t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 51, 1906. fl. moyflicemeiTir. X t I .vt'-r r Wt MUM MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING . VMM 4 C. . zjfyaim, Alpine TIlP Frills nil flnthir will open their new up-to-date and rljlit-up-to-the- I xy. 1 u,l V."V UUIIIIUO minute Clothing establishment on or about SEP- : , - : TEMBER 10TH, in their newly remodeled ond spa cious quarters in the Masonic building, corner .Sixth and Mam Streets. Owing to delay In arrival of building material for improvements in building, our opening is delayed about todays. How ever, this gives us time to make even more complete our splendid line of Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes will be carried. Nr. A. A. Price, who was with the old reliable concern of J. M. Price, of this cily, for the past seven years, is the junior partner and has the sole management of the new concern, r4espccVu,ly solicits the good will and patronage of the former concern, and will spare no efforts to give to the people of Clackamas county and vicinity the BEST VALUES in Men's and Young Men's Wearing Apparel that can be had. Our aim is to DEVELOP THE HOME MARKET, and by giving unmatchable values in Stylish Wearing Apparel that comes DIRECT PROM THE MAKER TO U our goal will be reached. Our merchandise has been carefully selected from the best concerns in the land, and all we ask is a few moments of your time to verify our statement. Our Clothing is of the reputable Michaels-Stern and Eiderheimer-Stcin make. The PERFECTION OP MODERN TAILORING is put In every garment and the prices range from $0.50 to $30.00. Over thirty-five shapes of the CELEBRATED HAWES HATS of the latest vogue will be on display. 'BJSr9S5JoV9.!3,v of SH0ES cver shown in Oregon Cily, of the famous DOUGLAS, KEITH, and WESTERN SHOE CO. makes, in prices ranging from $1.50 to $5.00. BLUETT and MONARCH SHIRTS shown in every style known to shirtdom. CUTTER and CROSSETT'S NECKWEAR in the latest creations. GANTNER and MATTERNS SWEATERS and Jerseys and everything required to properly, stylishly and economically dress men and young men, can be had here. SUITABLE SOUVENIRS WILL BE GIVEN ON OPENING DAY. When in town make this place your headquarters, writing material, telephone use and on easy choir are at your disposal. A vy-A ''1 v ( , 1 Corner 6th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY, Oregon A. A. PRICE, Manager. Our guarantee of Sotisfoction or Your Money Refunded, goes with every purchase. MICHACL8-STKRN riNC CLOTHINQ CANBY ITEMS J. S. Dick attended grange at New Era last Saturday. Mrs. Andrew Kocher waa in Ore gon City Saturday. Ray Vineyard returned last Sunday from a visit to Coburg. A large number of the townspeople are leaving this week for the sur rounding hop yards. Roy Knight has been on the sick list for some days. Mr. A. M. Vinyard has some fine water-melons in his patch. V. H. Bair and Otis Nelson were apiong the Canbyites who went to Portland last week. Mrs. Cox anil son Dewey were Port lanl visitors the last of the week. . Rev. F. S. Clemo, and his sons Fred and Arthur, spent Saturday In Port land. J. R. Wilkerson and family have gone to Ro3eburg to visit with friends for a few days. Melville Barmore left last Thurs day for Adams, Nebraska,. We wish him great success. Rev, F. S. Clemo will preach at Central Point next Sunday morning and at Canby in the evening. Rev. Ames preached the sermon at the union service, in the Methodist Episcopal church last Sunday even ing. A. J. urdette and wife returned from Ocean Park, Wash, last Satur day, where they had been sojourning for a few days. Dr. Green and family left on Tues day morning for Aurora, Colorado. They Jiave been visiting with the Dr's sister,. Mrs. ,W. H. Mandeville. be seen to frequently pass quickly to and fro across the ball of the eye for this purpose. Occasionally a farmer will look upon this membrane as a j 'film over the eye' of his pet fowl, and will remove it with a sharp knife to j 'restore the sight.' In this case the j eye, being deprived of Its cleansing membrane will catch dust, Inflamma tion will set up, and the eye will be j weakened or destroyed." SUMMONS. pie to meet, giggle, and seeach other home; where the vain may go to show I their latest purchases, and a place j ,nth, "T"1 'T "f U,V Slat f 1 Oregon, for Clackamas County, where the sinful, money getting men Mary L. Swain. Plaint Iff, who contributed largely to it may I vs, never be seen, unless it Is on the night I John Swain, Defendant. .r,,r rhrktn. wh,, ttw. -1,11,1., "ojoiiii swam, uoieiiuaui anove nam- speak from the church rostrum. Rv- t-d: In the name of the stain of Oreiron: eryone in town would like to see a You are hereby required to appear fine church built here. Not because of and answer the complaint Hied against ' vim in tho ntiitv,, itriHtl.,,1 unit Kl I2th day of October. ltM.thiA being our piety, but because of our vanity; not because it may do us good splritu- the last day prescribed In the order Unnecessary Expense. J Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea t come on without warning and