6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year .....$1.60 tlx months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 26 Adrertlstng rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. It last payment is not credited, kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofflee at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906. WANTS CHEAP CARFARE. Milwaukie wants a 5-cent fare to and from Portland. At present the resi dents may buy books of tickets mak ing the rate to and from Portland "V cents. It is alleged that the growth of the pioneer town has been held back because other sections are given 5-cent fares, while a trip to Milwaukie to a transient, or to anyone without a book, costs 10 cents. They say that 5-cent fares are charged to St. Johns, nine miles from the Portland court bouse. Also Lents, six miles away, bas 5-cent fare, and nearly all points around Portland have the 5-cent fare but Milwaukie, and Milwaukie is but one and a half miles beyond the city limits of Portland. The Milwaukie Bee says: "We were led to believe that when the Milwaukie Club was organized that it would bring pressure to bear upon the company to get the hoped for reduction, hut it seems that it has not Then the Rock Island Club was proposed, and we are told that the company actually promised a 5-cent fare whenever that club had 500 mem bers. As we understand it the club nas from 600 to "00 members." Milwaukie people believe that the discrimination in fare in favor of the northern suburbs is the cause of the more rapid growth of St. Johns com pared to their town. There are Oregon City people who argue the same way, and say cheap fare between this city and the metropo lis would result in Oregon City becom ing a residential suburb of Portland, and that would be the "making of the town." So far as we have heard the ma jority believe cheaper fares would do more harm than good. The board of trade is on the right track in seeking to stop the discrimi nation against Oregon City In selling northbound tickets cheaper than south bound. Round-trip tickets to Portland are now sold at stations nine or ten miles from Portland as cheap as one way tickets to Oregon City, a distance of only four or five miles. Oregon City is not quite as large as Portland but that Is no reason it shouldn't receive a square deal from the steam and electric lines. o WORTH THE PRICE. Baker City started out to raise $100, 000 for a railroad from that city to Eagle valley. They now have $03,000 and the balance is sure to be subscrib ed by September 1st. There is no doubt rail connection to Eagle valley would benefit Baker City It i3 a reeion fairlv rich in natural re sources, good agricultural land, but! 'or sale from the stores. Some of it with a natural easy grade outlet down j ! so badly marked by the little pests the Snake river that is bound to be j that it is plain to be seen with the utilized in time. Baker City knows 'naked eye. This criminal careless - that, and the hustling metropolis of,nPSS a menace to the men who are Eastern Oregon means to forestall the!makin fruit growing a business and natural road by being first on the scene. The Baker City road may not "pay" for several years, but Baker City will be paid, and the Eagle valley people will be paid, especially the latter will reap a profit in increased price for j their products and increased value of their lands. The Molalla region is richer In nat ural resources than is the Eagle val ley, and there is one product, timber, that would be immediately available as freight In such quantities, that not only would the Molalla people profit in better prices for their agricultural products and increased value of their lands, and Oregon 'City be repaid in increased trale, but gx)d judges say the road would "pay" from the start. INSPECT THE FLUES. In Oregon City, within the last few weeks, two fires resulting from de fective flues, were seen in time to pre-J vent much damage. This good luck may not continue. It would be a wise measure to have all flues carefully inspected under city direction within the next two weeks. It may prevent a disastrous fire. If there is not a city ordinance to that effect, there should be one. Two stores in Oregon City have ad vertised summer sales Adams Bros.' Bazaar and the Red Front. A careful comparison of the prices they offer with the prices offered by the big stores of Portland, advertised in the Sunday papers, is all In favor of the local store. On articles costing less than a dollar, the Oregon City stores soil for from 5 to 30 cents cheaper than the Portland stores. These fig ures are furnished by a woman in no wise Interested in the local stores. Whether this great difference holds good all the time, we don't know, but it Is certainly true just at this time, o Have the brickyards quit making vitrified brick; Is there a shortage of supply or the price boosted by the trust? Questions suggested by the re placing of the bats in the repair of Main street pavement between Tenth and Eleventh streets. To the layman. It looks like a penny wise, pound fool ish policy. o Among the things that will come or should come before the legislature next winter is the repeal of the so-called slashings law. It is wholly unsatis factory all around; was framed In ig norance and passed by indifference. It is past mending and should be ended. The day after Mr. Rockefeller said that we do things in this country on a larger scale than elsewhere, nineteen Indictments against the Standard oil company were returned in Chicago. Mr. Rockefeller's estimate of our way of doing things Is right. Notwithstanding the Lawson Explo sion and the New York Investigation, the big insurance companies have not yet reformed their methods in the ex tent of offering a "ltve-and-let live-" policy. It might be money in the pocket of the czar to abdicate, considering the reduced rates a man of his age could get on his life Insurance. SOAKING RAINS NEEDED NOW. General Summary by Weather Bureau for Week Ending August 20. During the first days of the week showers occurred in the northern coast counties and in the northeast portion of the state. These showers, as a rule, were light, and droughty conditions continue in practically all portions of the state. Forest fires are burning in many places and the atmos phere has become very smoky. It is not expected that the forest fires will be put out or the atmosphere cleared of smoke until good, soaking rains occur, and they are badly needed at the present time. The temperatures aver aged about six degrees lower than the preceeding week. The nights were about three degrees cooler than usual in the western counties and about two degrees cooler than usual in the eastern counties. The after noon temperatures were about normal in all parts of the state. Light frosts were reported in a few exposed places! he is resting in peace In that country in Tillamook county. The prevailing J from whose bourne no traveler has wind3 were northwesterly. j ever yet returned, and further be It Resolved, that in consideration of TREES REEKING WITH SCALE. I 'he fact that Brother L. W. Ingram ' was a past Worthy Master of Maple D....U M. .'.,ui.. di,i.i e'-jLane Grange No. 2W5. we drape our in Newberg. There were a great many about town sprayed for the San Jose scale last winter, but some neglected it and the results are plain to be seen, says the Newberg Graphic. Trees j papers, ana aiso an engrossed copy can be found right here In town that ! w'th the grange seal attached there are reeking with the scale, and the ! to e l" ""r mr,Ht worthy aimer. .'fruit from such trees is being offered j it is evident that more vigorous at tion on the, part of us all must be de manded if we carer to maintain one of our paying Industries. Don't Buy Goods by Mail. Governor Joseph W. Folk, in ad dressing the retail merchants of Mis souri at their convention recently, spoke against the mail order business and favored advertising in the town papers. He said in part: "We are proud of our splendid cities and we want them to increase in wealth and population, and we also i 284 East First St., North Portland, want our towns to grow. We wish I Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills the city merchants to build up, but ! did me so much good about three, years we also desire the country mer-jago that I publicly testified to my ex chanU to prosper. I do not believe perlence. I had been suffering with in the mail order citizen. If a place 'kidney complaint and backache and is good enough for a man to live in j it was very painful and distressing, and make his money in, it is good j I think It. started from a cold which enough for him to spend his money i settled In my back. I bad always been in. j more or less skeptical about proprie- "No merchant can succeed without j tary medicines but somehow the rec advertising in one way or another. "Patronize your own papers, build them up, and they will build your town up and build you up increased trade j and greater opportunities. Do not be! hurt by the recent exposures of wrong doing in the commercial world. No man who is doing an honest business can be injured by the light." ANNOUNCEMENT. We call your attention to the fact that Dermakola ointment is a positive cure for Eczema, ulcers, wounds, piles, and every kind of skin or scalp troub- le. It costs 25 cents if it cures. If it. don't we return vonr monev. Hunt- jey Br0s. A FAMOUS NEWSPAPER MAN. William E. Curtis, the famous cor respondent of the Chicago Record Herald, writes a two-column letter for his paper every day In the year with out Intermission. His powers of sus tained work are as grent a marvel as his faculty of always making his mat ter Interesting. Probably no other newspaper cor respondent In the country Is read so regularly and eagerly as Mr. Curtis. Mr. Curtis 1ms traveled several times around the world, visiting every coun try under the sun. and writing a larger number of brilliant and interesting let ters of travel than were ever before produced by a single hand. Many of these have later been reprinted In book form. One of his latest expedi tions for The Record-Herald was through Mexico, resulting In a series of letters as entertaining as those he wrote a few years ago from India. Turkey and the Holy Iind, Hla forth coming letters from Ireland, Russia, and Germany will rival In Importance and Interest any of his previous con tributions. Beginning his career in Chicago as a reporter In 1872, Mr. Curtis rapidly rose to be managing editor. He re signed that position to accept a gov ernment appointment as secretary of the South American commission. So brilliantly did he perform the duties of this office that James O. Blaine, Secretary of State, placed him at the head of the Bureau of American Re publics. At the world's fair at Chi cago, he distinguished himself as the executive head of the Latin-American department. He Is a member of al most every learned society In Wash ington and of many in Europe. It Is not strange that The Record-Herald prints Mr. Curtis' letter every day in the first column of the front page, and that nothing but a California earth quake can displace it from that sta tion of honor. GRANGE RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, it has pleased the Grand Worthy Master of the Universe to call to the grange above our late esteemed and worthy brother, Lewis W. In gram, and Whereas, we greatly deplore bis loss; therefore be It Resolved, That greatly deploring his-loss, we tender to his dearly .be loved wife and family our heartfelt sympathy and condolence In that they have suffered the loss of a kind hus band and indulgent father, to Aber nethy Grange No. 31G in that they suffered the loss of a staunch and supporting pillar of their organization; and still further deploring his loss to the community fn which he lived, our only consolation is in the belief that altar and our charter for a period of 1 30 days commencing on the 4th day of : August, 1900. And still be It further Resolved. That these resolutions be spread upon the grange records, copy furnished to the Oregon City Mary A. Ingram, the widow of our late, j brother, i I j WM. BEARD, A. J. HOBBLE, A. MAUTZ, Committee. ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Oregon City. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in times of danger. Backache is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kid ney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. H. R. McCarver, inspector for the Transcontinental Co., and living at ommendations of Doan's Kidney Pills influenced me to begin using them, The results were so satisfactory that, as above stated, I gave the remedy my recommendation. I am pleased to ; state that the time that has elapsed since, has only served to Increase my confidence in Doan's Kidney Pills." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at Huntley Bros.' drug store and ask what their '""" " l 'or saie ny an dealers, price yu , cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. y., sole agents for the L'nited States. Remember the name Doans' and take no other. SUSPICIOUSLY PURE. The city water at Eugene Is now so pure that the chief bugologlst of the state board of health can't believe the' evidence of his owu test tubes. Eu-j gene suffered a typhoid epidemic last spring, but since then the old wells have been abandoned and the water company has put In filters. A sample of the water sent to the state Imard failed to produce gas or even growth In fermentation tubes. Plates Inoc ulated with varying quantities of the water fulled to develop a single colony on any one. Ralph Mutsun, bacteriol ogist of the board, said the result was most remarkable and ho feared "an error somewhere before the water ar rived here (Portland.) It would be; well to know how this water was col lected. Even the purest water usually shows some growth." However, there was no error. The muuploH were tak en direct from the mains by the county health officer, and sent to Portland the same day. The fact that Eugene's water supply Is now pure will be wel come news to Clackamas county pur ents, whose sons and daughters at tend the State University. "Make Hay While the Sun Shines." There Is a lesson In the work of tho thrifty farmer. He knows that tho bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So It should be with every household. Dysentery, dia rrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of tho home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which Is the best known medicine for theso dis eases, should always be kept at hand, as Immediate treatment Is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by Howell & Jones. Change in Schedule. Beginning last Saturday two changes In the schedule of the Southern Pa cific trains passing through this city went into effect. The south bound California overland, No. 12, which ar reach Oregon City at 9:22 a. in., now Is due at 8:52, and the north-lHiund Calfornla overland, No. 12, which ar rived at 5:04 p. in., dix-s not reach Oregon City until 6:21 p. m. New Bricks at Estacada. The News says it hopes soon to make the announcement of several new brick blocks to be built In Esta cada. Mayor Reed is talking of re placing his business buildings on Broadway with brick structures. A Pioneer In Poor Health. M. Walch of Milwaukie, a wHI known pioneer of the state, Is In poor health, and has bt-en gradually grow ing weuker for several months. Bank Probable at Estacada. The News says it Is probable a bank ; with a capitalization of $25,m0. will' soon be established In Estacadn. Newcomer at Elyville. Bom. Friday night, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mays, at Elyville, a 9j pound daughter. If She Wedt She Has Nothing. Miss Blrrell, writing In the Church man, says: "One method by which j - a'ontan9 n (;,rmany. has not been so widely tried In this country. It Is a kind of tontine assurance whereby, for a small sum paid annually, a woman at the age of 25, If she still remains un married, receives the right of living rent free In two rooms and