Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 24, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
County Trsaaursr a Gladstonlte -
County Tr'BMiinT J. ('. Paddock and
family have moved ' from Clackamas!
Hl.atlon to (ilinHtiiiii, In order to bo
nearer a cur lino to tlio city. Tho I'ud
dock farm linn been nnU'd to Mr.
Chllcoto of Portland.
Fath.r Creamery Project
('nublcr W. A. Ili-ylman of tho Hunk
of IOmI iiruila, U working In conjunc
tion with 13. 13. Hunter of Portland, to
imtnlillMh a crenrnery lit ICntncnda, tho
Hunio to lie either a co oporatlvu con
cern or owned by a Mock company.
First Fall Strawbarrle.
Thomas Hbko of tho went sldo
brought tho flritt full atrawtmrrlciH to
market lant Thursday. They were of
tho MiiKixin variety am from vine
newly planted hint HprlnK. Mr. IIiiko
plucked off the bloMHoma early In July.
8uea to Recover Money
An action waa begun In tho Circuit
court Monday by the IiiivU Ituplement
company, of Colfax, Wiinh , aKalnxt I)
I., Torrance to recover $'Jf0 and attor
neys feea. Tho amount la aliened to
bo due on a promissory note.
Both Looking For Justice '
Ed. 1 1 linden and ft neighbor named
KelloKK came, to town. Hulurday, both
looking for tho Justice, the former to
plead utility to assault on KcIIokk, aud
thn latter to have Hughe arreted on
that charge. MuKhea paid a tine of
Farmer Save R. R, Property
Farmer turned out at Clackama
Station. Thursday, and put out a fire
In kIuhIiIuki that threatened Mm conl
iii wiMKi owneu ny tne railroad com- jiy,, Adarux, H
pany and other properly. The lire i K h(Mlcy.
m started by a spark from a loco
Orang. Picnic
The Garfield (trango Im arranKlng
for an all day picnic In the grovo at
Mount. .Ion church ,to bo held Satur
day, September 1. MiimIc and apeak-
Iiik and a bite picnic dinner will make
up the program.
Big Yield of OaU
KxCounty Treasurer Enoa Cahlll
waa In the city Friday from hi farm
at New Hra, lit) reports that Kraln
crop In Ma auction of tho county arc
yielding well thlx year, an average of
70 biiMhela of oiUh per acre being
grown on tho farm of fieorgo Lunelle,
nun of bl neighbors,
Two Huaband Want Divorcee
Henry Westcrman, who married Roay
WcHterman In thl city In July, 18'j:i,
In seeking a divorce, on tho ground of
desertion two yearn following tho mar
riage. There la one minor child for
whom custody tho plaintiff doe not
ask. William Charle II. Smith, who
wa married In Vancouver, Welling
ton, on tho Fourth of July, 1890, to
Daisy A. Bmlth, liaa cornnienced ault
for divorce. She deserted her hUMband
February 17, 104.
Planing Mill Stock Increased
Tho Hiipplcmcntary article of In
coriMratlon of tho Oregon City Plan
ing Mill company were filed In tho of
fice, of the county clerk lat week. Tho
capital atock I doubled and consist
of 5ooo share of a par valuo of $10
each. Tho riauio of the company 1
changed to Oregon City Mill and l.um
her company, which come nearer cov
erlng tho acope of work of tho mill.
The director aro U. Kupenbender, W.
A. Huntley, John A. Moehnke, Lcwcl-
I'. Diamond and W. F.
Sprlngwater Road Nearly Completed.
Tho Bprlngwater-Ratacada road will
bo completed thla full except tho north
end, a abort piece acros tho river
from Estacada, aaya tho Now.
