Oi Hi En ON TERPRI .ill SE. ' m 1 VOL, .'12. NO, ('.', OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1908. Q Q. f S KSTAKLISIIEI) 181,0. RELICS AGAIN IN MASON DOCUMENTS DISTURBED DY RE MODELING MASONIC TEMPLE FRONT ARE RE-DEPOSITED. LOCAL LODGE 0LDLST IN WEST Charter From Missouri Grand Lodge i W Drought Acron Plaint In j 181 In Horehldo j Trunk. I ' I After Invito? for twMitv v.itrti IriMl.lo - - - . - j tliu conii'iMtoiin of Urn MiihoiiIc Tent phi lit Sixth tllld Main HtreetH, the records of the lude.i. iind older data that wint placed In the ciuih i mIoiid al the time of the ileillcallon of tho build lm;, wore brought to HkI'I recently. The n-iiHon for the cornerKtutie belnK dliiturlied was no account of the now front that ban been put on tliu build Iiik'. At tho time whi n tho cornerHtono wan laid none ever thought that they would Ilvo to hoo tho papern dlMturbeil. For twenty yearn paHnerby havo bruMdi'd cloHi) to the records that would tell Homo day, If thero ahould happen to be any dlMimter rnmn to tho city or country, what tho bulldlrifj was ami what It wan iihimI for. It would tell of tho myiiterleK of Manonry and the bbttory of the country. Hut tho demands of trade mado It i noceHHary for the old building to bo j torn apart and tho cornerntono had; to k wild It. It was torn out and the records given to J. R. Humphreys whii put them In tho vault of tho Hank to Oregon City for nafo-koeplng. In their Jong burial, water hnd roacdod hi nun of tliu palters and they with a lltllo discolored. Hut a new lx was procured and the original papors j Stafford, Oct. 3. Clover seed la placed back as they were placed years , pretty well threshed out In this neigh ago. The cornerHtoiie was Healed up horhood, with a fair yield, and placed at tho corner of the build- i Tho Setgo family aro Improving Ing wdern It will remain until some- slowly. Mr. Setgo-can bo up most thing not now thought of disturbs It. the daytlmo and walk about some, or It Is taken out for mmw similar but his eyes aro badly affected and reason sued as the present. The new resting place of th" documents and coins will not be exactly In tho corner of tho building but will bo under the pavement and people passing near the front part of the building will bo within u few Inches of tho records, which, by the way. aro hermetically Healed. It was the Idea of a member of tho Masons to havo some services at tho replacing of the cornerstone but as It was neeessary for tho work to bo done at onco tho plan wns given up. The present lodge, Multnomah No. 1, was Instituted In 1 S 17. receiving Its charter from the ft rami Lodge of Mis souri. Worthy (Irand Master Stroud was tho first Muster of tho lodge. One of the relics that tho local Masons take pride In Is an old hnrsehldo trunk that crossed tho plain In 1817 In which their charter came and which they have now In their lodgo rooms. FOUR DIVORCE CASES FILED IN ONE DAY MISMATED HUSBANDS AND WIVES SEEK RELIEF IN CLACKAMAS COURT. In the circuit court, docket Thurs day four enses of divorce were filed, which Is ft pretty good record for one day. Mary V. Higgs does not want to bo the wife of Thomas II., for. what she considers 11 very good reason, viz: That she has been deserted by her hus band and that she 1ms no helpmuto In fact, and she wants tho law to confirm the condition. Tho couple were married In Oregon City April 16, IS9I, and tho husband Is alleged to havo descried In 1!01. Margaret Ulggs nsks the court for a divorce lrom her lawful protector, Charles 0. Ulggs, to whom she was married in Cnnliy a few years ago. Mrs. Ulggs complains that, her hus band was not, sociable and would frequently sit, for hours at a tlmo In the bouse and not speak to her. Ho wns nlso slow nt playing tho es cort to social gatherings and parties. When tho wlfo went hoppleklng this PLACED CORNERSTONE Iiihi, season m 1 1 found Hid dour," locked Up II tl 1 1 IIIDIll, (if lllO C(l!lt"lltH lllbislllg, especially tin dining I itl'l'i wan missed. 