Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 21, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Miss Burns Entertained In California
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crader, of 526
Miller street, San Jose, Calif., gave a
; delightful outing at Alum Rock last
Sunday. The happy event was given
as a farewell to their niece, Miss Eliza
Burns, of Portland, Oregon. The day
was spent with games, songs and other
amusements. A dainty lunch was
served at the noon hour. No more
beautiful or romantic spot can be
found than the beautiful glen leading
to Alum Rock. A number of different
mineral waters are found here,, also
fresh water in abundance. All of
those who were so fortunate as to
accompany this jolly crowd of pleas
Tire seekers had a good time and en
joyed themselves to the utmost. Miss
Burns will be greatly missed among
her friends here in San Jose, as she
made many friends during her stay
Among those present were: Miss
Eliza Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daly,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bordwell, Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Dose. Mrs. Taylor, Mr. James
Wickham, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crader,
Mr. Andrew Wickham, Misses Eveline
Daly, Jennie Clark, Jessie Clark, Helen
Sant, Messrs. George Sant, Cyril Bord
well, Master George Crader. San
Jose Herald. 4
The Woman's Club.
A special meeting of the Oregon
City Woman's club, was called at the
home of Mrs. M. M. Charman on last
Thursday afternoon, but as there was
no quorum present the meeting was
postponed till the regular meeting of
the club which meets October 10th,
when the work for the winter will be
Among the important matters to be
taken up will be that of a public li
brary. Miss Cornelia Marvin, secre
tary of the Oregon Library commis
sion, will be present and will discuss
the ways and means of gaining such
an institution for Oregon City.
The giving of a banquet, an annual
event with the club, to the Clackamas
county pioneers, will be considered at
that meeting.
Following will be the program for
Wednesday, October 10th:
Quotations Miscellaneous; Address
Mrs. M. M. Charman; music, Miss
Irene Reynolds; "A Public Library for
Oregon City: Ways and Means Dis
cussed by Secretary of Oregon Library
Commission, Miss Cornelia Marvin;
Music. This meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. M. M. Charman, at
Ninth and Main streets.
1st. He goes from here to assume
charge of the Highland Congregational
Mrs. C. H. Dye, in behalf of the
members of the church, presented Rev.
and Mrs. Bollinger with a beautiful
Haviland dinner set. Rev. R. C Black-
well "of the M. E. church, and Rev. B.
Robins of the Baptist church, also
made a few remarks. The evening
was spent in music. Refreshments
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wetzler, of Or
egon City, entertained this week Mr.
and Mrs. Charles L. Beck, of San
Francisco, Cal., and "Major" Maurice
E. Russ, a well-known capitalist of
Harrisburg, Pa. Messrs Beck and
Russ have just returned from an ex
tended trip to the mines in Mexico
and Lower California, in which prop
erties they are interested. "Major'
Russ is more than pleased with his
visit to this section of the country,
and will again return next summer.
Mr. Beck is a brother of Mrs. Wetz
Mrs. Green Entertains.
On Tuesday, Mrs. W. C. Green enter
tained at her home on Seventh and
Center streets, a few of her friends,
in honor of Mrs. Chester Muir, who
leaves soon for her home at Neola,
Iowa. The house was tastefully dec
orated with ferns and cut flowers,
Mrs. Green was assisted in the enter
tainment of her guests by Mrs. Ed
ward Shaw, Mrs. Ben Doolittle and
Mrs. Hal Brown.
Farewell Reception Given by Young
People's Society.
A farewell reception was given
Monday night by the Young People's
Society of the First Baptist church
in honor of its members, who are de
parting for different colleges: Miss
Ona Renner, Ross Eaton, Virgil and
Oril Welch, McMinnville college; Miss
Maude Cooke, State Normal at Mon
mouth, and Kenneth Latourette, Yale
Reception to Rev. Hammond.
Rev. P. K. Hammond was agreeably
surprised by about 20 members of the
church calling on him, Monday night,
as a little reminder to carry East with
him of the esteem in which he is held
by his parishioners. The evening was
spent in conversation and games.
