Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 24, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Another Stage Line Will, However, be
Started Between Boring
and Orient.
Gresham, Aug. 21. The stage line
between Gresham and Sandy has been
discontinued. This has been run for
a number of years and has accommo
dated many people along the route.
As the Orient postoffice depended up
on the stage for its mail, another stage
will he run between Boring and Ori
ent Still another will be started be
tween Boring and Sandy.
Gus Larson is putting up a neat res
idence in the north end of town.
A recent ordinauce passed by the
Gresham council is to the effect that
no automobiles shall be run faster than
eight miles an hour within the city
limits, and that while running over a
crossing the speed shall not exceed
four miles an hour.
Miss Maud Cleveland has returned
to Berkeley. Cal., and Miss Florence
Cleveland to Mills Seminary to re
sume their studies.
Mr. Gedamke has purchased prop
erty in Tortland, where he and his
daughter, Lucy, will reside in the fu
ture. Mrs. M. L. Terry has gone to Sea
side to spend a few weeks with her
brother, M. Gibson and family.
Gresham, Aug. 20. A new Metho
dist church Is being erected on Pow
ell street. The new building will be
larger and more expensive than the old
church, and will cost the members of
the congregation $3000. J. MeUger
Las the contract for its erection and
has nearly completed the foundation
George V. Metzger is having a neat
residence built in .the south part of
A carload of potatoes started from
here this week to Alaska. F. C. Mark
wardt being the shipper.
First Aid to Beauty.
Nothing is more certain to benefit
your complexion than a 5 cent box of
Laxakola tablets. They freshen the
skin, give color to the cheeks, cure
constipation and give you a clear, rosy,
healthy complexion. Huntley Bros.
Truths About
W "
.'"lev - ;
-- lit" " "IT11 i I " 111 ' I ii - "Trl ,
The great majority of dentists represent to their
patients that a rubber plate with fourteen teeth
set in a half circle is just as good as anything
else for a set of artificial teeth.
Some make such representations knowing them
to be false, others because they know no better.
The responsibility for this condition rests with
the dental profession.
A great many people would not accept a rubber
or celluloid plate if they only understood the
superiority of a metal plate in cleanliness, health
fulness and durability.
We would like to talk with you about metal
plates for artificial teeth.
Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City.
Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of
We guarantee to please you.
A square deal to everyone.
City Phone
Dentist 1
Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House
Mihvaukle grange has received trav
eling library No. 42 from the State
Library commission of Salem, on ap
plication of Mrs. Mary GftchoU. the
Grange lecturer. These hooks, !5 In
number, were brought to the Grange
hall Saturday, and a considerable num
ber were Ken out. The books wore
selected with special reference to the
wants of the farming community, and
are a splendid collection for that pur
pose. Their circulation is on the same
plan of the Portland Library asso
elation. A blank application for books
is made out and signed by those want
ing the books.
As the name implies. It is a travel
ing library. After the books have been
read in a community they are return
ed to Salem and more obtained. It Is
the intention of Mrs. Clara H. Waldo,
the state lecturer, to place as many of
these state traveling libraries In the
hands of granges as possible, and es
pecially to place them with granges
where the members have not the op
portunity of getting hold of books. It
is now possible for any grange in the
state to get these books by making
proper application.
(Too late for last week.)
Happy Hollow, Aug. 15. Two new
residences are In the course of con
struction. Chas. Boynton made a business trip
here this week.
John Dodge is taking a holiday. It
is said that he Is .hunting "dear."
Mrs. Dan Graves and Miss Grimm
were calling In Happy Hollow, yes
terday. Archie Dougan shot a spangled-sided
the toothache in consequence,
got the toothache in consequence.
Mrs. Mallatt and son Ellsworth, Miss
Doris Evans and John Dodge called
at the home of A. L. Larkins.
J. L. Evans is hauling lumber for
the new houses. Henry Turner is
head carpenter.
Clarence Mallatt and Eph Dodge
went to Portland to buy cheese.
Town Without Cemetery,
The proposition to establish a cem
etery for the city's use seems to have
gone into solitude. Well, Estacada
doesn't need a cemetery anyway.
Estacada News.