'I In' IiiimIiIiihI In alleged to h it v ; Morn" property and $700 In Hid hunk, $300 of which Margaret Rlgg asks the eimrt. to grant us alimony. Hlio wants lire iiiiil li'U iiiiuiK also. Mrs, A. W. (iiirdner wants a ill voire from li, W. (innlner and tcdis to In1 allowed In resume h r maiden iiiiiiiH. 'rim couple were married at 1'iiiiliiiid May 'K 1!03, and t ho man iIi hi-iIi iI on June 2H, I'm"). llieaiiMi Mih K C, Llini'Ti accused Mill of being Intimate wild other wo men, 1,. I'. I.auure wants Judge Me-I'.ilili- In Kraut lilm it divorce at the m-xt iii-hkIom of td" elreuit court. 'I'lu'in' pit rt iM wen- tnarrleil at t'i;!iti In IHH.'!, and In l!ior, during the month MV. M'K, I.Ufnero thought that h'-r IiuhIiiiiiiI was Ih Iiih too Intimate with a kIi'I named Freda, and h!ii mi lil mo, 'J'hln brol. up the borne, No. North Twelfth Htn-et, and the !! Mine wan the only Hulutlou to the Mtuiitliw. REPORT OF CITY I RECORDER DIMICK ! j following ) tho report of City , i(1,rder Ulmlck mado to council j WeilneMday night: ' yWll 40.00 Cemetery Fund 70.00 ; Mci uhph, $n 00, lean $200 ac j counted for In lat report. 274.00 ! j.-lftl, street Improvement 60.00 j. n. Adama Imn 17C.7C 8xth Str(.t Imp C28.72 Sixth Stret Imp General Fund, Mlsc 97.78 Road Fund, Mine 280.S7 - Total $1617.83 EXPERT NURSING SAVES SETGE FAMILY his hearing also. The llttlo six-year-old boy who was expected to dlo the the day tho other ono was burled, Is now considered out of danger, but Is very weak and unable to help him Kolf. The other three can flit up In bed and look at pictures. They have had an excellent nurso from St. Vln-1 cent's hospital. Tho mother looks J palo and worn, but has kept up. Mr. Illnes, Mint Peters' son-in-law, ' who lives opposite New IJra, Is very j sick with pneumonia. Mr. Peters and' Miss F.niiua, his daughter, went lm-j mediately to Illnes' bedside upon get-! ting a telephone message Monday af ternoon. Dr. Mount is In close at- tendance. Mr. Illnes and his wife were at .Mr. rotors, sunuay, ami at-, tended tho annual Harvest Feast at tho church, but ho was not feeling well at the lime. A great many prunes havo gone l, w,lNlt'- Some Iiohemians were In tins neigh horhood with a homeseekers' agent In- ; quiring tho price of land, but none has changed hands ns yet. CATTLE PRICES LOW. John R. Taylor, one of Hull Run's prosperous stock raisers, was tran sacting business In Oregon City, Weds nesday. Mr. Taylor says the Hull Run , section is an Ideal orchard country, and that live slock thrive there flno The herds over thero this fall aro so fat and sleek It. would be a shame to market them at 2 1-2 cents, tho pres ent price on hoof. Cutoff Projected. Molalla, Oct. 2. Our railroad has been held up by two freeholders on tho Monmouth curve and a move Is now on to have a cut-off survey mado that will shorten' tho previous survey about two miles. Want Teacher at Marquam. Superintendent Zlnser received a telephone request from Marquam, Tuesday for a second teacher there, j T)u,y nro building a two-room school wnm at Mai.m,am, Marriage Licenses. Sept. 29 Amanda 13. llobbs and Cerald A. Jackson, Judgo I.tvy Stlpp performing tho marriage ceremony. Sept. 29 Faith Rowland nnd Win. Schultz, Rev. II. D. Chambers of Portland performing tho marriage ROAD IMPROVEMENT ORDERS AT FIRST SESSION OF COURT - County court comment .1 kit re-. iilar monthly session Wednesday morning and will alt until Friday : night. Considerable rotiUii-j binin.MH ! riune before county Judg j I). It. Dim-1 lilt and Commissioners Killen and I'Welli-n. In road districts 21 and 'it, $r0 win subset lbe fur graveling the road In each dli'trlct as recommended by the road supervisors. (icorgis Kafford of Oh ) wriit Kranied a hhIooii llcenne, theve bem no objection! llled with tho court to I lie petition Krant'-d. that tho lJceuKO be TO ARGUE ROAD TAX DIVISION ON FRIDAY OREGON CITY CLAIMS SIXTY PER CENT; COUNTY COURT AL LOWS FIFTY PER CENT. On Friday the city attorney and fl- The Bccorid day's BOHsion of the nance committee- of tho council wlirC()ty court was a light one in res ajipear before County Ju'ce O. I!. Dim-1 1)(.