St OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1906. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL NEWS IOTH AND MAIN STS. JOTH AND MAIN STS. Miss Chase' Linen Shower. The lady friends of Miss Sade Chase tendered her a "linen shower" at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gilbert L. Hedges, Saturday afternoon. Many beantiful and useful . linen articles were received by Miss Chase. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in "500" in which Miss Cis Barclay Pratt captured the first prize and the con isolation prize was awarded to Miss Martha Frances Draper. The score cards were appropriate for the occa sion being heart-shaped and decorat ed with hand-painted cupids. Those present were: Mesdames William Lewthwaite, E. E. Brodie, Nelson Wis- ner, Nelson Lawrence, L. L. Pickens, C. G. Huntley, R. McAlpin, F. T. Grif fith S. Dillman, G. L. Hedges; Miss Caufield, Miss Pratt. Miss Draper, Misses Cochran, Misses Lewthwaite. Miss Finley, Miss Chase, Miss Pope, Miss Stone, and Miss Walden. Miss Chase's marriage to Mr. Ar thur Howland, of Grants Pass, will take place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Chase, next Wednesday, September 12th. Saturday evening a number of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Eli C. Maddock asembled at their home on North Main street and ten dered them a farewell. The evening was delightfully occupied in a social way and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Maddock are arranging this week for their removal to Hep pner, where they will assume the man agement of the hotel, formerly con ducted by Phil Metschan, Jr., of Port- Several members of the Clackamas County German Society were the guests Sunday of the Germans at Portland at a picnic that was held at Rhoses' Park at Fulton. Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith was host ess for the Alaoh club which was hap pily entertained at her home Thurs day afternoon. The Gypsies were entertained Thursday evening by the Misses Daul ton at their home. Mrs. Bert Roake is visiting in Se attle. G. B. Dimick spent Monday at Mon mouth. Roy Grace is slowly recovering from his illness. Trafton. Dye has returned from an outing at Mount Hood. Miss Clara Miller has recovered from her serious ijlness. Hon. Hans Paulsen, of George, who was in the city Wednesday. John Rich, a sawmill man from Wjh hoit, was ia. the city Saturday. Mrs. L. L. Porter has gone to Cor vallis for a visit with relatives. Miss "Vera Hedges, of Olympia, Wn., Is visiting "relatives in this city. Robert Kelland and family have re moved from this city to Sellwood. Miss Helen Sauerman, of Califor nia, is visiting friends in this city. Dr. H. A. Dedman, of Canby, was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Miss Edna Park has been confined to her home the past week by illness. Miss Gertrude Mayo, of th,is city, is visiting with friends at McMinnville. Miss Satie Sullivan has returned to Mt. Angel College to resume her stud ies. Mrs. J. P. Keating and son Rodney, returned from Seaside Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Wayne Howard has returned from an outing spent at Government Camp. Wm. Rakel has returned from a six weeks' vacation in the state of Wash ington. - Mayor and Mrs. E. G. Caufield have returned from a few days' recreation at Seaside. Mrs. G. W. Grace has returned from Seattle, where she has been visiting with friends. Mrs. Kidder, of . Crook county, is visiting on the Kidder farm, near Oregon City. R. M. Nims, of the Vancouver Col umbian, was visiting old Oregon City friends, Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Shirley Buck were the guests 'of friends at Hubbard Sunday. Geo. Howell, of Portland, was vis iting his brother, W. H. Howell, of this city, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reckner are spend ing a few days at Marshfield and other Coos county points. .. . . Mrs. Sarah -Paquet, of Portland, spent Monday in this city, the guest of Mrs. C. C. Babcock. County Judge and Mrs. Grant B. Dimick and J. A. Cain were visitors to Hubbard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner have returned from a several weeks' so journ at Cannon Beach. T. G, Jonsrud, justice of the peace, at Kelso, eastern Clackamas county, was in the city Friday. " Mrs. J. G. Bonnett, of Milwaukie, was this week the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. T. L. Charman. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brodie have re turned from Welches' near Mt. Hood, where they spent a week. Mrs. M. R. Foster and daughter Miss Ara, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Knappa, Oregon. Miss Esther B. Holden has gone to Mt "Vernon, Washington, where she will teach school this winter. Councilman A. Knapp returned Wed nesday from a trip to the Crown Boy's mining propeVty on Blue river. Miss Mary Belle Meldrum leaves next week for Boise, Idaho, where she will attend the University. Mrs. Harry M. Shaw and daughter, Gwendoline, were guests of Portland friends, Monday and Tuesday. C. W. Kelly, who , with his family moved to Portland recently, have moved back to this city again. Chas. Albright and family returned Saturday evening from a week's so journ at the Ogle creek mines. Mrs. L. L. Pickens and Mrs. J. P, Shaw left Monday morning for Sea side to remain for several weeks. William Lewthwaite has purchased the Heinz place on the West Side and will take possession in a few days Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huntley have returned from Government Camp and are spending a few days at Astoria. W. J. Gordon and family have re moved into the Chase property, cor ner of Seventh and Water streets, Mrs. N. W. Walden and daughter, Miss Antoinette Walden, have gone to Bonneville, to spend a few weeks Miss Ara Foster has accepted a posi tion as stenographer with W. R. Mc- Kenzie in the Worcester block, at Port land. Hon .T. B. Killen, of Killen precinct, reached the city Wednesday to at tend a regular meeting of the county court Mrs. Grafton Cheney, of San Fran cisco is visiting her husband's parents Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Cheney, for two weeks. J. C. Zinser and daughter, Grace, returned Sunday evening from a two week's visit on their farm in Lincoln county. L. H. Kirchem, of Logan, who was brought in from the Ogle Creek mines, is quite ill of fever at the Gladstone hospital. Miss Mable Tower, who has been visiting Oregon City friends, has re turned to her home at Vancouver, Washington." ' - ' Miss Minnie Gleason, of Puyallup, Wash., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dimick, returned to her home Sunday. Miss Bertha Hewitt, of Salem, and a teacher in the Drain Normal school, was this week a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnson. - Mrs. T. W. Sullivan and daughter, Miss Satie, have returned from Caza dero, where they spent several days with Mr. Sullivan. Miss Marjorie Caufield left Wednes day for Pendleton where she is em ployed as instructor in the public schools of that city. Rev. A. S. Foster has purchased a home in East Portland and with his family will remove to the metropolis within a few days. Miss Meta Finley has returned from the East and has accepted her former position in the Willamette Pulp & Pa per Company's office. Lee Caufield and Jack Meldrum who are employed on the North bank con struction work, were here Sunday for a visit with relatives. R. H. Tabor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph -Miller returned Saturday night from a two weeks' delightful outing at Cannon Beach. J. P. Keating spent Sunday at Sea side, Oregon, and was accompanied home by his family who have been spending a week there. Miss Margaret Goodfelow and Miss Helen Daulton will commence a busi ness course at the Behnke-Walker Business College tomorrow. Mrs. Rosina Fouts, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Fox, left for Connec ticut MondaV to visit with relatives. They will also visit at Omaha. Mrs. A. F. Parker, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. M. Whitcomb, of Min neapolis. Minn., left Monday for San Jose, Cal., for a visit with friends. W. J. English has resigned his posi tion with the W. P. & P. company and gone to Portland where he has ac cepted another responsible position. Mrs. A. F. Parker, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. M. Whitcomb, of Min neapolis, Minn, left this morning for San Jose, Cal., for a visit with friends. Mrs. Matilda Charman left Monday for a ten months' visit with relatives in Indiana. Prof. McKee will occupy Mrs. Charman's residence during her absence. Sheriff R., B. Beatie and family have removed from the Kelly residence at Green Point and are now domiciled in the William Sheahan residence on the hill. Mrs. A. A. Dickerson, who visited WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW Remnants We have a large lot of mills ends of calico, percales, flannelettes, India lin ens, sateens, outing flannel, shirting, etc these are little ends of materials that come from the mills and are much cheaper than the same goods in full pieces in them you can often find what you want at but little more than half regular price. ' Shirts Men's light and dark colored shirts without collars regular 50c shirts, we bought a large lot of them for our several stores and will offer them at the special price of 38c A good assortment of dark colored work shirts, each 50c Shoes When you buy Brown's Star 5 star shoes you are getting the best shoe that can be made for the money. We carry a complete line of them in men's, ladies', Misses' and children's and our prices on them are much be low regular value. ', Infant's Kid Moccasins .