Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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The Living Church contains the or
der for the consecration of Rev.
Charles Scadding, Bishop-elect of Ore
gon, of the Episcopal church. It will
take place in the Emmanuel church
at La Grande, 111., next Saturday,
which Is the Festival of St. Michael
and All Angels. The consecraters will
be Presiding Bishop Tuttle and the
Bishops of New York and whio; mfwy
Bishops of New York and Ohio; pre
senters, Bishops of Springfield and
Pittsburg; preacher, Bishop of Chi
cago; attending presbyters, Rev.
Frank Du Moulin. D. D., and Rev. P.
K. Hammond of Oregon City.
been filled by firms in the burned city.
The plant has its limitations on ac
count of machinery smallness of
equipment but such as it is a full
force of men are being kept busy.
The principal product of the mill
is extension dining room tables and
all case furniture.
Starving to Death.
Because her stomach was so weak
ened by useless drugging that she
could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters,
of St. Clair St., Columbus, O., was lit
erally starving to death. She writes:
"My stomach was so weak from use-
lesse drugs that I could not eat, and
my nerves so wrecked that I could not
sleep; and not before I was given up
to die was I induced to try Electric
Bitters; with the wonderful result
that improvement began at once, and
a complete cure followed." Best health
Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaranteen by
Howell & Jones, druggists.
The Breath of Life.
It's a significant fact that the strong
est animal of its size, the gorilla, also
has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs
means powerful creatures. How to
keep the breathing organs right should
be man's chiefest study. Like thou
sands of others, Mrs. . Ora A. Steph
ens, of Port Williams, O., has learn
ed how to do this. She writes:
"Three bottles of Dr. King's New Dis
covery stopped my cough of two years
and cured me of what my friends
thought consumption. O, it's grand
for throat and lung trouble." Guaran
teed by Howell & Jones, druggists.
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Repairing Mt Pleasant School.
The Mt. Pleasant school house is
being repaired preparatory to ttffe com
mencing of school.
The Oswald Furniture company,
which was formerly operated by
Frank Busch but which is now leased
by Frank Oswald, is doing a rushing
business, to such an extent that lo
cal business has become a thing of the
past. Orders from all over the West
are being received every day and the
plant finds a market for its products
in Oklohoma and Oakland, California.
Since the San Francisco fire a great
impetus has been given the business
which the present management has
been quick to take advantage of. At
the present time the company can
not make furniture fast enough to
supply the orders that should have
Removal of Old Cross Store to Make
Room for Lasch's Home.
Gladstone is on the boom. New
buildings are being erected by the
newcomers, buildings that will be a
credit to the place, and other people
are not slow to buy property.
Chambers Howell has completed the
excavation for a new residence, and
has started with the foundation. From
indications he will put up a house
that will cost in the neighborhood
of $3,000. His brother, Eury Howeil,
has purchased 10 acres . immediately
west of this location. It is choice bea
ver dam land. J. H. Lasche has pur
chased the property on which the old
Cross store stood and has torn down
the store building and is erecting a
fine home. H. L. Thurman and C. H.
Warren are also building and J. T.
Thompson is advertising for bids on
a house that he intends building.
J. W. Heistand has purchased three
acres in the little city and will build
Estacada, Sept. 25 Before Justice
of " the Peace Worner the assault
case, in which Chris Kelly, George
Simmons and Frank Brown, of Ore
gon City, were defendants, was ar
gued Monday night, and the case dis
missed. Attorney George C. Brownell
of Oregon City appeared for the de
fendants, who were arraigned on in
formation supplied by Marshal John
Lovelace. The case was thrown out
for the reason that the Oregon City
attorney proved that the justice of the
peace in question had no jurisdiction
over that court while he was in the
office of city recorder and for the
further reason of not taking oath of
vided by the constitution? of the state
office provided by the constitution of
the state.
Structure Across Butte Creek Has
Been Condemned New ."
One Ordered.
Pain From a Burn Promptly Relieved
by Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
A little child of Michael Strauss, of
Vernon, Conn., was recently in great
pain from a burn on the hand, and as
cold applications only increased the
inflammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr.
James N. Nichols, a local merchant,
for something to stop the pain. Mr.
Nichols says: "I advised him to use
Chamberlain't Pain Balm, and the first
application drew out the inflammation
and gave immediate relief. I have
used this liniment myself and recom
mend it very often for cuts, burns,
strains, and lame back, and have never
known it to disappoint." For sale by
Howell & Jones.
"To Cure a Felon."
says Sam Kendell, of Phillipsburg,
Kansas, "just cover it over with Buck
len's Arnica Salve and the Salve will
do the rest." Quickest cure for burns,
boils, sores, scalds, wounds, piles, ec
zema, salt rheum, chapped hands, sore
feet and sore eyes. Only 25c at How
ell & Jones drug store. Guaranteen.
Burial of Henry Gilbrich.
Henry Gilbrich; who died at his
home in New Era, Friday evening,
was buried in New Era cemetery yes
terday morning at 10 o'clock, the Rev.
Merc being the officiating clergyman.
He was one of the most well, known
residents of this section and his loss
will be keenly felt by the community.
He leaves a widow, four sons and a
Clackamas S. S. Convention.
Preparations are being made for
the Clackamas County Sunday School
convention to be held in this city
at the Baptist church October 19, 20
and 21. State Field Worker Mr.
Phipps, formerly of Spokane, Wash.,
will take a prominent part in the program.
An Oak is Not Felled With One Stroke
Neither is an establishment of the size we have grown to, built up by
one deed, promise or action but by constant toil to serve our custo- "
mers better and better by striving to sell just what is desired at as
low a price as is consistent and by prudent action to our friends' com
fort in making their selection.
