6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER V 1908. 3 O. D. E D Y, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Money limned, nbiitriiclH fu ft) I nln-il, lllllll tllll'H CXIUIlllH'll, uhIuIuh Mettled, (CI'lH'I'lll 111 W bllllllll'HH llllllMIK'll'll. Over llimli of Ori-Kon City. J. K, JltMlKi'H F, T. Griffith WOMEN'S NEGLECT SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTY tlMnlth Thus IiOnt In Rentorod by Lydla I. Plnklmrn'a Veifutable Compound. HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAW Y KUM ItiiiiiiiH If) i:i Wt-liitia r! in t Itl I iif?- Opposite Clllllt llollMO. W. 8. U'Rcn C. Schuebel u'ren 4. schuebel attorneys at i, aw Deuticher Advokat. Will practice In nil coiirtit, inuko rol led luiiii mill hi'IIIi iiii'iiIh (if estates. Furtiliih iiliRliiirli of I It In, lend you money mi lint lM'i'U:iil!" Office In EnterprUe Dulldlnu Ori'K'm i "It y. in-K"H. THOS. F. RYAN ATTdltNEY-AT LAW Probate iiml ll'iiliy l.uw J'nietlic Specialties. Real Estate, I i i m i i i aiicc and Iiimn. Office Upstair, first building south ()f Court llOUHl!, C. 1). & I). C. KAIOUKUri H ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Iti ul Entitle nml Probate our specialties. oiTlfi) In Cummer rial Hank Building. Oregon City, Oregon. How rniiny women do you "know who aro perfectly well anil utrong? Wn hear every day the Numa story over and over again. " 1 do not feel well I aw ao tired all this tlmu 1" METHODIST PASTORS . ASSIGNED CHARGES APPOINTMENT FOR CLACKAMA8 COUNTY AND NEARBY TOWN8 REV BLACKWELL RETURN8. More than likely you snciilc tins an me word yourself, and no (foiilit you far from well. Thecuiimi muy taj cattily traced to Home flcruiiirement of tlm f- main oritim which iniuilfehls Ithelf In l dcpienitioii of spirit, reluctance to go tiny whrrn or do any tiling. backache, I bearing-down intlim, llatultiri'-y, nrrv- j ouhiii Ks, nli'cpU'ViiitM, or oilier fu urn In w-nk iicnn. TIicmi nyinptomn urn lint warnings 1 that there U danger ahead, anil tmli-hi heeded a life of miffcrlng or a ftcrioun ' Operation In tlm Inevitable result Tin4 never fulling remedy for nil tli run symptom I Lydio, Jv. Plnkhutii Veg etable Coiiipoiiiul. Minn Kato McDonald of Woodbrldge, N. J., writes : iJrar Mm. I'lnkliitm: i " Itmtoml hi-nlth lift mrant to much to ma i Unit 1 rnnnot help from tolling nlxmt 11 f." I tlm wikoof othi-r kiiITitIiii; wumrn. " Kur Ioiik tlmu I Milfiirnl untold aony ' with a fi'iimlo trouble ami IrrvKtilarltitm, Bishop Henry W. Warren at tlio , On-Koii confereneo of tho Methodist' church which has been In session at! HunnyHldi!, announced tho appoint-' incuts of ministers and their puntor-1 ales Monday night at 10:. 10 o'clock. ! In tho vicinity of Oregon City und , In tho county tho appointments read! iih follows: j Boring, to ho supplied, j Canby and Canhy circuit, to ho sup piled. claclmiunH and Oswego, W, I!.; Moor. ! )I'IIII1M'UH, to h" Hlipplll'd, j IlKtacada, C. T. Mcl'h'TH'in, of M:d rord. Cri Hliaiii, Alfr'd Thompson, Miii'ipiaiu, Henry SplreH. .Miilino, to he Hilpplled. On rnn Cly. U. V. !liickwl Viola, .1. J. l'atton. j John Schultz Iniane. j John Brhult?, of Maxhurg waa cx auiln'd Friday before Jul(?o IJIrnlckon a charRo of lnnanlty and was commit ted to tho anylum at Salom. Ho In f5 y'urn old and hla mania took the (form of a doHlro to alwp In a stall out in tho barn, although be bad a Ko"d bed at his homo. Jlo had for merly been an Inmato of tho asylum but was thought to bare been cured. alnd, In tp. 3 s r e, $1. (iladnUmo Heal Kutato Anwiclatlon, to .1, K. Ili'dK'ts, triiMt!!, part of A. F. HedKOH claim, $1. H. H'idKOH et ii x to CladHtono Ileal Kittuto AHOclatlon. lots In Canernah. 