OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1906. ...Short Sidehead Stories... TI1HHIJLV.TOI.I) TAI.liS Of TMM WHI!KS DOINflfl. YounQ Man 8uspectd ICd.. Andrews, who lives on tint Alt rriwlhy, near (IiIn city, rcporta the theft of a Bo Wliit lniMlur rlllu whllo at IIikkI lllvtT several days iiko. An drews Miixpocl u young man nitmcd Harvey Harris of Imvliig appropriated the rlUe, 8ayi Ha Whipped Her Julia Peterson, In n divorce com lilalnt, charges OI Peterson, to whom nho wan married at 1'ilnnhar, Iowa, with mercilessly whipping ami other wImo maltreating her, Iimihh becoming a lialiltual drunkard. Kim auks lo re sumo her iimlilcii mime, Julia John nun, Tlu ro are two minor children, New Methodist Parsonage Tint Methodls Episcopal church has rented tho Hyan bonne on the corner of Fifth and Center ntrc-tn for a period of three years mid will use tho house for a pnrHonnije. Rev. It. C. lilnck well and family, who have been llv liiK at thu corner of KUth and Madison streets will noon move Into their new llOtlie, Mill Haa New Manager II. I', Diamond has resigned an man uger of tho OreMi City Mill & Lum ber compiiny's iiliuit In thin city, ami leave for California anon. Mr. Dia mond ha been succeeded un manager ly II. KtiiijH-riliendt-r. The output of tho mill him been contracted for six month In advance, ami the new com pany may now he conwldered as safely launched. pears an attorney for tho plaintiff. Married In Kenton county In 1890, Oeo, W, Parker him fled ault for divorce from Mary J, Parker. There ar five minor children, but tho plaintiff dona not ask for their custody, hope of wearing the animal, which was (trespassing on Ills promise. In so do ing he accidentally "hot tho (log. The testimony failed to disclose any crimi nal In twit on tho part of the accused. In this state, tho mallcloua killing of a (log In a penitentiary offense, Kansaa City Bruah Fire For a tlmo Baturday afternoon, a brush Are seriously threatened the houiea of a number of residents of KannaH City Addition, Tho men whoo home wero endangered, form ed a bucket brigade au'l under tho di rection of Fire Chief McKarland did very effectlvo work, the flro being ex tinguished before any serious damage lo property resulted. It, waH, however, only by the hardcMt kind of work that some of tho bulldlnga wero saved. Yeomen Organize The Oregon City Homestead of Amerlran Yeomen was recently organ led with )5 charter members at Knapp'H Hall. AmbroHO II. iJlmlck, deputy chief Yeoman, and Ir. John Hon, head physician, both of Portanld, liiHllliili'd tho lodge. The following offlcera were elected: Foreman, J. W. Youth Versus Aga in tho challenge swimming content between thla city and Tho Oak", Iant antic whllo In tho locks In thla city or three nice cottage will be construct ed. J. It. Nllea, recently of Woodburn, ha purchaaod property and haa made tho necessary excavation preliminary to tho building of a, store building In which ho will engage In business. A Runaway 8teamboat Whllo momentarily unattended, the steamer IClmore cut up some peculiar Haturday, J. J. Kyrnea, of Portland, defeated John L. Henderson, of Hood Illver. Tho distance wan about 8 mile and tho atart was made from thla city at 8 o'clock In the morning, tho winner of tho race reaching the boat hoimo at The Oaks a few minutes after ii o'clock. Henderson, who Is a veteran swimmer, having given sev- oral sensational performance In the Columbia river, left the river at Mil waiikle and never finished the course. Ilynic waa too much for hi elderly opponent, Henderson being about 60 yeara old while Ilyrnes Is lens than 30 years obi. Fond of Their "8uper." When ho returned to his work last Thursday, after upending a two weeks' vacation In Linn county, Fred Metzner, superintendent of the weave room at the Oregon City Manufacturing com pany's woolen mill, waa most agree ably surprised by the employes of that IP YOU'VE MARRIED TELL THE CLERK Marriage Certificates Must Bo turned Within 30 Days After Marriage. Re- Interrupts Shipping The ntK of the Wllaini tto river at this place bun receded until the opera tion of steamers through the locks Is Interrupted. The river now relMcr hut 8 1 feet above low water mark, and on this account the river steamers are unable to handle mom than half shipments. The stago of the river, together with the difficulty thut Is had In procuring cars, Is serlouxly Inter fering with shipping In this city. Would Live Apart .1 inlm hi L. Seely Is suing fur a di vorce from Carrie K. Beely. The par ties were married In Ibis city, June 15, 1901. and desertion Is charged of the defendant In lf4. (',. K. Hayes ap- I . . A A - III If. ...A. Miller, who was Instrumental In or- i "cparimeni ai ujo mm. no w i-rc- ganllng tho local homeMtcad; corrcs ! H"''l',l tho weavers with a Ix-autl- pondent, C, Fuge; master of accounts,1 f"' K'l(l aU,h f" ftn'1 a rlnf5 "et Mr. Fuge; chaplain." Mrs. J. W. Miller. ' wl,h thr,, ru,,,"' The Pre,"'lttlon , of these tokens of rega I was made Waa Old Pioneer Mrs- ftv''"', wno ,n 'tw remarks, Maxwell Hamsey, aged 85 years, died "aured Mr. Metzner of the esteem In li.. iwnicn no is neiu uy mo uonors. rar. Saturday at Tho Dalles. Oregon across the plains In 1840, set tling at Molalla, Clackamas county. lie stayed In Clackamas county until 1878, when ho went to (irant county, where ho remained 20 years. For tho past eight years hu has lived with a daugh ter at Tho Dalles, Mrs. J. C. Wing field. He leaves one son, II. S. Ham sey, of Od Homestead, Clackamas county, and two daughters, Mra. It. Dickey of Cackamas county and Mrs. J. C. Wlngfleld of The Dalles. He Didn't Mean To Fred Krelthaupt has