OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 190S- Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager Subscription Rates: One Year $1.50 Six Months " .75 Trial subscription, two months . . .25 Advertising Rates on Application. Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly ifotify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofEice at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. OREGON NOT ADVERTISED The Oregonian "pins its faith to Harriman," to give Oregon its share of the S P. railway advertising in the East, and every few days the Orego nian has a laudatory article about the beautiful pamphlets issued by the S. P. advertising Oregon. If the S. P. has published any pam phlets they must be for Portland con sumption only. In twelve years' news paper work in Iowa, Illinois and Ohio, v the writer never remembers seeing one line advertising Oregon in any of the big papers of Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Des Moines or burgh, Indianapolis, Des Moines or Omaha. But we do remember reading pages of glowing descriptions of Cal ifornia and Washington, with the added offer to send more detailed in formation upon Inquiry. Those advertisements attracted tens of thousands of settlers to the states north and south of us. Nearly everyone you meet in the Central states has knowledge ol the general and special resources of California and Washington, gained through that advertising. To not more than one in a thousand in the Central states is Oregon anything more than a name. That is the result of pinning your faith to Harriman, whose first and last interest is California. WHO HAS THE MONEY? The complaint of the sportsmen over the non-protection of the game birds is a just one. Naturally every true sportsman is indignant at the out-of-season slaughter of game, and everyone realizes that only a few years of such work would mean the practi cal extermination of game birds in the settled parts of the state. When the sportsmen are taxed to provide a fund for the protection of game and there is no effort made to spend that money for the purpose in tended, then the wrath of the taxed is surely justifiable. What has been done with the $16, 000 license fees? The answer is up to Warden Baker. Let us take a more personal interest in the city schools than here tofore. Become acquainted with the teachers of the grades that our chil dren attend, and give those teachers practical evidence of our sympathy and support in their tasks. President Roosevelt should save enough troops from the Cuban cam paign to quell the disturbance that is certain to follow the Colorado elec tion. As a penalty for butting into the dictionary President Roosevelt ought to be compelled to act as umpire at all of the spelling matches this win ter. Missouri has the champion funny paper. It is trying to prove that Sen ator Stone of this state is the real father of the new rate law. The continuance in business of the insurance companies that flunked on their San Francisco losses is a su perlative specimen of gall. When You Want the Best ill I jaflr- HUGHES vs HEARST. W. R. Hearst was too strong for the combined elements opposing his nomination for governor of New York, and he won easily in the Demo cratic convention on the first ballot, Wednesday. The Republicans named Charles E. Hughes, who gained fame by his vigorous investigation of the big life insurance companies. Jerome and other conservative lead ers of the Democracy will bolt Hearst, and while they may put up a third ticket, it will be a dummy and they will really support Hughes. There will be a hot time in New York for the next 30 days, and the whole country will be interested in the outcome. It was reported that Banker Stens land attempted suicide on his way home. But this is to be explained on the theory that he was about half seas over. Cuba may decide that discretion is the better part of valor when she finds that Secretary Taft is going to sit on the lid of her tempest in a tea-pot. With fifty-seven varieties of trouble breaking loose in Havana today. Cu ba has every reason to advertise her self as the Pickle Republic. It is a curious fact that when the police break up a spiritualist seance they never seem to strike a happy medium. FISH AND GAME LAWS. Open Season in Oregon for Fish and Game. Upland birds Oct. 1 to Dec. Kill ing of more than 10 birds in one day prohibited. Sale prohibited. Prairie Chicken and Quail in Was co county from Aug. 1 to Oct. 15. Sale prohibited Ducks and Geese and Swan, Sept. 1 to Feb. 1. Killing more 'than 50 in 1 week prohibited. Sale prohibited. Moose, Buck Deer and Mountain Sheep, Aug. 15 to Nov. 1. Female Deer, Sept. 15 to Nev. 1. Use of dogs prohibited in hunting doer. Sale prohibited. Elks protected until 1907. Open season for trout, April 1 to Nov. 1. Sale prohibited. Black Bass not protected. Silver Gray Squirrel, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. Hunting licenses for residents of the State, $1.00; for non-residents, $10. Teacher at Twilight. Miss Eva Smith of Newberg, who will begin teaching at Twilight school district No. 109, next Monday, was a ' caller at the office of Superintendent Zinser Thursday. Paving Streets at Estacada. The city of Estacada is advertising for bids for grading and paving Broad way, constructing a drainage system and improving the grade on Main street. The city is to stand good far grading and draining, which will amount to about $4,000 and which are needed badly. The property abutting on that part of Broadway tc be paved will be assessed for the cost of paving. The work is to be done within the next sixty days. - WAS A VERY SICK BOY. But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel complaint, but by the use of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh oea Remedy we brought him out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Mid land, Mich. This remedy can be de pended upon in the most severe cases. Even cholera infantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed direc tions and a cure is certain. For sale by Howell & Jones. Range or Stove for the Low est price you come to Tolpo lar's. What we say about our goods we stand by as hundreds of pleased custom ers will testify. Farnitare, Carpets, Mat tings, Linoleums, and all floor coverings. We furn ish your house from top to bottom and' save you all of Half on Yotr Bills. Inspect our big stock or new and second hand eoods be- fore buying anywhere else. I. TOLPOLAR Main Street ' " 1st door N. of Commercial Bank V Particular About What You Eat? That is the way of people generally who buy groc eries, vegetables and pro visions at our store, for they know we are Particular About What We Sell Quality and Right Prices at i V. HARRIS 8th and Main Streets BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Bids are asked for constructing a Howe Truss bridge across Butte creek at Scotts Mills, Oregon, at a point a few feet west of where the old bridge now stands, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the Coun (y Surveyor's office at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. A certified check to the amount of five per cent of the bid shall accom pany each bid, conditioned that the amount of said check shall be for feited in the event that the party mak ing said bid fails to sign a written con tract and give an approved bond with in five days from the date of accept ance of said bid wherein he shall agree to faithfully perform said work according to the plans and specifica tions that shall be adopted by the joint courts of Marion and Claekamas coun ties. Said bids will be opened in the county court room at Oregon City, Oregon, at 1:00 p. m. Tuesday, the 2d day of October, 1906. Said courts hereby reserve the right to reject any or all bids on said work. County Court for Marion County, Oregon. By JOHN H. SCOTT, As County Judge. County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon. By GRANT B. DIMICK, 42t2 As County Judge. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER DISTRICT. NO. 5. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials for laying of sew ers in Sewer District No. 5, Oregon City, Oregon, according to the plans and specifications therefor now on file in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City, will be received by the Commit tee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 5 o'clock p. m., "of Wednesday, October 3rd, 1906. All necessary tools used in the lay ing of said sewer shall be furnished by the contractor. Plans and specifications containing further information will be furnished upon application to the Recorder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompanied by'a certified check equal to five per cent of the sum of the total estimate of the work, which sum will be sub ject to forfeiture in case of failure j of the successful bidder to furnish bonds and enter into a written con tract for said work, if called upon so to do, within ten days from and after the acceptance of said bid. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engineer. The right to reject any or all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City is here by reserved. AH proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Pub lic Property of the Council of Ore gon City, in care of the Recorder. By order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, made September 2Gth, 1906. E. P. RANDS, H. E. STRAIGHT, D. C. WILLIAMS. Committee on Streets and Public Property. General Robert E. Lee was the greatest General the world has ever known. Ballard's Snow Lini ment is the greatest Liniment. Quick ly cures all pains. It is within the reach of all. T. H. Pointer, Hemp stead, Texas, writes: "This is to cer tify that Ballard's Snow Liniment has been used in my household for years and has been found to be an excellent Liniment for Rheumatic pains. I am never without it." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Two Teachers Wanted. Superintendent Zinser says there j are still two vacancies in the teach ing corps of the county, one at Beaver Lake and the other for the advanced grade at Mulino. CARUS NEWS NOTES. Everyone has been complaining of cold. - - ' ' , C. Stewart finished picking his hops Sunday. He gave his pickers a dance and oyster supper the evening before, and after all were done picking he invited them to the house to help themselves to a keg of beer. Born, Saturday, September 22, a 10 pound son to the wife of Mr. Bonnard. Mother and child doing nicely. Miss Lizzie Lewis and Belle Greg ory have gone to Oregon City to at tend the Barclay school. Several Mulino boys attended meet ing here Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Beaver Creek made a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Monday. Mrs. Inskeep returned home from hoppicking Tuesday. C. and I. Morris and C. Helvey spent Sunday at Howards. Mose Thomas is spending a few weeks here with his mother, Mrs. M. C. Sondon. Complexion Secrets. To remove pimples, moth spots,, sal lowness, blotches, clear up the qom plexion and put the bloom of youth in the cheeks, use Laxakola tablets, a positive cure for constipation, trial size, 5 cents. Huntley Bros. 137682 PrescriitioB Now on file in Howell & Jones Drug Store. This enterprising drug firm may well boast of having the largest prescription business In the state out of Portland. There is no profession or oc cupation excepting that of a doctor, where knowledge, skill and experience counts for more it... than that of a chemist. Getting your prescription fill ed by Howell & Jones means ' carrying out your doctor's wish es to the letter. It is a notable fact that ' most doctors in Ore gon City request you to take their prescriptions to Howell & Jones because they are famil iar with their methods of com pounding and also know they keep only the highest grade drugs in the market. If any of our readers have never had their prescription fill ed at Howell & Jonas' Drug Store, we request them to get a copy of their favorite prescrip tion, have it filled at this store and note the excellency of the drugs used and also the price you pay. Ordinarily, the question of price should not be thought about in buying drugs, but there is no reason for paying high prices when you can get the highest grade of drugs from Howell & Jones' drug store for about 25 to 40 per cent less than other stores in Oregon City. School Books and supplies of all kinds. Stationery, Cigars, Paints, Oil, and Glass. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists i FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula ; in adults, consumption. Both have poori blood ; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean- i ness. Fat is the best means of ! overcoming them; cod liver oil I makes the best and healthiest J fat and SCOTT'S EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, more nourish ment, that's why. Send for free sample SCOTT & 'BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Strest, New York 50c. and $1.00 :: :t :s AH druggist SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Charles Littler, Plaintiff, vs. Alice Littler, Defendant. To Alice Littler, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or be fore October 27, 1906, said day being more than six weeks from the 14th day of September, 1906, the date of the first publication of said summons, and if you so fail to appear or answer for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in the said complaint; to-wit: For a decree of said court dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defend ant, and for such other relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. The order for publication of sum mons in this suit was made and enter ed by Hon. G. B. Dimick, county judge of the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, on the -12th day of September. 1906. D. M. DONAUGH, 40t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that- the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of George For man, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to the undersigned at her residence in Barton, Clackamas county, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, which is also the date of this notice, or the same will be barred. SARAH M. FORMAN, Administratrix. Date of this notice and first publica tion thereof, September 14, 1906. Last publication Oct. 12. 1906. O JS T O It I -A. . Bean tie ThB Kin(l YoU Ha,B AiW3VS B0UgM ATTRACTIVE HOMES There are no homes more attractive convenient or simple in constrnction than the typical California Bunga lows and Mission style cottages. We design and furnish plans, specifica tions and details complete, any car penter can build. The cost will be re markably low. Space is too valuable to say much, but send us a stamp and let us explain our methods more fully . Or send us Sc for our handsome, big book of designs. N. LAMBERTH &. CO. u LOS ANGELES, CAL. See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado .- Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Famous Royal Gorge For Descripitive and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. ImMm 1 0 OREGON SHOIrlilNE and union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tour ist sleeping cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin ing chairs (seats free to the east dally.) HOURS Portland to Chicago 70 No Change of Cars. 7 Depart. Time Schedules. Chicago Portland Special Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kansas City. St. 5:25 p m. 9:16 a. m Louis, Chicago and iiiast- Atlantic ExDreas Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City. St. 8:15 D. m. 8:00 a m. via. Hunt ington. Louis, Chicago and East. St. Paul Fast Mail Walla Walla, Ler Iston, Spokane, Min neapolis, St. Paul. Duluth, Milwaukee. Chicago and East. 6:16 p m via Spo kane. 7 :15 a m. Ocean and River Schedule For San Francisco Every Ave days at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way points and Portland, Oregon. 8 p. m. ; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water permitting) on Willam ette and Yamhill rivers. For detailed information of rates. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co, your nearest ticket agent, or General Passenger Agent. A. 1 CAIO, Asto i i & Columbi River Railroad CO. Leaves. UNION DEPOT j Arrives. 8:00 A.M. Dally. For Mavgers.Ralnler, Dally. 11:10A.M. 9:40 P.M. Clatskanie. Weetport Clifton. Astoria, War renton, Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Sea side, Astoria ana Seashore. Express Dally. Astoria express. 7:00 P.M. C. A. STEWART. Commt Agt-. Sis Alder street. Phone Main 906. J. C. MATO. G. F. & P. A. Astoria. Or. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except Sunday) for Salem and way points. Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Independence, Al bany and Corvallis. Regular service, courteous treat ment and prompt dispatch are our OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 40. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY. Portland and The Dalles H-OTJTE Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE B." Str. "Bailey Gatzert" leaves Portlan? 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues days. Thusrsdays and Saturdays. Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday: leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fr"Jays. Steamers leaving Portland make dally connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. traui for Goldendale , and Klickitat Valley points. C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 A. M-. making connection with steamer "Regulator" for Portland and way points. C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale oa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:30 A. M.. connecting at Tyle with steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con necting there- with O. R. & N. trains East and West , Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks daily (except Sunday) at1A.lt for Ths Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A. M.; leaves The Dalles 2 P. M., arrives Cascade Locks 6 P. M. Meals served on all steamers. Fine accommodations lor teams an wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. , MARCUS TALBOT,, V. P. & G. M. Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon. CJ 3 "37 0 3T1 X.. dpan. the J 6 Yrni Have Always Saugr 1 i A i