Dainty refreshments were served.
The Webfoot Dancing club of Os
wego will give its first dancing party
. . . of the season in the grange hall at
The You Go I Go Club Entertains. x .
uswego on saaiuraay evening.
At tne nome or jvir. ana jvirs. j. ti.
Walker on Seventh and Washington
streets The You Go I Go Club and a
few of its members were entertained
by Miss Louise Walker, Miss Louise
Huntley and Miss Madge Brightbill.
The evening was pleasantly spent in
music and games. The principal fea
tures of the evening' were a musical
guessing contest and a vegetable
guessing contest in which Ardea Hick
man mon the first prize, and Waldo
Caufield, the consolation prize.
The table was prettily decorated
with sweet peas and vines, and at
each place was a pretty favor.
The house was prettily decorated.
Ices and cake were served. This club
was organized last winter and will
hold their meetings this year as soon
as all of the members have returned
to the city.
Charles Robinson and Philip Ham
mond are attending Portland Acade
my. Mrs. R. S. Scott, of Portland, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. D. Latour
ette. ,
Robert Nelson has returned to Al
bany, after a visit with Jack Latour
ette.. . Mr. H. V. Mills, of Portland, was
in Oregon City Wednesday on busi
ness. William Woods, who has a position
at Drain, is visiting his family in this
Attorney C. D. Latourette was in
Seattle on business the first of the
week. .
Mrs. M. McDonald, of Portland, was
the guest of Mrs. O. W. Eastbam this
Dr. Casto, of Milwaukie, was trans
acting business in Oregon City, Wed
H. Ferrin, son of Prof. Ferrin, of For
est Grove, visited Charles Bollinger,
E. Li. Baker, or Sherwood, was
transacting business in Oregon City,
Miss Bessie Albright has returned
from a week's visit with relatives in
Miss Frances Miller, of Portland, is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Miller.
Mrs. Clara Morey and son, Barry, of
Glenmorrie, were Oregon City visitors
Dr. H. S. Mount has returned from
Seaside, where he spent several days,
by the sea.
Miss Constance Holland, of St.
Johns, was a guest of friends in this
city Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton, of
Portland, visited with relatives in this
city, Sunday.
C. N.'- Tracy, of Springwater, was
transacting business in Oregon City,
Wednesday. '
Dr. C. B. Smith, of Estacada, was
ton, has returned to her home after a '
few weeks visit with Miss Ethel Al- i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry1 M. Shaw and
daughter, Gwendoline, spent Saturday i
night and Sunday in Portland with
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Woods, of Oak
land, Oregon, spent several days this
week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc
Glashan. '
Mrs. William Sheehan and son, of
LaCamas, Wash., were visiting this
week the former's sister, Mrs'. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Church and baby
are visiting at the home of Mr.
Church's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wheel
er Church.
Miss Ethel Cheney, of McMinnville,
will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Cheney, of this city, Saturday
and Sunday.
Raymond Milln, son of Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Milln, left Wednesday morning
for Salem, where he will attend the
mute school.
Joe Ganong, of Canemab, left for
Corvallis Monday morning to take up
his second year's work at the Agricul
tural college.
Mrs. Walden and daughter. Miss
Antoinette, who had been at Bonne
ville for the last two weeks, have re
turned home.
Allan Adams and Rea Cole have re
turned from North Bank where they
have been with a surveying party for
the past month.
Miss Mildred Broughton, of Port
land, who was the guest of Miss Alene
Albright for several days, has return
ed to her home.
Fred Luce, after spending the sum-
The (D Store
Brown Shoe Co!s
for Womeri Jf
That's Brown's 5-Star Shoe. We
carry a complete line of them in
Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Child
ren's. We have the shoe that will
fit your foot at the price to' fit your
purse. See our sample shoes. We
are selling them at wholesale
Buy your Rubbers at the C C
Store. '
White, gray and tan cotton
blankets Our special price
48-68-72-89-98-$! .48 the pair
Heavy gray wool blankets the
pair $3.00
Fine white wool, the pair.. $3.75
Outing Flannel
We have a nice line of outing
flannels in plain colors, also
stripes and checks at 5, 6, 8 1-3
and 10c the yard.
Flannelettes in light and dark
shades pretty patterns for
children's school dresses at
9c and 10c the yard.
mer with his parents in this city, has
returned to Corvallis to attend the Ag-1 nave returned home. At Baker City
icultural college I Mr. an Mrs. Jones visited the latter s
Miss Ona Renner, Virgil and Opal I sister, Mrs. L. Levinger,
Welsh left Tuesday morning for Mc- I William Reith, of Astoria, was the
Minnville, where they will attend the I guest of Charles Bollinger the first of
Baptist college. I tne week. Mr. Reith was on his way
Mrs.- J. C. Sawyer and daughter. I to Corvallis, where he goes to attend
transacting business in Oregon City, Mrs. C. B. Frissell returned this week I tne Agricultural college.
Wednesday. ifrom a two months' stay at tholr cot. I Lee Caufield and Jack
Will . Marshall, Russellville's hustl-
Rev. Bollinger and Family Tendered
Rev. E. S. Bollinger and family were
tendered a farewell reception Tues
day evening in the church parlors by
the members of the church. Rev.
Bollinger, who has been pastor of the
Congregational church of this city for
the past six years. . has resigned,
his resignation to take effect October day
John Weise of Beaver Creek was
in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson attended
the state fair Saturday.
Gordon Moores was an Oregon City
visitor during the week.
Attorney C. Schuebel was in Port
land on business, Saturday.
George Gregory, the teasel man, was
in the city during the week.
Attorney F. T. Griffith was in Sa
lem on business this week.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson and children are
visiting friends in The Dalles.
Lloyd Harding is taking a course of
study at Portland High School.
Dr. J. J. Leavitt, of Molalla, was an
Oregon City visitor, Wednesday.
Miss Frances Munch is visiting this
week with friends at Champoeg.
Attorney H. E. Cross was among the
visitors at the state fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwab are
spending a few days at the beach.
Miss Mable Tower, of Vancouver,
Wash., is visiting friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Larson, of Mo
lalla, were in Oregon City, Tuesday.
Mr. Charles Van Horn, of Portland,
was an Oregon City visitor, Wednes-
is an emblem of good luck. The savings
pass-book is another emblem of good luck;
and not only that, but of business shrewd
ness. Have you one of our books?
Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
ing merchant, was an Oregon City vis
itor Monday.
Mrs. L. O. Moore, who was visiting
with relatives in Brownsville, has re
turned home.
Dr. and Mrs. Hoeye, who camped in
Salem during the state fair, have re
turned home.
J. Ferguson, one of New Era's thrifty
farmers, was in Oregon City on busi
ness, Tuesday.
Jack Latourette will leave Satur
day morning for Eugene to attend the
state university.
Deputy Assessor Frederick Nelson
left Tuesday evening for Astoria on
business trip.
Mrs. Katherine Ward Pope and Earl
Latourette were visiting friends near
Canby last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and son,
of Portland, were visiting friends in
this city this week.
Dr. Willard Morse, a former resi- j
dent of this city, but now of Portland,
was here Saturday.
Mrs. T. S. Lawrence, of Portland,
visited with her daughter, Mrs. Lin-
wood Jones, Sunday.
Earl Gordon, who has been with a
surveying party during the summer,
has returned home.
Mrs. Minnie Burns, of Centralia,
Wash., has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. M. J. Moreland.
Mrs. Wilcox and two children spent
a few days with Mrs. Wilcox's father,
in Portland, this week.
R. Snodgrass, one of Meadowbrook's
thrifty farmers, was in Oregon City
on business, Wednesday.
Robert Ketchum left last week for a
visit to his old home in Kansas. He
will remain several weeks.
Judge T. F. Ryan returned Saturday
evening from Salem, where he spent
four days at the state fair.
Mrs. M. Jack, after a visit with her
son, J. E. Jack, and wife, has return
ed to her home at Marquam.
Adolph Matthies and son of McMinn
ville, were guests, Tuesday, of the
former's brother, E. Matthies.
Miss Mildred Warren, of Portland,
spent a few days in this city the "guest
of her cousin, Mrs. C. C. Miller.
Raymond Caufield, Earl Latourette,
Rhea Cole and Ruth Brightbill are at
tending the Portland high school.
Howard Zinser left Monday morning
for Corvallis to take up a course of
study at the Agricultural College.
Mrs. Charles Bluhm, of Portland,
spent the first part of the week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mark.
Miss Fannie Porter and Miss Kath
erine Porter this week have taken up
their duties in the Portland schools.
John Hanny left Monday morning
for Corvallis to take up his second
year's work at the Agricultural Col
H. O. Paddock, son of County Treas
urer and Mrs. J. C. Paddock, has gone
to Eugene to attend the -state university.
Thomas Carrico, of Estacada, form
erly of Oregon City, has returned to
the former place after a week's stay
Mrs. J. H. Upton, who has, been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. C. D. Latour
ette, has returned to her home in Port
land. Miss Bertha Alexander, of Pendle-,
tage at Nye creek.
who had been visiting their parents
Professor W. C. McKee has return-1 m ""s clty- IeIt Monday morning to
ed from Lebanon, where he spent a I resume their work with a surveying
few days. Mr. McKee was accompan-1 Party at Collins, Wash.
led here by his wife. I Miss May Kelly has returned from
TCenneth T.utnnrette cnn of Mr nni I Long Beach, where she had been
Mrs. D. C. Latourette, left Wednesday I spending the summer at her cottage,
for Yale to take up his second year's Tnis week Miss Kelly resumed her
work at that college. I work in the Portland schools
Howard Latourette, who is holding I Misses Maud and Elizabeth Gallogly
a temporary position in the U. S. land I nave sone to Eugene, where the form-
office at Roseburg, spent Saturday and I er "wlU resume her place as instruc
Sundav in Oreeon Citv I tor in the Eugene high school, and the
Dr. Waldo Adams, who has been at-1 later will attend the University.
tendiner a mioal pq11p?o iti Tiiinri I Mrs. Grafton B. Cheney, of San
was visiting Oregon City friends for j Francisco, who has been visiting for
several davs this week I Past three weeks with Mr. Cheney's
Mayor and Mrs. E. G. Caufield re I Parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Cheney,
turned Wednesday evening from Sea- I wl" leave ior ner nome Tiaay even-
side, where they had been spending I ng-
a few days in their cottage. I Mrs- M- A- Thomas and daughter,
Fred Meyers, cashier of the Com- I Miss Amy are visiting at the home of
mercial Bank, after a few days' outing Rev- and Mrs- E- s- Bollinger. Miss
near the headwaters of the Clacka- I Am? wU1 soon leave for Forest Grove,
maa river has rpfnmoii hnmo I wnere sne win attend racmc uni
Miss Grace Robinson, of Clackamas. I versity.
who has accepted a position with the Mlss Maribel Cheney left this week
West Side school, has taken up her fcr Corvallis to attend the Agricul-
residence on Seventh and Main streets. tural college. Miss Cheney, with her
Ralph Johnson left last week for mother, recently moved from Kalama
Troutdale. where he will loin a snr- Wash., to their place near Meldrum's
veying party of the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Johnson expects to be gone some
Mrs. George Marr, of Portland, vis
ited Miss Muriel Stevens this week.
Fred C. Charman, who had been
visiting with relatives for a week,
returned Saturday night to Oakland,
California, where he holds a clerical
Mrs. Marr formerly resided in this Position with the Southern Pacific
city where her husband was in hnsi- l company.
Misses Nellie M. and Mary Stevens,
of Portland, were in this city on busi
ness a few days ago. Miss Nellie has
Rev. P. K. Hammond left Tuesday
evening for Chicago, where he goes to
attend the consecration of the bishop-
elect, Rev. Charles Scadding. Rev.
accepted a position in the Oergon City I Hammolld wiI1 De absent from the
Rev. J. R. Landsborough will re
turn this week from North Dakota.
