Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 31, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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limn, Friday morning, u, Mr. and
MrH. Ji.ihho Iimhx, a huh
Old tinwiioi for alo at thin of.
nt? afio tT hundred.
riitiah A. Kauiioy nml , Mvi'i
wtuo Kfuni'Ml u marrliiKt llci'iuin Wod
Di'HiTl Ion at Portland on Urn 'Vm
lug lii foro thii foMtlvft Fourth, 11105, 1h
charged by Mary I,, Bwaln axttluHt
I'lllll Hwillll III UlllilM Klin U'Iiii .. , i, 1, ,, I
H Michigan Iii INK). In u.ldlllim to a
V(;rr, plaintiff nl to bo rcHlomd
(i Imt iiialdcii niiiiio, Mury Lncllii ICh-
lllll pll'lll'l' WHIllOll.
lur mlilr OHM Arthur t li
Kit purlhtu
ffln, Ci'ivuU,
cent. Farm security. U'Kou &
Wauled, ii tt'iuiiHlir nml limn to
liliul liliimt fill rord of wood. Aindy
to II. 12. CroHn, ;;Kt
Fiir Hull X room ioiii; 'I o(m. A
ureal IiuikiiIii. Addro M I'm. K, F
Ki'iiiH-ly, Oregon city. Oregon. :it
Wanted, Farm team, harne mid
whkoii cheap for eah. Inquire of O.
T. 'l'wut, (illidnUini, Ore IVit','.
For Kale- One Mnmin & liinnlin or
y,ai. In cxridli-iit 'iiidliloii. K'Hid toii..
Dig ImrKHlii. Inquire of N rare F.n
lorprlhH olTlt o.
Hy V. Kelly returned Ihmi
mini Aiii'Ti' iui i.iihi, w li"r Iih r
Kirl"il the maneuver of id" OrK'iii
National Cuurd for Tint Telegrum. ,
ClirlHt lirnlit, carrier f K. F. I)
No .1, W enjoying liln mention. In
till' IIH'AiiIIiiii' hi route In being nil
iTiul tiy Mr. Olnther.
Vtit 5 mid ton am tract near
On-gmt City for nalo; Improved or un
Improved Wc uIko wimt farm to el
eloio) In. ("nil or addre, II K. Cnm
Oregon City. Oregon. m I'M'i
In tin' recent luihy hhow at Tin
OaU. Violet, thu young uaughter of
Mr ii nd Mm. A. (', lleiiullau, of thl
city, carried off tin) prize ait tho bent
behaved child.
MIm Marie Kchwalt, who parent
rt'ldi' near New Km. va returned to
UiIm city from Spokane, WmnIi., ye
ttfrday to lie eiamllicd a to her Hull
Mr. jtu4 -ilr LUuW J'tilu, io
reiitly from Mliin'ttMilln, Mian., ar
rived hero Friday. Mr. I'erklna Im
itreepted a jhihIi Ion a HtetioKraiihiT
with tln OreniMi City MaiiufnrturlnR
Mth. lHn Moldrum, who reeently
went to Maker City In reaponao to
newM aniioiinelni; tho aerloiia lltneaa
of Iht father, will return to thla rlty
All trlininiid mid tHilrliiiiiied
lllllllW COHt at. MlMH ColllHlnllli i
Tliereiu Kliiluiiiiii, of 0weno, will
ib. vn n trlul heforn .limtled of the
M-uce J. W, Van Horn nt Unit nluen
odiiy on u clmrK" of iimllcloiiitly rut
Iiik do n a fcliudi! treij. Tim coin-
ilaltiliiK wltneHH la .1. V. Kohler. (ieo.
Hrownell will defend tho woinun
who In ehiiiKi'd with lieln (im handy
with her little hatchet.
All miiinery K'imh helow coat at
MImm fJol.lMrnlth 34 tf
.Georga 0. Qulnn, aned ?;,; yenra,
dleil Friday rnoriiliiK, AiiKiiHt. 21, nt
the homo of Ills parentH, Mr, nnd Mr.
W. V, Quliiii ut Caneiiiuli. Mr. Qultin
worked at tint V. V. & I, company
mill, where he wan employed, until
ahoiit u, month ao, when hi fulllnn
health ohllKud him to h-avo thu mill.
I limi t (IImchmu wa the caiiH of hi
deiith. Father Hlldebruml ofTlcluled
lit the funeral, which wa held at llm
ate home Hundav aftenioon. Inter-
ment liitliiK madu at tho Canemah rum-
i'U-ry. Thu pull nearer wero aidect-
ed from amoiiK tint iiiember of the
VVMdmen of tho World, to which
thu (I'-eeiiHcd heloiiKU'l. They were 0,
H. Fii.k", ',. B. Tate. C. II. Curtla, 1.
I). Taylor, C. Croner, and O. Krlck-ami.
