Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 14, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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of Woodburn, $35; Dr. W. H. Byrd,
Salem,-$200; Salem Hospital, $22.16;
Drs. Sommer and Mount, Oregon City,
Do Your Work
.Short Sidehead Stories.
Prices Reasonable
Work Guaranteed
Buys Grocery Store
T. B. Hayhurst, a former Oregon
City boy, but who has been located at
Portland the last year, has purchas
ed the D. L. Wolverton grocery store
formerly conducted by D. M. Klemsen
and now stationed in the Schramm
property near the postoffice.
Had Severe Fall
While assisting in the remodeling of
the Masonic building Saturday morn'
ing, a carpenter named Colvin, fell
from a scaffolding, and sustained se
rious injuries. Besides a severe scalp
wound, two ribs were broken in the
fall, while for a time the man appear
ed to be seriously injured internally.
He is slowly recovering.
To Theological Seminary
William Hammond, who has been
spending the summer with his par
ents. Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond,
in this city, left Wednesday for New
York City to attend the General Theo
logical Seminary, which will open on
the 19th inst. In a two years' at
tendance at this institution, Mr. Ham
mond will complete his theological
Clackamas at the Fail'
In addition to sending a large dele
gation of its citizens, Clackamas coun
ty is ,this year as usual, materially
contributing to the success of the an
nual State Fair by entering consid
erable livestock and farm products
in competition for the prizes that are
offered. Among the exhibitors from
this county are Schmidt Bros., of
Carus, who have forwarded st carload
of their fine cattle, including 25 head
of sheep and a 2500-pound short horn
bull. George Lazelle, of New Era,
a prominent breeder of blooded stock,
has also sent a carload of his choicest
prize-winners. These exhibits are ex
clusive of the smaller entries that have
been made by citizens of this county.
Returns to College
Kenneth Latourette, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Latourette, who leaves on
the 19th for the East where he will
again attend Yale, conducted the morn
ing services at the First Presbyterian
church Sunday. The pastor, Rev. J.
Robert Landsborough. who has been
spending his vacation in the Dakotas,
is expected to return in time to re
sume his services Sunday.
Schilling Wants An Inning
Charging his former wife with mak
ing a fraudulent affidavit as to his
whereabouts at the time, FV W. Schil
ling has filed a suit in the Circuit
Court asking that the decree of the
court, by which Verna Schilling was
granted a divorce last June, be va
cated and set aside. Schilling repre-
But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
"When my boy was two years old
he had a very severe attack of bowel
complaint, but by the use of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh
oea Remedy we brought him out all
right," says Maggie Hickox, of Mid
land, Mich. This remedy can be de
pended upon in the most severe cases.
Even cholera infantum is cured by
it. Follow the plain printed direc
tions and a cure is certain. For sale
by Howell & Jones.
Look Up Your Marriage Certificate
And See if You are Legally
Oregon City Sportsmen Favor Game
Warden Appointed by Each
County Court.
Pot hunters of Clackamas county
sents that the wife made affidavit that J were out in force in violation of the
he was out of the state, and claims ; game laws yesterday and the popping
that he never learned of the suit, I of guns was heard all around the sub
otherwise he would have made a de-1 urbs of Oregon City, reported the Jour
fense to the suit. Schilling claims nal correspondent Monday. The open
Will Hold Fire Drills
Fire Chief McFarland has decided
to hold a number of drills for the im
provement of the volunteer fire de
partment service. The first of these
drills will be held this evening and
will be . participated in by the three
down-town companies, the Cataracts,
Fountains and Columbia Hook & Lad
der company. The purpose of these
drills will be to better acquaint the
members of the different companies
with the equipment of their respec
tive flre-fighting apparatus and to fa
cilitate the work of the department in
fighting fire.
that instead of being out of the state,
he was located at Ashland all the time.
season for upland birds does not com
mence until October 1, though ducks,
The plaintiff in the present suit is . geese and swan may be hunted be-
represented by J. B. Ryan, of Portland,
and Hedges & Griffith of this city.
Court Pays Share
Before adjourning Friday, the Coun
ty Court audited bills to the amount of
$178.58 in one-half payment of claims
presented to the estate of the late
Sheriff John R. Shaver, who was killed
while attempting the arrest of Smith,
the desperado, at Woodburn, last
April. These claims were for medical
attendance and hospital fees exclu
sively and from the fact that the Sher
iff lost his life while acting in an of
ficial capacity the court considered
that it was only right that it should
share in the payment of these bills.