Administrator Appointed
II. IC. Croaa wa appointed adminis
trator, Monday, of tho estate of
Georgo Cunningham, Tho estate I
valued at 22M). Mr. Cunningham died
November 10, 1905, leaving a widow
and throe aona, all resident of thla
Alleges Cruel Treatment
Ella Cantwell of Mount Tabor haa
commenced a ault for divorce agalnat
William Cantwell, to whom ahe waa
married In thla county, October 16,
1904. Tho plulntlff waa formerly Mra.
C. W. Armatrong. Bho allege cruel
and Inhuman treatment.
Syrians Seek Separation
Catherine (ioura, who wa married
to Hamue) (Ioura at lteynml. Syria, In
filed ault In th Clackama cir
cuit court, Thurxday. for a legal sep
aratlon, charging the defendant with
desertion, at Port Intnl. In 1904. (ioura
I now located at Alexandria, Egypt.
I'liilnlifT Hi.kn to be restored to her
maiden name, Catherine fin mm
Buys 700 Acres of Timber
The Ooi'rnbecher Manufacturing
company of Portland ha bought about
20,0(10,000 feet of timber standing on
Too acn-N of land along tho north fork
of the Molulla and and another tract
on 1'ete'a mountain. The purchase
waa made through the manager of the
sawmill. A. N. Monroe, who also ob
tained the privilege of bringing log
acros a atrip of land owned by the
Willamette Fall company.
keen Intoreat, respectively. During mmmwfm nm. rinAlfm
tho afterniKin a picked team of Ore- J5 fcRIT IS PROVED
gon City player waa defeated at baae-i
ball by tho Portland West Blder by RECORD OF A GREAT MEBICIIE
a acore of 15 to 3. I
A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tell.
How Lydls E. Pinkbam's Vetbl.
Compound Completely Cured Bar.
Street Car Rioter. Lucky
J I. Foley and W. J. Smith, two of
the three Portland boya Jailed last
week for creating a riot In an O. W.
P. Ky. car at Mllwaukle, were up be-
Names a Corespondent
Doiiglaa Wllaon Gaston haa com
menced milt In the circuit court agalnat
Ncttlo Canton, to whom lie waa mar
ried In Vancouver, Waahlngton, July
11, 1904. They havo one child, Olive
Julia, aged 18 month. Canton ac
cuhc bin wife of Intimacy with anoth
er man, and nume A. Meyer of Port
land a corespondent In tho ault.
Big Yield of Oats
The rreat (rood Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound la doing among
the women of America ia attracting
(Via Attention nf Trmnv df nnr ledinir
fore Juatlce Stlpp, Monday. The1 .lntit and 1.hlnkW r-orl. irener.
atreet car company decided the Tel
low had already been given a neve re
IcHKon and It would not punh the cane
to the circuit court, ao Smith and
Foley were allowed to plead guilty
to the charge of annault and battery.
Bmlth wa fined $50, which he paid.
Foley waa fined $50 with the alter
native of 25 day In jail. The time
waa cut to 20 daya on motion of V. T.
Griffith, attorney for the O. W. P.
& Hy. company. Foley will be held In
durance for about 1Q day yet ai the
even day he had apent In jail before
aentence will count for him. M. Mc
Donald, the third man, la out on $25
canh ball.
First Plat of San Francisco
Among tho old documents atored In
the bunement of tho courthoiiHo la the
Original plat of Ban Franclnco. It waa
drawn In 1850, before California waa
admitted a a atate, and waa filed In
tho United Btatea Dlntrlct court, then
located at Oresnn City. In the remov
al from thla city of that department,
many of the record were left behind.
Thene aro atored away In an old safe
deponlt vault In the baaement of the
Foresters at Canemah Park
Nearly two thounand p-op'e attend
ed tho Foreatera' picnic at Canemah
park, Sunday, and the big throng wa
a orderly a crowd a ever awiembled
In the pretty grove. Nine Portland
court and Court Robin Hood of thl
city took the leading part In the day'a
exerelncH, and there was aomethlng
doing all day big dinner; aporta and
race for fut and lean, young and old;
a baby show, and tho whole conclud
ing with a grand ball In the pavilion
at night, a Portland orchetra and
prize waltz contributing harmony and
Mr. Rudolph waa here from Eata
cada, Monday.
Minn Eva Bird la In Portland thl
William Roberta killed a large deer
A. J. KitzrnlHer haa resumed hia
dutlea aa mall carrier, after having
been laid up for two month with a
aore foot.
Rev. J. W. Exon met with quite an
accident laat Wedneaday night aa he
wa unharnennlng hi team. One of
horaea kicked him, utrlkln, blm on
his left hand and cutting hi flngera
quite badly.
Mra. Kltzmlller entertained the
Mlnnea Vale and their brother from
Portland thla week.
Mr. Nlnnen, wife and daughter Mary,
of Farmlngton, Wanhlngton county.
vlnlted with Mrs. C. A. Keith last
week. Mr. Nianen la looking for a
Jake DeShazer and family are at
tending campmeetlng In Portland thla
George Wolf la laid up with a lame
JMrj-Jura Vifjon
The following letter ia only one o
many thousand which are on file i
the rlnkham office, and (to to prove
beyond qnestion that Lydia E. l'ink
bam'a Vegetable Compound must be a
remedy of great merit, otherwise it
could not produce sach marvelous
resulta among aick and ailing women.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"About nine months ago I waa a grat suf
ferer with female troubkt, which cauwd ma
severe pain, extreme nervouimetm and fre
quent htatiarittm, from which the doctor
failed to relieve me. 1 tried Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound, and within a
abort time felt better, and after taking five
bottlm of HI waa entirely cured. 1 therefore
hWtily recommend your Compound aa a
splendid female tonic. It makes the monthly
W. S. EDDY, V, 5., M. D. V.
Gradnite of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Fanners ija Main 131 1
Main Street, Greg-on City, Oregon.
furnish Abstract of Title, Loan Monty,
Foreclose Mortajace. and transact
General Law Buslneaa.
V. 8- U'Bei 0. 8ohel
Attorneys at Law.
Will practice In all courts, make eolleo
tlona and settlements of estate..
Furnish abstract, of title, tend you mon
ey on first mortgag.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
i Oregon City, -
penwla regular and without pain; and what ma prctlc, m the courts of the state
a burring it 11 to find such a remedy after so I . r., ,,...
many d-tors fail to help yon. Iainpkad Office hi Caufleld Building,
to recommend it to all suffering women." I
..... " . . .j 1 1 ' . : J 1
Summer Diarrhoea In Children
nati, Ohio.
If yon have suppressed or painful
periods, weakness of the stomach,
Indigestion, bloating, pelvic catarrh,
nervous prostration, dizziness, faint-
neM, aon ireare ana wanv-to-De-
left-alone " feeling, excitability, back
ache or the hluea, these are sure indi
cations of female weakness, or some
derangement of the organa. In such
cases there ia one tried and true remedy
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound.
Attoksey at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Office In Jagger Boll ding. Oregon City.
During the hot weather of the Bum
mer months the first unnatural loose
ness of a chlld'a bowels should have
Immediate attention, bo aa to check
tho disease before It becomes serious
All that ia necessary la a few doses I
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and 0f new houses have sprung up this
t-vi 1 t.a-hasI Vi11.nAj4 Kv a rtnea I .....
uiiuriHH' nrnicu j week 8n( work on tne bridge Is pro-
Wllsonvllle, Aug. 21. Born, August
18, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Seely, a
C. T. Tooze of Gladstone was with
us, Sunday.
A number of our citizens are so
journing at the Coast.
Still Wilsonville growa. A number
Collection-, Kortgag. Foreolosmi-t, Aa
itracta of Title and General Law Bti
tneaa. Office over
Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
Abatracti of Property FUrnlahed.
Office with Oregon City Snterpri-e.