MiperlllteiHlelll V, 11. Howell, ()f
the water work, claim to lie the
champion cucumber xrower of tho
Hlnle. IhlM week he had on exhibi
tion Iii tb" Charman dm; Mtore a
Npeelmeii of till VeKetable that una'
ured la Incite In Iciimli with a clr
cilllirel etiee of 1 1 'A lliche.
Wantpil Oentleman or lady with
Km"! refureiici! to travel hy rail or
with rlK. for a firm of $250,000.00
capital. Kalary 1 1,072 per year and
expeuKo. Salary paid weekly and
expenne advancod. Addre with
Mtamp, Jo. A. Alexander, OriKon
City, Oro, Doc. 21
Frederick Gadke, Sr., ane,l 77 year,
died at hi homo In thla city, corner
Twelfth and Adam atrcet. Saturday
inomlnic. Mr. Oadku wa a natlv of
Cermuny, where he wa born F(diru
ary 22, 1K29. He camu to America In
I MO, and for tho lat 27 year had
been a reMldi nt of Oregon City. Ho
I wurvlved by cvm children, a fol
low: Fred, (ieor?e, Charle, Mary,
(iiiHta, and I-ena, all of thi city, and
Mr. Anna Maple, of Seattle, Funeral
Mi rvlce were conducted by Hev. K.
ItollliiKer at the Flrnt CongreKatlon-
al church at 10 o'clock Monday inorn
ate and Ititcrment followed at Moun-
u I n View cemetery.
I ten WrlKht, who I now employed
by F. W. Mcl-eran in dUtrlbutlnic Wll
holt water to Op-khii City natron.
wan In tho city Vcdneday. He re
mrt that there are practically no
huckleberrlo In the foot-hill thl year,
the crop havltiK experlenccj a dlHn-
trou frot early lu th eHiin.
Edward Schllckelter, acd 2.1 year
died of consumption at tho homo of hi
parent, at WIImoiivIIIo, early Monday
moriiiiiK. Funeral aervlco wero h(dd
at tho family homo at 2 o'chx-k Tue
day afternoon. Interment being mado
at ttio Cerntan cemetery a Wllnon
Salurdtty evi-nliiK the Mllwauklo
Hand, ai companled by MaiiBKer Wet.
ler, canto to Oregon City and Rave
one of their enjoyable concert In tho
city park on tho hill. The largo audi
ence In attendance hne to hear from
thU mimical organization with great
or frequency.
hie farmer with experience, can rent
a giNid dairy farm, l." cow. ' on
cream route, team, farming linplo-
-.uinBU -uiil Mverythlug ready fur
:!St2 Oregon City
C. H. Johnmin ha received tho con
tract for making hoiiio cxtenulvo im
provemeitt to tho front of tho Masonic
building, corner of Main and Sixth
HtreetM. Modern display window will
be Installed, expensive prymatlc
arly In September, her father having gius being used for the better Ilium
Full linn of Duck Data at
price at Ml Goldsmith'.
34 tf
Ella Hoffman and Homer Moulton,
of Sandy, and Letta Hell Fuller, of
Clackama county, and Henry It.
Thompson, of Multnomah county,
wore granted marriage license Sat
urday afternoon. '
llurglar wore frightened away from
the residence of J. K. Jack early Wod
ttcHitay morning. One of tho gentry
had climbed upon tho porch when one
of thu family wan awakened and tho
would be burglnr. two In number,
hurriedly loft tho promise.
II. A. Hand, of thl city, ha boon
apxilntod by Governor Chamborlaln
a onu of tho delegate from thl
Mate to tho Irrigation CongroH which
meet at BoIko, Idaho, early In Sep
tember. Linn E. Jones and John
Adam will sIho attend.
Inatlon of tho storeroom. Tho Im
prooment will cost tho Mnsons about
11500. Price llro. will occupy the
building and are Installing their
stuck, preliminary to beginning alxiul
September 10.
"Ell" It a Good Liver.
(From Estacada New.)
Ell Maddock of Oregon City, 1 go
ing over to Heppnor to live. Ho ha
traded hi Oregon City property for
a hotel In tho plain town and, It I
said. I going to "'keep hotel," Wo
congratulate tho people over there be
cause Ell I a good liver, and believes
In other people doing likewise.