He will hold services in the Presby-
city about a month.
R. S. Warren, of Cleveland, Ohio, has
arrived in the city and is visiting his
brother C. A. Warren. Mr. Warren
a position with the Archer-Schatz drug
company, of Portland.
Mrs. Amanda Rinehart and Miss Pet
Chapman have returned to their home
in Seattle. They came here to attend
the funeral of the late Miss Emma
Hedges, who was a niece of the for
mer, and niece of the latter.
terian church Sunday morning and I wil1 remain in Oregon, havingaccepted
Miss Harriet M. Roman, of Mt. Pleas
ant, has gone to Conowingo, Maryland,
to visit her uncle, Dr. S. T. Roman.
Miss Roman expects to be gone several
Mr?. Matilda Ganong Miller has re
turned to this city from a two weeks'
stay at Collins. Mrs. Miller has again
resumed her work in the land office at
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McGlashan of
Watsonville, Cal., returned to their
home last week, after a few weeks
visit with the former's brother, J. A.
Miss Helen Gleason leaves next
week for Salem, where she is to teach
in the public schools. This is Miss
Gleason's second year in the schools
of that city.
Roy Sleight, Harry E. Hughes, Mar
shall Lazelle and Dave McMillan were
among those leaving for Corvallis Mon
day morning to attend the Agricul
tural college.
Leo Rosenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. Rosenstein, of this city, left Mon- '
day morning for the Agricultural Col
lege. He will this year graduate from 1
that institution. I
Miss Frances Myers has arrived
from Forest Grove, where she has
been spending the summer at her
home, to take up her work in the
Oregon City schools. j
Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Jones, after
a visit in Boise, Idaho, and Baker City, ,
Mrs. Chester Muir and children of
Neola, Iowa, who have been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank An
drews of Mt." Pleasant, and her sister,
Mrs. A. E. Frost, of this city, will
leave for her home next week.
Mrs. George C. Brownell, Mrs. R.
Moulton, Mrs. S. A, Finley and Miss
Eva Moulton formed a theatre party
Wednesday evening and attended the
opera, "Dorothy," by the Stewart Op
era company, at the Hellige in Port
land. Miss Rae Keck, of Ogden, Utah,
who was in this city for several weeks
visiting her sister, Mrs. B. T. McBain,
has returned to her home. She was
accompanied home by Mrs. McBain
and baby, who will remain for several
Miss Ara Foster, of Portland, was
in Oregon City on business Saturday.
Miss Ara is now stenographer in the
office of W. R. Mackenzie, treasurer
of the Portland Academy. Mrs. Fos
ter and her family recently moved to
Mrs. Leslie L. Porter and baby, who
had been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Spangler, at Corvallis for the
last two weeks, returned home Sun
day morning. Mrs. Porter's sister,
Miss Lulu Spangler, who accompanied
them home, will remain here for a few
weeks. -
Miss Amy Thomas, who had been the
guest of Miss Helen Bollinger tor the
last week, left Wednesday morning
for Forest Grove, where she will at
tend Pacific University. She was ac
companied by Miss Bollinger, who also
goes to resume her studies at that in
stitution. Mr. and Mrs. George Guild and baby,
who had been visiting Mrs. Guild's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Holden for the
last six weeks, left Sunday evening
for San Francisco, where they will re
main for a few days before embarking
on the steamer for their home in Hono
lulu. Before leaving for Honolulu Mr.
Guild took a trip on business East, re
turning last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nobel, of Sacra
mento, Calif., have returned to their
home, after a week's visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Nobel, of this city.
They were recently married and came
to Oregon on their honeymoon. Mr.
Noble is an employe of the Southern
Pacific company, being an engineer on
the division running from Sacramento
to Willows. He is a brother of Mr.
Nobel, of this city.
The Pair Store
Our new goods are arriving daily
from the great Eastern markets,
and are being opened and placed
on show as rapidly as possible.
They are beautiful and were
bought RIGHT, and everyone
Knows we will sell them at the