( t to work accomplished, as few Ick and County CommlsHloners T. LI. ; applications or petitions were re Kiliin and John Ii-wellen and ask forjcelved by that body. DO per cent of tho road fund collected i The court ordered that 28.000 feet hiHlde tho corporate limits as allowed by the city charter. Ti,.. i,.i .,ii,.,.o ti, i r.n I u: niaiu lun nniiiuvii. WW,'.; cent which amount was granted by cx County Judge Ryan, but tho city authorities aro entitled to CO per cent;' "y c"arl, r an" m tnac inJr are going to get it, On tho other hand it is claimed by the county that several bridges in the' corporate limits aro kept in repair by tho county and If the city Is to re ceive CO per cent of tho road fund why It will bo up to tho city to re pair those bridges and keep them In condition. It Is a question which -vay it will bo of advantago to the city, 1 and tho question Is to be considered j In every phao on Friday. HOPE FOR SPUR TO VALLEY TRACTION West Slders Expecting Short Line to Portland by Way of Oswego. At the present season of the year, tho men engaged In the business state that thero aro not as many real es tate transactions as take place later on. The business Is not as active and the market so strong, yet there are a good many sales and some large ones. "At this time of year," said one 1 real estate manipulator, Friday, i ''thero does not seem to be as many I transactions at later on in the year, ; 1 ... n,lir ij Ht..nvs n little slnckinc un ,.fnro tho wintcr fnirlv sets In. j ..IUlt though a number of people aro 8oUing tnor property there does j not sopm to bo any of them leaving j tm COHIltrVi The purchasers are for j the most part strangers, people from tho East, who aro seeking a home, and the old residents still remain in tho country. "Tho land that Is in most demand nt tho present time Is that on tho west stdo of tho river and is situated near tho proposed lino of tho Willam- etto Valley Traction company's car, Uno. People are buying all kinds of land out in that section They aro do- ing it for tho reason that they eX' ; pect tho railroad will enhance their property In a few years and render It a profitable Investment." People living on tho west sldo of the river are in hopes that as soon as ,tho Willamette Valley Traction com- pany runs Its lino through to Port - land that tho company will extend a1 slon bridge. From the bridge to Os wego is about five miles and this would make tho trip into rortlnnd a great deal shorter than It is at the present time. A railroad lino to Port land on tho west side of the river has been talked of a long time and It seems likely that at some time in tho near future such a lino will bo a reality, especially so when the Wil lamette Valley company is building so close . Taking Business Course Miss Leah Miller of Oregon City, Miss Ora Myers of Mt Pleasant and Miss Relshel of Greenpolnt are now students In Allen's Commercial col- lego. On tho report of J. W. McKay, f I CO was ordered paid for -repairs ,, Hueker Creek bridge and the amount charged to District No. 30. i no pmi oi ,iiayw.ii, liy li. r. Kliey, wan onioreu rccorueu on tho petitioner's filing tho fee for recording tho Inntrumont. On application of residents of road district No. 18, It wan ordered that 10,000 feet of planking at $3.50 per j thoimand if. ordTed to plank tho road 1 thu work to bo done by tho onefl ben- ' ellted by tho road. This ' known an the Smith road. road In j PLANKING FOR LOGAN i FISHER MILL ROAD i TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FEET ORDERED BY COUNTY COURT OTHER BUSINESS. 0f road planking be ordered for the, I ,Kan and Fisher Mill road, the same I to no (( vercn tiv V. K. Uonnev at: - i l"'r inousano. In the case of the damage claim of Isaac Miller for $25 damages. which he sustained on the Arndt road west of Barlow, the claim was or. dered pahl. The general claims against the nty court woro ordercd examIned, corrected and paid. Tho court ordered that the County Hoard of Road Supervisors meet at some time during the month of Oc - tober, the date not being stated, on the G. D. Palmer road between the Hradley and Damascus, for the pur.jon Wednesday, October 10, 1906. Elec- in.se of considers the route and the)Uon of officers and other important 1 land over which It is to run. h.lcini Ho in.nM n.; BOUNTIES FOR WILD ANIMAL SCALPS; South Clackamas Club Perfects Organization at Molalla, Saturday. Its Oct. 2.