With those objects in view, always by adhering strictly to them, we've
been enabled to increase our business daily until today we stand
second to none- thanks to an appreciative public.
County Judge Grant B. Dimick an
nounced Monday morning that bids
were being advertised for today for
the construction of the new bridge
at Scott's Mills, which is to be built
jointly by this county and Marion
county. The plans and specifications
are on file at the county judge's of
fice and it is estimated that the bridge
will cost about $1200.
The- bridge will be built about 20
feet below the present structure and
will have an 80-foot span, which is
18 feet shorter than the old one. The
bridge will be thoroughly modern in
every particular and will be supported
by concrete abuttments.
The old bridge has been condemned
and is unsafe for traffic. Jack screws
have been put under it to prevent its
collapse. Scott's Mills is located in
the southern part of the county on
Butte creek, which is the boundary
line between this county and Marion
The point is one which requires a
good bridge as there is much travel
between the agricultural sections of
the counties which are adjacent.
Worth Knowing.
If you have any kind of scalp troub
le, skin humor, eczema, ulcer, wound
piles, cut or old running sore, remem
ber that we guarantee Dermakola oint
ment to relieve you or we will pay
your 25 cents back. Huntley Bros.
Molalla, Sept. 24. Ryan of Port
land is completing the options to
day for the right-of-way for the elec
tric road that is to branch off the
Canemah and Salem line at New Era
and run through to Wilhoit.
Thomas Mackrell died Saturday,
aged 83 years, and was buried today
in the Adams cemetery. The de
ceased was a native of England and
came to Molalla eight years ago. He
leaves a widow, one son and three
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Acts
on Nature's Plan.
The most successful medicines are
those that aid nature. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan.
Take it when you have a cold and it
will allay the cough, relieve the lungs
and aid respiration, open the secre
tions and aid nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition. Thou
sands have testified to its superior
excellence. It counteracts any tend
ency of a cold to result in pneumonia.
Price 25 cents. Large size, 50 cents.
For sale by Howell & Jones.
iwwii awj
Full size, swell top dr w
ers, well made, elegant
golden-oak fiuish. mirror
18x24. Price $7.75.
15c per yard.
We have some nice wall paper
for 10c, double rolls.
Best Ingrain Carpet, all wool,
none better 85c per yard. We
have cheaper grade for 50c per
Best quality Heating Stove; not a
cheap one, but the best that money
can buy. Price $15.00
This Air Tight Heater
Extension Tables
Heavy 5-in legs. An
ornament for anybody's
Dining Room $10.
Frank Busch
Dining Room Chairs
High back, solid Seat.
$3.90 for set of 6.
Stream Stocked With Game Fish
Thru Efforts of Oregon
City Men.
The sportsmen of this city are be
ginning to realize the fact that unless
the fishing streams of this county are
occasionally re-stocked there will
come a time shortly when there will
be no more fishing for them. Ac
cordingly, on application made to the
Government Fish Commission, sev
eral kinds of trout fry have been fur
nished the local lovers of the sport
who have planted the young fish in
various streams in the county.
Saturday, C. G. Huntley and Fred
Humphrey received 12,000 Black
Spotted trout fry, which were planted
in the Mololla river in the afternoon.
This stream is one of the best
haunts of the trout, but of late years
has been pretty well fished out and
would have been but for the work
of such devotees of the sport as Mr.
Huntley and Mr. Humphrey.
Clear Creek is beginning to be
fished out as is also Milk Creek.
Both of these streams have been
planted with fish during the past
few years and the result is already
seen by the fly casters.
In this connection the Government
is doing a great service and with the
co-operation of the sportsmen of this
city there should be no danger in
the future of the streams reaching
the "fished out" stage.
Well Worth Trying.
W. H. Brown, the popular pension
attorney of Pittsfield, Vt., says: "Next
to a pension, the best thing to get is
, Dr. King's New Life Pills." He writes:
"they keep my family in splendid
health." Quick cure for Headache, con
stipation and billiousness. 25 cents.
Guaranteed at Howell & Jones' drug
Real Estate,
Loans, Insurance
Main Street,
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
'"SeS21 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Main Street
D. C. LATOURETTE, President.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
MORE room; MORE teachers; MORE pupils; MORE equip
ment; MORE positions to be filled. We find this is our con
dition as compared with last year. It will PAY YOU to learn
what and how we teach. There is a position for every one of
our students as soon as qualified. Students may enter at any
time. DAY and NIGHT school. Make inquiry now. Write or
call at office. ,
E. O. Allen, President
Garde Building. Oregon City, Oregon
Every Family Should Use
Preferred Stock Pure Goods
r - . - . . . -. ... " ' 1
The produced bears a reputation that has stood
the test of time and sjtjll in the lead as
Preferred stock canned Foods, Fruits, Fish and Veg
etables, Dried Fruit, Etc. For sale by
Phone 1261 H. P. BRIGHTBILL
Look After Your Teeth Before It Is Too Late
' : : 1
- i
City Phone 1293.
Mutual and Independent 131.
We are doing strictly high
grade dentistry. Our methods
are up-to-date. Upon our return
from the East we opened one of
the best equipped Dental Offices
in the Northwest with modern
appliances, such as are used in
the large Eastern Dental Offices.
Have been engaged in the prac
tice of dentistry for over 16 years
in Oregon City. You are invited
to call and get acquainted with
us. We do painless work, ask
about it. Examinations and ad
vice free. Prices reasonable.
Post Graduate Haskell and
Chicago School of Dentistry.
Weinhard Bldg. Oregon City
Don't Watch This Space
When 1