... L 1 . im . . - . . . . - - - - .
of castor oil to cleanse the system. I
lllev. M. 0. Stockland, pastor of the
M. E. church, LitUe Falls, Minn.,
writes: "We have used Chamberlain's
I Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
i for several years and find It a very val
uable remedy, especially for summer
disorders in children." Sold by How
ell & Jones.
vi 'K','""', '- -f ."!
I 1
An enjoyable evening was spent
with Mrs. HIckey and family Saturday,
about CO people being present. Ice
cream, water-melons and cake being
Something unusual Is happening in
Mr. Millard's orchard. Just a cottage
for two.
Mrs. Charles Fankhauser has been
on the sick list for the past week from
poison oak, but Is Improving.
Grange Discussea Reforms.
Mllwaukle, Aug. 20. At the regular
meeting of Mllwaukle grange, Satur
day, the members devoted the lec
ture hour to discussing those great
questions that are in the national
grange's platform for reform railroad
rate legislation, pure food laws, meat
Inspection and postal savings. It was
the general opinion of those taking
part In the discussion of these sub
jects that the Patrons of Husbandry
as an organization, should proceed
with a campaign of education along
these lines.
Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak
System any one may take and iinish pictures. It's daylight all
Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00
4 Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00.
- Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6,00
Burmeister & Andresen
suspension. Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers
Don't Be Blue
and lose all Interest when help is
within reach. Herbine will make that
liver perform its duties properly. J. B.
Vaugha, Elba, Ala., writes: "Being a
constant sufferer from constipation
and a disordered liver, I have found
Herbine to be the best medicine, for
these troubles, on the market. I have
used it constantly. I believe it to be
the best medicine of its kind, and I
wish all sufferers from these troubles
to know the good Herbine has done
me." Huntley Bros. Dmg Co.
Mr. Bauerman of Damascus, pur
chased a hay press and has been busy
baling in this vicinity.
Miss Emma Strlckrott has return
ed home for a short stay with her par
ents after an absehce of about a year.
Mrs. Held has gone to spend a week
in Portland, visiting her daughters.
Blackberries are scarce.
A Mystery Solved.
"How to keep off periodic attacks of
blilousness and habitual constipation
was a mystery that Dr. King's New
Life Pills solved for me," writes John
N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The
only pills that are guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction to everybody or
money refunded. Only 25 cents at
Howell & Jones' drug store.
Molalla, Aug. 20. The separator be
longing to W. A. Shaver, was mysteri
ously burned last Thursday night, im
posing a loss of about $1000 on the
owner. After having threshed all day,
the crew loft the separator in a lane
near the farmhouse of E. Lehman,
three miles from Molalla. When the
men left the premises at 10 o'clock,
everything was in place, but when they
returned at 2 o'clock the next day to
resume work, they found only a heap
of smoldering ruins. The burning of
the machine is an unexplained mystery.
Practice in all courts of the state.
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 306 Commercial Building.
Portland, Oregon.
When you require an Abstract of Title ,
to lands In Clackamas County, hare
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete Bet of Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bids
Money to loan on Clackamas Count?
Seventh Street, near Depot.
Great Britain and America.
i:. i Grnn,
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts' of the city
PILES Suppository
I ttj do ail too claim tor tbe. ir. 8. M. D.fore,
Kav.-n Booa. W. Va,, writes t Th.T ttva unWi raalnaiU-
'X'tiuD.' Dr. U. D. HcCiUl, Clarkiburi, T,oa..nii:
"la a cractica at 23 Tear. I Data found Do r.niadr to
.Hiual your.." Paici, 60 Cama. SamtilM Krett. Bold
" OruaUlMa, M4BT,. a,u0V. tNC aSTt R.
Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
Call for Free Sample.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drive, away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Souses of Taste and Smell
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drus.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Siz, 50 cents at Protista or by
mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
; ELY ESTHERS, 50 Warren St., New York.
Prices Reasonable
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
"S" Williams Bros. Transfer Co.