OREGON CITV ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER , 1906. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. H. A. Calloway. .Editor and Manager Subscription Rates: Ono Year Six Months Trial subscription, two months. f 1.50 Advertising Katos on Application. Subscribers will find the (Into of ex piration stamped on their papers fob iuw nig un-ir name, ii nisi payment is i , . not credited, kindly notify us. find ' ITl1 hatr lllls recently had two of the matter w ill receive our attention, i fer to buy his sawmill and timber. - j Fred Shafer has recently had two Entered at the post office at Oregon offers to buy his sawmill and timber. City, Oregon, as second-class matter, i Fred has a good poperty and is not !ery anxious to soil STATE POLITICS. j "s "S'o came home sick, Friday, There la less politics and political ' talk In this county Just now than at any time during the past fifteen years. "Some say it is a result of the direct primaries. Hut whatever the reason, It is a very quiet time politically. Outside the county there Is already a fight on among the state senators and representatives as to who shall be speaker of the house and who shall be president of the senate. Frank Davles of Marlon would like to be speaker, B. F. Jones would like the Job himself and W. I. Vawter of Jack Bon has wanted It for a good many years. And there are others. Dut among our own legislators, who, of course, are not ready to talk for pub lication, there is a sentiment that (Davles is the strongest man at the present time, although no preference isexipressed by any of them for any particular candidate. Several of the candidates have been whispering at the thresholds ol the local representatives-elect. Mr. Dye says that the subject of support has been broached to him and L. E. Jones has admitted the same thing. C. G. Huntley has been there before and of course has received overtures but each man denies having any can didate chosen. . Joint TJ anpaon fa. . w v i u v iivi v -j v LiK La tive J. U. Campbell is as much at sea as any of the rest of his con temporaries and has nothing to say that would add' to what is already known. Senator-elect J. E. Hedges has other troubles besides whom he is going to support for president of the senate. His constituency visit him occasion ally and say they want a certain thing done at Salem, while the next visitor wants the opposite thing done. But this early in the season he has not gone on record as promising to at tain to any one thing. In the senate Dan Malarky and E. 1 neguiaies tne bowels, promote W. Hodson are already making such jeas'- natural movements, cures con . ... , 4. , . , . , stipation Doan s Regu lets. Ask your a strong bid for the speakers chair druggist for tnem ,5 cent a that it will be hard for either to back down out of the race. Mr. Hedges' j support has been solicited by both men, but as Mr. Hedges is a Democrat! he will probably cast his vote for the Democratic Candidate, If there is one. I addition built to his house. That Is, There are fJix Democrats in the sen-jhe is building the house part, the ate and one in the house, so it will'kitcnen having be?n built several not be hard to get a candidate. andyears aS- Get your bells ready, boys, there are Democratic hopes among, Chris means business, some of the unterrified in this county Henry Genther has quit working at that the Hon. J. E. Hedges will be in-'the sawmill, having worked all sum duced to throw himself in the breach I "ier there He will finish a job of and become the candidate of his party for the position. FALSE IMPRESSIONS. The Portland Chamber of Com merce has issued a pamphlet to ad- . . 