PREGON CITY ENTERPRISE.: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1906. A CORRESPONDENT BECOMES FACETIOUS And at Same Time Gives Farmers Needed Advice on Burn ing Slashings. Logan, Ore., Sept. 4. It never rains in Oregon, no never. Everybody and his dog has gone to the hop yards. - If the hop season don't bring rain, guess some one will have to start a camp meeting. That will, surfe. Miss Mary Swales and her mother leave next Sunday on an extended visit with relatives in Kansas and Ne braska. Miss Elsie Falert is expected home the first of the week. Mr. J. C. Sprague, of Corvallis, is in Logan this week. Mr. Myron Babler is : home on a visit. Slashing fires are getting to be quite numerous, and it's a wonder that there has not been more damage done, as well, as all vegetation is so dry. : H. E. ICross burned his , slashing Saturday,; but so far no damage is re ported. Last week a slashing on the Breith- aupt place was burned, which might have caused serious damage, as char red leaves and cinders fell on the op posite side, of the river, setting fire in many places, and prompt action was all that saved what might have been a serious fire for the people of Arthur's Prairie. The old adage, "self preservation is the first law of nature" should be, "self-interest," as it seems most conspicuous in many people's nature. No real christian citizen will set fires at such a time as this, even If he knows his own property will be safe, he must also think of the dam age that may result to others. Gerber brothers finished threshing on Arthur Prairie Saturday, and in a few days will be through for 1906. Mrs. M. H. Riebhoff has a sister from Washington visiting her this week. Mrs. F. S. Hutchins spent her birth day very pleasantly at the home of her parents, Mr. and Vlrs. Byers. Mr. Geo. Herren, a commission man from Portland, was here recently buy ing up "spuds" to fill an Alaska order. Mrs. M. Frakes, who has been quite ill with rheumatism, is reported some better. Grandma Higgins is reported to be improving in health. Louis H. Kirchem is sick with the mountain fever at Gladstone hospital, but expects to be out soon. Miss Margarette Riebhoff is on the Bick list this week. Tellefson Bros, are around with their new steam hay baler, doing things up in quick order. Grain is good here. Mr. Wilson claims his oats averaged 92 bushels per acre, and wheat 50 bushels. W. P. Kirchem had barley that averaged 55 bushels per acre. On an average oats went about 50 bushels to the acre in this locality. The stork has made his appearance in Logan again, this time at the home of Mr. Gus Fischer, and its a boy, too. Gus has lost faith about a charm in third numbers. Grange was not quite a failure Sat urday, but very near it Many were afraid to go on account of fire; others were too busy. We hope the young ladies who re ceived a serious shock to their nerves on Friday last, have completely recov ered; also hope they found a way to capture that poor tiny mouse that caused such a rush for standing room on top of the dining room table, kitch en stove, etc. Six girls ,all afraid of a baby mouse. Bravo! If It's A Reputation you are after, White's Cream Vermi fuge has a world wide reputation as the best of all worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence on weak and unthrifty children. It improves their digestion and assimilation of their food, strengthens their nervous sys tem and restores them to health and vigor natural to a child. If you want a healthy, happy child get a bottle of White' Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Don't use harsh physics. The re action weakens the bowels, leads to chronic constipation. Get Doan's Reg- ulets. They operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that we will apply at the next regular meeting of the Oregon City council for a renewal of our saloon license at our present place of business, Main and Eighth streets. ASTMANN & KNIGHTLY. ORDINANCE. An ordinance assessing the probable cost of improving Sixth Street of Or-1 egon City, Oregon, from the East line! Block ?5: Beginning at the most West of "Water street to the. West line of ; erly corner of a tract of land convey Main Street and from the East line of . ed to John Welch by deed recorded on Main street to the stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad Corn- pany on Railroad Avenue, and direct ing an entry of such assessment in the Docket of City Liens. Oregon City does ordain as follows : Section I. That whereas the Coun cil of Oregon City, having ascertained and determined the probable cost of improving Sixth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line of Main Street and from the East line of Main Street to the stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad Company on' Rail road Avenue, as provided by Ordi nance No. 349 to be the sum of $1300, and Whereas, under the provisions of Section 85, Chapter 13, of the Charter of Oregon City, as amended, it is di rected that one third of the total cost of improving Streets, shall be paid from the Permanent Street Improve ment Fund, and Whereas one-third of the total prob able cost of improving Sixth street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water street to the West line of Main street and from the East line of Main street to the stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad Company on Railroad Avenue, is the sum of $433.34, and the remaining two thirds of the total probable cost of said street improvement is the sum of $866.66. Now, therefore. The said sum of $866.66 is hereby assessed to the sev eral lots and parts of lots and tracts of land, abutting on that portion of Sixth Street, Oregon City, " Oregon, to