-South Clackamas Molalla, County Wolf, Cougar and Wild Cat Club nerfectod its organization Sat- unlav. in-laws worn a.lnnte.t fter making some important amendments to those first proposed. Ten dollars is tho maximum bounty paid on a wolf scalp, $7.50 on a cou- gar, $2.50 for a wild cat. Each scalp nesday to Mary Ellen Lewis and W. j presented for a bounty must be ac-;W. Martin. comtmnled bv a written statement; Hut,, D(..-r,.i,i 1,1. inno ar-tv' Ing by whom, when, where and how such wild animal was killed. j The next general meeting of the club will be hold at Molalla the first; Monday in October, 1907. j Regarding the scalps of "pups and kittens" and the transition from young to -M ,ogs aml cats" any of sal(j young animals killed up to the 1st of Juno 8haU 1)e considered "pups and kittens" and settled for at one-third 0f the bounty of a wolf, cougar or willl cat ns tll0 caso may be Tho expCutive committee is coni- p0S(j ef tho following members: Vz: w. w. Everhart, E. E. Judd, J. W. Thomas, O. W. Bobbins and C- E oosbitt, who have control and management of the club until their 1 successors are elected at next general ,mvtlng. E. E. Judd is president and J Thomas secretary and treas Ulvn j ' MOLALLA ELECTRIC CANVASS TO BEGIN OVER $12,000 SUBSCRIBED WITH- OUT SOLICITATION COMMIT TEE STARTS WEDNESDAY. On Wednesday tin Board of Trado commenced worlt m earnest for f. olielting stock in t'-.o proposed Ore- g, .n City-Molalla electric railroad. Without any go.teral aieitini; before,' $12,000 had Ke;-ii subscribed to promote the road and with this for a suiter Secretary Thomas Ryan, ex-county FLOOD TIDE OF MONEY FLOWS OVER CLACKAMAS Judge, County Judge G. V. Pimiek and j.',hri Adarrm are giv; to commence ; k'xl try to raise l,0,W In Mock by ( r'.nfial subscription t. U(! a very mu,n encouraged ov'-r th" ""'look for the road," said j ex-County Jiideo Ryan. "We al- j ready have $ 1 2,000 In Htoek ftubucribed , fl;i. jat WJ can a,,(j greatIy to U)H arn01int t,y p,.rfirial canvas j When It Is Keen that the road Is cer-j 'aln to he built there will not bo much ! difficulty In obtaining rteck. Wo havo; commenced on obtaining rlKht of way and ho far have Kucceeded and do not. anticipate any obstacles of that na- turn. Wo havo already obtained: : enough to Ktart the road when we get, a little more hik.K subncrlbed." I i , Tho electric line to Molalla has been. the talk for years , and about 1899 aj purvey was made out part way but' nothing more was accomplished. It is tho hope, of tho farmers residing i aiong tho proposed line that the road :1'6 put u'rouC'i and all are willing to contribute, and accordingly the committee of the Hoard Is not antici- pating any trouble raising funds If everybody does his Bhare. DELEGATES TO HOOD RIVER CONVENTION President C. II. Dye of the Board; announcements ior aeie - gates Irom thls clty to attend 1116 twenty years, as recorded at the cen- Hood River Fruit Convention. The'.,,,,, o r,hnr following prominent men have been ! a r . nil n eA n A -A rt (ah i Unn ; M UCK'' ! Huntley' Frank Busch' ' D" Eb. nNilUam Andresen, O. W. Eastham, 1 Captain J. T. Apperson, Charles Catta,; Mills 6, Union Mills 8 and Miller 8. 1 G- L Hed8e. I- Selling and A. Knapp.jit Is readily seen there Is quite a dlf- President Dye is anxious for any , the appoiutees to let him know If they j can not attend the convention so that the can make other appointments. j Pomona Grange, , . n, , , , . - will meet with Molalla Grange No. 40 ber your lunch baskets. Win. Grlsen thwaite, Master; J. D. Chitwood, J. L. ; Johnson, C C. Boreland, executive committee, C. E. Spence, secretary. Judge Dimick Appoints Delegates. The Oregon Improvement associa tion meets at Hood River on the 11th land 12th of October. juuge uimicK j has appointed the following delegates: C- w- Swallow. Oregon City, R. F. D. " va1- J- r Duaw- ur" ". 