300. Wlllamotto hum Co. to Frank Hot ter, lots 1, 2, 3 and i, hlk. 0. Farkplac;, 1200. W. .1. Ranch and wife to Wrn. Itl vitk, lot 11 to 17, Inclunlvo, hlk. 1, rcdKewood,'32.". Ceo. A. Hardlni?, triiHti'e, to Chrl- tlnu Itlverw, lotn 10 and 11, hlk. 1, KdKcwood, $10. Clii'duiiniiM County, by ch'-rlff, to F. T. Griffith, part, of lot. . hlk. 2, fJre(.;on City, V. T. firirflth and wife to Hank of Oregon City, part of lot , hlk. 2, Ore-i fjoii City, $10, M, C. Bi IkIow V) W. T. HrlMtow, nee. j i IK, ip, :; h, r 1 w., $200. j .1. Trax' ll and wife to CUifkama -i county, 2 acre In tp. 2 h r 3 e, $100.1 Minnie Terry to Fieri Terry, 2.R3 ' acreK In Rhlni-rHon I). L. C, j M. II. and .1. W. Cochran to Daniel ( Si.-iuffer, eaht. 12 of William Klliot I) I.. ('., $1 l.ooo. O. K. and M. I) :.M. I.. Graham. hc. '.)'.',. tp. 3 a r ; t . M acre. tO.'i N. Y. PUZZLES DEMOCRATS LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE PARTY WAITING TO SEE 8IZE OF BOLT. HEARST POPULAR IN CLACKAMAS 0 Endored by Convention Two Years Ago, But Bryan's Candidacy May Make Some Differ ence Now. Two years ago tho Democratic coun t.y convention embodied In Its, plat form a resolution endowing Hearst as a presidential possibility. At that Ctk; the puhllHher was tho idol of tho majority of the Clackamas Democracy p.vl heneo the resolution. It 1?, prob- ' able that ho is still as popular a man Ames to J. A. arid m n0 'waH t,K'n with tno local Derno- j f. firsts, out lew are inciiiieo io iv I concerning his victjry In tho recent Now is the Time to PAINT We aro closing out our lino of Mixed Paints, all 8hade9,at 25 per cent discount. BIO SAVING ON BRUSHES CHARMAN & COMPANY CITY DRUG STORE c. O. Davis and wife to N. O. Say,,!W TOIK Mlre" U,,J 173 acri-s In tp. 3 h r 1 w, $1. W. It. Towns'iid and wife to J. C. and M. Fanner, the n-l 1 of n; ! h''3 30, tp. 5 s, r 1 e, 1C0 acres, $2,000. criticism that has been showered on j him by some of the eDrnocratlc press' ! and leaders Wants Zlg Zag Water. L. 13. Wlckersbam bas made filing on 90,000 minora' inches of water on whirh nm.io iim aphYktcal wr k, mid no on .lg Zag crook. This creek ig located nirnl nw. mid mit'Inmn wrliand utrciiK, and ground for many of the Oregon City nW iiil,v,i. riow rwn1, pooplo who go out there for what a pli'lidld llindlrlno it U. ' . For twrnty-flre rrars Mrs. Plnitham, i uon-dauirhUr-in-law ol Lydia K. 1'lnkharu, I lmmmdcr her direction, and since her ! TRADES GLANDERED HORSE 46 ;rnan, tract 4 and part of tract 3 of two years ago are not so friendly at A44a44tM(Mit( There are Democrats here who are , V.. II. and A. .1. Monk to the Society 'as Mayor McClellan has openly bolted j of the slaters "f tho Holy Names of , the nomination of Hearst, there are' .lemis and Mary, Co acres in Jessie '. found many doubting Thomases Hullock I). L. C, tp. 2 , r 1 c, $1200. among the rank and file. Those who, W. G. Register to Abraham Trout-, were friendly to the newspaper man ; For Sole The J. C. McCord farm Vk miles from Oregon City will be sold in tracts to suit purchaser, 10, 20, 30 and 40 acres. Other farms for sale. Ab stract o title with each farm sold. OREGON CITY 2-3-4 Garde Bldg, J. Agent. TRUST CO., A. Cain Offlco 1'hone 1101-Res. J'hono C. H. DYE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Corner Htxth and Main Htroetti, OriKon City, Oregon. 