1U , ,i impression that there is an abnormal! , rainfall in this region. i The intentions of the Chamber of Commerce are good no do'ibt, but the pamphlet, ir that part of it devoted , to rainfa'l, is a huge m s'eke. j There is as much rainfall in the Puget So'trel country as in the V. lllam- j ette Valley; there is more in North-' western Car.fcinia, but you never sejj any Seattle or Tacoma literature j apologizing for the rainfall in those Cllles' U Portland will quit spending monev on advertislmr literature .W" llw ui.u, minus you voted to rainfall comparisons, she will have more to advertise the thousand and one advantages of this section.! Eastern people are not ducks. They ! want to hear about something besides water, It is predicted that the next change ... ., . in me camnei win ue me reiiiemeni of Victor H Metcalf, secretary of the department of commerce and labor, and that James R Garfield will suc- ceed Metcalf, giving up his present place as commissioner of corporations. , , -r, tl , President Rooseve t gives Mr. Gar- WANTED I have a good chance for some bright, energetic person who would like to learn the photo graph business. Anyone meaning business can como at once. Please call and sea me. A good opportu nity awaits the right person. J. F. LYMP. field credit for furnishing Attorney- General Moody with valuable nid in the suits against the packers and the Standard Oil company. MOLALLA SIDEWALKS AND ROAD IMPROVED Molalla, Oct. 2. The public miarc and South avenue have been graveled recently. Lumber for the new sidewalk has 1)(Vn or(U,1.0(, witn symptoms of typhoid fever. Wm. Stenlnger nnd Hen Unless are still logging for the Frairle sawmill Miss Vera Kayler and Myrtle Lay go to Corvalls this week to attend the O. A. C. Miss Hallie Thomas will bo a stu dent of the Woodburn high school this season. Pr. Powell was called to the upper , sawmill Sunday to attend the sick wife of the foreman. Mr. Russell. Mr. rtyland of Coburg has taken possession of the teasel farm owned by A. S. Roberts. E. Lehaman his moved up to his sawmill property at Round Frairle. Several of our girls and boys have gone to Hood river to pack apples. Macksburg correspondent seems to be getting a little jealous of Molalla lately. He says that Macksburg ex ports more to the square mile than Molalla does." Molalla used to "ex port" but now she consumes and sells on foot the "cattle of a thousand hills." We know that Macksburg is all right for the simple reason that she Is situated so near Molalla and used to be familiarly known as "Low er Molalla." We hope to see the day when our lower sister town will pro duce double her present exports. The Russellvllle correspondent should have attended the entire ses sion of the wolf meeting and the as sertion relative to the "coyote pup Industry" would have been treated as premature, as the club's by laws were adopted subject to amendments two weeks later. Anyone now lawfully "relieving the treasury" will be car rying out the will of the organiza tion, so send in the results of the "six dens of coyotes" before they older grow and get $3 a head for the pup pies, instead of the $15.00. SHUBEL SIFTINGS. Farmers busy with fall plowing. Chris Moehnke. Jr., is having an clearing. Will Hettman has returned from the mountains, where he helped fight Are for several weeks. School began Monday with Mrs. Ada Moehnke as teacher. There Is an organ in our school now. -Ir3- David Moehnke began teaching ... . ,, , at Henrici s Monday, , . , , jus. u. .v. nnuoei is visiting with i her daughter, Mrs. Lieser of Sell wood, for a few days. Miss Alice Kurz and brother Elmer of Salem, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornschuch. John Weismandel of Carus, purchas ed some posts of Mr. Klebe last week. Dyspepsia is our national ailment. ' Burdock Illood Bitters is the national i':1:: U ""-ininen. piumoi.es now or digestive 'in. . SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Sumner has returned from harvesting in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. B. Deardorfl spent Saturday night with Mrs. E. Hunter and were visiting Sunday at ' T , M- S. E. Johnson's. Mr. Nelson had company from town Sunday. There was a good deal of shoot- , 'Jai'" ri Prunes are almost a thing of the 6 The young married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Tong, were chlvarled : Friday