been acquitted by Justice Silpp on the charge of ma llcloiihly killing a dog, the property of his neighbor. Mr. (irlflth. Testimony in the cane was received last week, but the court did not render his deci sion fur several days. Krelthaupt claimed that hn shot at the dog In tho other day. Tho steamer was In tho tipper section of the locks, re ceiving a cargo of freight from the Willamette mills. Owing to the ex treme low stage of water In tho locks, the boat was resting on the bottom of the canal. On this account It waa con sldered by the officers unnecessary to tie up the steamer, and with thla feel ing of security, the pilot and the oth er officers of tho boat, excepting only the engineer, bad abandoned the craft and were busy directing the boat crew In handling tbe'frelght. Unnoticed, the water came rushing Into the previous ly empty canal. Rising from Its un natural resting place, the steamboat started down the canal, and waa get ting well under way before the. pilot noted the situation. Not stopping for the gangplank, ho leaped aboard the moving boat, and, rushing to bla sta tion, sounded the proper alarm by which the engineer reversed hla en Kine, only In time to prevent a colli sion with one of the gates In the canal. WORK WEAKENS THE KIDNEY8. Doan's Kidney Pills Have Done Great Service for People Who Work In Oregon City. Metzner waa overcome with surprise, and ho could only Inandlbly express his sincere thanks for the beautiful remembrances. Many Build at Gladatone (laldstono Is experiencing Quite a luilldliig boom, no less than a dozen residences having been built with in the last few weeks, or are now un der construction. A. L. Clarke, travel ing salesman for Wadhams c Co., of Portland, recently purchased a tract of 17 acres at Gladstone, facing the river, and he Is preparing to build an attractive summer home on hla prop erty. 0. A. Thurman baa Just finished building a neat residence In this rap Idly growing suburb, as has also Mr. Phillips. C. A. Warren la building him a home, and Chambers Howell bas the material on the ground with which to KODAKS AND ALL THE NEW THINGS FROM THE KODAK CITY Most Oregon City people work every day In some strained, unnatural posi tionbending constantly over a desk riding on Jolting wagons or cars, do- ng laborious housework; lifting and reaching or pulling, or trying the back In a hundred and one other ways All these strains tend to wear, weak en and injure the kidneys until they fall behind In their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, put new strength In bad backs. Oregon City cures proves It. Theodore Huerth, carpenter, living at Parkplace, about two miles from Oregon City, says: "I found Doan s Kidney Pills do Just what Is claimed for them. For a long time I suffered a good deal with lameness and aching over the kidneys and Irregularity of the action of the kidneys. The trouble was not severe enough to lay me up but was very annoying and made It difficult for me to stoop or lift any thing with out my back paining me. 1 was Induced to try Doan's Kidney Pills from the recommendation of a friend, and went to Huntley Bros." drug Btore for them. Their use abso lutely removed the trouble with the kidneys, strengthened my back and In every way proved your remedy to be worthy of all confidence." For Sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. There Is no record at the Clackamas county court house of tho legal mar riage of ten couples that have obtain ed licenses from the office of the Coun ty Clerk In this city during the last 18 months. The law requires that certificates of marriage shall be made out and returned to the clerk of the county In which the license Issues within 30 days from, the date the marriage Is solemnized, under penalty. county ciera ureernnan nnoa no record In bis office of tho following ten couples, tho dates given showing the time the license was Issued, and all of the licenses having been grant ed between February 1, 1905 and Au gust 1, 190C: February 4, 1305 Rose E. Sawtell and Ellc C. Suter. July 12, 1905 Mary E. Storm and J. K. Helton. August 14, 1905 Elizabeth Rehorst and Matthias Raber. October 11, 1905 Grace L. Parrlsh and F. T. Ayres. November 7, 1905 Ida L. Smith and D. B. Howell. March 11, 190C Amy Comer and D. W. Peer. March 17, 1906 Sophie Shone and Joseph Gieblsch.' April 11, 190C Emma lWther and William F. Maddy. W. S. EDDY, V, 5., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Surgery of Chicago, haa located at Oregon City aod established an office at The Fashion Stablea, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephonee. Farmers' 13a Main 13U C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money Foreclose Mortgage, and Trans act General Law Business. W. 8. U'Ren C. Schuebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attodneys at Law. . Will practice In all courts, make col lections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. May 17, 190C Nellie M. Kline and Fred Cosser. July 11, 1900 Pearl Hungate and A. W. Vernon. I Will practice In all courts of the state Office In Caufield Building. REWARD. The Oregon Iron & Steel company will pay a reward of five hundred dol lars for the arrest and conviction of the person, who, on or about the 16th day of August, 1906, destroyed by dynamite or other explosive a por lton of the dam of said Oregon Iron & Steel Company across the Tualatin river, in Clackamas county, state of Oregon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, August 23 d. 1906. THE OREGON IRON & STEEL CO., by A. S. Pattullo, Secretary. 3St4. LIVY 8TIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City, i t . 