0. W. EA8THAM ATTORN FY-AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foroclosurfi, Abntrncts of Title and General Law lUiKlneiiH. Offlco over Punk of Oregon City. Oregon City, Oregon. GEO. C. BROWNELL, ATTORN EY-ATLAW, drcciiM1 lx"n advUlni sick women free i of cliarjrn. Her advice is free and 1773 always inlpful. Addrcas, Lynn, Ma. MEALS SERVED DAY AND NIGHT. j Deo Wright, deputy stock Inspector, discovered a horso that had been re jcently trailed, suffering from glanders. As It is a criminal offenso to exchange jor sell an animal which Is afflicted J. D. Miller D. L. C, 14 28 acres, $10. Oregon Iron & Steel Co. to Abraham Troutman, 14.28 acres In tp. 2 s, 1 e, $1. J. W. and A. E. Spauldlng to L. C. Dunton, 103.CO acres William Rub- Tac-' nell D. L. C, $3,000. Flora Jacobs and others to Mar garet White, lot 3, block 19, Robert sons, 150. Susan R. Currv to L. D. Jones, lota the present time They think that be will probably win over the Republi can candidate and that will put him in line for tho presidency and that; does not smack good to the voters, j They want William Jennings Bryan I and they don't want bis chances j spoiled vy any success that may come j to Hearst In the race for governor of New York. None of the wiseacres would talk Oysters Received Daily. BRUNSWICK HOUSE AND RES TAURANT. Main St., Opposite Suspension Ilrldgo. FOR FIRST-CLASS Work In the liar her lino, try tho i with a contaKlous disease, Mr Wright will report tho case to State Vetlna rlan McLean, who Is now absent In Eastern Oregon. 1 and 2, Wk. i4, Roots add. to Marsh-'for publication as to what view the field, $G00 majority would take of the conditions B. L Knoll ard wife to Jar.es Jan- in New York. Ex-County Central fuary, trAct L, Clackamas riverside. Chairman O. D. Eby said that it would $10. I take time for him to express an Ernest and Margaret Matthles to opinion. City and Country Specials PAST OCTOBER WEATHER. Electric Massage 'llmid Vibratory," coming out. for blackheads. stops hair from Data Covering 34 Years Compiled by Weather Bureau. Offlco In Flume 21. Caufleld Illdg.. Eighth Streets. Main and When you require nn Abstract of Title to lands In Clackamas County, have It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for tho purpose. Our rates ar reasonable. Wo invite you to ex amino our complete set of Abstract Hooka. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 60(1- C08 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas Countf Proporty. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. R. L. HOLMAN, LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phono 10C1. Next Door to Harris Grocery. MT. HOOD CAFE, M. Justin. Proprietor. Kino Wines and Liquors, Pool Tables Porter on Draught. Family Rooms. Main and Fifth Streets. A. Knapp. L. A. Nobel. KNAPP t NOBEL DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS 714 Main St., bet. 7th and 8th Retail Liquor Store Family Both Phones Trado Solicited OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice In all courts of tho state Offlco In Caufleld Building. T .IVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justlco of tho Teace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Offlco with Oregon City Enterprise. FRED C. GADKC Plumbing & Tinning Hot Air Fumacts and Hop Pipes, Pumps, Hater Pipes. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. Res. Phono 1514 Shop 1!UG 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Grnduste of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Maiu, lloth Telephones. Partners' 132 Muin 1311 OREGON CITY BOWLING ALLEYS HIGH SCORE, OCT. 2. L. A. Morris 210 C. B. Frlssell, Proprietor. The following data, covering a pe riod tif 34 years, have been compiled from the Weather Bureau records at Portland. They are Issued to show the conditions that have prevailed, during the month In question, for the bIkivo period of years, but must not bo construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming month: Temperature Mean or normal tem perature, 54; wannest month, that of 1!01. with an average of 59; coldest month, that of 1893, with an average of 50; highest temperature was 83, on the 7th, 1891; lowest temperature was 31, on the 