night. ! Eunice Deardorff Is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Elva Hunter, -while Mr. Hunter and daughter are visiting in Towa. Mrs. Karr is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Johnson, for a day or so. Mrs. Rose Cooke is 111. Will had to give up his teaming for a while. j Hop pickers made considerable monev this vear and renort the bona WRD BAKER WRITES TO THE ENTERPRISE Says There Were 70 Convictions Dur ing Eight Months Many Dep uties Sent to Clack amas. The farmers .v.ve not as i iuluiMasiic out the opeuliu f the season i.s were the hunters, Judging from the number! of trespass notices sold by the Enter prise Job office during the last few days. One fanner said lie didn't mlitdi It if the follows would be half way decent, but he had a lot of valuable stock which he didn't want killed, so he would put up trespass notices. j The artii lo In the Enterprise about J the absete of deputies has brought n i spirited response from State Game Warden linker, the principal fuels cited by him being ns follows: (had even gone so far as to uiIvImh 1 Kocords of the office of the State that she polsou him and got him out Came and Forestry Warden ' of the way of their happiness. Ouo i show 70 convictions during tho last'C. KlueUch has commenced suit tor eight months, and imposition of tines l - . . .,rrt . .,..11.... '""M,,R ",,u J lu "ml ,28,U0- The largest fine was $250, assessed. B"" "- "r for killing deer, but was not paid, ; niarrlaso at Westport, Clatsop coun the man going to Jail instead. j lumber 16, 1890. but that he ro- Thehoxt largest fine. $200. wi. ft'lvwl hcr bftck aRalu 0orl t,mo,, tkai-a w blo continued lu her practice and eral fines of $100 and $125 for killing deer. A few jail sentences were also Imposed. -' State Game Warden Haker states that C. M. Dick of Canby. Frank Hen- drlcks of Oregon City and M. Shafer ' of Willamette Falls are deputy w ar- .lens of Clackamas county, and that he (Baker) has been "informed by one ol tne deputies that the Deputy Dis trict Attorney will not prosecute in many instances those who violate the game law." In addition to the deputies named, W. A. Chamberlain of Eugene, an experienced deputy, was sent to uacKamas, accoruing to w aruen ita-i ker, also Fred Heal and W. A. Mack , oi roruana, an or wnom reponeu, few Violations and lota of birds. Blood Poisoning. results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr. King's poisonous germs from the system and Infuse new life and vigor; cure sour,'11? V. P stomach, nausea, headache, dizziness. : and colic, without gripping or discom fort. 25c. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones' drug store. Mra. Mary Junkin died at Portland, September 30, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ollie Stephens, 490 Vancouver avenue, aged 85 years, 4 months and 1 day. She was also the mother of Mrs. Nellie Perkins of Portland, Henry C. Jackson of Albany, Or., Mrs. J. H. Taylor of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Seretha Turman of Walla Walla, Wash. The remains were sent to Oakvllle. Or., where tho funeral services were held Monday afternoon. Mrs. Junkln's daughter, Mrs. Ollie Stephens, is grand recorder of the Degree of Honor, and Mrs. F. T. Har low, Mrs. It. J. C.oodfellow and Mrs.' A. J. Kltztnlller and wife and son R. G. Pearce of the Degree of Honor Walter, returned Friday from a fish of this city went to Portland Sunday ng trip to the headwaters of Hull afternoon, taking with them a beau- Hun. They report a line trip but no tiful floral piece from the Oregon tish. City order. Mra. Elizabeth Calkins died at her home one mile east of Sherwood, Sep Sei- days. tember 20, aged 73. years and 18 Her maiden name was Hannah zabeth Kilburne. She was a native of Pennsylvania, her parents moving to Illinois when she was a Child thence to Salt Lake, Utah, In 1815. There she married Sylvester Calkins in 1851. They returned to Iowa in 1851, and came to Oregon In 1801, lo- eating first at Lafayette, thence