2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1906. SNAPSHOT OF " JACKKNIPC RIDGE Photographer Joins Surveyor Hun gate's County Line Locat ing Expedition. Molalla, Sept. 19. County Surveyor S. A. D. Hungate goes to look after the county's- southern boundary line this week. It is reported that the line will be a very steep one on Jack knife Ridge, therefore Frank C. Perry, our photographer,- ia going along to take a snap shot at the location of the "line" before it slides off the Ridge. Joe Harless will accompany the party and further advise us to the progress made. - " Most beautiful weather again after last week's dampness. Hopmen are anxious fearing that mold will set in. It ia already reported in places. . Anthony- Moore & Bros, got their hops all in before the heavy rain and of course feel O K over it. Clover hulling (not baling) will be finished up this week in the Molalla country as the crew expect to start up again this Monday afternoon. Dr. Leavitt is packing up, prepara tory to moving to Portland October first. Several of our people returned from the state fair in the down-pour of moisture, looking like they had been out in the wet for several days. They report as having seen a splendid ex hibit Guy Dibble is at his mountain home getting out posts, preparatory to build ing a lot of wire fence, having lost 2000 rails by fire. The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strong est animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thou sands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Steph ens, of Port Williams, O., has learn ed how to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. O, it's grand for throat and lung trouble." Guaran teed by Howell & Jones, druggists. Price 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free 1 I The Doctors Send You to Howell & Jones drug store to get your prescrip tions filled, because they know you will get them filled there just as they are written and just as the doctor wants them filled. Their twenty years experience in compounding prescriptions well qualifies them for this work. . Get ting your prescription filled by Howell & Jones means carrying out the doctor's wish to the letter and the best service there costs you no more than the next best elsewhere. I Paints, Oils and Glass are being sold by this drug firm at prices never so low in Oregon City. They just furnished to the county over one ton of lead and four barrels of oil for the work of painting the suspension bridge. HOWELL & JONES The Reliable Druggists Chambers Howell OregOFI City' LinB Jones EAGLE CREEK A quiet, but pretty wedding was sol emnized at the residence of the bride's parents at Stevenson, Wash., Septem ber 4, 1906, the contracting parties being Miss Emma, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sweeney, and Albert L. Douglass, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Douglass of this place. The bride was tastefully dressed in white silk, trimmed with French val enceinnes lace and insertion, while the groom wore the customary black. Only the immediate family was present to witness the ceremony. The bridal couple left for a short trip to the coast, stopping for a short stay at Eagle Creek, the boyhood home of the groom. The following Monday evening they were greeted with ajjoncert such as would cause the most fastidious, discord loving, Chinese delight in the DATES OF COMING EVENTS AT MOLALLA Molalla. Sept. 19. Some of the events that are scheduled to take place in October; Molallaites will take notice : First, regular October meeting of Molalla Grange No. 310, Saturday, 6th. Second, October meeting of Clacka mas county district Pomona grange, Wednesday, October 10th, meets with No. 40 at Mulino. Third, second annual grange fair at Molalla, October 12th and 13th. Fourth, Grange fair at Maple Lane Grange, October 17, one week after Pomona. Fifth, John Shaver estate sale, Oc- snap of a medley composed of cow- ( tober 18th, next day after Maple Lane bells, tin cans, and old saws plenti-: Fair. fully punctuated by dynamite and firing of guns and other noises that can only be invented by a crowd who undertake to thus express their good will. They were invited into the house where they were liberally treated to candy and nuts' which were washed down with all varieties of drinks soft and otherwise. After an hour spent in social conversation and congratula tions, the room was cleared and the Starving to Death. Because her stomach was so weak ened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Clair St., Columbus, O., was lit erally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from use lesse drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not crowd tripped the light fantastic until 1 sleep ; and not before I was given up General Robert E. Lee was the greatest General the world, has ever known. Ballard's Snow Lini ment is the greatest Liniment. Quick ly cures all pains. It is within the reach of all. T. H. Pointer, Hemp stead, Texas, writes: "This is to cer tify that Ballard's Snow Liniment has been used in my household for years and has been found to be an excellent Liniment for Rheumatic pains. I am never without it." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. SUMMONS. a late hour. A very enjoyable even ing was spent by those who were present and for an impromptu affair It was voted a decided success. We heartily wish Bert and Emma many long days of happiness and pros perity, and may their clouds be few, and those few silver lined ; their storms but April showers. Their future home will be in Stevenson, where Mr. Doug lass has a profitable business. Pain From a Burn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful result that improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaranteen by Howell & Jones, druggists. 100 Year Old Hoppickers. About 90 per cent of pickers in the Lake Hill Hop Ranch, owned by J. F. Groves, are Indians, and among them are some extremely aged men and women, says the Independence Enterprise. Mr. Groves says he has A little child of Michael Strauss, of two Pikers who are past the century Vernon, Conn., was recently in great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applications only increased the Inflammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: "I advised him to use Chamberlain't Pain Balm, and the first application drew out the inflammation and gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself and recom mend it very often for cuts, burns, strains, and lame back, and have never known it to disappoint." For sale by Howell & Jones. ' mark, one being 105 years old and the other 112. The latter is a Grand Ronde and was born in the Oregon country j Date of first publication hereof Is and has spent his entire life on this September 21, 1906. coast, with the exception of the time ' JOHNSON & VAN ZANTE, he was with the United States army Attorneys for Plaintiff, 505 Commer during the Mexican war. cial Bldg., Portland. Ore. 41t7 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Frank J. Kerr, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret Kerr, Defendant. To Margaret Kerr, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Sled against yon in the above entitled court and cause on or before Saturday, Novem ber 3d, 1906, said date being six (6) weeks from and after the first publi cation of this summons, and if you fail so to appear or answer, the plain- j tiff will take default against you and apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint herein, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plain tiff and defendant, and granting plain tiff an absolute divorce on the grounds of desertion, and for such other re lief as may be equitable in the prem ises. This summons is served upon you by publication for six (6) successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, by order of Hon. Grant B. Dimick, judge of the county court of the coun ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, which order is made and entered on the 19th day of September, 1906. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Oregon Patents. Following patents were granted Ore gon, inventors last week: Julius W. Humphrey, Woodburn, fence or dike; Benjamin F. Rodes, Echo, tool-holder. For improvement of Sixth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line of Main Street and from the" East line of Main street to the stone wall " of the Oregon and California Rail road Company on Railroad Avenue. Notice is hereby given that the Coun cil of Oregon City, Oregon, at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, September 15, 1906, declared an assess ment "by Ordinance No. 361, for the im provement of Sixth street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water street to the West line of Main street and from the East line of Main street j to the stone wail of the Oregon & Cal I ifornla Railroad Company on Railroad ( Avenue, in manner provided by Ordi I nance 349, upon each lot. parts of lots I and tracts of land, benefitted by said j street improvement, to be as follows, j viz : Lot 1. Block 4, the following des cribed portion thereof: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1, running thence South erly along Main Street 25.5 feet; thence at right angles westerly paral lel to Sixth Street 106 feet; thence Northerly parallel to Main Street 25.5 feet to Sixth Street; thence to place of beginning, Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M $49.74 Lot 1, Block 4, the following describ ed portion thereof: Beginning on Main street 25.5 feet Southerly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence Southerly along Main street 43.7 feet; thence Westerly between Lots 1 and 2, 105 feet, thence North erly between Lots' 1 and 8, 43.7 feet; thence 105 feet to place of beginning; A. H. Schram"trustee $49.65 Lot 2, Block 4, the Northerly, one- half thereof; E. D. Kelly $22.42 Lot 7, Block 4, the Northerly one half thereof; Heirs at law of C. W. Pope : ....$22.42 Lot 8, Block 4, A. H. Schram, trus tee .: $98.43 Lot 2, Block 5; Louis Jagger and H. C. Stevens $4.65 Lots 3 and 4, Block 5; The Bank of The children's friend Jaync3 Tonic Vermifuge Drives out blood impurities.- Makes strong nerves and muscles. tone, vitality and sna t it from your druggist 'Lmi OUt Oregon City ...