31st. 1877, and on the 30th. 1895; earliest date on which llrst "killing" frost occurred, October 13; average date of first "killing" frost, November 16; average date on which Inst "killing" frost occurred In spring. March 17; latest date on which last "killing" frost occurred in spring, May 9. Recapitulation (Rain or melted snow) Average for month, 3.C3 Inches; average number of days with 01. of an Inch or more, 12; greatest monthly precipitation was 11.C5 Inches In 1882; least monthly precipitation was a trace In 1895; greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any 24 consecutive hours was 2.96 Inches on the 9th and 10th, 1S82; greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours (record extend ing to winter of 1884-85) was, none. Relative Humidity Average 5 a. m. 90; average. 5 p. m., 74. Clouds and Weather Average num ber of clear days, 8;, partly cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 13. Wind Prevailing winds have been from tho northwest; average hourly velocity of wind Is 5 miles; highest velocity of tho wind was 53 miles from the south on tho 19th, 1900. EDWARD A. REALS. Dlst. Forecaster Weather Bureau. The present chairman of the county central committee, John Cook, said that he had opinions on the situation but did not know whether he voiced the majority of the county Democrats or not. It was too near the open sea son for pheasants, he said, and that it would take a week's good hunUng and reading the dispatches of the progress of the campaign for him to Town Judged by Its Paper. From the Milwaukle Bee. The Oregon City Dally Star made Its appearance last Monday. The sheet Is well patronized by the Oregon City advertisers and some others, and we bespeak for its promoters a success ful business. Fred C. and Luclnda Frieze, lots 5 and C. blk. 72, $100. Anna S. and Frank M. Warren to Caspar Welsmandle, lots , 2, 3 and 4, blk. ,9, Park add. to Oregon City, $200. Mary Manning to R. II. Long, 40 acres In sec. 22, tp. 4 s, r 2 e, $500. Kaspar and Katy Junken to James G. McEllroy, .22 acres in Sandy, $1. J. H. Revenue and wife to James ' ake any statements. O. McEllroy, parcel of land in Sandy, $300. G. C. Garfield and wife to E. H. Monk, part blk. B, Oswego, $1500. August Frank to John H. Revenue. sel-4 of nwl-4 sec. 3, tp. 2, r 4 e, 40 acres. $700. Oregon Iron & Steel Co to J. W. Thomas, lot 23, blk. 8, Oswego cem etery. $11. Adeline F. Rogers to J. W. Moffatt certain described land in tp. 2 s, r 2 e, $1950. B. Gifford to W. M. Gosslin and Harry L. Hamblet, 160 acrea In sec. 30. tp. 5 8. r 4 e, $4000. W. G. Gosslin and wife and Harry L. Hamblet and wife to Charles J. Caufleld, 1280 acres in tp. 5 s. r 4 e, $100. S. J. Riggins and wife to J. P. Shan non, land in tp. 4 s, r 4 e. 360 acres, $1. M. A. and E. C. Maddock to John Zeek, 3.3 acres in Philander Lee D. L. C, $500. Fred Zogg and Barbara Zogg to Thomas Splllman. 28 acres In sec. 21, tp. 2 s, r 2 e. $2750. J S and R B Martin to Irving Wheeler, 2 acres sec 4, tp. 4 s, r 1 e, $1700. J W Thornton to Morris Wlprut, certain described property at Wilson vllle, 23 acres, $4500. Charles R. Vosburg and wife to J L Vosburg, 3.05 acres in sec 34 First Twins at Willamette. Willamette Falls. Oct. 1. Saturday night Mrs. C. W. Kinney, wife of Mo torman Kinney, who runs the West Side car, gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. This is the first time In the history of the little city that such an event has happened. x UNCLAIMED LETTERS Eight lots, 7-room house, good spring water piped In house, good well, one half block from school, overlooks river and park of city. Price,. .