Artificial Teeth
Farmers' Independent
Phone 131
An ordinance to provide for the time
and manner of constructing sewers In
Sewer District No. ",. of Oregon City,
Oregon, at the expense of the property
benefitted by such sewers, as provided
for by Section lefi of the Charter of
said Oregon City.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the location of the
sewers to be constructed in Sewer Dis
trict No. 5, of Oregon City, Oregon,
shall be as follows, to-wit:
1. Main Sewer.
Beginning at the end of Main sewer
on Seventh street at intersection of
Harrison street and connected there
with, and running thence Easterly on
the Northerly side of Seventh street
to a ixiint in that street lying along
the Southern boundary of the Oregon
City Claim, opposite center of Uit 4,
Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Addition to Ore
gon City, as platted by Tom P. Ran
dall: thence Easterly on the Souther
ly side of this street to a point on fitted by such sewers as provided by
same street 13 feet North and East Section I'm; of the Charter of Oregon
from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, City, and shall be completed within
Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Addition to Ore- CO days after the signing of the con
gon City described above, thence In a tract by the parties thereto,
southerly direction 13 feet distant from Sec. 2. That portion of the street
the Easterlylline of Lots 1 and IS, ! necessary to be used for the digging
Block 3, and the Easterly line of tract of the trenches shall be cleared of
1, Ulock 8, Mt. Pleasant or Holmes, all obstructions, except water mains,
Addition to Oregon City, and the East- at the expense of the contractor, who
erly line of Ixits 1 and 18. Block 13, shall after the pipe Is laid and the
Pleasant Hill Addition as platted by trenches are filled, replace the pave
Julius Logus. en. ling at a point oppo- meat and all portions of the street Im
site the center of Iot 18. Block 13, ! provements disturbed, leaving thy
Pleasant Hill Addition to Oregon City 'Strict in as good order as the same
as platted by Julius Igus. I was when the work was begun, ex-
2. Sub-Main Sewer. ' cept such portions as the Committee
Beginning at a point on the Main 'on Streets ami Public Property may
sewer of Seventh Street 13 feet from I direct to be omitted for the purpose
the Westerly line of Taylor street;
thence In a Southerly direction on Tay
lor street to the East side of Molalla
Avenue; thence Southerly 15 feet from
the East side of Molalla Avenue to a
point on said Avenue opposite the
center line of It 10, Block 13. Pleas
ant Hill Addition to Oregon City.
3. Lateral Sewers.
Beginning on the Main sewer at a
point opposite the Easterly end of
Alley in Block .3. Mt. Pleasant Addi
tion to Oregon City, running thence
west along center line of said Alley to
a point opposite the center of Lots 4
and 15, Block 3.
Beginning at the Main sewer at a
point opposite the Easterly end of
alley in tract 1 of Block 8, Pleasant
Hill Addition, running thence West
along center line of said alley 1C3.5
Beginning at the Main Sewer at a
point opposite the Easterly end of
alley in Block 13, Pleasant Hill Addi
tion to Oregon City, running thence
West along the center line of said
The Doctors Send You
to Howell & Jones' drug store to get your prescrip
tions filled, because they know you will get them
filled there just as they are written and just as the
doctor wants them filled.
Their twenty years' experience In compounding
prescriptions well qualifies them for this work. Get
ting your prescription filled by Howell & Jones means
carrying out the doctor's wish to the letter and the
btst service there costs you no more than the next
best elsewhere.
Paints, Oils and Glass
are being sold by this drug firm at prices never so low
in Oregon City.
They just furnished to the county over one ton
of lead and four barrels of oil for the work of painting
the suspension bridge. '
The Reliable Druggists
Chamber Howell OFCflOn Cily Una E. Jonti
alley to a point opposite the center
of Lota 4 and 15. Ulock 13. I
Beginning at the Sub Main Sewer on
Molalla Avenue at a point opposite ed to complete said contract, after
the alley in Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Ad-, the expiration of the time fixed for
ditlon to Oregon City, running thence Its completion, the contractor or con
East along the center line of said alley tractors shall forfeit to Oregon (itv
to a point opposite the center of I.t for the use and benefit of the property
5 and 1 1. Block 3. holder affected by such delay, the hum
Beginning at the Sub Main Sewer on $'""
Molalla Avenue at a iiolnt opposite the Sec. T. The Committee on Streets
Alley In Block K. Pleasant Hill Addl- iini1 Public Property an- hereby mi
Hon to Oregon City, running thence thorlzcd and directed to advertise for
East along the renter line of said al- receive proposal for said Improve
ley to a point opposite center of aU , tnent work, reserving to the City
5 and H, Block 8. Council the right to reject any and all
Beginning at Sub Main Sewer on l,,s' un'' r'iM,rt lh'' Nl""e the City
Molalla Avenue at a point opposite ''t thereafter the Mayor ami
the alley in Block 13, Pleasant. Hill
Addition to Oregon City, running
thence East on center line of said al
ley to a point opposite the. center of
Lots 5 and 1 1, Block 13.
Said sewers shpll be constructed
at tho expense of the property bene-
of making other Improvements.
Sec. 3. The sewer Improvements
herein provided for shall consist of
putting in sewers of terra cotta pipe
of six and eight inches Inside diam
eter as shown by the plat of Sewer
District No. 5, of Oregon City, on file
In the office of the City Recorder,
with catch basins, man-holes, (tush
tanks, sockets and branches, at such
points as the Committee on Streets
and Public Property and the City En- I "OOortunilH-a in Mimic, Art. l.anuiunp and I Hit
glneer may designate, along the lino ! ?.,.,u!'!l,:r,ri tt V.'"."1
of said sewers
contractor shall take
Sec. 4. The
, , . . , , , I ; ..'."" I'ur-mai, mrniai ana moral train
and have entire charge of the work ' ln "! ilrlniinii true womanhnrwt s,
during its progress, and shall be re
,, , , ,
sponsime lor any loss or acciili-nt. re -
suiting from carelessness or neglect
' ,, . h
Sec. 5. Said Sewer improvements
Shall be completed to the satisfaction
t .i . n i
of the City Council of Oregon City,
and all work to be done and all ma-
terials to be furnished slnll be Htrlcllv
leriais lo lit lurnistieu snail lie Strictly
in accordance With tho plans and
specifications therefor now on file In
the office of the Recorder of Oregon
Sec. fi. The contract Khali contain
a provision that for each duv reuulr-
with the
shall enter Into u contrail
person, firm or corporation
to whom the City Council may award
the contract.
Sec. M. R. Koerner, H. ('. Steven
and Tho. F. Ryan be ami they are
hereby appointed assessors to estimate
the proportionate hare of the cost of
said sewers to be assessed to the sev
eral owner of property to be benefit
ted thereby, In accordance, with the
provisions of Section lm; of the Charter
I of Oregon city, ami reprt the mime
i t the City Council within sixty day
j after the date of the approval of this
! ordinance by the Mayor.
Said assessors shall hob) stated
meetings n t, office of thi' City Re
j corder, and all persons Interested may
j appear before nald assessors and be
; heard In the matter of making said
; estimate.
, Such assessors shall give one week's
, notice by publication -one Insertion
; In the (ily Official Paper, of the time
and place of their i tings, and shall
, give like notice when they have de
i terinlned upon an apportionment of
I I he cost of the sewers herein provided
, for, notifying all persons lo appear and
examine such apportionment, and
Ilrniililull, located in Portland. Oregon,
nnrra mnurpanefl Ucilltii-a r Cll.
lure and education ol rounir wnmi-n s,.., , ,i
' "M, -"iih-ihi inuinn, j u
i nrm anci u;u.-ji i.a,ir,- brmirury in ,t p,t,fie
."luZ''T. '. V"0'"1! :"'"!"'""
- ' I',,',""' ,ml, "1,'r,'n"" mo.t M.itrd
UIU)n. Cnrilrrm Acctrniir and CollrKitc I)mri-c
! b Mat Authority. IrilcrOrmra with ronvlctuma
! 'lr";n ':i,ll!"licl',,'"'l'lnuly avoided. Academy
1 I ideally loratrd. amid Inanirihif iccnlc advnn-
' taifM. Social nnrtunltlra nurh aa arc atalhibla
ln ""'"'c'" on the Coast. Hnllilinua Urirc arid
I moditniB. well linUrd, healed and yrntlhu.d-
! donnlloriea and privala room. ai"dJ7wlil! ali
' m',d,'rn convfiuenrra, The Inititulmn la liberal
' nll "'"f"""'" ,wllhm" "ificliif Ilia character
: ,d iraditiona ol an and a iileyement. Term,
j """I"!-Satisfactory reference required. Write (or
make objection thereto If Hutu be
good caiiHn for ho doing, Any person
Interested In property wlllilu the Hin
IU proponed to be ntiHcsMed, Hhnlt Imvo
the right lo appear before mh
hi'mxih-m In pemoii or by attorney, and
any person dlHMiitlHuod with Hot appor
tionment, made by such assessor, nlmll
have the liKlit lo appeal to the City
All objcrlloii lo such apportionment
whall be made III wi ll lug. mid shall Im
reported lo thn City Council by Hindi
Iteud first time ami ordered publlsh
ed at a special meeting of the Coun
cil of Oregon City. Iiiid August Hint,
I'.iufi. and to come up for second read
ing and Html passage. t regular
meeting of said Council to be held
September Mh, A 1), 'M). at H
o'clock p in
My order of the Council of Oregon
City W A IMMIi'K,
An ordinance entabllidiltin Sewer
Itliitiict No B. ami providing that
property owner therein hIuiII luakii
connection with the public newer
thereof, when cotl'itrucled
Oregon City doe ordain a follow:
Section 1 That lot 3, t, fi and
of Block ::s. Uit :i 4. t and r, of
Block 42; It 3, 4, u and of Block
4!; fractional l-ot 3. 5, and ti of r'rac
tloiial Block '; all of Block ); also
a strip 132 feet wide along Seventh
street off of the Northerly shin of the
I public square between HarrUott and
Taylor Streets, County Addition to
Oregon City. Oregon; alu the follow
ilng described tract of laud. hegluuInK
I at a stotie monument nt the Intrraec-
Hon of Seventh Sireel with th North
1 boundary of the lount!on Land Claim
of William Holme and wife In T. 2
S . II 2 E. of the WiHamctt., Meridian,
running thence Kant on Claim line
j::r,SKi feet; thence South Tin feet to
I thn center of RinmcycK Street; thence
I Went along the center of Rooaeycll
Street 7IU feet, thence North 7j'
feet to Claim line, thelice Ettt oil
(Malm line .371.15 feet to the place of
, beginning; together with one half of
each klrect and alley Immediately n l
Joining Maid lot and block above
mentioned, be and the name are here
i by constituted a Sewer IMMrlct. to be
i known a Sewer iltrlct No 5
Section 2 That all property own
er within roild Sewer IMttrlrt No. 5.
i are hereby required to connect all
j water tioet. prlvle. lnk. bathtub
and drain containing or carrying new.
Bge with public ayntem of sewer
'main to be coiiitruc ted within ald
dlNtrU't within '.( day from the time
said sewer are completed and ac
cepted by Oregon City; and all tier
sou neglecting or refusing to make
inh sewer connection within the
time named nhall. upon conviction
thereof before the Mayor or City Re
corder, hi' lined In any sum not lea
than ten dollar nor eno-cdlng one
hundred dollar at the dlMcretlon of
the court; and each day hucIi refiial
or neglect shall continue after tho
wald '."i day, shall be deemed a dl
Uni t and separate offence.
Section 3 Within the same time,
to wit: Un day after the completion
of the sBld main newer, all property
owners within ald sewer dt-lrlct are
required in close and properly fill with
earth all privy vuult and cenMMil
within the same, and hereafter It
shall be unlawful for any property
owner lo dig or make iiie of any cess
pool or privy vault, and all person
violating the provision of thl sec
tion shall, upon conviction thereof, be
lined In any sum not lei than Ten
nor more than One Tnndred iKillar
at the discretion of the Court, and
each day's continuance of such viola
tion after such conviction shall be
(bellied a distinct and separate of
fense. Read first time and ordered publish
ed at a special meeting of the Council
of Oregon (ity, held August 2lsl, 1 !!;.
and to come up for second reading and
final passage at a regular meeting of
said Council to be held September Dtli.
A. II., Pioi!, at S o'clock p. tn, -
By order of the Council or Oregon
city. w: a. dimick.
Children in Pain,
never cry as do children who are suf
fering from hunger. Such Is tho causa
of all baby's who cry and nro treated
for sickness, when they really are
suffering from hunger. This Is cans,
ed from their food not being asslml
. luted, but devoured by worms. A fow
; doses of Whlte'a Cream Vermifuge)
will cause them to ceaso crying and
begin to thrive at once, tilvo It a
trial. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug
A Speedy Stallion.
Zolock, a pacing stallion now In
training at the Oregon Slate Fair
grounds, has been doing the mile In
the "work out" on the track In 2:07
with ease. Arrangements have al
most been completed for this wonder
ful horse t() g n.gU,Ht time dining
the Pair. Sept. tD-ir,. Should such be
closed up, an exhibition Much as has
never been seen on the Coast Is ex
pected, the owner or this horse says;
".(lock Is In better condition than
ever beiore"--and he Is safely the
beat horse In his class on the Pacific
const If not In the world,