Emertine Klmmel, tho 3-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mr. H. H. Kim
me':, of Green Point, dlod Saturday, of
cholera Infantum at Estacada. Tho
Uxly wa brought to thl city Sunday
and Interment wa made at Mountain
View cemetery. Mr. and Mr. Klm
mel aro temporarily living at Estaca
th Natives Arc llrnrt mad Malaly
l.l and Kt la I'D bit.
Tho Javnim live much In rtibllc, and
thi poorer classe, limtoal af eating
t lielr men In at homo, a 4 tho man
ner of tho unocInblii HlMU worn
UMinilly lo bri'iikfust and iIIm at one
of lli llinernnt cookhop to d fwind
at every treet corner. Moro icluiva
people may be oou buying tho mall
pucki'l of curry and rice wrapped la
fresh plantain leave and pinned with
bain boo splinter, which are Intended
for homo consumption.
To troll down a village afreet and
watch tho culinary operation In prog
re at wayside eating ltop wa an
unfailing aourco of amuetiieiit, and
very clean and appetizing they looked,
though tho mell wa oocalonally
aomewtiat trying to tho European noo.
TImi .Invnti, like all rice eating peo
ple, are fond of pungent and evil Hniell
Ing Hauce, ami equivalent of the Bur
mun gnupee and Japaneo Ix-un soy
are In cotiMtant ro'ulltloti. .
The native, and epoclallT the chil
dren, look fat and healthy and appear
to enjoy life under easy condition,
though they are, generally npeaklng, of
iravo demeanor and are not endowed
with the unfailing vivacity which dla
tlngulshe the Iturman and Japanese.
During the all week that we pent In
the Uliind we did not oo half a dozen
beggar and, except In oltle, certainly
not that numlstr of policemen. Pear-noii'a.
i I J I II I I-polka.dqt.caTTsT
Pure, raw linseed oil
costs less than "rearly
mixed" paint, but when
mixed with thick
pigment, gallon for gallon, it
makes trie best paint for the
least money.
Young Man Falls Or la Thrown From
Train Naar Oregon
II Was tbr Moat Motd lmaoator mt
thl Middle Aaea.
The celebrated "veiled prophet" of
history wa a Moslem fanatic whose
real name wa Ilaken Ibn Unshorn.
He wa born about the middle of the
eighth century and became the mot
noted Impostor of the middle agp. He
pretended that he wa an embodiment
of tho spirit of the "living Jod" and,
being very proficient In Jugglery (which
the Ignorant mUtoolt for the power to
work miracles), oon drew an Immense 1
numoer or louowers arounu mm. lie
alway wore a gold mask, claiming
that he did so to protect the mortal of
till earth, who, he sold, could not look
upon hi face and live.
At last, after thousand bad quitted
the city and even left the employ of
the Caliph al Mohdl to Join the fanat
ical movement, an arhiy was sent
against the "veiled prophet," forcing
him to flee for safety to the castle at
Keh, north of the Oxus, Finally, when
ulttmate defeat was certain, the
prophet killed and burned hla whole
family and then threw himself Into the
flames, being entirely consumed except
bis balr, which wa kept In a museum
at Bagdad until the time of the cru
sades. He promised his faithful fol
lowers that he w ould reappear to them
In the future dressed In white and rid
ing a white horse.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. I, 7072c per bu.
Flour Valley, $g,95 per bbl.
Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled lVi$12 pr
ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mlx4 hay 19.
cheat, J8.&0.
Potatoes to 1 cent per lb.
Egg 25c per dozt-n.
Butter Ranch 17 20; separator
20 25; creamery 25 27.
Rutabegaa, Carrots, Turnips, Par
snips and Boet 10 to 50c per sack.
New Corn 10c per dozen.
Good Apples Choice, CO 65c per
Pcachea $1.15 per box.
Honey ll12c per lb.
Dressed Chickens 12V4c Tb.
Live Stock and Dressed Meats
Beef, live $2.50$3.00 per hundred.
Hogs, live, 6H; dressed ; sheep,
$2.500 $3.00 head; veal, dressel, 7c;
lambs, live, $20 $2.50 per head.
continuing dally to and Including Aprtl
7 and from September 15 until October
31. The rats from some of the princi
pal points are: Chicago, $25; Bloom
lngton. 111.. $31.80; St. Louis, $30;
Omaha, $25; Kansas City, $25; Coun
cil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph, $25; SIo
City, $25; Denver, $25; corresponding
rates will be made from other point
and will appear to all points on Ore
gon lines.
Persons desiring to pay for tick
eta to bring anyone from the East or
middle Wet to Oregon may deposit
the amount required with the local
agent of the S. P. The company will
do the rest. For further Information
inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket
Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbusri
Hot Springs From All S. P.
and C. 8l E. Points.