prompt i relief must be obtained. There is no j necessity of incurring the expense of a physician's service in such cases if Chamberlain's Cholera, Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before the doctor could arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases and no family should be without it. For sale by Howell & Jones. ally, but because it may do some of us j f publication of MiIh summons, and good financially. This Is ridiculous If you fall to so appear ami answer because it is true. And why not Krf I complaint the plaintiff will apply ahead now and build a church? It Is Why Fret and Worry, when your child has a severe cold. You need not fear pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a positive cure for Colds, Coughs, Bron chitis and Whooping Cough. Mrs. Hall, of Sioux Falls, S. D., writes; "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Hore hound Syrup on my children for five years. Its results have been wonder ful." Huntley Bros Drug Co. Chutney. This is a delicious sauce for use with fresh meats. Pare and quarter one dozen large, sour apples, and chop fine, together with two green peppers from which the seed have been remov edone teacupful of stoned raisins, and two medium-sized onions. Put the mixture Into a porcelain kettle with one quart of apple vinegar; simmer two hours. Add two cupsful of sugar and two teaspoonfuls each of salt, mustard seed and ground ginger. Cook while hot and keep in cool dark place. understood that the townslte company will contribute the lots. This is a to the court for the relief prayed for therein to-wit: for a ducroe dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now exist ing between you and the plaintiff, and generous offer for them, and If the for tl,t-' changing of plaintiff's name. people will come forward with about Ljlj'V"'! I" 1P"b"Hl,",l lh" r ' Oregon City Knterprlse, a newspaper J1000 it will be one of the best Invest- published In Oregon City, Clackamas ments since the town started. We be- County, Oregon, for six consecutive lieve It will take about $2000 to build weeks, by order of Hon. Grant H. Dim and furnish such a church as we should I lck- J,,,l "f the County Court. State i wm-uii, iur v. iui:kuuiu ciiuiuy, 11 ill y have here, and the religious organiza tion which it is for would perhaps cott tribute nearly a half of it. Estacada News. Use or tne Third Eyelid. "Birds and many animals have three eyelids," says Modern Optics, "the upper and lower, as in man, and a third, which sweeps over the surface of the eyeball below the other two. This is called the nlctitattong or think ing membrane. When at rest it is tucked away almost out of sight at the Inner anglo of the eye. The purpose of this membrane la to keep the sur- Galveston's Sea Wall makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Good loe, who resides on Dutton St., In Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion the past five years and it keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now It's gone." Cures chronic Coughs, LaGrlppe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Howell & Jones' drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Vanity Not Piety Demands A Church at Estacada. It is time Estacada had a good, sub stantial church building whether there Is any use for it here or not. It is customary nowadays for towns of the size of this to have churches if noth ing more than to beautify the village landscape; encourage the stranger to come, invest and make his home here; to give the old a place to find hope for the future, a place for the young peo- Don't Grumble when your Joints ache and you suffer from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get in stant relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Contracted Muscles, Sore Chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent merchant at Wil low, Texas, says that he finds Bal lard's Snow Liniment the best all round Liniment he ever used. Hunt ley Bros. Drug Co. made and entered on the i!Sth day of August, IDOti, the date of the first pub lication being on the 31st day of Au gust, l!)0fi. ALBERT . FERREUA. Attorney for Plaintiff, 2l5Vi Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Last publication, October 12, 190G. Coolness of Modern' Lovers. The modern lover does not excite himself much, says the London World, One would like to impart a little more enthusiasm to the young man of the period. He sends Jerky, slangy mes sages to his lady love, he does not greatly worry If he does not see her daily; he would not forego a golf. match on her behalf if he could pos sibly avoid it. He never appears radi antly happy. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator of the es tate of llonora Davoren, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clacka mas county, Oregon, his final report, and said Court has fixed Monday. Oc tober 1st, 1901, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at the County Court room In Oregon City, Oregon, as the time for hearing said report and objections If any are made anil for final settlement thereof. ..Dated August 2'Jth, 1900. i' MICHAEL DAVOREN, Administrator aforesaid. C. D. & I). C. Latourette, Attorney for said estate. 