OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1906. 3 ...Short Sidehead Stories... TERSELY-TOLD TALES OP THE WEEK'S DOINGS. Three Employes Resign John Albright, William Hosey and Tom Lindsey have resigned as em ployes of the Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper company. Mr. Albright may ac cept a position with the Spaulding Lumber company. Claims He Deserted Her After being married for 16 years, Sarah Razey has filed suit for divorce from William Razey to whom she was married in Pennsylvania in July, 1900. The desertion complained of is said to have taken place in 1905. The custody of four minor children is asked by the plaintiff. Miss Lena Gadke, treasurer of the club, was received and accepted, and Miss Iva "Gordon was elected to fill the vacancy. Miss Gadke left WedneS' day for Seattle, where she will attend business college and will make her home with her sister, Mrs. F. M. Maple. Catholic School Begins St. John's parochial and high school opened Tuesday morning with a sat isfactory attendance, considering the time for resuming classes. The enroll ment is rather light, owing to the ab sence from the city of many families, but the attendance compares favor ably with that of the opening day of previous years. City Repairs Property With dustpan, broom and paint brush, under the direction of the City council, the City Hall and the homes of the different fire companies have been treated to a vigorous cleaning and newly dressed with paint and wall paper. These places had long been neglected, and there was imperative need for these improvements. Imel Held To Circuit Court Willis Imel, of Clackamas station, was given a preliminary examination before Justice Stipp Tuesday after noon on the charge of larceny from the person. He was held to the cir cuit court under $200 bonds which he promptly furnished. Deputy District Attorney Schuebel appeared for the state and the defendant was repre sented by G. C. Brownell. The de fence daised the point as to the cor rectness of the charge against Imel, which implied the taking of money from the person and showed that in stead the money had been handed the defendant. On this showing, the charge was amended to that of simple larceny. ick at the court house during the af ternoon. But it did not take the wo man long to convince the examining board that the complaining witness was either very badly fooled ir sus pecting her of being mentally unsound or that it was purely a case of mis taken identity. The charge of insan ity was dismissed against Mrs. Love lace who was allowed to return to her borne without further embarassment. CITY SUPERINTENDENT ARRIVES IN CITY Will Shortly Announce the Assign ment of Grade Teachers For the Year. In Interest of Northwest President C. TT. Dve. of the Oreerrn City Board of Trade, has received the ! lts care official call for the Pacific Northwest Concerned for the Child's Health A divorce suit somewhat out of the ordinary so far as the allegations set forth in the complaint are concerned, was filed in the circuit court here Tuesday. The plaintiff is Frank J. Phelps who sues for a separation from Maggie V. Phelps and the custody of an only child. In addition to charging the defendant, whom he married at Bull Run in this county, in October, 1904, with cruel treatment and deser tion, Phelps represents that in viola tion of his expressed wishes and com mands, the wife persisted in taking the child to the home of a neighbor, several members of the family so visited being afflicted with consump tion. For this and other reasons re cited in the complaint, plaintiff de sires to be awarded a legal sepaation as well as the custody of the child for the reason that he does not think the mother should be entrusted with LET US Do Your Work Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite .Masonic Building epTe:c?7s21 Williams Bros. Transfer Co. LOCAL ARTISANS DIVIDE FORCES Convention, to be held at Spokane, I Germans Are Entertained One of the most successful picnics ever given by the Manner choir of Oregon City was held Sunday at the home of Philip Bucklein. The affair was givenby Mr. Karl Rhody, who is a member of the society. The even ing was spent pleasantly and late was the hour when the party dispersed to their homes. The next meeting of the society will be held Sunday, Sep tember 16, at the home of George Smith, in Green Point. Hard on Cats. Washington, Tuesday, the 25th inst. Recently forty-one dead cats were To make this convention a success, j found on the streets of Wilmington, the co-operation of every commercial Delaware in one week. The board of and industrial body in the states of J health at first thought somebody was Miss Gadke Resigns The Saturday club of the Congre gational church held a meeting Mon day night and discussed plans for the work of the club during the coming fall and Winter. The resignation of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Mon tana is invited to participate through representative delegations. As out lined in the call, the purpose of the convention is "to bring together the representative men of this most pros perous section of the United States, and after thorough consultation, unite upon a plan of advertising the actual resources and not to exploit the pe culiar advantages of any of the cities." poisoning the felines, but the officials have concluded that the cats were killed by the hot