man or woman, Is quickly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve pplied promptly. G. J. Wrelch, of Tekonsha, Mich., says: "I use It In my family for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find it perfect." Quick est Pile cure known. Best healing salve made. 25c at Howell & Jones drug store. Win. Gardner JEWELER Watches, Clocks and Jewelry We repair the highest grade of watches that are made with a perfect knowledge of the care they should receive. I rejuve nate tired clocks so that they run as good as new. I fix dam aged rings and brooches and eye-glasses and such things, and stand ready to assist you . on short notice in any emergency that may require the use of my -repair department OREGON CITY, OREGON is more easily told than made. There will be no uncertainty about your good fortune In finding what you want II you consult us when you need any thing in Teas, Coffees and Spices. "Money saved Is money made." Here's your chance to save. A. Robertson The 7h Street Grocer Phone 1204 Regular finished family wash ings, 20 per cent discount from laundry list prices. Give us a trial. All work not satisfactory, done over free. CASCADE LAUNDRY And You'll See Our Wagon Ladies' Waists A bargan in new French Flannel, braid trimmed Waists, in tan, sky and royal blue at $ 1 .35 REAL VALUE $2.50 THOMSON'S Bargain Store 0ES8LBM 0a 0-