Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 05, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Will Schulphlous, a former resldeut
of Oregon City, was in town Monday
looking up somo of his old friends.
Ho la at the present time employed
by the company that is erecting tho
bridge over the Willamette river at
Wilsonvllle for tho Willamette Valley
Traction company.
Schulphlous reports that work Is
being rushed on the piers of which
tere are five, so that they will he In
place before, the big water comes. The
piers are to he of concrete and rest
on piling that has boon driven CO feet
In the bed of the river. In order to
place the concrete, coffer dams have
to be built around each pier and the
concrete placed on tho top of the pil
ing which has been cut off at a level
with the mud of the river bottom.
elected treasurer and Mr. Robertson
was elected Sunday school superintendent.
A Most Worthy Article.
When nn article has been on the
market for years nnd gains friends
every year, It is safe to call this med
icine ft worthy one. Such is Milliard's
Horehound Syrup. It positively cures
coughs and nil Pulmonary diseases..
One of the best known merchants In
Mobile, Ala., says: "For live years
my family has not been troubled with
tho winter coughs. We owe this to
Mallard's Horehound Syrup, t know
it has saved my children from many
sick spells." For sale by Huntley
Mros.' Ming Co.
Has Ridden Over Hl Large Territory
Constantly But Arrested
No One.
i Pht alleges that Rho was do-
I ported on August 7. and that pro-
vlous to that time who had mibmlttod
j to nil sorts of cruelties nnd bad treat-
incut. Tho woman alleges that Ferry
Sllvey nt times swore nt her nnd
pursed her so vilely that the Inn-
gunge was too wtrong even to write
In the complaint.
The attorney for tho plaintiff, Goo,
J. Cameron, la Portland's police
' Judge.
Lest We 1
forget Baby is restless, can't sleep j
at night, won't cat, cries spasmodl-j
Mr. Scheubel Visits DuBoise Mill and
Files Another Information As a
mother should give her baby White's
Cream Vermifuge. So many times
when the baby is pale and fretful, the
mother does not know what to do.
A bottle of this medicine would bring
color to his cheeks and laughter to
his eyes. Give it a trial. For sale by
Huntley Mros.' Drug Co,
First Presbyterian Makes Splendid
Financial Showing Election of
Members of the Presbyterian
church are much pleased over the re- j
ports of the committees and officers
of the church, that show the chuichi
is practically out of debt. The church I
has worked long and hard to develop
itself and keep out of debt and has at
last succeeded and the meeting Mon-;
day night was one of enthusiasm.'
The report of the financial committee '
showed that there was about $400 ,
in the treasury. j
At the election of officers, Elmer i
Cooper was elected trustee and Mr.'
Parks deacon. Ed Storey and Andrew
Robertson were re-elected elders. !
Allan Frost was elected to fill the un
expired term of C. A. McMillan, who
was also an elder. F. J. Myers w as .
Deputy District Attorney Chris
Scheubel recently visited tho T. E.
DuBoise sawmill at Estacada nnd as
certained to his own satisfaction that
sawdust was being deposited in tho
stream and that it was finding its
way into the Clackamas river. T. R
DuBoise was recently tried for the of
fense but the jury did not agree on a
verdict and the case is to be heard
again on October 9. Mr. Scheubel. as
a result of his investigation, has filed
farther information against tho do
fondant in the office of Justice of the
Fence Stipp.
W. C. Mount of Silverton who was
In Oregon City, Thursday, to visit his
I ! other, Dr. Mount, ia a promlaent
hop dealer. He has Inspected the crop
up and down the va'ley, and gives It
as his opinion that tho quality of the
Lops in general Is Inferior; that the
late rains caused coni'dcratle mould.
Mr. Mount also thinks the pric
Is now at the top.
Most of the CIac'.rr3 county grow
ers differ from Mr. M.am on the ques
t'rn of price, and very little mould
has been reported in this county.
K. Hendricks of Oregon City, K. F.
1). No. 1. is and has been a deputy
game warden In and for Clackamas
nnd other counties, "oft nnd on" for
Jibe last five years. Mr. Hendricks
claims that there has been less viola
ever beforeshrd hrdhi hrdluhrdluwy
, tion of tho game law this summer
than ever before, and that birds are
i C. M. Dick of Canby Is another dep
( uty warden. He and Mr. Hendricks
: have Marlon, Washington, Multnomah
' and Clackamas counties to patrol,
j Mr. Hendricks says ho has ridden
pretty well over uls largo territory
since July "S, but has caught no one
violating tho law or with prohibited
game in his possession. Ho has
searched on suspicion tho effects of
' a number of parties of hunters, but
! found nothing unlawful.
' Mr. Hendricks arrested a man two
! years ago and Justlco Stipp fined tho
j hunter $15. Since then Hendricks
has made no arrest.
State Game Warden Baker has 53
deputies for the whole state. Each
deputy receives $2 a day nnd expenses
from July IS to October 1. If other
deputies' expenses averago about tho
same as Mr. Hendricks' the pay of tho
53 and their expenses would cut about
a $10,000 hole In the $16,000 received
from the hunters' license fees
Julius C.ies.ir
was a man of nerve, but sickness left
Its murk nnd he became lined before
bis lime Sickness Is often caused by j
il torpid liver. Heiblne will regulate!
your liver and give you health. Mrs. j
runic Austin, llollon. Km., writes: j
"I consider llerblno the best lliedl-'
cine I ever heard of 1 am never wlth-j
out It Sold by Huntley liros.' Drug
Wc invite the attention of every wajje
earner to the advantages of our Savings
Bank. It affords a safe and profitable
place for the accumulation of small
The Bcink of Oregon City
Structure at Scott's Mills Will
Built by J. M. Eskew
for $1200
.1 M. lNkovv a contractor of Salem
was awarded Tuesday afternoon the
contract for building the bridge
across liutte I'reek at Scott's mills.:
on the line between Clackamas coun-
tv and Marlon count v The bid nub-'
mined was $li"i. Kd olds, a con-(
tractor of this city, also had In a bid (
for the work, his amount being
$iu;i; I
County Judge John Scott. t'oinmK-
sioners W. II. (ioulet and J. C. Need-'
hum, of Marlon county, nnd Judge (!.!
H. Ditnick. Commissioners T. II Kll-1
len and John I.ewellen, of this county, I
met in joint session at 1 o'cloek this
afternoon In the county Judge's prl-,
vate officii and opened the bids. Ke j
kow's was the lowest and it was
awarded to him forthwith, Work on'
the vladuet w ill be started nt once, j
as soon ns the Sabui contractor can!
assemble his material. j
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos ami Purniture Moving
Phonn. IWke
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Main Street
MuKi: room: Mold." touchers; MoltK pupils; MOIti: npiip
nn nt; MoltK imimIUoiis to be tilled We llnd tills Is our con
dition m compared with last )eur. It w 111 PAY Vol" to learn
w bat and how we tcacli There Is it position for cwry one of
our students as soon us nualllled. Students may enter nt any
time I'AY Hiid NIUIIT school. Make Inquiry now. Write or
call at office.
L 0. Allen, President
Garde IHiildiiuj- Oregon City, Oregon
Esther M. Sllvey has commenced
action for divorce from her husband
Ferry L. Sllvey. The couple were
married in Salem In 1S99 and until tho
seventh day of August, 190G, they
lived aa harmoniously as possible,
although the plaintiff complains that
during that time there was some little
The Housef rsisKer
We never allow ourselves to be undersold under any
circumstances. No matter what you buy, or when you
buy, you can assure yourself that you have bought at the
lowest prices possible to quote on high-grade merchandise
consistent with Frank Busch's guarantee, following prices
are only good for oue week, October 1st to Gth.
Gem Steel
Extra heavy
top, oven 16
gauge steel
riveted, dust
z& proof, has dup-
plex grate, 18
inch oven.
$27.50 $1.50
Cobbler Outfit
Complete set in
box as follows:
Iron stand for
lasts , leach
men's, boys' and
women s lasts;
feMn&r&ruR jshoe hammer,
awi, sewing awi,
stabbing awl, pkg. heel nails,
pkg. clinch nails, directions.
Price 60c
; Mrs. Pott's Irons
i Nick,e p,ated
j rEsP 85c per set,
CfcHPT for this
$1.50 weekonly
2ft 6 x 5 ft.
Kitchen Treasury
Spruce top, 2 sliding
boards for cutting
meat, bread, etc. Two
flour IIds holding GO
pounds each; two
large drawers. Price,
$3.50. Only one sold
to a family.