be improved in the respective amounts set opposite the number and descrip tion thereof in section 3 of this Or dinance, as being benefitted by said improvement in said amounts. Section 2. The Recorder is hereby directed to enter a statement of the assessments hereby made in the Dock et of City Liens, and cause notice thereof to be published as provided by the City Charter. Section 3. Lot 1, Block 4, the fol lowing described portion thereof: Be ginning at the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1, running thence South erly along Main Street 25.5 feet; thence at right angles westerly paral lel to Sixth Street 106 feet; thence Northerly parallel to Main Street 25.5 feet to Sixth Street; thence to place of beginning, Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M $49.74 Lot 1, Block 4, the following describ ed portion thereof: Beginning on Main street 25.5 feet Southerly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence Southerly along Main street 43.7 feet; thence Westerly between Lots 1 and 2, 105 feet, thence North erly between Lots 1 and 8, 43.7 feet; thence 105 feet to place of beginning; A. H. Schram, trustee $49.65 Lot 2, Block 4, the Northerly one- half thereof; E. D. Kelly $22.42 Lot 7, Block 4, the Northerly one half thereof; Heirs at law of C. W. Pope .' $22.42 Lot 8, Block 4, A. H. Schram, trus tee '. - $98.43 Lot 2, Block 5; Louis Jagger and H. C. Stevens $4.65 Lots 3 and 4, Block 5; The Bank of Oregon City ..$116.68 Lot 5, Block 5; Heirs at law of John Welch $84.93 Lot 6, Block 5; Estate of V. O. Harding $36.40 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Block 25, thence Westerly along Sixth street 20.71 feet; thence Northerly parallel to Main Street 75.07 feet; thence Easterly to the middle point on the Easterly end of Block 25 thence Southerly on the Easterly line of Block 25, 72.54 feet to the place of beginning; Oregon & California Railroad Company. .$22.23 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning at the most west erly corner of Block 25, thence along Main street Northerly 87.11 feet; thence at right angles to Main street 190 feet; thence parallel to Main Street 36.08 feet to Sixth Street; thence along Sixth Street 196.73 feet to the place of beginning; H. C. Stevens $104.37 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning on Main Street 87.11 feet Northerly from the most Westerly corner of Block 25, thence at right angles to Main Street East erly 105 feet; thence Northerly par allel with Main Street 27.62 feet; thence Westerly by right line to a point on the Easterly line of Main street 13.64 feet from the place of be ginning; thence southerly along Main street 13.64 feet to the place of be ginning; Lizzie C. Howell, W. H. How ell and Mary E. Stevens j . $27.78 The following described portion of Block 25: Beginning on the line be tween Lots 2 and 7, in Block 25, 20.76 feet Southerly from the most Easter ly corner of Lot 7 ; . thence. Southerly on line between Lots 2 and 7, 27.62 feet; thence at right angles Easterly 45 feet; thence at right angles North erly. 33.61 feet; thence by, right line Westerly to the place of beginning; First Methodist FniscoDal church of Oregon City , ,, v . . .$17.66 l- The following ' described portion of page 314 of Book "V" Record of Deeds for Clackamas county, Oregon; thence Northerly parallel with Main Street 33.61 feet to the middle line of Block 25; thence Easterly on middle line of said block 40.36 feet; thence Southerly parallel to Main Street 39 feet; thence at right angles to last line Westerly 40 feet to the place of beginning; Heirs at law of John Welch $18.62 Lot 1, Block 26, the following des cribed portion thereof: Beginning at the most Easter ly corner of said Lot 1, thence West erly along Sixth Street 67.67 feet; thence at right angles to Sixth Street Southerly 69.2 feet; thence Easterly parallel with Sixth Street 67.67 feet thence Northerly parallel with Main Street 69.2 feet to the place of begin ning; Jane Eudy $50.09 The following described portion of Block 26:JBeginning at the most North erly corner of Lot 1, Block 26, thence Southerly at right angles to Sixth Street, 69.2 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with Sixth, Street 37.33 feet; thence Northerly and parallel with Main Street 69.2 feet; thence West erly to the place of beginning; Salva tion Army of Clackamas County, Or egon .. . ; $27.63 Lot 2, Block 26, the Northerly one half thereof, Frank Jagger. Louis Jag ger. and the estate of Benjamin Jag ger $17.66 Lot 7, Block 26, the Northerly one half thereof, Frank Jagger, Louis Jag ger and the estate of Benjamin Jag ger ...$17.66 Lot 8, Block 26, Dresden Invest ment company . .$77.72 Read first time and ordered publish ed at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held September 5th, 1906, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Saturday, September 15th, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m. of said day. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. ORDINANCE. An ordinance authorizing the is suance of improvement bonds in pur suance to an Act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, known as the "Bonding Act," as the same has been amended. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That in pursuance of applications of owners of property to pay certain assessments for the improvement- of John Quincy Adams street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the north line of Sixth street to the South line of Seventh Street, as provided by an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, passed) February 16, 1893, entitled "An Act to provide for the issuance of bonds for the improve ment of streets and the laying of sew ers in incorporated cities, and for the payment of the cost of such improve ments and laying of sewers by install ments." as amended by an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, ap proved February 28th, 1901, entitled, "An Act to amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7" of an act entitled , "An Act to provide for the issuance of bonds for the improvement of .streets and laying of sewers in incorporated cities, and for the payment of the cost of suchN improvement and laying of sewers, by installments," filed in the office of the Secretary of State, Feb ruary 22d, 1893; the Mayor and Re corder of Oregon City are hereby au thorized and directed to execute im provement bonds of Oregon City, Or egon, ,and deliver the same to the Treasurer of Oregon City, who shall retain said bonds until ordered by the Finance Committee of the Council to deliver said bonds to the successful purchaser of the same, who shall pay ? to the said Treasurer of Oregon City the amount bid for said bonds. Said bonds are issued for the pay ment of a portion of the cost of im proving John Quincy Adams street. Oregon City, Oregon, from the North line of Sixth street to the South line of Seventh street, and shall not ex ceed the sum of Three Hundred Fifty- Two and 46-100 Dollars, in the aggre gate. The denomination of said bond shall be as follows: One bond for $352.46. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, SEPT. ! 0- I 5, I 906 Exposition Full of Interest OPEN DAY AND NIQHT , Premiums $ 1 0,000 Given Speed $ 1 5,000 Purse A Good Time To Renew Old Acquaintances SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES W. H. DOWNING, President . Said bond to be dated the 30th day of August, 1906, and shall jnaturer in ten years from the date hereof, and be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of America, and , bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds, provided, how - ever, the right to take up and cancel said bonds upon the payment of the face value thereof, with accrued In terest to the date of payment at any semi-annual coupon period, at or after one year from the date of said bond, is- hereby reserved to Oregon City. Section 2. The Treasurer of Ore gon City is hereby directed to credit upon receiving the purchase price of said bond, the face value thereof to the Improvement Fund, (John Quincy Adams Street) and accrued interest and premium to the general fund. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, held Wednesday, September 5, 1906, and to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City, to be held the 15th day of September, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. ORDINANCE. An ordinance authorizing the con struction of a stone or concrete cul vert to convey the waters of Singer Hill Creek on portions of John Adams, Washington and Sixth Streets. Oregon City does ordain as follows That the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Ore gon City is hereby authorized and em powered to enter into a contract upon the best terms obtainable, for the con struction of a concrete or stone cul vert for the conveying of the water of Singer Hill Creek on portions of John Adams, Washington and Sixth Streets of Oregon City, Oregon, at a cost of not to exceed $1.50 per lineal foot for said contract work. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Septem ber 5th, 1906, and to come up for sec ond reading and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held September 15th, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, : Recorder. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER DISTRICT NO. 5. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials for laying of sew ers in Sewer District iNo. 5, Oregon City, Oregon, according to the plans and specifications therefor now on file in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City, will be received by the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p.m., of Saturday, September 15th, 1906. All necessary tools used in the lay ing of said sewer shall be furnished by the contractor. Specifications containing further in formation will be furnished upon ap plication to the Recorder of Oregon City. Each proposal' must be accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the sum of the total estimate of the work, which -sum will be sub ject to forfeiture in case of failure of the successful bidder to furnish bonds and enter into a written contract for said work, if called upon so to do, with in ten days from and after the accept ance of said bid. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engineer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City is hereby re served. All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City, in care of the Recorder. ,By order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, September 6, 1906. E. P. RANDS, H. E. STRAIGHT, D. C. WILLIAMS, Committee on Streets and Public - Property. FRANK W. DURBIN, Secretary The Better, Ifi!) ftlSI Way IEgPjlo The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you . cough, and there is more irrita- tion-i-more coughtng. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a while. ! You take SCOTT'S EMULSION and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT & BOWNE, "VZZT" Colonist's tickets will be sold from the East to points on the Oregon lines of the Southern Pacific Co. via Port land, commencing February 15 and continuing daily to and including April 7 and from September 15 until October 31. The rates from some of the princi pal points are: Chicago, $25; Bloom ington. 