The First Ice Cream.
The glory of Introducing Ice cream
to America I one which, In the mind
of the younger element, at least, would
rival any of tho pretensions of Chris
topher Columbus, Sir Walter Halelgh,
Fulton. Howe or Edition.
According to Apploton'a Magazine,
It wa Mme, Delacroix to whom Amer
ican are Indebted for the beginning
of their notorious passion for "cool
lames llrennan, who said his home
Is at Towas, Mich., while under the
Influence of liquor either Ml or was
thrown oil tho Southbound Califor
nia overland near thl city last Fri
day night. After lying out all night.
he regained hi sense In thu morning
and came to thl city where Dr. Carll
dressed hi wound, consisting of a
broken Jaw and a number of Bevere
cuts and bruise about the face and
In explaining the accident, Brennan,
before being ent to Portland, said
that ho with a number of other work
men, wa to leave Portland via the
0. It. & N. train on the night of the
accident for Elgin, where he had ac
cepted employment. He went to the
I'nlon Depot, where he declares he be
came separated from hla associate,
and instead of boarding the O. R. &
N. train, by mistake, got aboard the
Southern Pacific overland train that
passes through Oregon City at 9:32
p. m. Ho admitted taking a number
of drinks with atrangers and claimed
that he had been robbed of between
$40 and $50. When found he was
minus hi hat, coat and pocketbook,
but these articles were subsequently
found In the vicinity of Caneniah, the
purse containing only $5 In money.
Is an emblem of good luck. The savings
pass-book is another emblem of good luck; v
and not only that, but of business shrewd
ness. Have you one of our , books?
Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Tb Paanllr of III That la Coatalaed
la the Klowtr.
A pretty fable about the pansy la
current among French and German
children. Thu flower has five petals
and five sepal. In most pansles, espe
cially of the earlier and less highly de
velojved varieties, two of the petals are
plain In color and three are gay. The
two plain petals have a single sepal,
two of the gay petals have a sepal
each, and the third, which la the lar
gest of all, has two sepal.
lite fable Is that the pansy represents
a family consisting of husband and
wife and four daughters, two of the
latter being stepchildren of the wife.
The plain petals are the stepchildren,
with only oue chair; the two small,
gay petals are the daughters, with a
chair each, and the large, gay petal
Is the wife, with two chairs.
To find tho father' one must strip
away the petals until the stamens and
pistils are bare. They have a fanciful
resemblance to an old man, with a
flannel wrap about his neck, his shoul
ders upraised and his feet In a bath
tub. The story Is probably of French
origin, because the French call the
pansy the stepmother.
Corvallis & Eastern
Trains From and to Yaquina.
No. 1
Leaves Yaquina 6:55 A. M.
Arrives at Corvallis 10:45 A.M.
Arrives at Albany 11:40 A.M.
No. 2
Leaves Albany ...12:10 P.M.
Leaves Corvallis 1:05 P.M.
Arrives at Yaquina 5:00 P.M.
Traina to and From Detroit.
No. 3
Leaves Albany 7:30 A.M.
Arrives at Detroit 12:30 P.M.
No. 4
Leaves Detroit .1:00 P.M.
Arrives at Albany 5:55 P.M.
Train for Corvallia. -
No. 8 - - -
Leaves Albany 7:55 A.M.
Arrives at Corvallis 8:35 A.M.
No. 10
Leaves Albany 3:50 P.M.
Arrives at Corvallis 4:30 P.M.
No. 6
Leaves Albany 7:35 P.M.
Arrives at Corvallis 8:15 P.M.
Trains for Albany.
No. 5
Leaves Corvallis 6:30 A.M.
Arrives at Albany 7:10 A.M.
No. 9
Leaves Corvallis 1:30 P.M.
Arrives at Albany 2:10 P.M.
No. 7
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 P.M.
Arrives at Albany 6:40 P.M.
No. 11
Leaves Corvallis 11:00 A.M.
Arrives at Albany 11:42 A.M.
No. 12
Leaves Albany 12:45 P.M.
Arrives at Corvallia 1:33 P.M.
All of the above connect with South
ern Pacific company trains, both at
Albany and , at Corvallis, as well as
train for Detroit, giving direct service
to Newport and adjacent beaches, s
well as Breitenbush Hot Springs.
For further information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agt
B. H. BOLES, Agent, Albany.
On and after June 1, 1906, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the
Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have
n aale round trip tickets from points
on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and
Detroit at very low rates, good for re
turn until October 10, 1906.
Three day tickets to Newport and
Yaquina, good going Saturdays and
returning Mondays, are also on sale
from ail East Side points, Portland to
Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West
Side points, enabling people to ilslt
their families and spend Sunday at
the seaside.