mov- ing in 1808 to the home where she died. Her husband died May 28, 1901; her father died at the age of 915 in January of the same year. She bore three children, two sons and a daughter, the latter dying while the family resided at Lafayette, but the remains now He in Mount Pleasant cemetery. The son, Ell, unmarried, and Chauncey, married, both reside on the home farm. Three sisters, one brother and three granddaughters, besides her sons, survive Mrs. Calk ins. Mrs. Calkins was a lover of and collector of keepsakes and heirlooms, and had a fine collection of rare old dhshes and valuables over 100 years old and that crossed i he continent twice. Her venerable other visited her a few years ago. The funeral was held September 28, the burial being In Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Doan,8 0Intment cure(1 me of ec- 7.fima that had annoyed me a long time. The cure was permanent." ""n- s- w- Matthews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. TOLD WIFE TO POISON HER IBB! i SENSATIONAL ALLEGATIONS IN DIVORCE SUIT IMPROPER ATTENTIONS AND CRIM INAL ADVICE Hceauso William Fiuklev had nmdo improper mggestlons to Ills wife itid j divorce lu tho circuit court from his u-nvu'iir.l u'lf.i l.ilu), 1." la ,.t .,,.1. , ,, I, "W M w,,0,hud a 1 1 1 1 1 1 r l AttA MiMhl.i ti A I u tnlnna . " " . c m,)ron as " carnage. she continued to receive attention from Wllilatn Plnkley. It is alleged that I'lnkley wrote uor ntlvlslnir flint ithit tuilxnn Klsetaeh . ... . , , , , and that the letter Io lit rnml. Tint , . , , , ff ftmnd tfe ,n m rf R trunk Custody is asked for tho minor chll dren, Margaret and Viola, and for the, costs and disbursements of the c - tlon. EAST MOUNT SCOTT. Mra c y Zlnser. whoso hand was baiiy hurti l(l rt.C0Verlng vrs strk has p,.tnrn,l hnmA from NVw York lu.r. h hm lim.n on a visit. The threshing crew left our neigh bnrhood a wea ago Friday. Thl fin ishes them for this season. Mrs. C. T. Zlnser held an Interest- A. meeting Sunday eve- ning Flaby won't suffer five minutes with cronp if you apply Dr. Thomas' Elec i trie OH at once. It acta like magic. HARMONY NOTES. William Millard Is quite III. The last report is that he Is slowly Im proving. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kanne have re turned home, after a two months' stay with relatives In the Bast. School has begun w ith Mr Matthews as principal and Miss Mae Strange as primary teacher. Miss Helena Kanne Is visiting with her brother Herman, who lives near Salem. DOVER NEWS. The many friends of Grandma lie . use. shayer will be glad to know that is able to be up and around the housi School beK'an In district No. 8li Mon - day. Winfi.-ld Kmmel Is teacher. . ..... . , .. Mrs- c' A' K"llh an'' 'laughter Helen returned Wednesday of last week from a two weeks' visit with ,,1,1 frlen.U nt ,'r.nl,ii.im an.l Il,.a. verton. Grey Wordle Is quite 111 at his father's. Joe Deshayer and family visited last!43"5 "KANK II. RILEY, Administrator week at Latourell with Mrs. I)e- shayer's people J. L. Robertson returned Thursday from Colfax, Wash., where he had been at work during harvest. Call Phone 56 1 When you want groceries de livered promptly and without mistake. Have you made cat sup yet? Tomatoes aro In per fect condition now for catsup making. J. E. JACK, TheOrocer. 7th Street Fresh and Smoked Meats and Sausages Everything First-class at PETZOLD'S 704 Main Street OneCoMnoi The season's first cold may bo slight may yield to early treatment, but the next cold will ban l; on longer; it will be more troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it WllCIl tllO Cold is COIlt Hided nilll it checks illtlainma- ., l i , fi , i lltm' ulc- "umoiniies HlC tlll'Oat lint,'. illUfJ'S and driVCS tllC Cold Ollt. SnJ for frtt .UTlfil- SCOTT & BCYE, Chemists 4W-4I3 Prirl Rlrvrt, Hew Trt; Oc. and $1.00 . AlltfrvggUU Demeht'8 Host Flour. Always oven In quullty. V.'tf HOME MADE CANDIES FRESH EVERY DAY AT THE PALM 719 Main Street. LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby glvi-n that wn will l,l,, t fie next rek'ular meting of the Oregon City council for a renewal of our saloon license at our present place of business, 714 Main trtt. 43 2 KNAPF & NOI1KL. SALOON LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of th city council for a renewal of my liquor li cense at my present placo of btmlnexH, Main street bet wen Sixth and Seventh. 