4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1906. ...Short Sidehead Stories... TERSELY-TOLD TALES OF THE WEEK'S DOlNpS--- - Confers With Marion So Ions The Clackamas County court went to Scott's Mills Tuesday to consult with the Marlon county court in re gard to the Scott's Mills bridge. Sues For Freedom Edwin H. Eves filed suit Monday for divorce from Grape E. Eves whom he married at "Vancouver, Wash., in Au gust, 1901. Desertion in 1905 is alleged. is composed of some of the best grange workers in the county, who are striving hard to make this fair a great success. Administrator Named George Derry has been appointed administrator of the estate of Chris Timm, deceased. The value of the property is $500. There are two heirs, the widow, Susie A. Timm, and a son, William. Takes Entire Output of Mill Linn Brothers, who operate a saw mill in the eastern part of the county, have closed a deal with Al Dindsey, whereby he takes the entire output of the mill. Lindsey has erected a dry shed in Estacada to store the lumber. Leases Shaver Farm W. W. Everhart, who had charge of the large farm of the late Sheriff John R. Shaver, while the latter of ficially served the people of Clacka-, mas county, has leased the property ! from the Shaver estate for a number of years. Meldrum's Station Afire The station at Meldrum, three miles north of Oregon City, was found to be on fire by the crew of the 9 o'clock car out of Portland, Thursday night of last week. The conductor and motorman extinguished the flames in short order. The origin of the flames is not known. Shirley Buck Resigns Deputy Sheriff Buck has resigned the chief deputyship in Sheriff Beatie's office. The resignation went into ef fect last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Buck will not move to Portland at present, but will as soon as they dispose of their property interests in Oregon City. part continues there will be rbut a small delinquent roll this year ' Attachment Suit W. A. Garner, in an attachment sui filed in the Circuit court, is seeking to recover from Joseph Costagnetto judg ment for $52 for boarding and feeding two horses belonging to the defendant. Become American Citizens The voting strength of Clackamas county was increased to the extent of two Saturday afternoon when final citizenship papers were granted Theo dore C. Deitze, of New Era, and Au gust Funk, of Redlands.' Both are of German descent. H. Opperman, of Oregon City, also declared his inten tion of becoming an American citizen. ing the Pacific Northwest; opening of rivers and harbors; the establish ment of a strong northwest press bu reau; securing by united action na tional conventions for all the cities of the northwest, which are large enough to entertain them; the placing of an immigration agent in Europe; securing of an appropriation by the legisla- I ture of each of the four states for the advertising of that state; the co-operation of the United States government for forest portection, including the pa- j trol of forests by United States saval ry troops, and urging of leading cities to hold annual expositions and fairs. " Foul Language Charged John Graf, of Portland, in a divorce suit filed here Tuesday, is charged by his wife, Mary E. Graf, with having called her numerous bad and disgust ing names in such a loud and boister ous tone of voice as to be heard by their neighbors. Mrs. Graf also com plains that her husband on several oc casions struck her . violently in the face, and alleges that for a .period of five years he was rarely" at home. They were married at Portland, April 1, 1880. Have Gone For Deer H. S. Moody, George Campbell and W. R. Logus left the first of the week on a fishing trip. They expect to get lots of game, as they will go up to the headwaters of the McKenzie river, where it is said all kinds of game abound. Spokanites Lease Factory Barnes & Lindsley of Spokane have leased the woodworking factory of the Estacada Wood Manufacturing com pany. E. L. Barnes will assume the management of the business and Perry Boultman will continue as foreman of the establishment. Feed Stable Sold On Tuesday morning George Brad ley bought the Hulbert Feed Stable on Main between Third and Fourth streets. The purchase price was $1600. Mr. Bradley a few days ago sold his property on Clackamas Heights, where he has been in the noultrv business, i He will take charge of his new posses- Miss clark Goes to Ho"olu sion immediately. Miss Addie Clark, of this city, ac- I companied by Mrs. Gloyd and daugh- Attachment Suit Filed ! ter, Miss Gloyd, of Portland, will leave B. F. linn, and J. A. Linn, partners on the 25th of October for Honolulu, under the firm name of Linn Bros., I where they will remain for four have filed an attachment suit in the ; months. They intended starting on TEACHERS DESERVE A GOOD SALARY Prices Reasonable LET US Do Your Work Work P""""" We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building nr121 Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Circuit court by their attorneys U'Ren & Schuebel, against the Estacada Wood Manufacturing company to re cover $783, alleged to be due for lum ber and paints furnished the defen dant corporation. Of the amount sought to be collected, $10 represents an assigned claim of The Standard Paint company. Grange Holds Fair The members of Maple Lane Grange, No. 296, are preparing for their sec ond annual fair, to be held at Maple Lane Hall, October 17th. This grange Busy With Taxes Sheriff Beatie and Deputy Baker are finding their hands busy receipting for taxes, the regular semi-annual rush on the part of the taxpayers to liqui date with the county being now on. All taxes that are not paid on or be fore Saturday evening, the 29th inst., become delinquent and will be liable to penalty and interest charges. Tax payers are very generally paying up, and if the present activity on their ing of lecturers in the east, advertis- October 5th. but owing to the wreck of the Mongolia a few weeks ago they will have to wait for the next steamer which leaves San Francisco on the 25th of October. Miss Clark was superin tendent of the city schools for two years, but declined re-election, as she intends spending the greater part of next year in traveling. She has a host of friends in this city who wish her a pleasant journey and a safe re turn. . Subjects For Spokane Talkfest The Pacific Northwest convention of commercial clubs will meet at Spo kane, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The delegates from the Oregon City Board of Trade have been named. Among the questions which have been suggested for discussion are the plac- KODAKS AND ALL THE NEW THINGS FROM THE KODAK CITY ft?v( if (From Milwaukie Bee.) We notice from a placard posted up in the post office that the Board of Directors wants a janitor. They didn't advertise it in the Bee, because that would have cost them 15 cents. Per haps, too, they didn't want to adver tise to the world that they had a forty dollar job that they wanted somebody to do for twenty-five dollars. We have a very economical Board of Directors. If we were swearing men we would say too d d economical. We pay more money to a man to set type for us than the district pays to the man who should take the lead in moulding the characters of the children of the community. For instance: We had a fine teacher here three years ago, Prof. L. A. Read. His home was here. His interests were here. He was a good man and he was a good teacher and so -far as we have heard there were no complaints aainst him, yet they let a little backwoods town like Parkplace take him away from us because they were willing to pay him something like what his services were worth. We know nothing about the present principal of our schools. We trust we have a good man, but we will venture this assertion, that if he is worth anything at all he will not stay here two years, for some little country school like Concord or Wills burg will offer him ten dollars a month more than he is getting here and Mil waukie will let him go, and put up with a cheaper grade. We will see what we will see. NIGHTS OF UNREST. No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for the Sufferer from Kidney Troubles. No peace for the kidney sufferer Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back, Twinges of backache bother you all day, Dull aching breaks your rest at night Urinary disorders add to your misery. Get at the cause cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure. They're for the kidneys only Have made great cures in Oregon City. E. Warner, living in Elyville Village, near Oregon City, Ore., says: "I had kidney trouble until it ran into dia betes. I had backache day and night and had to get up nearly every hour of the night to urinate. I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Huntley Bros drug Store in Oregon City. In about a week after commencing to take the pills I could sleep the entire night without unusual disturbance. All pain and other annoying symptoms had ceased and I stopped taking the Pills. I had a slight recurrence of the trouble after a few weeks, but on using Doan's Kidney Pills again, the relief was immediate." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other.. i A HEALTHY OLD AGE OFTEN THE BEST PART OF LIFE Help for Women Passing Change of Life Through Providence has allotted us each at least seventy years in which, to fulfill our mission in life, and it is generally Dur own fault if we die prematurely. AfrsAfarytfoehn e W. S. EDDY, V,S., M.D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto. Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Main 1311 C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money Foreclose Mortgage, and Trans act General Law Business. W. S. U'Ren C. Schuebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attodneys at Law. Nervous exhaustion invites disease, rhis statement is the positive truth. When everything becomes a burden and yon cannot walk a few blocks with out excessive fatigue, and you break out into perspiration easily, and your face flushes, and yon grow excited and shaky at the least provocation, and vou cannot bear to be crossed in any thing, you are in danger ; your nerves have given out ; yon need building up it once 1 To build np woman's nerv ous system and during the period of :hange of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkhazn's Veg etable Compound. Here is an illus tration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371 j Garfield Avenue, Chicago, lll.writes : I will practice in all courts of the state x nave usuu ajjum xu. x ulilliilui m v egcuturo j Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Compound for years in my family and it 1 never disappoints; bo waen 1 reir mat 1 waa earing the change of life I commenced treat ment with it. I took in all about six bottles and it did me a great deal of good. It stopped my dizzy spells, pains in my back and the headaches with which I had suffered for months before taking the Compound. I feel that if it had not been for this great medicine for women that I should not have been alive to-day. It is splendid for women.old or young, and will surely cure all female disorder. n i Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn. Mass., in vites all sick and ailing women to write her for advice. Her great experience is at their service, free of co6t. Office in Caufield Building. JJLVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak System any one may take and finish pictures. It's daylight all Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00 Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $J 05.00. Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00 Burmeister & Andresen Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers For The Public Good. An independent and ably edited newspaper which commands a great circulation is probably the most potent influence for good in the United States today. The power for the better things in public affairs and policies, for instance, which is wielded by such a newspaper as The Chicago-Record-Her ald can scarcely be exagerated, and much of that strength - comes in the case of this leading Chicago daily from the fact that it is absolutely independ ent, fearless and fair. It is not the mouthpiece of any interest except that of the public. The Record-Herald champions the cause of the good, the clean, the beneficial in every matter j of city, state or national moment. It is the knowledge on the part of Its read ers that it cares not whom it hits or what enemies it makes, so long as it is battling for the welfare of the com munity, which gives the Record-Herald much of the influence it enjoys. It gives in its news columns of the most complete and impartial reports of political events, another evidence of its splendid news service. Effective Size Reducer. A story is told of an Arkansas man who was out hunting one day last spring and was caught out in a rain. He looked around for a shelter, but could find none except a hollow log. He looked around for a shelter, but but managed to get in and found it a good retreat. When the rain was over and he attempted to "crawfish" out he found that the ram had swollen the timber until it was impossible for him to get out of the log. Finally he began to think of all the little things he had done, but all to no pur pose. He thought of cheating a poor widow out of her only cow, and thought of turning his hogs into his neighbor's corn field, but none of these made him feel small enough to effect his re lease. At last he thought of having refused to pay for the four years sub scription he owed for his local paper, on the grounds that he "didn't sub scribe for but one year," and he came out with ease. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. O. W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosure Abstracts of Title and General Law Business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, ----- Oregon. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. NOTHING SUCCEEDS CESS. LIKE SUC Huntley Bros. Tell of the Remarkable Success. of Pepsikola Tablets In Re lieving Indigestion. 1 There's nothing so good for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. Cures it in a few hours. Relieves any I health than anything you ever heard After selling all kinds of remedies for dyspepsia and indigestion we can truthfully say that we never knew anything to give such universal satis faction as Pepsikola Tablets. , They not only aid digestion but they act as a grand nerve tonic as well. Many Oregon City people who have not en Joyed a good meal for "years now say that after using one or two 25 cent boxes of these little tabjets they feel as if they could eat a horse and digest it too. Huntley Bros, have been rec ommending this grand dyspepsia rem edy for nearly two years now and from actual experience knows there -is no other , remedy so sure to relieve sour stomach, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, palpitation, sleepless ness, wind belching and other dis tressing symptoms of Indigestion. -And Pepsikola Tablets must cure you or there Is nothing to pay. They will re new your energy,' steady your nerves,! regulate the action of your heart, Im prove your appetite, 'J put. new life In your stomach, and will ' do more to tone up and improve your general ROBERT A. MILLER ATTO R N E Y-AT-L AW. Practice In all courts of the State, Federal and United States Supreme Courts. Room 306 Commercial Building, Portland, Oregon. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We Invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. JOHN YOUNGER, Seventh Street, near Depot. FORTY TEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. C.N. nan. PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city RATES REASONABLE 1 1 pain in any part. of. PILES W supposltorg 7 D. Matt. Thompson, Sap l Graded SehaoU, 8tatsrlJI, H. C, vritw: I tu u; i bey do all yoa claim for tbem." Dr. 8. M. Dcrora, Rftven Book, W. T.t writes f " Thry glva universal aaiU faet&on." Dr. H. D. XeOlU. Clarfcaburg, Tens., write : "In a praetloo of 3S yeara, I hare fonod bo remedy to eqaal yoara." Pbicb, AO Cum. Sample Fra. fioM by DrnRgiaf. 'mmT,rt tUPY, tWCTCW, . Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Call tor Free Sample, , . .. .