-. . . 10c Infant's nice soft sole shoes-... 25c Children's Dongola shoes, size 5 to 8 63c Children's Dongola Shoes sizes Vz to 11 80c Children's Dongola Shoes sizes 12 to 2 ....98c Ladies' Dongola shoes with patent leather tip, Special Price 98c Men's Fine Shoes, box calf or vici kid, regular value- our special price $2.00 At the Corner of 10th and Main Sts. WE HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE It is not very large just an ordinary sized stock for a beginner. Neither is it far different from the other stores of the city as far -as the kind of goods carried is concerned. The only difference you will find here will be lower prices on many items and an absolutely new stock to select from. , . Our buyer has just returned - from the Eastern markets, where he has placed orders not only for this house but for two other large "C. C." Stores located at Vancouver and Washougal, "Washington. By buying for these stores we were able to buy manufacturer's original cases and to secure the low est prices obtainable. With goods bought abso lutely right and a desire on our part to ask but a fair living profit, we feel sure that you will find prices here that will surprise you. "We have come to stay. The prices we offer are.our regular prices, unless otherwise stated. Bestl- Made. Hosiery. Hosiery 1 1 R Corsets We carry the "P. N." brand of Cor sets. No corset on the market gives better satisfaction than this they are perfect in shape and well boned. Prices 48c 75c, and 98c There is no better line of hosiery on the market than the "Topsy" brand they- wear well and the color is absolutely fast. We make a spec ialty of this brand of hosiery, bring ing them direct from the mills in ori ginal cases. - Children's ribbed hose, double knee, fast colors .- , . 10c Child's heavy ribbed, our special 13c or 2 for 25c Ladies' Topsy Hose 10-13-15- and 25c Little Things At Little Prices Paper Pins I 1c Child's Handkerchief 1c Talcum Powder 5c Tooth Brushes 5c Good Elastic, yard 5c Collar Buttons, per doz 3c Men's and Ladies' Handkerchiefs 5c Hemmed or fringed towels, each . . 5c Silk Bow Neckties 5c Embroidery Hoops 5c JOTH AND MAIN STS. fflie C C Store JOTH AND MAIN STS. friends here an at Gaston," for several days, returned Saturday to Greenpoint, near Hood River, to remain for sev eral months. C. B. Frissell has arrived home from Newport, where he has been for the past six weeks. Mrs. Frissell and mother, Mrs. J. C. Sawyer, will return in a few weeks. Frank J. Louis, formerly employed at Huntley Bros. Co.'s drug store, in this city, but now located at Condon, eastern Oregon, is visiting in this vi cinity this week. Miss Eva Moulton has returned from her trip on the Sound. Miss Moulton visited friends at Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, B. C, and other places of interest. Mrs. A. Goettling, and daughter, Miss Alice, have returned from an extended visit in the east, including some time that was spent at their old home, Baden, Canada. Mrs. Anna Maple and children left this week for their home in Seattle. Mrs. Maple was, summoned here shortly by the death of her fath er, the late Frederick Gadke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nefzeger and Miss Lucrieftia Hart have returned from Camas, Washington, where they lived during the summer while Mr. Nefzger was employed at the paper mills. Dr. and Mrs. George yHoeye left Tuesday for Salem, where they will camp at the State,. Fair grounds and enjoy a two weeks' visit with old friends in the Capital city, where they formerly resided. Mrs. Barbara Hixon, who has been visiting in this city the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Holman, has gone to Seattle for a visit with' rela tives there. Mrs. Hixon's home is at Los Angeles. Dr. M. C. Strickland, of this'" city, has been appointed by Governor Cham berlain as one of the delegates from this state to the International Tuber culosis Congress that will be held at I cently marrie'd and are on their wed- New York City, November 14-16. G. H. Wishart and wife have re turned from Seaside, where, they have been for the past month. They were accompanied as far as Portland by their daughter, Mrs. H. J. Thorne, and