Warrants were therefore ordered
drawn in payment of one-half of the
following amounts, which were the
bills as presented: Dr. Neil A. O'Leary
tween September 1 and February 1. It
is not known whether or not hunters
are ignorant of the game laws, but it
is presumed that the local nimrods
have been misinformed. The only
exception to the general law is in
Wasco coupty, where prairie chicken
and quail may be hunted from August
1 to October 15.
There is 'a growing sentiment in
this county among the sportsmen for
an amendment to the game laws of
the state, providing for the appoint
ment of a game warden for each coun
ty. This official should be named by
the county court. Attorney John F.
Clark, who is one of the most ardent
of the local sports, says that the con
trol of the whole state by one game
warden through numerous deputies
had not been practicable, and that he
favored remedial steps taken by the
next legislature.
If you are not positive that you have
been legally married, Clackamas coun
ty's married population had best con
sult their marriage certificates and
see to it that the proper returns are
made to the County Clerk's office.
The further the investigation of mar
riage records of this county is carried,
the more careless, and negligent ap
pear the officiating magistrate or
clergyman .to have been in making out
the proper certificate and returning
the same to the office of the County
Clerk as is by law required. Deputy
County Clerk Sleight has just com
pleted an examination of the marriage
records of the county for -the last 14
years, and finds that in that length of
time 108 licenses to wed have been is-
rsued in this county on which the prop
er returns have not been made. Prior
to 1892 there was not kept the com
plete record of marriages that is now
required. Before the present record
ing system was adopted, only the cer
tificates of the marriage were pre
served for record so that it is im
possible to ascertain how many li
censes were issued previous to the
date given on which the returns were
not made.
During the last few years there
were issued several licenses of this
character to people well known in
this city and county, on which the
proper returns have never been made
by the officiating clergyman. Among
such are the following: Jessie Hoover
and Frank Nehren, issued February
23, 1901; Julia E. Mitts and J. A. Noe,
March 15, 1901, and Hattie L. Taylor
and Marion P. White, June 29, 1901.
The Justice of the Peace or minis
ter performing marriage ceremonies
is liable to a fine for failing to prompt
ly return the certificates to the Coun
ty Clerk's office. The statute pro
vides a fine of not less than $10 nor
more than $50 for each five days after
the 30 days following the marriage
in which he is required to return the
certificate, that he neglects or refuses
to make the return. Since there are
a number of instances in which the
certificates of marriages performed
ten or a dozen years ago have not yet
been returned, several careless min
isters and justices of the peace are
liable to heavy fines.
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building .
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Telephone? Office 1121
Residence 1833
Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound in the
Case of Mrs. Fannie D. Fox.
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the conquering' of woman's dread en
emy, Tumor.
' The growth of a tumor is so sly that
frequently its presence is not suspected
until it is far advanced.
69-ttfrjt Fannie D.fbx s
So-called "wandering' pains" may
come from its early stages, or the
presence of danger may be made mani
fest by profuse monthly period s, accom
panied by unusual pain, from the
abdomen through the groin and thighs.
If you have mysterious pains, if there
are indications of inflammation or dis
placement, secure a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound right
away and begin its use.
Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., will
give you her advice if you will write
her about yourself. She is the daughter-in-law
of Lydia E. Pinkham and
for twenty-five years has been advising
sick women free of charge.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the success I have had with your wonderful
medicine. Eighteen months ago my periods
topped. Shortly after I felt so badly that
I submitted to a thorough examination by a
physician and was told that I had a tumor
and would have to undergo an operation.
" Soon after I read one of your advertise
ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. After
taking five bottles as directed the tumor is
entirely gone. I have been examined by a
physician and he says I have no signs of a
tumor now. It has also brought my periods
around once more, and I am entirely
well." Fannie X. Fox, 7 Chestnut Street,
Braoiora, r.
W. S. EDDY, V. S.f M. D. V.
1 Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 13a Main 1311
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money
Foreclose Mortgage, and Trans- ...
act General Law Business.
W. S. U'Ren
C. Schuebel
Attodneys at Law.
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements of estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend yon
money on first mortgage.
Office In Enterprise Building."
Oregon City, Oregon.
Oregon City, - Oregon.
'Will practice in all courts of the state
j Office In Caufield Building.
. Justice of the Peace.
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
Oregon City Women are Finding Re
lief at Last.
Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak
System any one may take and iinish pictures. It's daylight all
Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00
Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00.
Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00
Burmeister & Andresen
Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City JcwclcfS
It does seem that women have more
than a fair share of the aches and
pains that afflict humanity; they
must "keep up," must , attend to du
ties in spite of constantly aching
backs, or headaches, dizzy spells
bearing down pains; they must stoop
over, when to stoop means torture
They must walk and bend and work
with racking -pains and many aches
from kidney ills. Kidneys cause more
suffering than any other organ of the
body. Keep the kidneys well and
health is easily maintained. Read of
a remedy for kidneys only that helps
and cures the kidneys and Is endorsed
by people you know.
Mrs. E. Matchett, of ElyvIIle, near
Oregon City, Oregon, says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills relieved me of so much
misery and backache that I take
pleasure in recommending them to
others. I had backache so bad that I
could not stoop or straighten np with
out suffering severely. At times de-
pressing headaches and annoyances
from the kidney secretions bothered
me. I procured Doan's Kidney Pills
at Huntley Bros. drug store, and ob
tained relief from the Erst few doses
and in a short time not an ache or
other symptom remained. Doan's
Kidney Pills are the best remedy of
the kind I ever used, and I wish every
sufferer from kidney complaint or
backache could know of them."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agemts for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
All 1905 taxes not paid by the ev
ening of September 29 will become
i delinquent.
All 1905 taxes one-half of which
have not been paid now have 16 per
J cent ' penalty and interest added to
Call at office or write for a state
ment of your taxes and same will be
promptly furnished you.
38t2 Sheriff and tax Collector.
Slightly Damaged Relics Will Be Pre
served by Masonic
The improvements that are being
made to the Masonic building neces
sitated the removal of the corner-stone
and in so doing the relic-box was also
taken out. This receptacle for curios
was found to be in a damaged state,
the top of the box having collapsed,
while the contents were more or less
damaged by being water-soaked. The
relics, which included a copy of the
proceedings of the grand lodge, coins,
currency, newspapers, etc., will be pre
served by the lodge.
This building was erected in 1885,
the corner-stone having been laid June
16, of that year, by Multnomah Lodge
No. 1, A. F. & A. M., of this city, the
oldest Masonic lodge on the Pacific
Collections, Mortgage - Foreclosures,
Abstracts of Title and General Law
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Oregon City, - - . - - - Oregon.
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
Practice in all courts of the state.
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 306 Commercial Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Huntley Bros. Tell of the Remarkabl
Success of Pepsikola Tablets in Re
lieving Indigestion.
First Phonetic Newspaper.
Beginning September 3, the Wor
cester (Mass.) Telegram adopted the
simplified spelling rules on the
After selling all kinds of remedies
for dyspepsia and indigestion we can
truthfully say that we never knew
anything to give such universal satis
faction as Pepsikola Tablets. They
not only aid digestion but they act
as a grand nerve tonic as well. Many
Oregon City people who have not en
joyed a good meal for years now say
that after using one or two 25 cent
boxes of these little tablets they feel
as if they could eat a horse and digest
it too. Huntley Bros, have been rec
ommending this grand dyspepsia rem
edy for nearly two years now and from
actual experience knows there is no
other remedy so sure to relieve sour
stomach, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, palpitation, sleepless
ness, wind belching and other dis
tressing symptoms of indigestion. And
Pepsikola Tablets must cure you or
there is nothing to pay. They will re
new your energy, steady your nerves,
regulate the action of your heart, im
prove your appetite, put new life in
your stomach, and will do more to
tone up and improve your general
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands in Clackamas County, have
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg..
Money to loan on Clackamas County
Seventh Street, near Depot.
Ureat Britain and America.
C. N. Ciairaii,
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city
strength of President Roosevelt's of-1 health than anything yoi ever heard
ficial indorsement. of.
A cure guaranteed IX yoa w "
PILES suppository
D HMtt. Thompson, Bap'i
Graded School, Statwille. K. C, write: "I can say
they do all job claim for them.' Dr. S. If. Deror,
Raven Rock, W. V., writes ? They giro universal satis
faction." Dr. H. . He QUI, Clarksburg, Tcnn., write:
"In praetic of IS Tears, I have found bo remedy- to
equal Youra." Paica. 60 Curt. Samples Fro. Bold
byPraggUta. 'MAmrtH WUOY, UNCMTtW, p.
Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
Call for Free Sample.