43 2 I.. KUCONIC1I. Tho Planet. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the are sufficient funds on hand In the General Fund of Oregon City to pay all outstanding warrants endorsed prior to February Dth. 1904. Interest cease , with date of this notice. M. I). LATOUHKTTK, October 4th, 190C. City Treasurer. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. George Schwlng Estate. Notice Is herfby given that the un dersigned, administrator of tho Es tate of George Schwlng, deceased, has filed his final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and that Tuesday, ; the xixih day of November. l:ioii, nt He hour of ten o'cloek in tt " fdIV nnnrrn rminnini! jDUUUD )llULDlUHj noon of said day, and tho Court room ri.lt ' 1 of nald court has bee,, ap,H..:.r. -1 b , VamM s K ,,, (J f the bearing of objections thereto am i . i,.,, , ., .,' ,. ... . ir. I.llileuian, .1. G. Goschle, (.. II. tho settlement thereof. , ... ,,. . . ' ' , ,. ' i, . ii . I I.lndeinan, J We ll. John Schmidt F. Dated and first pub shed Fr day, T , L ' , October G, IDOfi. '';1. l ank -y, Oscar hoHter. I.uls llaker. FRANK II. UIM'.V, Administrator. 4 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Ella Schwlng Estate. Notlco Is hereby given that the un- Iderslgned ndmlnlMtrator of tho Ks - i o . '.' ,;la1H,'hwlnK; a nieii ins mini account In the County , Court of the State of (irein f,.r ('l i( k- ;.0,, ,;, ,,,,,,.H - T Nl,(j jIU,H ' ""'V Vmnt;V' thnl T,l,"",,iy- ,h0 1 Anderson, G. W.' Clestes. ' u G sixth day of November, 19015, nt the; j ),mlr ()f t,.n o.0i()(.k tn thn for(non h i.t mil, I duv rinil thn Cntirt riumi nf 'nld court has I n appointed by nilil' '-OUTl BS ItlO 111110 BIKl plllCO for tllO coring 01 iiojeeiioiis ini'reio ami ill" settlement thereof Dated and first published Friday, October fi, 190G. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the un- derslgned, administrator of tho Ks- late of Kniina MorrlHon, deceased, has filed In the County Court of and 0 for Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, his final account with siihl es tate and Monday, November Cth, ifioi;, at II a. m. has been fixed r.n the time and the County Court room at Oicgon City. Oregon, as the plac' for hearing and settling objections to said final account.. All pcrsorm In terested In said estate are hereby re quested to file their objections to said account of said time and place F. E. MORRISON, Administrator. E. P. Morton, Attorney for Adminis trator. 43-5 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby xlven that the un dersigned has been appointed adiniu Intrator of the state of John II. M il liken, deceased, by he Honorable Comity Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against I be said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me for pa) merit, at rooms 3 and 4 In the Garde building at Oregon City, Oregon, Willi proper vouchers within (i months I'roin the date of tills notice, J. A. CAIN, Administrator of the Estate of John 11. Mulllkon, deceased. Gordon K. Hayes, Attorney for JO.,- tate. bgkqj tate. NOTICE OF CHANGE AND HE ESTABLISHMENT AND OF ESTABLISHMENT OF , GH ADC. I Not lei- In I n i ' -1 f.Ui'ii Hun I lie I'.rnde of Mli'vi'iith Slrool, Oii'i;iiii I'llv, Oni'.ou. from flit IiimI lit'" of .Mitlii Mli't'i't Kiiiii-rly In tho Hnili-niid itiii'K of ln Oregon iiml ( '.iMl'oinln liillh'oiid Co on mii hi l''.li'vcnl h mIii'i', ' s oi'di'l i'd cluim'.i'il Mini ivrril n!il i dii' l ; Mild Hint t tn i;i'iiili uf iiiilil IOI"Vi'ii;li tlircl fiiiiii Hhi W i Icily sliht n' Mind liiirls iif mild Ori'Him mid I'lillfi.i nl.i ( Kiillroiid Coniimiy mi mild t'i,li ; f- !(. F.ii.'ilerl.v In Hie W . i t . r I v linn of .li'll'i'l'lilll l.tl'l'i't Im ' 1 1 ii t ,";,)) UmIiimI. j Tills llutll'O U Mih,., lllll'lll.lllt ;tu mi orili'i' of Him CihiiicII of llii'.iui M'lly, duly nmdo mill onlund nl a iviv uliir ii Iliu; of mil, t'oiiticil I i t i :ii'd, mm; W, A HI MICK, K.'.'onl.'r. CITATION. IN Till: COI NTVJ'OritT OF Till! Stale of Oregon fur 'lacluuiiiw County. In tho mutter of tho 1'ntiito of Jolm Kennedy, ileeeUHi'il. 'I'o M V. II 'I'liriior, ( 'liiirlon Turner and all niher iiei'mum If any iiini.t lie Interenteil In the above elitltled I'Ntuie and to all otlieiH unknown: lu the inline cif the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to up. pear before Hie Honorable County Court of the State nf Oregon fur the County nf ClnckmiiiiN nt tlui County Court House In Oregon City uu tho f'th day of November, l'.MHl, ut tho hour of il::io .. clock a. in. of mild day, to show ratme, if any exlHt. why the tltlull of ) Jiiek, ItdinllilstrHl'ir of tho above entitled eHtate, wherein he prays to be dlieeli'd ami empower ed to iIIhmih of the following real properly, to wit: The southi'sst quar ter of south east quarter of section 27. In township One south, range 4 east of the Willamette meridian, con taining 40 acres In mild Clackamas county, Oregon, should not bo granted. This citation Is served upon you by publication by order of the abovu entitled court. (Signed) F W. GUKK.WiAN. County Clerk of Clackamas County. Oregon. 4X5 tSeal of (he County Court, Clackamas County, Oregon ) APPLICATION FOR SALOON CENSE. LI- Notice for application for liquor license. Tim undersigned will pnv snt the following petition to tho County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, on Monday. November 6, J9B, for a license to sell spirituous, malt i i. vinous Iii.,oih in I-hk otutnlliii'i than one gallon at a saloon In F.agln Creek precinct, for th period of onn 'r A M 1 K COItllHiAN'. In the County Court of the 8tste of I Oreifon fur the 1'i.imlv ,,r I '1..I, .., , Ul ,imlIr f ,h 1M,tUm ,)f Aml Corrlgnn for a petition for liquor li cense to the County Court of the above County and State, your peti tioners would respectfully represent that we aro legal voters In F.agln Creek precinct In the above- named county and slat., nnd artiml residents thereof; that they would respectfully request Hint yon would grnnt n lle.'iise t i Anile Corrlgnn. nut Imrllng i-m permuting to sell spirituous malt and Vilnius lliiinrs In less iiiiiin. Ii than one gallon In a saloon located at what Is known as llarton In said precinct, inin voiir petitioners will ever pray Dated at Ilartoii, Clackamas county, Oregon, September lI'Mli, liioi;. ltormutl 1 1 . . r l' i r A, I,, If VI. .1,1, ; II....... tftli a' .'v. "'"ikiiii, .iits. liiriiiinisiiii, jun. Forbes, (. Wlnsett. W. H. Child, James F. Iletikle, J. Simon. Jack Pule, James Maglreen, George Martin, Wm Goshong, I,. Freeman, C. A. Ilurghart. John J. F.rikle, John I.aube, Adolph I.udwlgson. (',. W. Norrls, I). I.. Davis, .1. K. Slinone. F. Stulke. luit,, stulke. David Erdman. C. K. ,,,,),, Geo. .lacks,,,,. C. I.andreth. ,(! iy,,,detiu. W II Viniiiir I, II ml.. .ATTRACTIVE. HOMES B TIhtp lire no liomr inr nttriitM ivr ii riiifii I or lmilr tn coimi met )!! t tutu tin- 1 v plrul i. n 1 1 tt i rn I u Hiimk" ItiWftniifl M itoti niy tr -t i titm, We flt-qlM it lift ttn nlnti plan, jirrillttt tionn nml tlrtuilH cnrii pine, niiy inr prnirreiin litillil I lie i-uat will lie re titii rk ft lily low. Hpace la (oft vtiluulile to Mtiy iiitich, Itul Mruil nt nMiimp nnt let lit rn plain utir inrtlnxlii iihiic Inllv. Or rml un hr our huniUoin, M hook ol ilmijfiiN. See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Illack Canon, Mar shall and Tennosseo Pas ses, and the World-Famous Koyal Gorgo For Desorlpltivo nnd Illustrated Phnmplets, writo to W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. I R. N. LAMBERTH & CO. 1 D LOS ANOLLES, OAL. B fine. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist h