Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 24, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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giy iuppiil ' -papjjfi7'
f w i i ill in r t
k V j-tlWI I Vy 1 111
The Kind Von Have Always Ilouglit, ami which lia hem
lu lino for over 30 yearn, has bom tho nljrnuluro of
jrif? and lias been inado under IiIh per-
vJsAYTt' ,l,lIrvlMloii kIiioo Its Infancy.
9aSf, Allow no ono todneelvo you In this.
AH Coiiiiterl'dti, Imitations and Jonl-aH-cood " urn but
Kxpcrlmont that trllio with and cnditnifer the health of
lul'aiits uud Children Kinorlcnco (tgaiiiNt KxiMirlmenU
OuMtorla Is a hariiileNS (substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, l)ros and Hoothlng Nyrnpn. It Is l'lcuHunt. It
;ntalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nunotlo
DuhNituiee. I tit ago Is Its guarantee. It destroy) Worms
und lillays 1'Vvei IhIiiiowh. It cures Ilarrha;a and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure Constipation
nnd riutuleuey. It UHNlinllutes tho Food, regulates tho
Htoniiu h uud llowcls, giving healthy and nuturul sleep.
Tho Children's l'anacctt Tho Blother's Friend.
Boars the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Vmi .fNt.ua imiui, t av.iu ttHtt, m.
In the Circuit Court of lhi Stal
Oregon, for Cliiclinnins County.
Win. Chin II Hinlth, Plaintiff,
IiiiIm)' A. Smith, lfiudaiit.
To litly A Hmlth, I-f ' it ! a n f nlove .
named :
lu the iiiun), or the HUle of Oregon .j
you are h.-rehy required to npp-ur and
iiiiun..!- iiw, ,..,., ui.,i ill... i ...
lliilirlioje t'XlHtlllg between you and the
This MiimuioiiH In published by the
order of lion. TliMiiiiin A. Mrltrlde,
JililKe preNldlng In the above entitled
court. The nrst publlcntloii N on
AugtiHt 24, I noil, iitul the bint on Octo
ber &l h. I Slid.
I'll Kit I.. OLSON,
Attorney fur Plaintiff. Portland Ore
K"ii ::?tT
Notice of Final Settlement.
Niillco Is hereby irlveti Unit the tin
In Hi., nliov.. . nii.led .mi. on or before 0r,.Kn nty Enterprise, a week y i w llaker Jno s oovev Walter An
the Lib day of Oi tol.e. litoij. that lm- nwsnaiT of ceiwral ciiculatlon In ! . ,,tth ,Jna bMOV J' VaiU.r A"
Inn the luHt dav urem-rlliid in tin, urdur i i i , ciicuiaiion in ujorson. Luclnn (Jeer. Frank Schmidt,
Illg llie iihi liny prem rllieil III tile order Clai kaillBS county, for lx aucceRSlve pif.r Irmen A V Sl.aln R Ktnivn
pu... ration or u,,h HiimtuonH. mi.i,, conseeutlvo weeks, commencing, j VvUer j, Hobert J Fallmegger
prayed fr. low.,; a d.voree fro,,, , ''"L ' Vr hL- 'Vf: "iJ1-"U?:
.lerniKbed F.xenitrix of the EHtate oflr:i''r:r,,.rvn:,ln::!,?npp:'"ani1
Nels Kelson. deei'iihiMl, Iiiim Ilb'd In 1
the County Court of tho State of Ore-
gun her dual account an executrix of
the Inst will and teMtament of tho said
, . ......
N,'lmm' '''. '" hnt Mon
day. the 17th day of September. A. D.
1 ;;. ut the hour of lo o'clock In the
forenoon of Hiild day has been fixed;"1
I... II... M.,1.1 r',.....iu n .1... .(... .
or Hearing oi onjecuons to sain re- exUting between plnliitlff and defend
port and account and the settlement ' ant. and for such other relief as to
thereof. I the court may seem Just and equitable.
ft- 1 I . 0 ...lit 1 .
Dated this llth dav of August l!mi I
II ANN A SOPHIA NELSON, ,. ,y ion. Thomas A. McHrlde, clr
i:ecutrlx of the last Will and Teta- r nit Judge of tho County of Claekainaa,
incut of Nels Nelson, deceased. :t0t" ' Stale of Oregon, on tin; 12th day of
, ... . ! Jill V. PJllli.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Nora Collins, Plaintiff,
Edwin Collins, Defendant.
To Edwin Collins, defendant ubove
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled
against you lu the above entitled
ciliHo on or before the Sill day of Sep
tember, 19(11',, mild day being more
than six weeks from the 27th day of
July, pjnti, the date of tho first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fall so to answer for want, thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for, tow It:
For a decree of said court forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between pluliVlff and
defendant; and for such other and
further relief as may bo equitable and
Tho order for publication of sum
mons In this case was made by the
Hon. Grant It. Dlmlck, Judge of the
county court, of Clackamas county,
Oregon, on thu 2iHh day of July, 19(11!.
The date of tho first publication of
this Hummiiiis Is. July 27, 1900, nnd the
date of the last publication Is Septem
ber 7, 1900.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of
Oregon, for tho County of Cluck
ama. Ada M. Jones, Plaintiff,
Martin G. Jones, Defendant.
To Martin G. Jonos, tho abovo named
In tho name of tho State of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appoar and
answer the complaint filed against
you In tho above entitled Bult, In the
above named court, on or before Fri
day, August 31, 1900, tho same being
lx weeks from tho first publication of
mpe MPB mC' WWPW WPr
Signature of
thl HUMimiiiiH, and you will take notice
that If you full to no appear and an
ofawer Hftld complaint, tho plaintiff will
I apply In tho Court for tho relief do-
iiiuiiii'Mi in nuiii coiiipiuini, kj-wii; '"ul
he bond of niatr liiu.ny now existing .
....... .1 . i.. ....ii ..t..i ..i. mi. ..
h..m,,, ,...) .nu i m.nuii oo uikh.oiv
, . .
This summons Is published by tho
order of thu Hon. (irant 11. Ulmlck,
Judge of tho County Court for Clack-
. ....... ..... . . . . . . ..
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for Clackamas county.
F. O. Wiles. Plaintiff,
Agnen J. WlbM, Defendant.
To Agnes J. Wiles, Defendant above
In the name of tho Stato of Oregon
answer the complaint filed against you
tin the above entitled cause on or be-
j fore August .ri, 1900, said day being
i more than six weeks from the 13th
I lln?,of J,"ly' !,0,',,u' ',aU, of ,ho nr8t
i publication of said summons, and If
)Vm 8 fH M(, t(, ,,,. ir ,U)SW()r f()r
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for th relief prayed fori
Ml Nal'1 complaint; to-wit: tor a ;
uei ree oi HBIU couri
court dissolving the
marriage contract heretofore and now j
1 """,r ",r puuncauon oi Bum
' li if n a In f li (u u ii I r u' a ii m ti (.k fj tt .1 imiIah
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Edmund W. Clarko, Plaintiff,
Georglana M. Clarke. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
To Georgian M. Clarko, the above
named defendant. You are hereby
required to appear and answer tho
complaint filed against you In tho
above entitled court and suit at or
before the expiration of six weel;s
from the date of tho first publication
of this Summons, and If you fall to so
appear and answer said complaint, the
above named plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief demanded
therein, to-wlt: For a decree forever
dissolving tho bonds of matrimony
now existing between said plaintiff
asil you. and that plaintiff bo decreed
the care and custody of tho four minor
children named in said complaint of
plaintiff and you. This summons Is
published lu pursuance of an order
of Hon. Grant II. Dlmlck, Judge of
tho County Court of the Stato of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County, made on
the "(ith of July, PJOti. Tho tlmo pro
scribed In said order for the publica
tion of this summons Is six consecu
tive weeks, nnd tho dato of tho first
publication thereof Is the 27th day of
July, PJiMi.
3:!t" Attorney Tor Plaintiff.
Notice of Executor's Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the final
account of Milo Thomson, executor of
the estate of Alex Thomson, docensed,
has boon rendered to the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, for
settlement, with a petition for a final
distribution of the estato, and that
Monday, the 3d day of September, A.
D. 190(1, at ton o'clock a. in., hns boon
duly appointed by said court for tho
snttlomont of said account and hearing
,iiian toiiiur, jinn 01 ureKon. in ino i w n..fi..i. a i ic,,n xi,.,'.,u
mild petition, at which tlmo any per
sona lnt.iriMtofl In said estate may ap
pour and fllo their exceptions In wrlt-
lug to Maid account and contest tho
Ha mo.
First publication of this notice July
27th, J9UG.
Executor of thn estate of Alex Thom
son, lloi.OUHOd.
U'Jton & Bchuobol, attorney for ex
ucutor 3315
Not.lee la hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho County
Court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
for license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquor for a period of
twelve months from tho Gth day of
September, 1906, and that I will pro
aitiit tho following petition to aald
court on said day for mild license.
Dated this 21st day of July, A. I).
1900. WM. B. FLYNN,
To tho Honorable County Court of
Cluckamua County, Oregon:
W, th undersigned resident and
legal voters of Pleasant Hill Precinct,
In Cluckamns County, and State of
Oregdii, hereby respectfully petition
your Honorable Ilody to grant to Win.
H. Flyiin, a llconso for the period of
twelve months, t sell aplrltuous, malt
and vinous ll'iuors In less quantities
than one gallon In the town of Wll
Hotivllle, Pleasant Hill Precinct, Clack
amas County, Stato of Oregon.
Joseph Htange, George Todd, 'J. C.
Jaeger, Fried Krtigcr, J. M. Uroyles, (.
K. Taucbmann, M, Tauchmann, Henry
Vohs, Carl Koruian, Louis llusselbrlnk,
Fred Schwartz, II. 12. Klddor, Gust
Jaeger, Hmll Jaeger, Jamea Wilson,
James McConnell, N. McConnell, Jacob
llauer, J. A. Voss, W. c:. Heater, E. 8.
Calkins, Win.M. More, Fred Ilrookman,
Amos Morgan. Frank Llehermann, Wm
O. Morgan, John GroKecloso, N. D. Bea-
I vert, Wm. Oberst, A. Murdock. O. H.
Hamilton, N. Kellogg, J. 8. Koberts,
8. M. Roberts, H. Ilrookman, Jay Dak
ier. T. M. llaker. Tom Baker, Rufus
j StahlneeKor, Jtobort Htablnecker, Fred
Stahtneeker, Alison llaker, W. P. IJak
er, It. Stlnobaugh, E. W. Jeager, C. A.
llaker, M. M. llaker, J. T. Herron, J.
W. Flcken, J. N. Hoffman, J. E. Vinson,
er. W. F. llrlstow. U T. Vinson, E. I
llrlstow, J. H. llaker, Oliver llaker,
Alec Monr, E. Hlnes. Frank Klser,
Richard H. Ie, M. Uoberts, F. A.
Schrader, II. T. Wllholm, E. Elliott,
j. 8. Mltchum. Aug. Hothenberg. W
,, MayP(M.kf T, K. Uo,,ortj!i rhr Wll
,.,, Fr,.(, Ej,(,r Wm ll(MIlon( T,
I'lnard, Win. Krainlen, Ous. Kramlen,
j, T,utf,.Kli F. w. St Clair, IIohb
,.,n(,v Wal't(.r cf
.innr,i n,,.r m
I inaru, ninii-r in
Rcott Lewis, Eddy
men, J, A. Parrott,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Musetta EinlHuly, Plaintiff,
' vs.
I'rl Embody, Defendant.
To UrlEmbotly, tho defendant above
In the name of the SUte of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
ami answer tho complaint filed against
joii In the above entitled suit on or
before tho expiration of bIx weeks
from the date of first publication of
this Hummons, which Is by order of
the above entitled court fixed as Mon
!,,.. a...,,.,,,,,,.,, i7 ion,: ,i if v
, ,"' '. ' '
fall to so appear and answer tho plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief, prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt: for a decree of divorce dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between you and the
above named plaintiff, on the ground
of desertion, ami for such other relief
Brights Disease
Not Rare, but Common Kidney
Dtticnne Developed Into Brlght'a
Disease tho 8th to 10th Month;
Then Incucnblc by All Known
Mcnnn Excopt the new Fulton
Compounds, which Record 870'
ot Recoveries.
We huro before us little work on kidney
(JlsoftHi-s by Jovi'h F. EilwanR M. I)., of Phlla
dolphin, that cumulus notue things thut every
one ought to know. Muuy people Imagine
bright' DlNt-ttse U Hire, when, tn fuel It
covers nenrly the wbo;e gamut of kidney (11
eases. This IxwU sets out thnt the ktdnevs hve
but one function, viz., tho elimination of the urea
and waste product, and that all Interference!
with that function aro culled Rrlght'a Dlsoase.
Dr. Edwards aiUls: 'Tor the boncllt of physl
olans who may read this book I will give a list
nf thA eikw. u-liii.h I .t.,.rO,nt. t.-t nrlcrh,'. 1
Disease, vlx.:
Contention of the Kidney.
IHyenerntlnn of the Kidney.
Kimy HegentTiitioii of the Icidnci.
(iitliuniuniiou of Hit) Kiilnoy.
Disease of tho Kidney."
Thus nearly all kidney disease being Bright'
Disease, tho si-rlous jiit'stioti Is, Is It In the
primary or aneondary sinner After tlio eltflu'i
1.0 tomb, month It becomes ohroulo and is then
Incurable by all known means except Hie Kultou
Compounds. There Is often no notice of the
trouble till It has fastened. If you have kidney
disease In the llrst bliik'O the Renal Compound
will cure It quickly. If It Is of more than to IU
months standing It Is the only thing known thut
will cure It. In proof that nothing else will we
cite all medical works In evidence. The stock
holders of the John J. Fulton Co., business and
professional men of Han Francisco, are the flrst
In the world to announce thn euro, present I tin a
lleflnlte percentage ot recoveries (87 r cent).
ami giving out the lists oi the cured, all anions
purely ohronlo( well-defined cases. If you have
auy Alnd ot kidney trouble, there Is only one
tiling totahe. The Renal Compound for Bright'
to., ou Washington street, San 'Francisco, sole
rPoundort. 1'ampulet free. W are U.e toi
ease is II; for Diabetes, II. N). John J. Fulton
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
er, Hoo Heater. 3t-tS
as tho court may deem Just and equi
table. Thin summon In published by order
of Hon, TJioh. A. McBrldo, Judge of
tho abovo entitled court and cause.
Tho dato of tho ftrHt publication ia
August 10, 1906, and tho dato of the
laMt publication la Heptembcr 14, 1906.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
3G-17 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Win. C.
Llchtonthaler, doceasod.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
as executor of the estate of Wm. C.
Llchtonthaler, deceased, In the above
entitled court, and that said court has
ordered that said final account be
heard on the 8th day of September,
1906, and any and all persona Interest
ed therein aro hereby required to file
their objections, If any there be, to
said final account on or before Bald
time and hearing of aald final account,
Administrator of the Estate of Wm.
C. Llchtonthaler, deceased.
Date of first publication August 3, 1906
Date of last publication August 31,
In the Circuit Court of the SUte of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Bertha A. Hay ward, Plaintiff,
Will Hayward, Defendant.
To Will Hayward, defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint Died against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the expiration of alx weeks
from the date of first publication of
this summons, which Is by order of
the above entitled court fixed as Mon
day, September 17, 1900, and If you
fall to so appoar and answer the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt: for a decree of divorce dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between you and the
above named plaintiff, on the ground
of desertion, and for such other relief
as tho court may deem Just and equi
table. This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thos, A. McDrlde, Judge of
the above entitled court and cause
The date of the flrst publication Is
August 10, 1900, and the date of the
last publication Is September 14, 1900.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
35-t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clack
amas. Gladstone Real Estate Association,
Alf M. Eklund and P. H. Marley,
To Alf M. Eklund and P. H. Marley:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before Monday, the 24th day of Sep
tember, 1906, and If you fall so to
answer for want thereof the Plaintiff
will take a judgment against you In
tho sum of Two Hundred and Eighty
Dollars ($280) In United States Gold
Coin, with Interest at the rate of six
per cent per annum from the 2Gth day
of September, 1S95, and, for Its costs
and disbursements herein. And for
a decree foreclosing that certain
mortgage executed by the defendant,
Alf M. Eklund in favor of the Plain
tiff on tho 20th day ot September,
1S95. upon Block 122 in the duly re
corded plat of Gladstone, in said coun
ty and State, and which Is found re
corded tn Hook "42" on page 157, of
the Records of Mortgages for said
county and state, and ordering that
the said land be sold In a manner as
prescribed by law to satisfy said
And further decreeing that neither
of said Defendants have any right,
title or Interest In and to said lands,
and that each of said Defendants be
forever barred and foreclosed of all
right, title and equity therein and
This summons Is published for six
successive weeks In the Oregon City
Enterprise by order of Hon. Grant B.
Dimick, Judgo of the County Court
of said county and State, The first
publication thereof to be made on
the 10th day of August, 190G, and the
last publication thereof to be Septem
ber 21st, 1900. II. E. CROSS,
3.t" Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bids are asked, for furnishing plans
and specifications aud for construct-
j ing a Howe Truss Bridge across Butte
; Creek at Scott3 Millgj Oregon, at a
! point where the old bridge now stands;
also blds ar asketl tor said work ac-
Nature's Way IS Be5t.
Thn function trengtherilng and tissue
oulldliig plan of treating chronic, linger
ing and obstlimUi case of disease as pur
sued by Dr. Pierce, I following after
Nature' plan of restoring health.
Ho us- natural remedies, that Is
extracts from native rwtdlclnal roots,
prepared by pruccssc wrought out by
the expenditure of much time and
money, without the use of alcohol, and
by skillful combination In Just the right
I'ed as Ingredients of Dr. Pierce'
Golden Medical Discovery, Hlack Cherry
bark. Queen's root, (iolderi Heal root,
Jtlisslroot nnd Stone riot, specially exert
their lull ue, ico lii caies of lung, bronchial
and throat troubles, and this Dim.ov
f.iiy" In. therefore, a sovereign remedy
for bronchitis, laryngitis. chronic coughs,
catarrh ate I kindred ailments.
The abovo native roots also have the
Strongest. fosibl endorsement from tho
lending medical writers, of all the several
schools .if practice, for the cure not only
ol tli" disease mimed above but also for
indigestion, torpor of liver, or bilious-lies-..
obtin:ii.o constipation, kidney and
bladder troubles and catarrh, no matter
where located.
You don't hay to taks Dr. Pierce's
say-so alone as to thl; what he claims
lor ills " Dii-covery " Is bucked up by the
writings of the most eminent men in the
medical profes-lon. A request by postal
card or letter, addressed to Dr. H. V.
Plcrco. I'.ullalo. N. Y.. for a little book
of extract (rum eminent medical au
thorities eiidoriiig the ingredients of his
medicines, will bring a little book free
that is worthy of your attention If
needing a good, safe, reliable remedy of
kiiim ii tout i,itlim for the cure of almost
any old chronic, or lingering malady.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets curs con
stipation. One bttie " Pellet " Is a genii
laxative, arid two a mild cathartic.
The most valuable kM for both men
and women Is Dr. Pierce'
i imirnon nensc .i chichi ao
'T?rt viser. A splendid pjos-page
wi voi umn. wim engravings
iintM aiiu ci,iurj plate, n touy,
"v paper-covered, will bo sent
to anyone winning n cenui
In one-cent stamps, to pay
the cist of mailing fmly, to
j I ill Ulirr-. eiiv n iiii
k I xJ the cist of mailing
Sj Pj Dr. R. V. Pierce. Huf
Y, Cloth-bound. 31 (
ff alo, N.
cordlng to plans and specifications on
file In the County Surveyor's office at
Salem, Marlon County, Oregon.
A certified check to the amount of
five per cent of the bid shall accom
pany each bid, conditioned that the
amount of said check shall be forfeited
In the event that the party making
said bid falls to sign a written con
tract and give approved bond within
five days from the date of the accept
ance ot said bid wherein he shall agree
to faithfully perform said work accord
ing to the plans and specifications that
shall be adopted by the Joint Courts i
of Marion and Clackamas Counties.
Said bids will be opened In the
County courtroom at Salem, Oregon,
at 1:00 p. m., Friday, the 7th day of
September, 1906.
Said Courts hereby reserve the right
to reject any and all bids on said
work. v
County Court of Marion County, Ore
gon, by JOHN H. SCOTT, as County
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, by GRANT B. DIMICK, as
County Judge. 35t4
in the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of James
E. Currie, deceased.
To Margaret Dooley, residing at Junc
tion City, Oregon, and John Ma
gorry. residing at Drumhilla, Sher
cock, County Cavan, Ireland; Thom
as Magorry, of Ballynioghery, Coun
ty Sligo, Ireland, and Patrick Ma
gorry, of Monaghan, Monaghan
County, Ireland, and all others, un
( known or non-residents, If any there
be, who are heirs or devisees of
James E. Currie, deceased, or inter
ested In said estate:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby cited
to appear before this court, at the
court rooni thereof, in the Courthouse
cf Clackamas County, Oregon, on the
4 th day of October, 1900, at 9:30 a. m.,
then and there to show cause If any
exist, why an order should not be made
for the sale by the administrator of
the real property belonging to the
estate of the said James E. Currie,
deceased, which real property com
prises the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter and the east half
of the southwest quarter and Lot four
of section thirty, township six north
of Range six west of the Willamette
Meridian, containing 162.90 acres, more
or less, situated in Clatsop county,
Oregon, as prayed for In the petition
of A. M. Crawford, administrator of
said estate, now on file In this Court.
This citation Is issued pursuant to
an order of the Hon. Grant B. Dimick,
County Judge of said County, made and
entered in said Court this 17th day of
August, 1900, directing that personal
service thereof be made -upon the
heirs known and resident within this
State, and that the same be served
upon the heirs or devisees unknown or
non-resideut, by publication thereof
for four successive weeks in the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper pub
lished in said county, designated by
the said administrator for that pur
pose. Witness my hand, and the seal of
said Court hereto affixed, this 17th
day of August, A. D., 1900,
(signed) f. V. GREENMAN,
Clerk of thv County Court.
(Seal of County Court, Clackamas
County, Oregon.) 37t5
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Alice Permin. Plaintiff,
vs. Suit for divorce.