weather. WAS A VERY SICK BOY. But Cured by Chamberlain's' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Gentlemen. Professor W. C. McKee, newly elect ed Superintendent of the Oregon City public schools, and family arrived Wednesday from Eugene. Superin tendent McKee resigned the princi- palship of the Eugene High School to accept the position with the Oregon City schools. One of his first' duties will be the making of grade assign-1 Introduce Lively Membership Contest ments. Superintendent McKee and Between Ladies and ramny will occupy the Mrs. Ross Charman house on Seventh street. County Superintendent Zinser gives out the following notes of interest and pertaining to the schools of the Oregon City Artisans will provide county: 25 members of -a class of 1000 candi- Miss Leah L. Lemmon, principal of dates that it is proposed to Initiate the Oak Grove school, who taught last into the organization on November 1, year in West Oregon City, will arrive when the Artisans celebrate the 12th here about September 14, from Mis- anniversary of the founding of the souri, where she has been spending Order. In order to stimulate interest the summer with relatives. in the ' approaching anniversary ' and Residents of Cazadero have petition- attendant exercises, the Oregon City ed for the establishment of a school Assembly has inaugurated a contest, district. There are more than 20 tne gentlemen members of the order, children of Cazadero now attending under the leadership of R. J. Goodfel the Estacada school, some distance low, constituting one side, while the W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and . the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Main 131 1 C. D. and D. C. LATOU RETTE ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. away. An application has also been receiv ed for the creation of a new district in the vicinity of the Molalla river, in volving the Molalla, Marks Prairie and Mundorf schools. Action will be tak en on this application the first week ladies, with Mrs. Nelie M. Cooper as captain, will constitute the opposing forces. A schedule of credits will be determined upon by the two sides, so many to be counted for each applica tion brought in, a song, recitation or speech, also for attendance, etc. The in October, when the district boundary side scoring the greatest number of Neither Crazy Nor Foolish - An attempt was made Tuesday to tare Mrs. Lovelace, of Jones' Mill ?:iil to the 1 sare asylum b ic it fail ed. A fo; mal complaint being file-; charging the woman with insanity, Sheriff Beattie and Constable Ely went into the country and brought the woman to this city where an ex amination was held before Judge Dim- "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel complaint, but by the use of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh oea Remedy we brought him out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Mid land, Mich. This remedy can be de pended upon in the most severe cases. Even cholera infantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed direc tions and a cure is certain. For sale by Howell & Jones. KODAKS AND ALL THE NEW THINGS FROM THE KODAK CITY ! board will be in session. Additional teachers have been en gaged in the different districts of the county for the ensuing year as fol lows: No. 83 Joint, Nina Heacock. No. 59 Joint, Butte Creek, Frances M. Yoder. No. 52 Cedardale, Jesse M. Fouts. N. 26 Union, Pauline Heacock. No. 73 New Era, Mae Strange. N. 10 Dickey's Prairie, Emily Spur lak. No. 68 Track, Florence Buchanan. No. 25 Dickey's Prairie, Laura Purcell. No. 93 Oak Grove, Wilma E. Blair. No. 28 Concord, Lou Albee. No. 75 Redland, Maud Stone. No. 108 Estacada, J. E. Stubbs and May Stevens. points will be entertained by the other side. The contest will continue un til the later part of October. NOTHING SUCCEEDS CESS. LIKE SUC- Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money Foreclose Mortgage, and Trans act General Law Business. W. S. U'Ren C. Schuebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attodneys at Law. Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise Building. Oregon City, Oregon. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. CURED TO STAY CURED. Huntley Bros. Tell of the Remarkable! Success of Pepsikola Tablets in Re-I lieving Indigestion. 1 1 Will practice in all courts of the state After selling all kinds of remedies j Office in Caufield Building. Tor dyspepsia and indigestion we can truthfully say that we never knew anything to give such universal satis faction as Pepsikola Tablets. They not only aid digestion but they act as a grand nerve tonic as well. Many Oregon City people who have not en joyed a good meal for years now say that after using one or two 25 cent boxes of these little tablets they feel as if they could eat a horse and digest TjIVY stipp ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. it too. Huntley Bros, have been rec- How an Oregon Citizen Found Com-LmmoT1j;t, ty,sa Hvcnoncia r-m. plete Freedom from Kidney edv fo nearlv two vears now and from Trouble. I actual evnoriom'o Vnrwa t i nr- la nn nthpr rpmpHv cn Qiiro tr rfMfxrf snnr If you suffer from backache , . , , . . . . . . From urinary disorders " From any disease of the kidneys, coated tongue, palpitation, sieepiess Be cured to stay cured. I ness, wind belching and other dis Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting tressing symptoms of indigestion. And cures. rr., 4. Oregon people testify. Here's one case of it: David Campbell, baker, at 221 North 17th St., and living at 170 North 18th St., Portland, Oregon, says: Every word of the statement I made In February, 1903, concerning there is nothing to pay. They will re new your energy, steady your nerves, regulate the action of your heart, im prove your appetite, put new life in your stomach, and will do more to Doan's Kidney Pills is not only true tone up and improve your general but having since been free from kid ney trouble, I am glad to state that my faith in Doan's Kidney Pills is stronger than ever. It is now five or six years since I began to suffer with a lame and aching back. It was so bad I could not stand the pain when bending forward or straightening. I health than anything you ever heard of. TAX LAW. O. W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Law Business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, - - - - - Oregon. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. All 1905 taxes not paid by the ev ening of September 29 will become tried various remedies and began doc- delinauent All 1905 taxes one-half of which V tors treatment but whatever relief I found was only temporary, and often l could not get any relief at all. Hav ing read in my home paper from Eng land, that Doan's Kidney Pills were strongly recommended for such troub les I got a supply at a local drug store. The first box helped me so much that I kept on with the treat ment, and when I had taken about four boxes not a trace of the trouble remained and I have had no recur rence since. I have told these facts in a testimonial published in 1903, and am very glad of the opportunity to corrooorate it. Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at Huntley Bros, drug store and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. have not been paid now have 16 per cent penalty and interest added to them.' Call at office or write for a state ment of your taxes and same will be promptly furnished you. ' R. B. BEATIE, 3St2 Sheriff and tax Collector. Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak v System any one may take and iinish pictures. It's daylight all 1 ( , j . Brownies (almost Kodaks)$J to $9.00 - Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00. Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00 Burmeister & Andresen Sttfpensioa Bridge Corner The Oregon City JcWClctS Her Reason for Marrying. 'That excuse is a very cynical and hopeless one," said Senator La Fol lette. "It doesn't speak at all well for the future." He was discussing a certain corpora tion's apology for dodging a law. "A cynical excuse." he went on, "and one that recalls to my mind a young and pretty nurse who surprised all her friends by marrying a rich man of 73 years. "Why on earth did you marry that fossil?" a friend asked the nurse. " Well,' she replied, I, thought I might as well be engaged in nursing one old man as a dozen.'" The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strong est animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How t6 keep the breathing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thou sands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Steph ens, of Port Williams, O., has learn ed how to do this. She writes: Three bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. O, it's grand for throat and lung trouble." Guaran teed by Howell & Jones, druggists. Price 50c and S1.00. Trial bottle free. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all courts of the state. Federal and United States Supreme Courts. t Room 306 Commercial Building, Portland, Oregon. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. t CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, ' 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bids, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mosey to loan on Clackamas County Property. "My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest. I applied Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank into a rest ful sleep." Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg, N. Y. Friday and Saturday Twins. "Little Pink" and "Little Blue" would not do to distinguish the twin girls born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kennedy of Darby, Pa. The births having been separated by the midnight hour, the twins have been christened Friday and Saturday. JOHN YOUNGER, Seventh Street, near Depot. FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. C. N. EMM, PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city RATES REASONABLE Complexion Secrets. To remove pimples, moth spots, sal lowness, blotches, , clear up the com plexion and put the bloom of youth in the cheeks, use Laxakola tablets, a positive cure for constipation, trial i size, 5 cents. Huntley Bros. TT f A eor guaranteed If jou use PILES suppository i Mxtt. Thorn p-wm. Sap t Graded School, Statesrllle, S. C, writes: can mj they do all you claim for them." Dr. 8. M. Derore, Raven Bock, W. Va., writes; "Theyitire universal satis faction." Dr. H. D. McGlli. Clarksburg, TV-no., writes: "Iq a practice or aS years, X have found no remedy to equal years." Pxicb. 50 Cbmts. Samples Free. Sold by Druggists. "njaWTtW RUOyt LANCASTER, p. Sold in Oregon City by 'Huntley Bros. Call for Free Sample.