Season tickets from all East Side
and from all West Side points, are
also on sale to Detroit at very low
rates with stop-over privileges at Mill
City or any point east, enabling tour
ists to visit the Santiam and Breiten
bush Hot Springs In the Cascade
mountains, which can be reached la
one day.
Season tickets will be good for re
turn from all points until October 10..
Three-day tickets will be good going
Saturdays and returning Mondays
only. Tickets from Portland and vici
nity will be good for- return -via the
Eaat-or West side at option of pas
senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi
cinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield
branch If desired.
Baggage on Newport tickets checked
through to Newport, on Yaquina tick
ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excur
sions to Newport on the C. & E. will
begin June 10th or 17th and run every
Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at
7:30 a. m.; leave Corvallis 8 a. m.
S. P. trains connect with the C. ft
E. at Albany and Corvallis for Ya
quina and Newport. Trains on the
C. & E. for Detroit leave Albany at
7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the
Hot Springs to reach there the same
day. Trains from and to Corvallis
connect with all East Side trains on
the S. P.
Full Information as to rates, time
table, etc., can be obtained on appli
cation to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt
C. & E. R. R. Albany; A. L. Craig, G.
P. A S. P. Co., Portland, or to any
S. P. or C. & E. agent
Rates from Oregon City to Newport
To Yaquina $6.06.
Thre dar Rata from Oreenn CltT
' to Newport, $3.00.
Corporations in Thla County
Assessed at Rate of
$5000 Each.
Franchises were considered as val
uable asHets and treated as such by
Assessor Nelson this year In making
up the assessment roll of assessable
property In Clackamas county. For
tho first time In the history of the
county, franchises were listed at a
nominal valuation and corporations
will be obliged to pay taxes on the
rights they have acquired and are ex
ercising so profitably to themselves.
The Oregon Water Power & Rail
way Company, the Oregon & Califor
nia (Southern Pacific) Railroad Com
pany and the Portland General Elec
tric Company were thla year each
assessed $5000 on account of the fran
chises they own In Oregon City and
Clackamas county.
Saalla-ht aad Erealffht.
Sunlight a distinct from sun beat Is
of benefit to human eyes. Unless re
fracted from white cliffs or stretches
of sand or by other means, It does not
cauae any Impairment of vision. It Is
the natural provision of the sense of
sight and Is In harmony with the nat
ural period for work and pleasure
that Is, the day. So soon as we Intro
duce artificial light we deal with that
which needs caution. A dim light In
jure vision because the eye alters Its
shape to receive the feeble rays. On
the other hand, a strong artificial light
will produce Inflammation of the eye
surface and worse. t
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
'on Appointments.
JOHN W. THOMAS, Dbntist !
Nero' Appcaraaea.
In his youth Nero was remarkably
handsome, but early In manhood bis
habits of dissipation made him exceed
ingly corpulent. To Judge from his
medals nnd the descriptions left of hlai
he must have weighed over 200 pound.
His features were regular, but his eyes
were so protuberant as to be almost a
deformity, and he was nearsighted, so
much so that he could not recognuss
his acquaintances across the street
Sunday excursions to Newport and
return on the Corvallis & Eastern
Railroad will leave Albany
..EVERY SUNDAY AT 7:30 A. M...
Arriving In Newport at noon, return
ing leave Newport at 5:30 p. m., giv
ing IVt hours at the finest resort on
the Coast. Health, rest and pleasure
for the weary worker.
Three day and season tickets from
all S. P. points good going or return
ing on Sunday excursion trains.
Fare from Albany, Corvallis or
Philomath $1.50 for the round trip.
Connection at Albany with Eugene
Local going and South bound over
land on return.
HI Mlatalte.
Mr. Sllinsky-I don't believe the city
water 1 safe. I notice It has a clouded
appearance this morning and tastes
aort of mlfky-and Mrs. Starvem
Tbat glass contains milk, Mr. Sllmsky.
The water Is at your left And. by tha
wfcy, jour (board bill was due yester
day. Cleveland Leader.
Colonist's tickets will be sold from
the East to points on the Oregon lines
of the Southern Pacific Co. via Port
land, commencing February 15 and
See Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
Castle Gate, Canon of the
Grand, Black Canon, Mar
shall and Tennessee Pas
ses, and the World-Famous
Royal Gorge ......
For Descrlpitive and Illustrated
Phamplets, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't.
124 Third St.. PORTLAND, Or.
It has done me good to be somewhat ,
parched by the heat and drenched by 1
the rath of life. Longfellow,
Transacts a general banking business.
Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p, m.