111.. $31.80; St. Louis, $30; Omaha, $25; Kansas City, $25; Coun cil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph, $25; Sioux City, $25; Denver, $25; corresponding rates will be made from other points and will appear to all points on Ore gon lines. Persons desiring to pay for tick ets to bring anyone from the East or middle West to Oregon may deposit the amount required with the local agent of the S. P. The company will do the rest. For further information inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket office. RATES. Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbush Hot Springs From All S. P. and C. & E. Points. On and after June 1, 1906, the South ern Pacific In connection with the Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at very low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 1906.. Three day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all East Side and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tour ists to visit the Santiam and Breiten bush 'Hot Springs in the Cascade mountains, which can be reached in one day. Season tickets will be good for re turn from all points until October 10. Three-day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning .Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vici nity will be good for return via the East or West side at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi cinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport, on Yaquina tick ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excur. sions to Newport on the C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at 7:30 a. m.; leave Corvallis 8 a. m. S. P. trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Ya quina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit leave Albany at 7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same day. Trains from and to Corvallis connect with all East Side trains on the S. P. , Full information as to rates, ..time table, etc., can be obtained on appli cation to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt C. & E. R. R. Albany; A. L. Craig, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent. Rates from Oregon Cif.y to Newport $6.00. To Yaquina $6.00. Three day Rate from Oregon City to Newport, $3.00. See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Famous :. Royal Gorge For Desripitive and Illustrated-. Phamplets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Cen'l Ag't, 124 Third St.. PORTLAND, Or. OREGON ShojtLinE amd union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tour ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist Bleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist Bleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin ing chairs (seats free to the east daily.) HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. 70 70 Depart. Time Schedules. Chicago Portland Special Salt Lake, Denver, Ft, Worth. Omaha, Kansas City. St 6:25 p m. :15 a. m Louis, Chicago and Atlantic Express Salt Lake. Denver, 8:16 p. m. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kansas Oft v. St 8:00 via. Hunt ington. Louis, Chicago and Kast. St, Paul Past Mall Walla Walla, Ler Iston, Spokane, Min neapolis, St Paul. Duluth. Milwaukee, Chicago and East 6:16 p m via Spo kane. 7:15 a m. Ocean and River Schedule For San Francisco Every live days at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way points ana Portland. Oregon. 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water permitting) on Willam ette and Yamhill rivers. For detailed information of rates. The Oregon Railroad A Navigation Cow your nearest ticket agent, or General Passenger Agent. A. 1- CHAIO. I Astoria & Columbia River Railroad CO. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. 8:00 A.M. For Maygers. Rainier, Dally. Daily. Clatskanie, Westport Clifton. Astoria. War ren ton, Flavel, Ham- 11:10A.M. mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Sea side, Astoria and Seashore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. 7:00 P.M. 9:40 P.M. C. A. STEWART. Comm'T" Agt.. Alder street Phone Main 906. J. C. MATO. O. F. P. A.. Astoria. Or. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except Sunday) for Salem and way points. Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Independence, Al bany and Corvallis. Regular service, courteous treat ment and prompt dispatch are our OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 40. COLUMBMIA RIVER SCENERY. Portland and The Dalles ieotttik: Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY GAT2ERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE B." Str. "Bailey Gatxert" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays. . . Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland T A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and' Saturdays; ' leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fr' Jays. Steamers leaving Portland make dally connection at Lyle with C. R. A N. train for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. ; C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 A. M., malting connection with steamer "Regulator" for Portland and way points. C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday at 8:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con necting there with O. R. 4k N. trains Bast and West. Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A. M.; leaves The Dalle 3 P. M, arrives Cascade Locks P. M. Meals served on all steamer. I Fine accommodations jor -n an4 wagons. I Landing- at Portland at Alder Street Dock. j -, . - MARCUS TALBOT.. ! "v." -; '' , - - V. P. &G. MV' 1 Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon. Bean the The Kind You Haw Always BougSS " Signature ef - (