1 Damascus 325 40 Thomas F. Ryan, Oregon City; JhnjBarlow Everhart. Oregon City- and A. J. j Lowis' Oregon City R F. P. No 3. L Jis-Martin. Marriage license was Issued Wed- Reinta In r.mmtv Offices. ! The receipts in the County Clerk's office for the past month were $351.50 as against $208.75 for the same month last year. In the Recorder's office the receipts were $273.95. which is a material increase over the same month last year. NEW WAREHOUSE ON WEST SIDE The Willamette Pulp & Paper com pany has commenced work on one of , the largest warehouses In this part ; of the country. It will be used for storing paper, and all apparatus that is used on the logs of the company and for any other similar purpose that U mlght be needed for The building will be 100x200 feet and will be located on the west side of the river above the locks, just be low the place that is known as "Ap plejack." HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Board of Control of the Clack amas County Horticultural So ciety Is arranging for a meeting to be held at the County Court room, Saturday, October 20. One of the principal objects of the meeting will bo to take action on a resolution by the State Horticultural society regarding affiliation of local societies. Program will be announced later. J. C. ZINSER, Secretary. Teachers at Scotts Mills. Miss Chloe C. Clark has been elected primary teacher at Scotts Mills. Her father, J. J. Clark, will teach the higher grades. TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOU LARS DISTRIBUTED BY SU- PERINTENDENT 2INSER. SCHOOL FUNDS APPORTIONMENT state and County Per Capita Sent to the Treasurers of Varloua Districts Larger Sums Given. Over twenty-eight thousand ars In county warrants dol wera mailed to the Hchool district trea urers n Clackamas county, this week, by Superintendent Zlnser. - To be exact the totai am0Unt was jofjS.C77.48, mado up of the $1.70 per caplta gtate fun(1 of a totaI ot 114,433, an,j tne coullty fun(i of $14,244.48. The latter amount la the total of $1 per capita and $30 for each district. There Is a big difference, of course. In the amount received by each dh jtrict, as all but a fraction of tha j money was apportioned according to the number of persons In tho several 1 districts of school age. from four to iouo - ivu.u.. ! When it is remembered that Oregon mi. f 1 1 1 m t 1. A j v-uy aismci. ior instance, nas mi Persons of school age, while Joint District Tualatin has but 5. Scotts otjierence in tne size or tne cnecKs. The amount received by some of the larger districts Is given below, the first seven districts being la Ore gon City or immediate suburbs: Oregon City $3416.90 iParkplace (and Gladstone) .. 981.20 iWest Oregon City (Including llolton) 565.70 Willamette 430.70 Canemah 449.60 'ML Pleasant 163.40 1 Maple Lane 222.80 Oswego 638.60 Canby 411.80 Milwaukie 6C8.30 Molalla 344.30 Mulino 187.70 New Era 193.10 CIackamag 336 2Q MacUsburg 3578() f Harmony 406 40 Estacada Z" 30 JOHNSON THANKFUL FOR NARROW ESCAPE H. II. Johnson, who had a narrow escape from a wild bull on his farm up the Clackamas river, Sunday, Is around tow n again although he Is pretty sore and bruised. He said this morning that he never wants to have as narrow an escape as he did Sunday and is grateful for the aid he received from his dog, which interrupted tha animal in the attentions inflicted on Mr. Johnson. Meadowbrook Teacher. Miss Birdie L. Blair of Hubbard was granted a permit Tuesday to teach by Superintendent Zlnser. Miss Blair will begin the Meadowbrook 1 school next Monday. The school Is lo- Jcated three miles east of the Molalla bridge across Mill creek. A HATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Puro A Cream of Tartar Powder, ' free from alum or phos phatioacid HAS HO SUBSTITUTE IP mxmm