becomes entitled to a small annuity. If she marries she has nothing." The End of the World jof troubles that robbed K. H. Wolfe, of Hear Grove, la., of all usefulness, I came when ho began taking Electric i Hitters. He writes: "Two years ago i Kidney trouble caused me great suf fering, which I would never have sur vived had I not taken Electric Hitters. They also cured me of General Debil ity." Sure cure for all Stomach. Liver. !an,i Kidney complaints, Blood Dis- eases, Headache, Dizziness and Weak ness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, drug gists. FARMERS' TELEPHONE LINES. Representatives of tho Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph com pany have started a house to house canvass among the farmers of this county, offering an extremely low rent al rate for Instruments to bo used In connection with the central offces of the company -throughout tho county. For 8 1-3 cents a month the subscrib er is given freo switching with all other subscribers connecting with his central exehungo. Under this rato it would appear that no rural resident need ho without a telephone and Its attendant advantages .especially as every assurance Is given of prompt and efficient service. Mr. G. J. Hall is In chargo of tho canvass in this county and ho states that he may bo seen at tho central of fice of tho company in Oregon City, Oregon, or will visit any community or organization of farmers Interested in telephone matters. SI'oow. In Self Defense Major Hamrn, editor and manager of tho Constitutionalist, Kmlnence, Ky., , when ho was fiercely attacked, four I years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Ilucklcn s Arnica Salve, of which ho says: "It cured me In ten days and no 1 trouble since." Quick healer of Burus, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. GREATER ECONOMY GREATER CONVENIENCE WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT Install Electric Service In your home and "begin to live." The Electric current will not only afford you the BEST illumination, but will help you in a hundred con venient ways you never thought of. ELECTRIC LIGHT will add tone to your home, will make" Its beauties and comforts more ap preciable, and will save you work, worry and expense. Considering its maniford advantages ELECTRIC LIGHT is the cheapest artificial light In the world. NOW IS THE TIME to take advantage of our REDUCED RATES for current on meter basis. Estimates on cost of wiring, cost of current and in formation regarding the use of Electricity for LIGHT or POWER, promptly furnished upon application toC. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller, Contract Manager for Oregon City Poorer Than the Editor. The Aurora IloreullH says: "The poorest paid liiisliii-hH In the world Is the country newspaper," whlrh we doubt, for we recently heard of a pieacher In Woodburn, a town neur A.irora. who folded Mt tent and left for another field because bis salary Inst year wan only eight dollars. Iioe tVc "Itorer" editor get less than that? The Dulles Optimist. TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION Surprising Statements Vouched for by Huntley Bros. All of us who know Huntley Bros, are confident that they would make nono but straightforward, honest statements, and when they tell you of the many Oregon City people who have suffered fur yearn with Indiges tion and have been cured through us ing Pepslkola tablets wo must believe every word Is true. No other remedy so quickly relieves and cures sour stomach, heartburn, coated tongue, nervousness, Insomnia, debility, that run-down, tired-out feeling and every other trouble arising from poor diges tion. Huntley Bros, continue to sell IVpslkola tablets with the under standing that you can havo your 25 cents back In case you ure In the least disappointed. In tho face of these facts nobody should hesitate an In stant to avail themselves of tho oppor tunity to regain perfect digestion, per fect health, renewed energy, new vig or and new vitality, through tho uso of a remedy that does not cost a penny should It fall to do all that Is claimed. There Is no risk to you whatever and wo ask you to try It on Huntley Bros.' guarantee. Hi WISE BROS. Hapk, ('inrii IUun fur Hi:wiiKHNki) Mhivmtiii-ahun. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Kf..i s.ir-l Hr"i i Hmi. i faction UiiKrmit' oil n Money Unfunded. Ni'ijt t"")'" -'I 1 Tor ll.'K) (.-t Iiuk. Will ai'iii) Hiem on innl.ti I m d fr wltmt rt-:('Vei. Hmiiil"ii Frew. It your 'IrunnUl Uo imt riavu ini'iii Menu yimr niur to lui UHITKO WrptCAt CO., una 74, UnoAHTtn, B61d in Oregon City by Huntfey Bros, MilMUfl M WRENCH FEMALE B ImillMfUPILLS.R I for l. ) i'-t hint, Will send tii'-tn on innl.ti I i.n .1 fr 11 -&LL01 , 2,H0 miles of long- dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washing!., Cali fornia ami Idaho now in owrntion by the Paeitio Station Telephone Com jinny, covering '2,2M towns Quick, Accurate, cheaji All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Sjo kano and San Francisco iih ' easily heard a Port land. Oregon City ollice at HardinVs Druir Storo CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tti8 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature mmn IX?: IS 'Iff. rJr: Famous" at home for Generations oast: Q Famous now all over the World. For Bale oy . E. MATTHIAS - Sole Agency for Oregon City.