$1250 Twenty-two acres, 8 level, balance ellghtly rolling. This place baa from 800 to 1000 corda of wood on It, good spring, on good road, 5 miles from Oregon City. Going cheap. Price, 1450. Some choice lots and Improved la Gladstone, Oregon City's first Buburb, lew fare, 6 minutes ride from city. Prices reasonable. Ten acres, half mile from court house, growing city, small house, good young orchard. Price.... $1000. Two choice lots and '7-room house In Falls View, good well and root house, all kinds of fruit This is a snap and you had better hurry. Price, $500. W. F. SCHOOLEY, "The Man Who Makes Property Move." 524 Main St., Oregon City. City Post 8, 1906. Letter list of Oregon office ending September Women's List. Hoover, Mrs. Roby; Jones, Mrs. H.; Janz, Miss Anna;. Men's List. Beckman. R. D.; Clark, Virgil; Crane, J. B.; Harth, D.; Truman, P. S.; Villa, F. W. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. --o OregonCityShoeStore The only exclusive shoe store in the city Fino Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen and tho Young Folks Krausse Bros., Props W. WRIGHT, rigr. r 2 e, $200. Willamette Flyer Jumps Track. On the 11 o'clock trip last night the Willamette car jumped the track just this side of Ream's station. The tp 2 s, ! passengers were shaken up conslder I ably but no damage was done. There C N.Greenman Pioneer Transfer and Express Line Established 1865. Freight and Parcels Delivered to all Parts of the City. Rates Reasonable. C Furguson to Carl Rooth, 80 acres were about a half dozen passengers in sec 22, tp 2 s. r 2 e, $2000. and they were obliged to walk home John H. Gibson and wife to Horace to Willamette as it was too dark to I Phelps, lots 12, 13 and 14 in Gib- get the car on the track again. The son's subdivision of the J A Logan car was in charge of Andy Fromong. tract, $316. J. S. and P. M. Graves to Fred El by and wife, lot 2, block 141, Oregon City. $1100. IT, S. to J. M. Lefler the swVi of see. 2, tp. 73 r 4 e, 160 acres, IT. S. to Ivan H. Lefler, the se'i of tp. 7 s r 4 e, 100 acres. U. S. to M. Kroll the svli of se'-i and se'i of sw'4 sec. 26. Ip 3 8 r 3 c, 160 acres. W. I,. Block et ux to II. L. L. Cork, part of blk. 28, Oregon City, $1. Flora Jacobs et nl to Asa Tyler,' lot 7. blk. 12. Robertson, $150. Flora Jacobs et nl to Mrs. M. Kelly, lot 5, blk. 12. Robertson, $150. M. Lonsberry to D. C, Ely, certain Oscar Lessnrd to Dorothy Archi bald, lots 14, 15 and 16, blk. 7, Mil waukle Park, $265. O & C Ry Co. to John Barrett, 40 acres In sec 31, tp 4. r 3 0, $240. Oregon Water Tower Townsite company to W W Bowner, lot 13, blk. 32, First add ti Estncadn, $250. J K Elmer and wife to W O Vaug han, 141 acres in tp 5 s, r 2 e, $4750. $4750. Willamette Land company to Mrs. W B Roberts, lot 1 in blk 9, Apper aon's subdivision to Parkplace, $60. 487 Hunters' Licenses. Everybody is getting their hunting license from the county clerk and 500 is the number that tho office ex pects will be issued. Up until noon Saturday the number was 4S7. New Kiln at Estacada Gus Nadolnl is at work on the floor work of tho new burning kiln of the Estacada Brick & Tile company, says the News. This is an intricate and complicated piece of work. W. S. Kuss and John Shutte have the seven ty foot smoke stack about completed. Mr. Nadolnl thinks the kiln will be Eagle Creek Presbyterian. Articles of Incorporation were filed , flnislie(1 nt weeki in the comity clerks office today in corporating tho Engle Creek Presby and Edward Still nre named as trus and Edawrd Still aro named as trus Bean th A "The Kind You Have Always BongH Signature J 1118 MM1 II Particular About What You Eat? That is the way of people generally who buy groc eries, vegetables and pro visions at our store, for they know we are Particular About What We Sell Quality and Right Prices at V. HARRIS 8th and Main Streets tees, if