38-tl KHiimn Rnnlri! 1 IUIII4 VUVI1 u SCOTT'S EMULSION won't nuke hump bwk itrsljht, neither will It makt O a thort I j long, but It fctdi soft bone I nd nests diiemd ton and it among y ' tnc tew genuine means e recovery w ncMu ana Don consumption. Send far In lampl. SCOTT ft BOWNL Chembta. 9-U Prf Strtt, r New Yofc. joc. uo wiqoi ui arsfgMa. Notice of Final Settlement, -Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned as administrator of the es tate of J. L. Cochran, deceased, has filed his final report and said court has fixed Monday, October 1st, 190G, at 11 o'clock a. m at the county court I room, in uregon in.y, uregou, as me time and place for hearing said re port, and objections, if any are made, and for settlement thereof. Dated August 29th, 1900. J. J. COOKE, ,i Administrator aforesaid. !C. D. & D. C. Latourette, Attorneys for said estate. 38-t4 3 OASTOIIIA. '.Both hemispheres look alike to an earthquake along the Pacific line of North and South America. Weak Women Made Strong, Sick Women Made Well. IX th ahov n'cht worl ii mutinied up the Krrui work Inr woiurii which is urcumplislied by Dr. Pierre's Favorite l'iei'i.(iiii, The recorvl of cures effected by thin reiiinly is w.llimit it iitrn!!el. ThnuKixndil of testimonials received from patient and riin phyMr:nn who have tented it In the more nrnvnlcd and obstinate cuies which bail luil!!i-d tbeir nkill, provn it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief nud cure of mif fering women. It is composed wholly of medicinal principles extracted fr'.m tlm roots of native, American direst plants, pure triple-refined glycerine of proper utreiiglh, bnS used instead of harmful alcohol both in extracting ami preserving these medicinal principles, IT IS A POWERFUL INVIGORATING TONIC, Imparting health and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. For weak and sickly women, who are " worn-out, " "run-down," or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, oMice, or school room, who sit nt the typewriter or sewing machine, nr hear heavy household burdens, Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription will prove a priceless benefit because of its health-restoring and strength-giving power. ' A5 A SOOTIIINa AND STRENGTHENING NERVINE, Favorite Prescription " is unequaled and is invaluable in allnylng and subduing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neu ralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, or Kt. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the organs distinctly feminine. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. CURES OBSTINATE CASES. "Favorite Prescription" is a positive cure for the most complicated and obrtU nate cases ot leiicorrhea, excessive flowing, painful periods, unnatural sup pressions nd irregularities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic organs, weak back, "female weakness," antwersion, retroversion, hearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, intliiinination and ulceration of the uterus, inflammation, pain and tenderness over Us) ovaries and kindred ailments. FREE CONSULTATION. An invitation Is extended by Dr. Pierce to every sick and ailing woman to consult him-by letter. There Is absolutely no charge or foe for this consultation. Every letter is carefully considered, fully answered, and its statements held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R.V. Fierce, Buffalo N Y THE BADGE OF HONESTY. Eaoh bottle of the above medicine bears upon its wrnpper a bndg of honesty In the full list of ingredients composing it jmnlid in plain Kntjlixh. This frank and open publicity places this medicine t'n a cIukh nil hy ilm:lf. It cannot hn classed as a patent nor eecrut medicine for it is neither bdvg of known cum pom turn. , DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS 1 enre biliousness, sick and bilious headachp, dizziness, costivonpsn, or conntlpa tion of the bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue, sour stomach, windy belching, "heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred 'derangement of the . liver, stomach and bowels. Omj little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are cathartic. They regulate, invigorate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day. To relieve the distress arising from over-eating nothing equals one of these little "Pellets." They're tiny, sugar-coated aoti Bilious granules, scarcely larger than mustard 'seeds. ' w ' HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. How Jo live In health and happiness, is the general thorn of Dr. NercVi Common Sense Medical Adviser. This great work on medicine and hygiene containing over 1000 pages and more than 700 illustrations, is sent free oa receipt of stamps to pay expert of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamp for the clntlirbound volume, or owly 21 stamp lor the book la naner oiv. address br, K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. V V ' v