9m . -aw- .aab - sf -1 V ... . i: 4 y1. . .... . . v ; l . v .Y 1: PORTLAND GETS ORE GON CITY PASTOR Rev. E. 8. Bollinger Accepts Call to Pastorate of Highland Congre gational Church. Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak System any one may take and finish pictures. It's daylight all llt.VJ). Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00 Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00. Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6,00 Burmeister & Andresen Suspension Bridge Corner The OtegOIl Gty JcwclwS Rev. E. S. Bollinger, for the last seven and one-half years pastor of the Oregon City Congreatlonal church of this city, has resigned as pastor of the Oregon City church to accept a call to the Highland Congregational church of Portland. Rev. Bollinger's resignation was tendered the board of trustees with the understanding that the call of the Portland church would be accepted. There was held last night a congregational meeting at which the resignation was to be considered. Rev. Bollinger began preaching 22 years ago in Baltimore, Md. For four years he was pastor of a church in Salem, subsequently serving nearly five years as superintendent of the bllndschool in that city. He then served throe and one-half years as pastor of the First Congregational church at Astoria, coming to this city from that point. During his pastorate of the Oregon City church, Rev. Bol linger succeeded in adding nearly 200 members to the church. Rev. Bollin ger has many warm friends here who will regret to see him sever his pas toral relations with the Oregn City church, especially when the action In cludes his removal from the city. Bordeaux Mixture. Bordeaux mixture (from the New York experiment station). Six pounds copper sulphate, 4 pounds quick lime, 60 gallons water. Dissolve the copper sulphate In an earthen or wooden vessel containing three or four gal lons of water. After the copper sul phate has dissolved reduce to twenty five gallons. Slack the lime and add twenty-five gallons of water. Mix the two and keep thoroughly stirred while using. For house plants and such small quantities ounces may be sub stituted for pounds and water in pro portion. 0, W. EAHTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Lav Business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Oregon. "Make Hay While, the Sun Shinea." There Is a lesson'ln the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, dia rrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which Is the best known medicine for these dis eases, should always be kept at hand, as Immediate treatment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by Howell & Jones. , Dishwashing Device. Where a great deal of dishwashing is necessary, it is a good plan to do away with the drying of them. To make this possible in ' the average household, a 25-cent rack is now sold. It Is shaped like those photographers use for negatives, only, of course, much larger. After being rinsed with clean hot water, the dishes can be set upon edge in the rack and allowed to dr-by evaporation. All they need then Is a polish with a dry towel as they are placed on the table. Prying preparations simply devet. op dry catarrh ; they dry tip the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordiuury form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa and use thut which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50o. size. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren St., N.Y, The Balm oures without pain, does not irritate or oanse sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With i.iy s ureain isnim you are armea l L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all courts of the state. Federal and Cnited States Supreme Courts. Room 306 Commercial Building, Portland, Oregon. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, hart It accurately and reliably prepared' by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We Invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY. 666- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas Countf Property. JOHN YOUNGEK, Seventh Street, near Depot- FORTY TEARS EXPERIENCE LV Great Britain and America. i:. i. tan, PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city RATES REASONABLE A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of , biliousness and habitual constipation ntn.t n mtuitAxK V. n lit K niro XT lXr Life Tills solved for me." writes John agamst..! Catarrh and Hay fever. N. Pleasant, of Magnolia. Ind, The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money refunded. Only 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. MTf . A Dure UKrkatt.d If joa uat . PILES TCE Suppository llr,lfd SehooU, 8tterillt, N. C write: I cu nay thrr do ml tiq oLftim for them." Dr. s. M. uvvnrt, I Ksvi'O Rocfc, w. Va., writ..! "TtieT (tea uitlf.rsal aili- ! faction." Dr. n. !. MoGIlL CEarkihur, T. no., wtiiea : 1 ia a ttraciica of US yr&rt. 1 have found do rrinwir to I equal yours." Fuel, 60 Cijtb. Hamplti frra. Sold I by urnssl.u. aa.BTIN HUOY, LaNCHrrtr), , Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Call for Free Sample. Given Away, Mrs. '.Thomas Johnson Smith was being married for tho fourth time in the little country church in which she had been raised. Tho ceremony was proceeding with all solemnity until the minister reached tho point, "Who gives this woman to this niau to bo his wife?" and a voice away back In the congregation replied, 'I sonerally do." Prices Reasonable LET US DO YOtir Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building xZSn Williams Bros. Transfer Co.