baby, who have also been at Sea side. - Miss Essie Block, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Block, of this city, will leave Sunday for Baltimore, Md., where with this year's attendance, she will conclude her studies of music. En route she will visit with friends at Seattle. The Misses Winnie and Mamie Roake, who have been visiting friends for the past ten days at Orting, Wash., are now in Seattle visiting with their brother Hedley, where they will re main for about a week, before return ing home. Miss Essie Block, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Block, of this city, will leave Sunday for Baltimore, Md., where with this year's attendance, she will conclude her studies at the Pea body Conservatory of Music. En route she will visit with friends' at Seattle. ding trip. They will visit a number of interesting points in Oregon before returning to their California home. Mr. Munsengger is" a nephew of Mrs. Roake. D. Engle, a prominent Molalla farm er, was in the city Friday. 1 M. Rosenbaum, of the Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper company, was in the city Monday. E. D. Siever and Chambers- Howell returned Saturday night from a week's outing at the Summit House, Mount Hood. Mrs. W. L. Midlam has gone to Russellville for a visit with her broth er, R. T. Marshall, who is convalescing from a serious illness. Attorney O. D. Eby returned Tues day from The Dalles, Mrs: Eby re maining there for a longer visit. She will return home next week. Mrs. Lot Livermore, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Bess Switzler, and little son, of Pendleton, has been visiting in this city, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Beatie. Misses Celia and Bertha Goldsmith have returned from their trip to Yel lowstone Park and a visit with friends at Seattle, including a trip to points SHERIFF BEATIE IS WITHOUT BOARDERS For the first time in many weeks the Clackamas county jail is without a tenant. Sheriff Beatie last 'Satur day morning released the two occu pants at the jail, Joe Smith and H. Foley, they having completed their sentences. Smith served a sentence for the ' larceny of a quantity of wire from the O. W. P. Railway company, and Foley is one of . the young Port land hoodlums who recently under took to take charge of a Portland-Or-. egon City electric car. WILS0NV1LLE George Harrington, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. j ln British Columbia. Harrington, at Gladstone, left Monday I Mrs Mary Roberts and daughter on his return to Nome. Mrs. J. S. ; violet of Red Bluff. Calif., are visit- Copely, also of Nome, who has been visiting at the Harrington parental home, leaves for the Far North in about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Doolittle are now domiciled over the Seely Seventh St. grocery store where they will reside until the spring when they expect to go to Klamath Falls to locate. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Greaves, of Willamette, have moved into the residence vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munsenger, of, Placerville, Calif., arived in this city Sunday evening and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roake. Mr. and Mrs. - Munsengger were re- ing Mrs. Roberts' mother, Mrs. Ogles by of Clackamas Heights, and many friends in this her native city. Mr. and Mrs.'T. L. McGlashan of Watsonville, Calif., arrived Wednes day and will visit for several days with his brother J. A. McGlashan and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McGlash an are on their way home from an extended tour in the East. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday . on Appointments. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist Mrs. Allen, of Portland, has been visiting friends at Hood View and vi cinity. Rev. Clapp of Forest Grove deliver-.' ed a splendid sermon to the Hoodvlew-. ites, Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. . Jas. Wilson, a daughter, Thursday, August 30. Died, in Portland, September 3d, -Robert Calkins, aged about 26 years, of long standing illness, the remains will be shipped to Sherwood and in- i tered at once at the Pleasant Hill cem etery. Deceased was a brother-in-law of Chester Tooze of Hood View. His ' home was at Salmon River. ; Love Language of Fruits. Bananas "There's many a slip." Peaches "The frost didn't touch me." Grapes ""You are a seedy bunch." Green apples "You give me a pain." Raisins "You're coming up." Pears "Name the day' Pineapples "I'm lonesome." Currants " You shock me." Lemons "Not on your tintype.'' Dates r"It's; your move."- Ex.. : ,