Room Rug or Art Square
Size 9x12
in Brussells Carpet, fine colors, close woven,
same kind Portland dealers advertise for $ 1 5.00
in special sales, our price
Napoleon Bonaparte
showed at the battle of Austerllt..
he was the greatest Lender In tho
world. Ilnllard's Snow l.lnlment bus
shown the public It Is the best Lini
ment in the world. A quick cure
for Rheumatism. Sprains, Hums, Cuts,
etc. A. C. I'ltts. Hodessa, La , says:
"l use Mallard's Snow Liniment In my
family and And It unexcelled for sore
chest, headache, corns. In fact for
anything that can be reached by a
liniment." For sale by Huntley Ilros.'
Drug Co.
! Suit to recover $1104.51 and Interest,
at 6 per cent from August 10, 190C,
from A. T. Cochrane was commenced
In the circuit court Monday by F. M.
Sampson, of tho sureties of A. T.
Cochrane, who was appointed the ad
ministrator of the estate of J. L.
Cochrane, who died Interstate in Feb
ruary, 1901.
! In the complaint It Is alleged that
after securing his sureties and obtain
1 Ing an order from the county court
I to sell a portion of the property, A.
IT. Cochrane sold tho property, which
I amounted to about $1800, and at once
left the state with the money ho ob
j talned from the sale, thus leaving
ihls bondsmen In a critical condition.
jThe heirs had John J. Cook appointed
as administrator and he commenced
1 action to recover the money from tho
j sureties of A. T Cochrane.
! The sureties of Cochrane made over
; their claim to F. M. Sampson, who Is
( the plaintiff In the action against A.
T. Cochrane. 11. E. Cross and Dlmlck
. & Dlmlck are lawyers for tho plaintiff.
Look After Your Teeth Before It Is Too Late
X ?
City I'hono 12!t.1.
Mutual and Independent 131.
We me doing strictly IiIkIi
grade ileiitlHtry. Our uicthodtt
ure uptodate. I pon our return
from the F.iimI We opened one of
the liext equipped Id'littil Offices
In the Northwest with modem
appliance, nih Ii us are urn-d In
the large L'aitcrn lieiital Offices.
Have been engaged In the prac
tice of ileiitlHtry fur over 10 year
In Oregon City. You are Invited
to cull mid get acquainted with
us, We do pultiless work, ak
alioiit It. KtumlnatlotiH and ad
vice free. Price reasonable.
1'oHt Craduate Haskell nnd
Chicago School of IleiitlHtry.
Wcinhard Ithlif. Orfjjon City
Another "Sawduat" Trial.
Attorney Scheubel says the charge
against C. K. Dubois for dumping
sawdust In a tributary to the Clacka
mas will be tried again. Kstacada
Even Family Should Use
Preferred Stock Pure Goods
The ne produced bears a reputation that has stood
the test of time and still in the lead as
Preferred stock canned Foods, Fruits, Fish and Veg
etables, Dried Fruit, Etc. For sale by
Ph0nei26i H. P. BMGHTBILL
Annual Meeting of Ogle Mining Co.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Ogle Mountain Mining
company will be held Monday, No
vember 5, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m., In
Knapps ball, Oregon City, Oregon.
4:;ti P. A. FAIRCLOUUH. Pres.
A Few Articles That
We Carry In Stock
Chautauqua Association Meeting.
Secretary Cross of the 'Willamette
Chautauqua Association has Issuou
letters to ail the stockholder giving
not'ee. of un adjourned meeting tf
the aj.jocia .'on that will ta'o plaoe
In the coi 't house at 1 o'clo:k p. m,
October U.
The purpose of the mooting la to
consider how a deficit of $1100 can bo
met and an assembly held next year.
Reports of all standing committees
and officers will also bo read and aa
election of officers held.
General and Builders Hardware, Machinists' Tools
Carpenters' Tools, Cutlery, Tinware, Graniteware,
Willow-ware,Rope and Twine, Ammunition,BuiId
ing Paper, Stoves and Ranges, Iron Pipe, Plaster
ers' Tools, Butcher's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools,
Fishing Tackle, Hose, Lawn Mowers, Paints and
Oils, Nails, Wire, Cable, Whips, Step-ladders,
Wheelbarrows, GardenTools, Hay Tools, Loggers'
Tools, Harness, Plows, Harrows, Drills, Cultiva-
tors, Cider Mills, Fanning Mills, Feed Mills, Chop
Mills, Cream Separators, Gasoline Engines, Wood
Saws, Electric Sparkers, Force Pumps, Pitcher
Pumps, Spray Pumps, Windmills, Carts, Buggies,
Spring Wagons, Wagons and others too numerous
to mention.
On the Busy Corner Tenth and Main