Fred Permin, Defendant,
To Fred Permin, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the abovg entitled suit, on or before
the 21st day of September, 1906, that
,lf'lnK the lat day prescribed In ths
order or publication of this summon
and If you fall to bo appear and answer
said complaint, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief therein pray,
ed for, to-wlt: a divorce from the mar
riage existing between you and th
This summons Is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper,
for six consecutive weeks by order of
the Honorable T. A. McBrlde, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, made)
on the 4th day of August, 1900, the first
publication being on the 10th day ot
August, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
35 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Application for Liquor
The undersigned will present the
following petition to the County Court
of Clackamas county, Oregon, on Wed
nesday, the 5th day of September,
1900 for a license to sell spirituous,
malt and vinous liquors in less quan
tities than one gallon at a saloon in
Cascade precinct, for the period of
one year.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the Petition of Cas
per Junker for a petition for Liquor
To the County Court of the above
County and State:
Your petitioners would respectfully
represent that they are legal voters
in Cascade precinct In the above nam-
! ed County and State, and actual resi-
dents thereof.
That they would respectfully re
quest that you grant a License to Cas
per Junker authorizing and permit
ting him to sell spirituous, malt and
vinous liquors in less quantities than
one gallon In a saloon located at what
Is known as Sandy, in said precinct
And your petitioners will ever pray.
Dated at Sandy, Clackamas County,
Oregon, July 14th, 1906. ,
E. Beers, H. P. Bruns, E. Coalman,
H. Ridderbusch, W. Bosholm, O. Ram-
bow, W. A. Proctor, John Straus, Fred
Hamilton, I. I. McKay. Geo. N. Dick
erson, Chas, Krebs, Henry Ridder
busch, T. G. Jonsmd, N. C. Kuhn,
Henry Ridderbusch, Fred Kelsecker
Henry Kelsecker, Harry Hillman, J.
H. Wewer, S. O. Mitchell, A. Johnson,
John Buchholz, R. Kaiser, Gottfried
Stuckl, Frank Feth, A. G. Bornstedt
E. A. Revenue, Ed. Miller, J. R. Taw
ney, C. S. Chase, Chas. Sharnke, Jullua
Wendland, Chas. Erron, J. M. Dicker
son, E. Fischer, C. E. Edwards, J.
L. Eri, William Waespe, J. R. Maro
ney, Albon Meinlg, F. Suckow, Ulrick
Trubel, Joe Uden, Albert Trodinger,
F. J. Suckow, Theo Koennecke, J. P.
Hart, Mike McCormick, J. H. Hoff
meister, Henry Koch, Paul Dunn, T.
H. Fisher, Joseph Meyer, John
Meyer, Geo. A. Wolf, Ole Mikkelson,
C. M. Bailey, James Lamper, H. L.
Chalker, Wm. Robbias. 35-t$
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned as Executrix of the estate
of Ulrich Aemisegger, deceased, has
filed her final report as such execu
trix In the County Court of Clackamas
county, Oregon, and the Court has
fixed the 10th day of September, 1906,
at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of
said day at the County Court room In
the Court House In Oregon City, as
the time and place for the hearing of
the said report
Any persons having objections to
the said report are hereby notified to
appear at said time and place and
make the same known to the Court.
Dated August 9, 1906.
Executrix aforesaid.
Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Execu
trix. 35t5
Meeting of the Board of Equalization
for Clackamas County.
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Equalization for the County of
Clackmas, State of Oregon, on the last
Monday in August, 1900, viz.: the
27th day of August, A. D. 1906, will
attend at the office of the county
clerk In the court house In said coun
ty and state and continue to meet
from day to day for one week, and pub
licly examine the assessment rolls of
said county for the year 1906, and cor
rect all errors in valuation, descrip
tion or qualities of lands, lots or oth
er property. It Is the duty of any and
all persons interested to appear at
the time and place appointed to ex
amine said rolls and ascertain if their
property is properly assessed, and If
not to have the proper corrections
made thereon.
Dated this 1st day of August, 1906.
Assessor for Clackamas County, Ore
gon. S4-t4
County Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to June 1..
1905. Interest will cease on such
warrants on date of this notice.
Oregon City, Or., August 3, 190G
J. C. Paddock, Treasurer, Clackama'
county. 8-t4