$116.68 Lot 5, Block 5; Heirs at law of John Welch ; $84.93 Lot 6, Block 5; Estate of V. O. Harding ...$36.40 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning at the most Southerly-corner of Block 25, thence Westerly along Sixth street 20.71 feet; thence Northerly parallel to Main Street 75.07 feet; 'thence Easterly to the middle point on the Easterly end of Block 25 thence Southerly on the Easterly line of Block 25, 72.54 feet to the place of beginning; Oregon & California Railroad Company. .$22.23 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning at the most west erly corner of Block 25, t-hence along Main street Northerly 87.11 feet; thence at right angles to Iain street 190 feet; thence parallel to Main Street 36.08 feet to Sixth Street; thence along Sixth Street 196.73 feet to the place of, beginning; H. C. Stevens $104.37 .The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning on Main Street 87.11 feet Northerly from the most Westerly corner of Block 25 thence at right angles to Main Street East erly 105 feet; thence Northerly par allel with Main: Street 27.62 feet; thence Westerly by right line to a point on the Easterly line t. of Main street 13.64 feet from the place of be ginning ; thence southerly along. Main street 13.64 feet to the place of be ginning; Lizzie C. Howell, W. H. How ell and Mary E. Stevens $27.78 The following described portion of Block 25 : Beginning on the line be- j tween Lots 2 and 7, in Block 25, 20.76 j feet Southerly from the most Easter-1 ly corner of Lot 7; thence Southerly j on line between Lots . 2 and 7, 27.62 j feet;' thence at right angles Easterly i 45 feet; thence at right angles North erly 33.61 feet; thence by right line Westerly to the place of beginning; First Methodist Episcopal church of Oregon City $17.66 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning at the most West erly corner of a tract of land convey ed to John Welch by deed recorded on page 314 of Book "V" Record of Deeds for Clackamas county, Oregon; .thence Northerly parallel " with Main Street 33.61 feet to the middle line of Block 25; thence Easterly on middle line of said block 40.36 feet; therfe Southerly j parallel to Main Street 39 feet; thence j at right angles to last line Westerly j 40 feet to the place of beginning; Heirs at law of John Welch $18.62 Lot 1, Block 26, the following des-j cribed portion thereof: Beginning ' at the most Easter ly corner of said Lot 1, thence West erly along Sixth Street 67.67 feet; thence at right angles to Sixth Street Southerly 69.2 feet; thence Easterly parallel with Sixth Street 67.67 feet; thence Northerly parallel with Main Street 69.2 feet to the place of begin ning; Jane Eudy $50.09 The following" described portion of. Block 26; Beginning at t;he most North.-? erly corner of Lot 1, Block 26, thence Southerly at right angles to Sixth Street, 69.2 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with Sixth Street 37.33 feet; thence Northerly and parallel with Main Street 69.2 feet; thence West erly to the place of beginning; Salva tion Army: Df Clackamas County, Or egon i..... $27.63 I Lot 2, Block 26, the Northerly one half thereof, Frank Jagger. Louis Jag ger. and the estate of Benjamin Jag ger $17.66 Lot 7, Block 26, the Northerly one half thereof, Frank Jagger, Louis Jag--ger and the estate of Benjamin Jag ger $17.66 Lot 8, Block 26, Dresden Invest ment, company $77.72 A statement of the aforesaid assess ment has been entered in the docket of City Liens, and is now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer of Oregon City, Oregon, in lawful money of the United States, and if not paid within twenty (20) days from the first publication of this notice, such proceed ings will be taken for the collection of the same as are provided by the Char ter of Oregon City. The above assessment will bear in terest twenty (20) days after the first publication of this notice. This notice is published by order of the Council of Oregon City, made at a special meeting of said Council, held Saturday, September 15th, 1906. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice Friday, September 21st, 1906. 41t2 KILLthe COUGH and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's Ngiv Discovery TnncinuoTiniu FOR I OUGHSand ISOLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and fctuickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Trtitns About Artificial Teeth : . - . i The great majority of dentists represent to their patients that a rubber plate with fourteen teeth set in a half circle is just as good as anything else for a set of artificial teeth. Some make such representations knowing them to be false, others because they know no better. The responsibility for this condition rests with the dental profession. A great many people would not accept a rubber or celluloid plate if they only understood the superiority of a metal plate in cleanliness, health fulness and durability. We would like to talk with you about metal ' plates for artificial teeth. Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry. We guarantee to please you. A square deal to everyone. City Phone J293 Farmers' Independent Phone 131 L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON.